<!--QuoteBegin-G.Subramaniam+Aug 25 2008, 06:04 AM-->QUOTE(G.Subramaniam @ Aug 25 2008, 06:04 AM)<!--QuoteEBegin-->From Rajeev Srinivasans blog
( Fcuk the goras / goris dont marry them )
Interestingly the Hindu Holocaust is also occurring in the US in a different manner.
I have a client who over the years has become a close friend. This man is a religious Hindu and a very prominent business owner. This man has done extremely well and he's sheltered his kids and has tried to instill strong Dharmic values in his kids.
Anyway his daughter went to college and one day she came home and said that she had met a guy and that she wanted to marry him. In any case, this guy is a gora and he's an evangelical christist from Alabama - real rabid type. Anyway, her father (my close associate) isn't too happy, but he respects his daughter's wishes and they fix a date for the wedding. Then the funny stuff starts happening - first the daughter states that she doesn't want a Hindu wedding. Parents say OK. Then she says that her fiance' doesn't want Indian food at the wedding. Parents say OK. After a few weeks, the daughter comes in totally depressed with a nervous breakdown. The parents admit her to the ER and after a couple days the daughter says that her fiance' has called off the wedding because the bride's family family (my associate) has not accepted christ! He says that he will only agree to marry my friend's daughter unless she turns over her multi-milion dollar trust fund to a large evangelical mission. My friend called me at 1 AM one morning and he asks to meet me at my office. He then proceeds to tell me that his daughter has threatened to kill herself if he doesn't turn over all her trust-fund money to this charity.
In the end, my friend pays up. <b>What can he do?</b>
(So many things. None of which involved giving in to the emotional blackmail by christoterrorism. For example, the parents could have threatened suicide in retaliation unless she broke of the wedding - coupled with leaving the trust to some Dharmic charity of course - and see if the estranged daughter actually cared about them or only about christoterrorism.)
This is absolutely fucking unbelievable. The sick part is when I saw this christist guy, he has to be one of the most unimpressive individuals I have ever seen. My friend's daughter looks like a Priyanka Chopra. She's stunning. The thing that boiled my blood was that after my friend turned over his daughter's $2.5 million dollar trust to this evangelical group, this evangelical guy had the gall to ask for a trip to Hawaii!!!![right][snapback]86974[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Whoever said blood is thicker than water was carried away by the trivial. People should remember they are responsible for the offspring/spawn they bring into the world. The above Hindu families are setting wolves on the unconverted world despite their inept best intentions. I hold them personally responsible for enabling this. They may not have wanted it, nor encouraged it, but they allowed it to happen nevertheless. Instead of putting their foot down and at the worst telling their kid he/she can elope without their blessing.
I don't expect my hypothetical kids to do everything I say, but I will never barter away certain fundamental principles, let alone be blackmailed out of them by anyone. If I ever had a kid that went nazi on me, I would turn it out of my house if not hand it over to the authorities. If it turned christoislamicommunist, I'd send it packing too if deprogramming sessions didn't work. Terrorism is terrorism. Christoislamicommunism is the same as nazism.
People are responsible to more than their kids. Unlike the western world, we don't live in a contrived 'nuclear' family where the only allegiances are to spouse and kids. Hindus live in a larger community and share the burden of keeping the peace and ensuring safety of others. Harbouring criminals is a crime against humanity.
Natural Traditionalists should start realising that christoislamism is no different from nazism, in fact it is far worse: it murdered and murders even now more people than nazism ever did PLUS it is not even being censured for its vileness thanks to dawaganda/brainwashing in its favour. (Actually, nazism is a subset of christianism's atrocities. Should have picked a better example.)
The parents in the above case obviously don't know christianism: their daughter when she converted to christoterrorism became a liar/drama queen/ruthless blackmailer for jeebusjehovallah and so her parents fell for her little playacting. She played them like a harmonica. Sadly, more than her parents will be made to pay up.
Since the daughter's now just another christoterrorist, the terrorism has put its foot into their family now, following closely that missionary's PhD mentioned here on IF on How To Convert Urban Hindus.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Women are too emotional and tend to fall in love<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Statement is ignoring the other 50% of christoislamic marriages contracted by Hindus. Whereas in India Hindu women may marry islamaniac men and convert out, Hindu men in India tend to marry christian women and convert out. (The opposite cross-combination also happens, but this one is more common.) Both terrible mistakes are endangering Hindus. Of course, the church in India regularly tells its women and men to marry Hindus just for this purpose, just like islamaniac men specifically go after kaffiri women in any country.
Hindu society should stop falling for psecular claptrap on accepting nazis into their family and start cutting off contact with family members who marry into christoislamism, same as Hindus used to do in the past. This is the only way this sort of thing can stop becoming a noose around everyone else's neck. Dharmics have to realise that by making or allowing such mistakes one inevitably facilitates further aggression against and endangerment of Natural Traditionalists. Such supposedly 'personal' choices will not remain private because christoislamism does not at all intend to remain private: it only wants its foot in the door.
