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From Francois Gautier / Update On FACT
Dear friends,

This is an update on FACT.
After the successful Kashmiri Pandits� exhibition, which at the moment has been translated in Mahratti and is being shown in villages of Maharashtra, another exhibition/symposium on the persecution of Hindus, Christians and Buddhists in Bangladesh was inaugurated in Mumbai on 18th November 2006 by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, in the presence of many terrorist experts, such KPS Gill, B. Raman, Brahma Chellaney and delegates from Bangladesh invited by FACT.�
A path-breaking painting exhibition on �Aurangzeb as he was according to Moghol records� was shown in Delhi�s Habitat Centre in February this year, in G gallery Bangalore in April and is now slated to be exhibited in Pune in August and then Mumbai. A film on the condition of Brahmans and Other Upper Castes has been made (it is posted on U Tube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Xgc4ljHKM) and it will be followed by an exhibition and a book. We have also initiated a show Shivaji which will be completed at the end of the year, (see attached). FACT has embarked as well on a project to do two exhibitions: one on the 1947 Holocaust of Hindus and Sikhs and the second on the rise of Sikhism as a defender of the Hindu Dharma. FACT plans to bring out audio CD�s on all these subjects to educate people. We have already brought one on the Kashmiri Pandits� issue, another one on the victims of the Bombay train blasts and of course, a third one on Brahmins and OUC.�
But overall FACT has an ultimate goal: To build an Indian Holocaust museum. India has terribly suffered in the last fifteen centuries at the hands of invaders, be they Muslims, Christians, or even Chinese recently. No nation can move forward, unless it faces squarely its past. As His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the Art of Living Foundation, pointed out recently, � the courage to remember, helps us not to repeat the same mistakes and to build a better future for our children �. Hence, FACT would like to build an Indian museum where all the atrocities committed against Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Christians, will be depicted, but also where all the greatness of India, past, present and future will be projected. We have been donated a small piece of land in Pune near the airport and this is where we plan the museum.�
For all this noble endeavours, we solicit your help and support. FACT India is a registered Trust with tax exemption. If your donation is in Indian rupees, you can make a cheque in the name of FACT and mail it to Fran�ois Gautier, Auromodel, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, (via Pondichery) 605101, India. If it is in $, �, or �, you can make it in the name of Fran�ois Gautier, specifying in an accompanying letter for which project it is meant. I will transfer the rupees in the FACT account which is Canara Bank, Pondichery a/c N� is 27147.�
Thanks so much

Francois Gautier
Editor in Chief La Revue de l'Inde
41 Jorbagh, New Delhi 110003�
tel (91-11 24649635)/ (91) 9343538419

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From Francois Gautier / Update On FACT - by Guest - 08-21-2007, 04:11 PM
From Francois Gautier / Update On FACT - by Guest - 08-10-2009, 07:16 AM

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