06-17-2004, 01:02 AM
My solution to AP is to copy Punjab Harit Karanti for long term and for final solution.
Lot is required to change. I will make comparison between Punjab/Harayna/Himachal (Punjab area) farmers for my take on this issue.
First is attitude towards life needs to be changed. Suicide is a sin not a solution.
Over 60% Punjab farmers in young age joins Indian army. Every year, for 2-3 months they take off during sowing and harvesting season. Whether season is good or bad they donât have to kill themselves they have salary, school, pension and medical benefits. Which is a smart way to lead life. I think it is Punjabi sprit or reality of border.
In Punjab every district has Agriculture College or institute or University which are involved in research and seasonal activities with farmers. Punjab farmers also hit by some or other problems every 3-5 years but they always gets speedy solution by these institutes. AP and other states lack this major infrastructure or resource for farmers. I was checking net there is only one Agriculture University and 2 colleges in AP which is too low compare to size of Punjab and AP.
Punjab was always wheat grower state but in 80s there was a massive flooding in Punjab. Farmers were wondering what to do, how to get rid of waters from farms before sowing season of wheat. Agriculture institute suggested them to grow rice for this season and they did. Now I think Punjab produce more rice than any other state in India.
Group farming is very popular in Punjab. They donât waste any piece of land. One can see there farms up to railway tracks. For fertilizers some even use planes. Why California Punjabi farmers are doing so great with Indian techniques?
Government should promote exchange programme to farmers of AP. Anyway this year crop is completely failed, ask them to work with Punjab farmers for one or more season. Punjab farmers can provide them food, roof and AP farmers can work in their farms and learn techniques and culture of North. Loan should be deferred for 2 or 3 years.
Yet to see very poor farmers in Punjab or poverty in Punjab.
Long term solution and change in atitude is required.
My solution to AP is to copy Punjab Harit Karanti for long term and for final solution.
Lot is required to change. I will make comparison between Punjab/Harayna/Himachal (Punjab area) farmers for my take on this issue.
First is attitude towards life needs to be changed. Suicide is a sin not a solution.
Over 60% Punjab farmers in young age joins Indian army. Every year, for 2-3 months they take off during sowing and harvesting season. Whether season is good or bad they donât have to kill themselves they have salary, school, pension and medical benefits. Which is a smart way to lead life. I think it is Punjabi sprit or reality of border.
In Punjab every district has Agriculture College or institute or University which are involved in research and seasonal activities with farmers. Punjab farmers also hit by some or other problems every 3-5 years but they always gets speedy solution by these institutes. AP and other states lack this major infrastructure or resource for farmers. I was checking net there is only one Agriculture University and 2 colleges in AP which is too low compare to size of Punjab and AP.
Punjab was always wheat grower state but in 80s there was a massive flooding in Punjab. Farmers were wondering what to do, how to get rid of waters from farms before sowing season of wheat. Agriculture institute suggested them to grow rice for this season and they did. Now I think Punjab produce more rice than any other state in India.
Group farming is very popular in Punjab. They donât waste any piece of land. One can see there farms up to railway tracks. For fertilizers some even use planes. Why California Punjabi farmers are doing so great with Indian techniques?
Government should promote exchange programme to farmers of AP. Anyway this year crop is completely failed, ask them to work with Punjab farmers for one or more season. Punjab farmers can provide them food, roof and AP farmers can work in their farms and learn techniques and culture of North. Loan should be deferred for 2 or 3 years.
Yet to see very poor farmers in Punjab or poverty in Punjab.
Long term solution and change in atitude is required.