11-01-2007, 08:59 AM
>>This may explain the capture of Tibet by China from 1950s.
below is some german translated text
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->VRIL SOCIETY
or "NOT ALL PROPERTY COMES FROM ABOVE" ...probably is with the most interesting secret company, which ever existed.
...you will determine directly with own eyes, which power circles of "non-German" nature are interested in it, this happening before the German people to keep secret.
Karl Haushofer created a second medal, which "BROTHERS of the LIGHT" before 1919, which was renamed later into the "VRIL SOCIETY". In this united itself likewise the 1917 from the Teuton medal Templer reestablishment "the MR. OF BLACK STONE" (DHVSS) and the "BLACK KNIGHTS" of the Thule and SS elite "BLACK SUN" come out.
In order to employ a comparison with the Thule society, one could seize the difference most simply, if one says that the Thule society dedicated itself to the material and political things and the Vril society was essentially JENSEITIG oriented. But nevertheless numerous connecting factors between Vril and Thule society remained, e.g. Atlantis, Thule, the "island of the blessed ones" of the Gilgamesch, were the Urverbindung between Germanien and Mesopotamien, in addition, old Heiligtuemer like the external stones or the house mountain of Stronegg topics of common Forschung.(83)
In December 1919 met a close circle from Thule -, DHVSSund Vril people in a forestry house in the RAM sow, rented in addition, with Berchtesgaden. <b>Among them Maria Orsitsch was still another further apart from the medium, who admits only as Sigrun is. Maria had in mediale way notified in a Templergeheimschrift received - the medium completely unknown a language - with technical data for the building of a flight machine.</b>
The telepathischen messages came to statement of the Vril writings of the solar system Aldebaran, which 68 light-years far away from us in the constellation bull is to be found. Here I would like to present a short summary of the messages, which received the Vril Telepathen over the years and which were the basis of all further actions of the Vril society:
The solar system Aldebaran is therefore 68 light-years from the earth far away and their sun of two inhabited planets circles its, which form the realm "SUMERAN". The mankind of the solar system Aldebaran is itself into a gentleman people of "light God human being" (Arier) and different other human races to have partitioned, which are to have developed by negative mutations of these "God people" due to the climatic changes on the individual planets.
These colored mutanten races are to have had a smaller mental entwicklungsstufe. The more it for race mixture came, the more is to have down-sunk also the mental development of these peoples, which had as a consequence that, when the sun began to expand Aldebaran these no more were not able to receive the space travel technology of their ancestors and to leave personally the planets. Thus the low races, on the gentleman race completely dependently, are to have been evacuated with spaceships and have been brought to other habitable planets.
Despite these race differences itself however the different races are to have absolutely respected and in other habitat not have intervened, neither the so-called God people at the other races, still differently. Each respected simply that the others made their own development (in contrast to the earth). The gentleman race of the "light God people" is then approximately 500 million years ago with it to have begun, after the expansion of the sun
Aldebaran and the increasing heat resulting from it made the planets uninhabitable, to colonize other earthsimilar planets. It means that they settled the planet Mallona (also mark DEK, Marduk or with the Russians phaeton mentioned) in our solar system first, which was to have existed in place of the today's planetoiden at that time between Mars and Jupiter. Afterwards Mars, from whose highly developed inhabitants the large pyramid cities and the well-known Mars face witness, which were taken up 1976 by the Mars probe Viking.
And one assumed that the gentleman people of Sumeran Aldebaran came also to this time the first time on earth, on which approximately 500 million years point old petrified shoe-pure with from the paragraph zertretenen just as petrified Trilobiten, one at that time on earth living and 400 million years ago become extinct Urkrebs.
The Vril people were the opinion that the race of the Aldebaraner was to have landed therefore later, than the earth became slowly habitable in Mesopotamien and the ruler caste of the SUMERER, which as bright white God people were designated, to have formed. The moreover the Vril Telepathen came to the realization that Sumeri is identical not only to the language of the Aldebaraner, but also the fact that Aldebaranisch Aldebaranisch-Sumeri sounds like an incomprehensible German and also the speech frequency of both languages of the German and Sumeri - is nearly alike.
Whether these statements about Aldebaran correspond to the fact, is undecided, the structural drawings and technical data, which received the VrilTelepathen - where always these data also came - was however so exact that they led to one of the most fantastic ideas, which was probably devised e von Menschen: to the building of the "the other world flight machine". It matured the concept of "other science" near (today one would say "alternative forms of energy"). But it lasted over three years, until the project was tackled.
In this early phase of the "other technology" or "other science" Dr. W held. 0. Schumann, Thule and Vril member, at which TH Munich a lecture, from which some sentences are to be shown here: "we know two principles, which the things in everything and each the happening determining light and darkness, property and bad, work and destroying - like we also with the electricity pluses and minus know. It always means: Either - or! "these two principles - concretely to designate as the work and the destroying - determine also our technical means... "all destroying is satanischen origin - all developing goettlicher origin... Each on the explosion principle or also the burn which is based technology can be called therefore satanische technology.
The forthcoming new age will become one age of new, positive, goettlicher technology!..,, (out: Realm-German SSGeheimarchiv). At same time the scientist VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER worked on a similar project. Johannes Kepler, whose teachings Schauberger used, was in the possession of the secret teachings of the Pythagoraeer, whose knowledge was kept secret and taken over over the TEMPLE KNIGHTS. It was the knowledge around the "IMPLOSION" (implosion in this case = the utilization of the potential of the internal worlds in the outside world).
It knew Hitler, like also the Thule and VrilLeute, that the goettliche principle is constructional always constructing, i.e.. A technology, which is based against it on the explosion and is destructive therefore, is against the goettliche principle. Therefore one wanted to create a technology, which was based on the IMPLOSION. Schaubergers oscillation teachings (principle of the overtone row = mono cord) ties to the knowledge around the implosion. Simplified one could say: IMPLOSION instead of EXPLOSION! On the basis the energy courses of the mono cord and the implosion technology one arrives into the range of the antimatter and thus at the dissolution of the force of gravity.
<b>In the summer of the yearly 1922 at the first untertassenfoermigen flight ship, its drive on the implosion technology was built was based (the the other world flight machine). It consisted of a disk of eight meters diameters, over which a parallel-stored disk of six and a half meters of diameters was, and among them a further disk of seven meters diameters. These three disks were broken through in the center by a 1.80m measuring hole, in which the 2.40m high power supply unit was installed.
