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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 4
On the topic of christianism's inculturation.
(And Swamy G, facts are <i>not</i> a matter of perspective - facts are not opinion. Christos are using inculturation for a purpose. Just like christoterrorism used it in the GrecoRoman empire. Do you recall who won there?)

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>What is Traditional ?</b>
01/05/2008 03:28:15  GSK Menon

It is a common trend nowadays in the print and visual media to call every Hindu ritual/custom as “traditional”. There is a deliberate ongoing exercise to call every Hindu ritual/custom as “traditional”. The entire object of the exercise is to obliterate the Hindu identity. This is slowly seeping into our collective consciousness that we are unaware of this subtle brainwashing that is happening around us.

Let me start with an example.  <b>If we take any magazine or newspaper, in the section devoted to Recipes/Cookery,dishes</b> are often referred to as Moplah dishes, Malabar Biriyani, Lucknowi Biriyani, Hyderabadi Biriyani, Syrian-Christian dishes etc. But, you will not find a single dish being called as Hindu dish, why ? Take “payasam” for instance, it was a by-product of the legendary churning of the Milky Ocean, but no newspaper/magazine will refer it to as “Hindu delicacy”, why ? <b>There is a conscious and hidden understanding to delink “ Hindu” from our heritage. </b>

The other day, my Christian  servant lady brought for me <b>“prasadam”</b> from a St.Joseph’s Church. It was a perfect replica of the Sabarimala container and payasam, only the words “St.Joseph’s Church” was inscribed on the container. Then I asked my servant as to whether she knew what payasam was and she replied in the negative. I had to explain to her the history of payasam and its link to our Hindu scriptures. Even the Lalitha Sahasranamam refers to Goddess Durga as “ Payasa anna priya”. The servant lady’s shock and disbelief and subsequent embarrassment were a real spectacle. Obviously she had been duped and tricked by the Church into believing that <b>payasam</b> was being consumed by Joseph. How could Joseph partake of a Hindu delicacy? Now she has become more respectful to the photos of Hindu Gods & Goddesses in our house.

Similarly, it is now fashionable to light the <b>Hindu lamp</b> on every function/inauguration etc. The Christian community has gone crazy over this Hindu mode of worship. Padres are lighting Hindu lamps for anything and everything. This mode of worship is not authorized in the Bible. There is an intelligent twist in the media reporting. “Hindu lamp” has been replaced by “traditional lamp” in all reports of journalists. Whose tradition? Christians and Muslims do not have this tradition. Just because they have started using it does the Hindu lamp lose its Hindu identity?  Can you de-Hinduise it ? Certainly not.

Recently I read one article by a Christian on <b>Kathakali.</b> He has studiously avoided the term “Hindu” and has substituted it to read as “Kathakali , the traditional art form”. Whose traditional art ? Certainly of the Hindus only.

It is the Christians who are creating the maximum ridicule and contempt for the Hindu religion (though they are the most ardent imitators). Alien Missionaries are all over India ridiculing Hinduism and blatantly indulging in conversion maneuvers. Those who are imitating our Hindu rites/customs/culture are too embarrassed to acknowledge it for that would amount to negation of their alien beliefs. The intelligent way deciphered is to keep using the word “traditional” instead of “Hindu”.

I appeal to all readers of Haindavakeralam to be aware of such corrupt and crooked practices of the media. As soon as you notice it nip it in the bud. Just send a letter to the Editor pointing out the omission. It will not be published, but, the Editor will realize that there are sensible and intelligent readers. We will also be putting on notice all the converts that Hindus are intent to safeguard, protect and  assert the Hindu aspect of our culture and food aspects.  Just as there are Intellectual Property Rights, Copyrights etc there is something known as Hindu Art and Cultural copyrights. Let us not allow any media fellow or alien religious practitioners to undermine the Hindu identity.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
And some comments:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--> Ragu
01/05/2008 13:11:15
There was a orthodox Kerala christian forum which I visited earlier, where they were sayinh <b>Onam</b> is not Hindu festival, but a Malayalam harvest festival to thank God and that Hindus have usurped and introduced beliefs regarding bali Chakravarti and Vamana avatar.

Christians are one of the most divisive usurpers of Hindu traditions. 
( <!--emo&:o--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='ohmy.gif' /><!--endemo--> Now the christoterrorists come out and say it is specifically not a Hindu festival when it most particularly is!!!)

Shankar, NY
01/05/2008 12:20:10 
<b>Hinduism is Indian tradition</b>
Imitation is not a new subject in Christianity and Islam. Everything they proudly practice in India is copied from Hinduism only.
Lot of Priests and Nuns are practicing and teaching <b>Yoga</b> lessons. Poor Hindus don't know Yoga is described in the Hindu scriptures for Yogis to maintain a healthy body and mind. Ultimate aim of Yoga is to practice meditation without any distraction. Pathanjali extracted the essence of Yoga from Hindu scriptures and made it available to the humanity. How someone else who doesn’t have respect to Hinduism could practice something described in Hindu books. Let them go to a Gym and do some workout otherwise.

Take the case of <b>Ayurveda</b>, it is now under the control of invaders from other religions. "Ayurvedam" is one of the "upavedam" of Hindu religion. How a Christian or Christian priest could practice/preach an updaveda of Hindu religion.

Next take the case of <b>Jyothisham</b>, Many Christians are believers of Jyothisham and our greedy (and ignorant) Jyothishis have manipulated it into the extreme extend to satisfy their clients. They are prescribing remedies based on customer’s religious beliefs not based on the “Sastra” itself. They should have the guts to tell their customers that Jyothisham was derived from our holy scriptures and strictly follows the Vedic tradition so they have to go to Temple to do the "Prayaschitham" not in the church.

Take any form of art including <b>Bharatha Natyam, Classical Music, Pancha Vadyam</b> etc. All these art forms are now taken away from Hindu religion and portraying as secular art forms. There are hundreds of examples of cultural invasion in and around us. If we strip all these out of the imitators we could see their real tradition.
<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christianism was always a bankrupt religion. It could never create anything itself and so it made its followers lacklustre, uninspired, insipid and unimaginative (e.g. compare Greek art before and after christianism). Hence they have to resort to christo-thievery to steal others' religious traditions like our Hindu traditions.

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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 4 - by Guest - 02-23-2008, 08:02 AM
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