I for one refuse to associate with people whose ideological goals are to destroy my kind and my way of life.
( Fcuk the goras / goris dont marry them )
Interestingly the Hindu Holocaust is also occurring in the US in a different manner.
I have a client who over the years has become a close friend. This man is a religious Hindu and a very prominent business owner. This man has done extremely well and he's sheltered his kids and has tried to instill strong Dharmic values in his kids.
Anyway his daughter went to college and one day she came home and said that she had met a guy and that she wanted to marry him. In any case, this guy is a gora and he's an evangelical christist from Alabama - real rabid type. Anyway, her father (my close associate) isn't too happy, but he respects his daughter's wishes and they fix a date for the wedding. Then the funny stuff starts happening - first the daughter states that she doesn't want a Hindu wedding. Parents say OK. Then she says that her fiance' doesn't want Indian food at the wedding. Parents say OK. After a few weeks, the daughter comes in totally depressed with a nervous breakdown. The parents admit her to the ER and after a couple days the daughter says that her fiance' has called off the wedding because the bride's family family (my associate) has not accepted christ! He says that he will only agree to marry my friend's daughter unless she turns over her multi-milion dollar trust fund to a large evangelical mission. My friend called me at 1 AM one morning and he asks to meet me at my office. He then proceeds to tell me that his daughter has threatened to kill herself if he doesn't turn over all her trust-fund money to this charity.
In the end, my friend pays up. <b>What can he do?</b>
(So many things. None of which involved giving in to the emotional blackmail by christoterrorism. For example, the parents could have threatened suicide in retaliation unless she broke of the wedding - coupled with leaving the trust to some Dharmic charity of course - and see if the estranged daughter actually cared about them or only about christoterrorism.)
This is absolutely fucking unbelievable. The sick part is when I saw this christist guy, he has to be one of the most unimpressive individuals I have ever seen. My friend's daughter looks like a Priyanka Chopra. She's stunning. The thing that boiled my blood was that after my friend turned over his daughter's $2.5 million dollar trust to this evangelical group, this evangelical guy had the gall to ask for a trip to Hawaii!!!![right][snapback]86974[/snapback][/right]<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Whoever said blood is thicker than water was carried away by the trivial. People should remember they are responsible for the offspring/spawn they bring into the world. The above Hindu families are setting wolves on the unconverted world despite their inept best intentions. I hold them personally responsible for enabling this. They may not have wanted it, nor encouraged it, but they allowed it to happen nevertheless. Instead of putting their foot down and at the worst telling their kid he/she can elope without their blessing.
I don't expect my hypothetical kids to do everything I say, but I will never barter away certain fundamental principles, let alone be blackmailed out of them by anyone. If I ever had a kid that went nazi on me, I would turn it out of my house if not hand it over to the authorities. If it turned christoislamicommunist, I'd send it packing too if deprogramming sessions didn't work. Terrorism is terrorism. Christoislamicommunism is the same as nazism.
People are responsible to more than their kids. Unlike the western world, we don't live in a contrived 'nuclear' family where the only allegiances are to spouse and kids. Hindus live in a larger community and share the burden of keeping the peace and ensuring safety of others. Harbouring criminals is a crime against humanity.
Natural Traditionalists should start realising that christoislamism is no different from nazism, in fact it is far worse: it murdered and murders even now more people than nazism ever did PLUS it is not even being censured for its vileness thanks to dawaganda/brainwashing in its favour. (Actually, nazism is a subset of christianism's atrocities. Should have picked a better example.)
The parents in the above case obviously don't know christianism: their daughter when she converted to christoterrorism became a liar/drama queen/ruthless blackmailer for jeebusjehovallah and so her parents fell for her little playacting. She played them like a harmonica. Sadly, more than her parents will be made to pay up.
Since the daughter's now just another christoterrorist, the terrorism has put its foot into their family now, following closely that missionary's PhD mentioned here on IF on How To Convert Urban Hindus.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Women are too emotional and tend to fall in love<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Statement is ignoring the other 50% of christoislamic marriages contracted by Hindus. Whereas in India Hindu women may marry islamaniac men and convert out, Hindu men in India tend to marry christian women and convert out. (The opposite cross-combination also happens, but this one is more common.) Both terrible mistakes are endangering Hindus. Of course, the church in India regularly tells its women and men to marry Hindus just for this purpose, just like islamaniac men specifically go after kaffiri women in any country.
Hindu society should stop falling for psecular claptrap on accepting nazis into their family and start cutting off contact with family members who marry into christoislamism, same as Hindus used to do in the past. This is the only way this sort of thing can stop becoming a noose around everyone else's neck. Dharmics have to realise that by making or allowing such mistakes one inevitably facilitates further aggression against and endangerment of Natural Traditionalists. Such supposedly 'personal' choices will not remain private because christoislamism does not at all intend to remain private: it only wants its foot in the door.
I for one refuse to associate with people whose ideological goals are to destroy my kind and my way of life.