Down the centerbody ran out in a conical point, from which a pendulum handing into the basement provided for the stabilization of the equipment. In the activated condition the lower and the upper disk turned in direction moving in opposite directions, in order to develop first an electromagnetic rotation field. This first flight disk furnished which achievements, is unknown</b>.
One experimented anyhow two years long with it, before it was however again dismantled and probably stored in the Augsburger Messerschmidt works. Financial aids for this project dip <b>the Vril engine, which is however formally led as "Schumann SM Levitator" under the code "JFM" in the bookkeeping of several German industrial companies</b> on with security came out from the the other world flight machine.
In principle the other world flight machine should over sees and its direct environment an extremely strong field producing, which that of it umschlossenen space sector with the machine and its users a mikrokosmos perfectly independent of the this-lateral cosmos become let. This field would be completely independent with maximum field strength of all this-lateral universal forces and influences - as for instance gravitation, electromagnetism and radiation, as well as subject of any kind -, surrounding it, and could move within each gravitation and other field at will, without in it any acceleration forces became effective or noticeable.
In June 1934 VIKTOR of SCHAUBERGER of HITLER and the highest representatives of the Vril and Thule societies was invited and co-operated from then on with them. The birth of the first so-called German UFOs struck however then, after this first miss, in June 1934. <b>Under the direction of Dr. W 0. Schumann developed the first experimental round airplane that RFZ 1, on the area of the German aircraft factory Arado in Brandenburg. During its first and also at the same time last flight it rose perpendicularly to a height of approx. 60m, began in air to then tumble however for several minutes and dance. The tail unit Arado 196 attached for control proved as completely ineffective. With trouble and emergency it succeeded to pilot Lothar Waiz to bring the RFZ 1 back on the soil to jump out and away-run, before it began to behave itself like a gyroscope then tilted and proper zerfetzte. That was the end of the RFZ 1, but the at the beginning of the VRIL missiles</b>.
<b>Still before at the end of of 1934 the RFZ 2 was finished, which had a Vril drive and a "magnet impulse control". It corresponded to 5m in the diameter and had the following flight characteristics: Optical blurring of the outlines at increasing speed and that for UFOs typical colored lights.Depending upon booster stage red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue or violet. It functioned thus - and it should have 1941 still another remarkable fate before itself</b>.
<b>It was used during the "air battle around England" war phase mentioned, when the German standard hunters ME 109 for transatlantic clearing-up flights showed themselves because of their to short range as unfit, as long-range reconnaissance aircraft. At the end of of 1941 was photographed it over the south Atlantic, when it was on the way to the auxiliary cruiser Atlantis in Antarctic waters. The reason, why it could not be used as fighter, was because of the fact that the RFZ could implement 2 because of its impulse control only changes of direction of 90', 45' and 22,5'. Unbelievably some will think - however exactly these right-angled flight changes are for so-called uFOs absolutely typical flight behavior</b>.
<b>After the success of the small RFZ 2 as long-range reconnaissance aircraft the Vril society got its own testing ground in Brandenburg. At the end of of 1942 flew the easily armed flight disk "VRIL-1-Jaeger". It was 11,5m in the diameter, a single-seater, had a "Schumann Levitator drive" and a "magnetic field Impulsor control". It reached speeds of 2,900 up to 12,000 km/h, could accomplish at full speed changes of flight in the right angle, without the pilots were impaired of it, was weather-independent and had an universe ability of 100%.
By Vril 1 and gave also several two-seat variants equipped with a glass dome were built for 17 pieces. Likewise to this time its own project, V-7 developed. Under this designation several flight disks built however with conventional jet propulsions. On the bases of ANDREAS EPP the RFZ 7, a combination of a levitierenden flight disk with jet propulsion developed. On this the groups of developments worked SCHRIEVER HABERMOHL and MIETHE BELLUZO. The RFZ 7 had a diameter of 42m, went however with a landing in Spitzbergen to break. Later however a copied RFZ 7 was photographed outside of Prague. According to statement of Andreas Epp should be equipped this with atomic sprengkoepfen and bombarded New York</b>.
In July 1941 built and HABERMOHL a perpendicularly starting round airplane with jet propulsion, which exhibited however heavy lack. One developed however a further "electrical gravitation flight gyroscope" with "Tachyonen drive" was more successful. Whereupon the RFZ 7 T, built by, followed Habermohl and Belluzo and likewise fully functionally. The V-7 flight disks was however, compared with the Vril and Haunebu disks to describe rather as a kind toy.
Within the SS there was a group, which was concerned with the production of alternative energy, the SS-E-IV = RESEARCH CENTER IV the BLACK SUN, whose main objective it was, to make Germany independent of foreign crude oil. Hans Coler the "THULE ENGINE" developed S SE-IV from the existing Vril engines and the Tachyonenkonverter of captain, which was designated later than THULE TACHYONATOR.
<b>In August 1939 the first RFZ 5 started. It was a moderately severe armed flight gyroscope with the strange name "HAUNEBU 1". It had a crew of eight men, measured 25m in the diameter, reached at the beginning a speed of 4,800 km/h and later up to 17,000 km/h. It was equipped with two 6 cm KSK (force jet cannons) in rotating turrets and four MK 106 and had a space ability of 60%.
At the end of of 1942 had likewise developed the "HAUNEBU IL". The diameter varied from 26 to 32m and in the height between 9 and l 1m. It could transport a crew between 9 and 20 persons. It was propelled with a Thule Tachyonator and reached at perigee a speed of 6,000 Km/h. It was universe suited and had a range of 55 flying hours.
Plans for the VRIL-7-Grossraumschiff with a diameter of 120m already existed, should transport whole crews at this time.
Short time was flown later the "HAUNEBU III", the absolute piece of splendor of all disks, finished with 71m diameter and also filmed. It could transport a crew of 32 men, had a range in flight duration of over 8 weeks and reaches a speed of at least 7.000 km/h (after documents from SS Geheimarchiven up to 40,000 Km/h).
Virgil Armstrong, former CIA members and Green Beret a.D., describes German missiles during 2. World war, which land vertically and to start and right angles fly could. They were fast measured up to 3,000 km/h and had a laser weapon as cannon (supposed the so-called KSK force jet cannon), which could break through 4 tariff armoring.
Professor J. J. Hurtak, Ufologe and Autor of "the keys of the Enoch," describes that the Germans were busy to build something what the allied ones as "miracle weapon system" designated. Hurtak got minutes into the hands, which described two circumstances:
1. the structure of the space city "Peenemuende" and
2. the Herueberholen of the best technicians and scientists from Germany. Mentioned likewise the more exact investigation was the so-called "FOO FIGHTERS" (feuerkugel). The building and employment of such flying objects were the CIA like also the British secret service around already 1942 well-known, were however not correctly estimated.
Foo Fighter was actually the name of the allied ones for all bright German aircraft. In particular were however probably two inventions, which fell under the term Foo Fighters: The flying turtle and those Seifenblase, two completely different things, which were rated however of the allied ones as belonging together.
The "FLYING TURTLE" was developed of the SS-E-IV in Viennese new city. Their outside form reminded of a turtle tank. Were unmanned flight probes, which should cause disturbances with the electrical ignition systems of the hostile armed forces. They had inserted to further developed klystron tubes, which were called of the SS death jets. The effective ignition disconnection did not function however at the beginning yet so perfectly. Later it gave will be able to confirm advancements of this technology and the UFO connoisseurs that the "ignition disconnection", which is failing electrical system one of the typical characteristics when emerging a uFOs.
Wendell C Stevens, US air Force US-Air-Force-Pilot during 2. World war, the Foo Fighters describes red orange, which approached up to 5m to the airplanes and remained there then as sometimes grey-green or. They could be shaken off nor shot neither and forced flight relays partially to turning or landing. Completely different thing were those often than Foo Fighters designated seifenblasen. With these it concerned simple balloons, in which see thin metal spirals for the disturbance of the hostile airplane radar found. The success of this idea might have been small apart from the psychological effect once.
At the beginning of of 1943 one planned likewise a zigarrenfoermiges parent ship that in the Zeppelinwerften should be built, the so-called "and Rome since equipment" (139 m long). In it several untertassenfoermige flight ships for (interstellar) long-duration flights should be transported.
Around Christmas 1943 was an important meeting of the VRIL SOCIETY in the North Sea bath Kolberg. Also with it likewise the media Maria and Sigrun. Main topic of this meeting was the "ALDEBARAN ENTERPRISE". The media had gotten exact data concerning the inhabited planets around the sun Aldebarans and one began a journey there to prepare.
On 2 January 1944 a discussion between HITLER, HIMMLER, Kuenkel (VrilGesellschaft) found and Dr. Schumann (Vril society), in whom it concerned the VRIL PROJECT. One wanted to penetrate with the Vril-7-Grossraumschiff by an speed of light-independent dimension channel into Aldebaran.
After Ratthofers statement is to have taken place in the winter 1944 the first dimension channel test flight. This is to have led past allegedly scarcely a disaster, because photos show the Vril-7 after this flight, on which it looked, "as if it 100 years would on the way have been". The outside cell lining worked therefore strongly aged and was damaged in several places.
On 14 February 1944 the supersonic helicopter, which was equipped with 12 turbo aggregates BMW 028, designed under the project V-7 von Schriever and Habermohl, was test-flown by the test pilot Joachim Roehlike to Peenemuende. The senkrechte rate of climb amounted to 800m in the minute, it reached a height of 24,200 m and in the horizontal flight a speed of 2,200 km/h. This could be likewise propelled with unorthodox energy. He was not used however any longer, since Peenemuende 1944 and also the misalignment was bombarded to Prague nothing more brought. Because before the flight disks were operational, the Americans and Russian Prague had occupied.
The British and American discovered, during the occupation of Germany at the beginning of of 1945, in SS Geheimbildarchiven among other things also photos of the Haunebu IL and Vril I types, like also the and Rome since equipment.
President Trumans resolution in March 1946 led to the fact that the Flottenkriegskommitee of the USA gave permission to collect German material to the experiments the high technology. Under the operation "PAPER TIE-CLIP in the secret one working German scientist was brought privately into the USA. Among them VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER and WHO AGO OF BROWN. Here again a short summary of the developments, which should be produced in series:
The first project became of at the TH Munich active <b>Professor Dr. Ing. W 0. Schumann</b> led, within whose framework to at the beginning of of 1945 allegedly 17 diskusfoermige 11,5 meters through-measuring space flight disks, which are to have ascended to altogether 84 test flights, the so-called "VRIL-1-JaeGER". At least a VRIL-7 and a VRIL-7-Grossraumschiff with the name "ODIN", which is to be started in April 1945 with a part of the Vril scientists and Vril Logenmitgliedern from Brandenburg - after the breakup of the entire test area - after Aldebaran.
The second project stood under the line of the research center IV the SS, which let 1945 three differently large bell-shaped space flight gyroscope types build up to beginning: The HAUNEBU 1, 25 m in the diameter, by which two copies were built and to altogether 52 test flights had ascended (approx. 4.800 km/h).
By the HAUNEBU II, with up to 32 m diameters, were built seven copies and tested on altogether 106 flights (approx. 6.000 km/h). The Haunebu type of ii was actually already intended for series production. Between the airplane companies Dornier and Junkers an advertisement is to have taken place, the at the end of March 1945 in favor of of Dornier failed. The official designation of the heavy flight gyroscopes should read DO-STRA (= Dornier stratosphere airplane).
The HAUNEBU III with 71 m diameters was built only once and rose to at least 19 flights to (approx. 7.000 km/h). And in the form of plans ", there", existed the 139m long parent ship, with Hangarn for one Haunebu II, two VRIL 1 and two VRIL II. Further there are documents that the VRIL-7-GROSSRAUMSCHIFF after its completion at the end of of 1944 and unite flight tests to first, still on earth limited secret in corroding to be already started is:
1. Landing with the moon lake in the salt chamber property, with diving tests for the statement of the pressure strength of the flight cell,
2. from March to April 1945 the stationing of the Vril-7 probably took place in the "alpine fortress", according to which from here from Spain out one approached, in order to fly over and set here fled important realm-German personalities off surely here to South America and "NEW SWABIA COUNTRY" (explanation follows) into secret realm-German bases put on during the war, for safety and strategy reasons
3. immediately after it the Vril-7 is to be started on a secret flight to Japan, over which however far nothing admits became. Which happened with the flight ships after the war. The fact that it came to the production of a Kleinstserie of the Haunebu IL can be excluded not completely. The different UFO photos, which emerged after 1945 with the completely typical appearance of these German constructions, suggest this possibility. Some say, some of it would have been sunk in the upper-Austrian moon lake, others says, they had been flown to South America or brought in individual parts there.
Safe it is here that, if also not absolutely the missiles arrived to South America at least on the basis structural drawings new were built however there and flown, since an important part of this technology was used with the "Phoenix experiment" 1983, which was the subsequent result "Philadelphia of the experiment" from 1943. (here it concerns Teleportations -, materialisations and time journey experiments of the USNAVY, which were more successful, than you would introduce yourselves it in their boldest dreams. Also concerning this sufficient material does not exist, in order to fill a new book with it, it fits however directly into our topic. See bibliography) 1938 were accomplished a German ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION with the aircraft carrier swabia country.
600.000 was explained qkm as German country, "NEW SWABIA COUNTRY". An ice-free area with mountains and lakes. Whole fleets of submarines of the types 21 and 23 were later on the way to new swabia country. Are missed until today still over 100 German submarines, which were equipped with the walter snorkel among other things also, them permitted to remain several weeks under water and it is to be accepted that they fled with the divided flight disks or at least with the structural drawings to new swabia country.
It is to be accepted again strongly, since the test flights were successful that the saucers mentioned flew directly with end of war there. This acceptance may appear daring some probably something, it gives however strong references on the fact that it could have like that been.
The question arises, why the allied ones under ADMIRAL E. BYRD accomplished 1947 an INVASION of the ANTARCTIC. Why did Byrd have scarcely 4.000 soldiers available, a warship, a fully equipped aircraft carrier including a complete utility system, if it should be nevertheless only one expedition? It had eight months available, had however after eight weeks and a high and never number publicly specified at airplane losses to break off. What had happened? Admiral Byrd explained to fly afterwards before the press, "it is bitter reality that in the case of a renewed war on attacks of fliers had to be counted, those from a pole on the other hand can."
Further it mentioned those that there was a advanced civilization there, with the SS together its outstanding technologies benuetzten.(84) Norbert Juergen Ratthofer writes over the later whereabouts of the Haunebu developments in its book "time machines" as follows: "the Haunebu I, II and III space flight gyroscope and the Vril i space flight disks remained however disappeared starting from May 1945 first without trace... In this connection it is most interesting that the realm-German Haunebu III is to be started after its nineteenth test flight then on 20 April 1945 of, "new swabia country" out, an enormous at that time officially realm-German territory in the east Antarctic, to a space expedition to Mars, over whose exit however nothing admits is...
One year later, 1946, numerous sighting of shining objects of unknown quantities origin and clearly artificial origin ensured then however suddenly for substantial excitement with the allied ones in east and west over Scandinavia. Again one year later, 1947, now zigarrenfoermige "unknown flying objects" emerged, briefly uFOs mentioned,, over North America first into the fifties-years in constantly rising number again without doubt of Intelligenzen steered shining flying objects with mostly more approximately, diskus to bell-similar form, occasionally in addition,
One continues to write that these "UFOS" did not resemble usually the realm-German developments. In this point am I other opinion. Well documented photo material proves that particularly the Haunebu ii-version was sighted even very frequently since 1945. If you will state yourselves, how I, one decade by the UFO professional world fought, you likewise that an unusually high prozentzahl of the cases, with which it came to personal contacts with passengers of so-called uFOs concerned it particularly beautiful copies of the species "Arier", blond and naive, and these spoke either flowing German or another language with German accent (for Insider here the case of Adam AI was 1952, which mentions Cedric Allingham case 1954 and the case of Howard Menger 1956).
One tells also that color photos of a manned landed and again started Flugdiskus exist, which asked both a bar cross as well as a swastika up-painted, which was taken up in the seventies by a night watchman to West Germany. Over the evenly specified missiles excellent film and photo material exist, for example the 60 min documentation of "UFO secrets of the 3. Rich "(MGA Austria/ Royal Atlantis film GmbH). Likewise the material of the American Vladimir Terziski, that to the conference of UFO in September 1991 in Phoenix, Arizona a 3-Stunden dia. lecture with photos of German saucers, structural drawings and underground German Basen napkin.
The material, that is interesting the Italian commander of Air Force Renato Vesco in its book likewise gathered and Rudolf Lusar's book: The German weapons and secret weapons of the Second World War and its advancement, J. F. Lehmanns publishing house, Munich 19 7 1.
<b>Do you understand now, why the topic of the uFOs in the mass media, particularly in Germany, when Humbug is dismissed? After this German Background it is clear that the medium and message world controlled by the Illuminati by the zionistisch anglo American lobby do not shrink from costs to hold the German citizen from investigating in this area</b>.
The question arises here, from where Thule and Vril the knowledge for the building of these missiles had the German secret companies? Likewise the knowledge for the genetic engineering, in which the Germans were again different nations ahead around lengths?
According to statements of Herbert G. Dorsey and other researchers is beside the structural drawings of the Vril society, by the telepathischen contact with the extraterrestial ones, the intact drive in the year 1936 of a not-terrestrial saucer the German fallen in the Black Forest a large assistance to have been. For this it gives however as well as no proofs to be silent from still living eye-witnesses completely.
But this gives it to America, a lot. Because at the same time the Americans had to announce a whole set of crashes, which could not be kept also completely secret. But in addition we come only later. Back to the political happening. Apart from the fact that supported the Ith G. Farben Hitler, it schuerte its trust partner, the "standard oil" (Rockefeller), against the Nazis. Or for example developed the "Fords engine company with the military apparatus for the American army, produced however at the same time in Germany military vehicles for the Nazis. Fords and Opel (daughter the general of engine, who is controlled by J. P. Morgan) were the two largest tank manufacturers in Hitler Germany. No matter how the war would go out, these multis had from the beginning already won. According to this principle many enterprises worked in 2. World war. Why doesn't one read anything over these things in the school books or the encyclopedias? Particularly in Germany, where nevertheless apparent pressefreiheit prevails and is taught the truth? That is among other things because of it that the Rockefeller Foundation had spent 1946 139.000 US dollar, around an official version 2. World war for the Offentlichkeit to present, those the entire structure of the Nazi regime by the US Banker, like also the okkultmystischen background the Nazis, cover. One the main donor of the funds was Rockefellers own standard oil Corp.(85)
Ralf Ettl--Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<img src='http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_tierrahueca/L_Vril1-01.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_tierrahueca/L_Vril8-Odin-01-MED.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
below is some german translated text
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->VRIL SOCIETY
or "NOT ALL PROPERTY COMES FROM ABOVE" ...probably is with the most interesting secret company, which ever existed.
...you will determine directly with own eyes, which power circles of "non-German" nature are interested in it, this happening before the German people to keep secret.
Karl Haushofer created a second medal, which "BROTHERS of the LIGHT" before 1919, which was renamed later into the "VRIL SOCIETY". In this united itself likewise the 1917 from the Teuton medal Templer reestablishment "the MR. OF BLACK STONE" (DHVSS) and the "BLACK KNIGHTS" of the Thule and SS elite "BLACK SUN" come out.
In order to employ a comparison with the Thule society, one could seize the difference most simply, if one says that the Thule society dedicated itself to the material and political things and the Vril society was essentially JENSEITIG oriented. But nevertheless numerous connecting factors between Vril and Thule society remained, e.g. Atlantis, Thule, the "island of the blessed ones" of the Gilgamesch, were the Urverbindung between Germanien and Mesopotamien, in addition, old Heiligtuemer like the external stones or the house mountain of Stronegg topics of common Forschung.(83)
In December 1919 met a close circle from Thule -, DHVSSund Vril people in a forestry house in the RAM sow, rented in addition, with Berchtesgaden. <b>Among them Maria Orsitsch was still another further apart from the medium, who admits only as Sigrun is. Maria had in mediale way notified in a Templergeheimschrift received - the medium completely unknown a language - with technical data for the building of a flight machine.</b>
The telepathischen messages came to statement of the Vril writings of the solar system Aldebaran, which 68 light-years far away from us in the constellation bull is to be found. Here I would like to present a short summary of the messages, which received the Vril Telepathen over the years and which were the basis of all further actions of the Vril society:
The solar system Aldebaran is therefore 68 light-years from the earth far away and their sun of two inhabited planets circles its, which form the realm "SUMERAN". The mankind of the solar system Aldebaran is itself into a gentleman people of "light God human being" (Arier) and different other human races to have partitioned, which are to have developed by negative mutations of these "God people" due to the climatic changes on the individual planets.
These colored mutanten races are to have had a smaller mental entwicklungsstufe. The more it for race mixture came, the more is to have down-sunk also the mental development of these peoples, which had as a consequence that, when the sun began to expand Aldebaran these no more were not able to receive the space travel technology of their ancestors and to leave personally the planets. Thus the low races, on the gentleman race completely dependently, are to have been evacuated with spaceships and have been brought to other habitable planets.
Despite these race differences itself however the different races are to have absolutely respected and in other habitat not have intervened, neither the so-called God people at the other races, still differently. Each respected simply that the others made their own development (in contrast to the earth). The gentleman race of the "light God people" is then approximately 500 million years ago with it to have begun, after the expansion of the sun
Aldebaran and the increasing heat resulting from it made the planets uninhabitable, to colonize other earthsimilar planets. It means that they settled the planet Mallona (also mark DEK, Marduk or with the Russians phaeton mentioned) in our solar system first, which was to have existed in place of the today's planetoiden at that time between Mars and Jupiter. Afterwards Mars, from whose highly developed inhabitants the large pyramid cities and the well-known Mars face witness, which were taken up 1976 by the Mars probe Viking.
And one assumed that the gentleman people of Sumeran Aldebaran came also to this time the first time on earth, on which approximately 500 million years point old petrified shoe-pure with from the paragraph zertretenen just as petrified Trilobiten, one at that time on earth living and 400 million years ago become extinct Urkrebs.
The Vril people were the opinion that the race of the Aldebaraner was to have landed therefore later, than the earth became slowly habitable in Mesopotamien and the ruler caste of the SUMERER, which as bright white God people were designated, to have formed. The moreover the Vril Telepathen came to the realization that Sumeri is identical not only to the language of the Aldebaraner, but also the fact that Aldebaranisch Aldebaranisch-Sumeri sounds like an incomprehensible German and also the speech frequency of both languages of the German and Sumeri - is nearly alike.
Whether these statements about Aldebaran correspond to the fact, is undecided, the structural drawings and technical data, which received the VrilTelepathen - where always these data also came - was however so exact that they led to one of the most fantastic ideas, which was probably devised e von Menschen: to the building of the "the other world flight machine". It matured the concept of "other science" near (today one would say "alternative forms of energy"). But it lasted over three years, until the project was tackled.
In this early phase of the "other technology" or "other science" Dr. W held. 0. Schumann, Thule and Vril member, at which TH Munich a lecture, from which some sentences are to be shown here: "we know two principles, which the things in everything and each the happening determining light and darkness, property and bad, work and destroying - like we also with the electricity pluses and minus know. It always means: Either - or! "these two principles - concretely to designate as the work and the destroying - determine also our technical means... "all destroying is satanischen origin - all developing goettlicher origin... Each on the explosion principle or also the burn which is based technology can be called therefore satanische technology.
The forthcoming new age will become one age of new, positive, goettlicher technology!..,, (out: Realm-German SSGeheimarchiv). At same time the scientist VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER worked on a similar project. Johannes Kepler, whose teachings Schauberger used, was in the possession of the secret teachings of the Pythagoraeer, whose knowledge was kept secret and taken over over the TEMPLE KNIGHTS. It was the knowledge around the "IMPLOSION" (implosion in this case = the utilization of the potential of the internal worlds in the outside world).
It knew Hitler, like also the Thule and VrilLeute, that the goettliche principle is constructional always constructing, i.e.. A technology, which is based against it on the explosion and is destructive therefore, is against the goettliche principle. Therefore one wanted to create a technology, which was based on the IMPLOSION. Schaubergers oscillation teachings (principle of the overtone row = mono cord) ties to the knowledge around the implosion. Simplified one could say: IMPLOSION instead of EXPLOSION! On the basis the energy courses of the mono cord and the implosion technology one arrives into the range of the antimatter and thus at the dissolution of the force of gravity.
<b>In the summer of the yearly 1922 at the first untertassenfoermigen flight ship, its drive on the implosion technology was built was based (the the other world flight machine). It consisted of a disk of eight meters diameters, over which a parallel-stored disk of six and a half meters of diameters was, and among them a further disk of seven meters diameters. These three disks were broken through in the center by a 1.80m measuring hole, in which the 2.40m high power supply unit was installed.
Down the centerbody ran out in a conical point, from which a pendulum handing into the basement provided for the stabilization of the equipment. In the activated condition the lower and the upper disk turned in direction moving in opposite directions, in order to develop first an electromagnetic rotation field. This first flight disk furnished which achievements, is unknown</b>.
One experimented anyhow two years long with it, before it was however again dismantled and probably stored in the Augsburger Messerschmidt works. Financial aids for this project dip <b>the Vril engine, which is however formally led as "Schumann SM Levitator" under the code "JFM" in the bookkeeping of several German industrial companies</b> on with security came out from the the other world flight machine.
In principle the other world flight machine should over sees and its direct environment an extremely strong field producing, which that of it umschlossenen space sector with the machine and its users a mikrokosmos perfectly independent of the this-lateral cosmos become let. This field would be completely independent with maximum field strength of all this-lateral universal forces and influences - as for instance gravitation, electromagnetism and radiation, as well as subject of any kind -, surrounding it, and could move within each gravitation and other field at will, without in it any acceleration forces became effective or noticeable.
In June 1934 VIKTOR of SCHAUBERGER of HITLER and the highest representatives of the Vril and Thule societies was invited and co-operated from then on with them. The birth of the first so-called German UFOs struck however then, after this first miss, in June 1934. <b>Under the direction of Dr. W 0. Schumann developed the first experimental round airplane that RFZ 1, on the area of the German aircraft factory Arado in Brandenburg. During its first and also at the same time last flight it rose perpendicularly to a height of approx. 60m, began in air to then tumble however for several minutes and dance. The tail unit Arado 196 attached for control proved as completely ineffective. With trouble and emergency it succeeded to pilot Lothar Waiz to bring the RFZ 1 back on the soil to jump out and away-run, before it began to behave itself like a gyroscope then tilted and proper zerfetzte. That was the end of the RFZ 1, but the at the beginning of the VRIL missiles</b>.
<b>Still before at the end of of 1934 the RFZ 2 was finished, which had a Vril drive and a "magnet impulse control". It corresponded to 5m in the diameter and had the following flight characteristics: Optical blurring of the outlines at increasing speed and that for UFOs typical colored lights.Depending upon booster stage red, orange, yellow, green, white, blue or violet. It functioned thus - and it should have 1941 still another remarkable fate before itself</b>.
<b>It was used during the "air battle around England" war phase mentioned, when the German standard hunters ME 109 for transatlantic clearing-up flights showed themselves because of their to short range as unfit, as long-range reconnaissance aircraft. At the end of of 1941 was photographed it over the south Atlantic, when it was on the way to the auxiliary cruiser Atlantis in Antarctic waters. The reason, why it could not be used as fighter, was because of the fact that the RFZ could implement 2 because of its impulse control only changes of direction of 90', 45' and 22,5'. Unbelievably some will think - however exactly these right-angled flight changes are for so-called uFOs absolutely typical flight behavior</b>.
<b>After the success of the small RFZ 2 as long-range reconnaissance aircraft the Vril society got its own testing ground in Brandenburg. At the end of of 1942 flew the easily armed flight disk "VRIL-1-Jaeger". It was 11,5m in the diameter, a single-seater, had a "Schumann Levitator drive" and a "magnetic field Impulsor control". It reached speeds of 2,900 up to 12,000 km/h, could accomplish at full speed changes of flight in the right angle, without the pilots were impaired of it, was weather-independent and had an universe ability of 100%.
By Vril 1 and gave also several two-seat variants equipped with a glass dome were built for 17 pieces. Likewise to this time its own project, V-7 developed. Under this designation several flight disks built however with conventional jet propulsions. On the bases of ANDREAS EPP the RFZ 7, a combination of a levitierenden flight disk with jet propulsion developed. On this the groups of developments worked SCHRIEVER HABERMOHL and MIETHE BELLUZO. The RFZ 7 had a diameter of 42m, went however with a landing in Spitzbergen to break. Later however a copied RFZ 7 was photographed outside of Prague. According to statement of Andreas Epp should be equipped this with atomic sprengkoepfen and bombarded New York</b>.
In July 1941 built and HABERMOHL a perpendicularly starting round airplane with jet propulsion, which exhibited however heavy lack. One developed however a further "electrical gravitation flight gyroscope" with "Tachyonen drive" was more successful. Whereupon the RFZ 7 T, built by, followed Habermohl and Belluzo and likewise fully functionally. The V-7 flight disks was however, compared with the Vril and Haunebu disks to describe rather as a kind toy.
Within the SS there was a group, which was concerned with the production of alternative energy, the SS-E-IV = RESEARCH CENTER IV the BLACK SUN, whose main objective it was, to make Germany independent of foreign crude oil. Hans Coler the "THULE ENGINE" developed S SE-IV from the existing Vril engines and the Tachyonenkonverter of captain, which was designated later than THULE TACHYONATOR.
<b>In August 1939 the first RFZ 5 started. It was a moderately severe armed flight gyroscope with the strange name "HAUNEBU 1". It had a crew of eight men, measured 25m in the diameter, reached at the beginning a speed of 4,800 km/h and later up to 17,000 km/h. It was equipped with two 6 cm KSK (force jet cannons) in rotating turrets and four MK 106 and had a space ability of 60%.
At the end of of 1942 had likewise developed the "HAUNEBU IL". The diameter varied from 26 to 32m and in the height between 9 and l 1m. It could transport a crew between 9 and 20 persons. It was propelled with a Thule Tachyonator and reached at perigee a speed of 6,000 Km/h. It was universe suited and had a range of 55 flying hours.
Plans for the VRIL-7-Grossraumschiff with a diameter of 120m already existed, should transport whole crews at this time.
Short time was flown later the "HAUNEBU III", the absolute piece of splendor of all disks, finished with 71m diameter and also filmed. It could transport a crew of 32 men, had a range in flight duration of over 8 weeks and reaches a speed of at least 7.000 km/h (after documents from SS Geheimarchiven up to 40,000 Km/h).
Virgil Armstrong, former CIA members and Green Beret a.D., describes German missiles during 2. World war, which land vertically and to start and right angles fly could. They were fast measured up to 3,000 km/h and had a laser weapon as cannon (supposed the so-called KSK force jet cannon), which could break through 4 tariff armoring.
Professor J. J. Hurtak, Ufologe and Autor of "the keys of the Enoch," describes that the Germans were busy to build something what the allied ones as "miracle weapon system" designated. Hurtak got minutes into the hands, which described two circumstances:
1. the structure of the space city "Peenemuende" and
2. the Herueberholen of the best technicians and scientists from Germany. Mentioned likewise the more exact investigation was the so-called "FOO FIGHTERS" (feuerkugel). The building and employment of such flying objects were the CIA like also the British secret service around already 1942 well-known, were however not correctly estimated.
Foo Fighter was actually the name of the allied ones for all bright German aircraft. In particular were however probably two inventions, which fell under the term Foo Fighters: The flying turtle and those Seifenblase, two completely different things, which were rated however of the allied ones as belonging together.
The "FLYING TURTLE" was developed of the SS-E-IV in Viennese new city. Their outside form reminded of a turtle tank. Were unmanned flight probes, which should cause disturbances with the electrical ignition systems of the hostile armed forces. They had inserted to further developed klystron tubes, which were called of the SS death jets. The effective ignition disconnection did not function however at the beginning yet so perfectly. Later it gave will be able to confirm advancements of this technology and the UFO connoisseurs that the "ignition disconnection", which is failing electrical system one of the typical characteristics when emerging a uFOs.
Wendell C Stevens, US air Force US-Air-Force-Pilot during 2. World war, the Foo Fighters describes red orange, which approached up to 5m to the airplanes and remained there then as sometimes grey-green or. They could be shaken off nor shot neither and forced flight relays partially to turning or landing. Completely different thing were those often than Foo Fighters designated seifenblasen. With these it concerned simple balloons, in which see thin metal spirals for the disturbance of the hostile airplane radar found. The success of this idea might have been small apart from the psychological effect once.
At the beginning of of 1943 one planned likewise a zigarrenfoermiges parent ship that in the Zeppelinwerften should be built, the so-called "and Rome since equipment" (139 m long). In it several untertassenfoermige flight ships for (interstellar) long-duration flights should be transported.
Around Christmas 1943 was an important meeting of the VRIL SOCIETY in the North Sea bath Kolberg. Also with it likewise the media Maria and Sigrun. Main topic of this meeting was the "ALDEBARAN ENTERPRISE". The media had gotten exact data concerning the inhabited planets around the sun Aldebarans and one began a journey there to prepare.
On 2 January 1944 a discussion between HITLER, HIMMLER, Kuenkel (VrilGesellschaft) found and Dr. Schumann (Vril society), in whom it concerned the VRIL PROJECT. One wanted to penetrate with the Vril-7-Grossraumschiff by an speed of light-independent dimension channel into Aldebaran.
After Ratthofers statement is to have taken place in the winter 1944 the first dimension channel test flight. This is to have led past allegedly scarcely a disaster, because photos show the Vril-7 after this flight, on which it looked, "as if it 100 years would on the way have been". The outside cell lining worked therefore strongly aged and was damaged in several places.
On 14 February 1944 the supersonic helicopter, which was equipped with 12 turbo aggregates BMW 028, designed under the project V-7 von Schriever and Habermohl, was test-flown by the test pilot Joachim Roehlike to Peenemuende. The senkrechte rate of climb amounted to 800m in the minute, it reached a height of 24,200 m and in the horizontal flight a speed of 2,200 km/h. This could be likewise propelled with unorthodox energy. He was not used however any longer, since Peenemuende 1944 and also the misalignment was bombarded to Prague nothing more brought. Because before the flight disks were operational, the Americans and Russian Prague had occupied.
The British and American discovered, during the occupation of Germany at the beginning of of 1945, in SS Geheimbildarchiven among other things also photos of the Haunebu IL and Vril I types, like also the and Rome since equipment.
President Trumans resolution in March 1946 led to the fact that the Flottenkriegskommitee of the USA gave permission to collect German material to the experiments the high technology. Under the operation "PAPER TIE-CLIP in the secret one working German scientist was brought privately into the USA. Among them VIKTOR SCHAUBERGER and WHO AGO OF BROWN. Here again a short summary of the developments, which should be produced in series:
The first project became of at the TH Munich active <b>Professor Dr. Ing. W 0. Schumann</b> led, within whose framework to at the beginning of of 1945 allegedly 17 diskusfoermige 11,5 meters through-measuring space flight disks, which are to have ascended to altogether 84 test flights, the so-called "VRIL-1-JaeGER". At least a VRIL-7 and a VRIL-7-Grossraumschiff with the name "ODIN", which is to be started in April 1945 with a part of the Vril scientists and Vril Logenmitgliedern from Brandenburg - after the breakup of the entire test area - after Aldebaran.
The second project stood under the line of the research center IV the SS, which let 1945 three differently large bell-shaped space flight gyroscope types build up to beginning: The HAUNEBU 1, 25 m in the diameter, by which two copies were built and to altogether 52 test flights had ascended (approx. 4.800 km/h).
By the HAUNEBU II, with up to 32 m diameters, were built seven copies and tested on altogether 106 flights (approx. 6.000 km/h). The Haunebu type of ii was actually already intended for series production. Between the airplane companies Dornier and Junkers an advertisement is to have taken place, the at the end of March 1945 in favor of of Dornier failed. The official designation of the heavy flight gyroscopes should read DO-STRA (= Dornier stratosphere airplane).
The HAUNEBU III with 71 m diameters was built only once and rose to at least 19 flights to (approx. 7.000 km/h). And in the form of plans ", there", existed the 139m long parent ship, with Hangarn for one Haunebu II, two VRIL 1 and two VRIL II. Further there are documents that the VRIL-7-GROSSRAUMSCHIFF after its completion at the end of of 1944 and unite flight tests to first, still on earth limited secret in corroding to be already started is:
1. Landing with the moon lake in the salt chamber property, with diving tests for the statement of the pressure strength of the flight cell,
2. from March to April 1945 the stationing of the Vril-7 probably took place in the "alpine fortress", according to which from here from Spain out one approached, in order to fly over and set here fled important realm-German personalities off surely here to South America and "NEW SWABIA COUNTRY" (explanation follows) into secret realm-German bases put on during the war, for safety and strategy reasons
3. immediately after it the Vril-7 is to be started on a secret flight to Japan, over which however far nothing admits became. Which happened with the flight ships after the war. The fact that it came to the production of a Kleinstserie of the Haunebu IL can be excluded not completely. The different UFO photos, which emerged after 1945 with the completely typical appearance of these German constructions, suggest this possibility. Some say, some of it would have been sunk in the upper-Austrian moon lake, others says, they had been flown to South America or brought in individual parts there.
Safe it is here that, if also not absolutely the missiles arrived to South America at least on the basis structural drawings new were built however there and flown, since an important part of this technology was used with the "Phoenix experiment" 1983, which was the subsequent result "Philadelphia of the experiment" from 1943. (here it concerns Teleportations -, materialisations and time journey experiments of the USNAVY, which were more successful, than you would introduce yourselves it in their boldest dreams. Also concerning this sufficient material does not exist, in order to fill a new book with it, it fits however directly into our topic. See bibliography) 1938 were accomplished a German ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION with the aircraft carrier swabia country.
600.000 was explained qkm as German country, "NEW SWABIA COUNTRY". An ice-free area with mountains and lakes. Whole fleets of submarines of the types 21 and 23 were later on the way to new swabia country. Are missed until today still over 100 German submarines, which were equipped with the walter snorkel among other things also, them permitted to remain several weeks under water and it is to be accepted that they fled with the divided flight disks or at least with the structural drawings to new swabia country.
It is to be accepted again strongly, since the test flights were successful that the saucers mentioned flew directly with end of war there. This acceptance may appear daring some probably something, it gives however strong references on the fact that it could have like that been.
The question arises, why the allied ones under ADMIRAL E. BYRD accomplished 1947 an INVASION of the ANTARCTIC. Why did Byrd have scarcely 4.000 soldiers available, a warship, a fully equipped aircraft carrier including a complete utility system, if it should be nevertheless only one expedition? It had eight months available, had however after eight weeks and a high and never number publicly specified at airplane losses to break off. What had happened? Admiral Byrd explained to fly afterwards before the press, "it is bitter reality that in the case of a renewed war on attacks of fliers had to be counted, those from a pole on the other hand can."
Further it mentioned those that there was a advanced civilization there, with the SS together its outstanding technologies benuetzten.(84) Norbert Juergen Ratthofer writes over the later whereabouts of the Haunebu developments in its book "time machines" as follows: "the Haunebu I, II and III space flight gyroscope and the Vril i space flight disks remained however disappeared starting from May 1945 first without trace... In this connection it is most interesting that the realm-German Haunebu III is to be started after its nineteenth test flight then on 20 April 1945 of, "new swabia country" out, an enormous at that time officially realm-German territory in the east Antarctic, to a space expedition to Mars, over whose exit however nothing admits is...
One year later, 1946, numerous sighting of shining objects of unknown quantities origin and clearly artificial origin ensured then however suddenly for substantial excitement with the allied ones in east and west over Scandinavia. Again one year later, 1947, now zigarrenfoermige "unknown flying objects" emerged, briefly uFOs mentioned,, over North America first into the fifties-years in constantly rising number again without doubt of Intelligenzen steered shining flying objects with mostly more approximately, diskus to bell-similar form, occasionally in addition,
One continues to write that these "UFOS" did not resemble usually the realm-German developments. In this point am I other opinion. Well documented photo material proves that particularly the Haunebu ii-version was sighted even very frequently since 1945. If you will state yourselves, how I, one decade by the UFO professional world fought, you likewise that an unusually high prozentzahl of the cases, with which it came to personal contacts with passengers of so-called uFOs concerned it particularly beautiful copies of the species "Arier", blond and naive, and these spoke either flowing German or another language with German accent (for Insider here the case of Adam AI was 1952, which mentions Cedric Allingham case 1954 and the case of Howard Menger 1956).
One tells also that color photos of a manned landed and again started Flugdiskus exist, which asked both a bar cross as well as a swastika up-painted, which was taken up in the seventies by a night watchman to West Germany. Over the evenly specified missiles excellent film and photo material exist, for example the 60 min documentation of "UFO secrets of the 3. Rich "(MGA Austria/ Royal Atlantis film GmbH). Likewise the material of the American Vladimir Terziski, that to the conference of UFO in September 1991 in Phoenix, Arizona a 3-Stunden dia. lecture with photos of German saucers, structural drawings and underground German Basen napkin.
The material, that is interesting the Italian commander of Air Force Renato Vesco in its book likewise gathered and Rudolf Lusar's book: The German weapons and secret weapons of the Second World War and its advancement, J. F. Lehmanns publishing house, Munich 19 7 1.
<b>Do you understand now, why the topic of the uFOs in the mass media, particularly in Germany, when Humbug is dismissed? After this German Background it is clear that the medium and message world controlled by the Illuminati by the zionistisch anglo American lobby do not shrink from costs to hold the German citizen from investigating in this area</b>.
The question arises here, from where Thule and Vril the knowledge for the building of these missiles had the German secret companies? Likewise the knowledge for the genetic engineering, in which the Germans were again different nations ahead around lengths?
According to statements of Herbert G. Dorsey and other researchers is beside the structural drawings of the Vril society, by the telepathischen contact with the extraterrestial ones, the intact drive in the year 1936 of a not-terrestrial saucer the German fallen in the Black Forest a large assistance to have been. For this it gives however as well as no proofs to be silent from still living eye-witnesses completely.
But this gives it to America, a lot. Because at the same time the Americans had to announce a whole set of crashes, which could not be kept also completely secret. But in addition we come only later. Back to the political happening. Apart from the fact that supported the Ith G. Farben Hitler, it schuerte its trust partner, the "standard oil" (Rockefeller), against the Nazis. Or for example developed the "Fords engine company with the military apparatus for the American army, produced however at the same time in Germany military vehicles for the Nazis. Fords and Opel (daughter the general of engine, who is controlled by J. P. Morgan) were the two largest tank manufacturers in Hitler Germany. No matter how the war would go out, these multis had from the beginning already won. According to this principle many enterprises worked in 2. World war. Why doesn't one read anything over these things in the school books or the encyclopedias? Particularly in Germany, where nevertheless apparent pressefreiheit prevails and is taught the truth? That is among other things because of it that the Rockefeller Foundation had spent 1946 139.000 US dollar, around an official version 2. World war for the Offentlichkeit to present, those the entire structure of the Nazi regime by the US Banker, like also the okkultmystischen background the Nazis, cover. One the main donor of the funds was Rockefellers own standard oil Corp.(85)
Ralf Ettl--Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<img src='http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_tierrahueca/L_Vril1-01.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<img src='http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/imagenes_tierrahueca/L_Vril8-Odin-01-MED.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />