<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The islam/west wants what Hindus have. West hates us in, islam hates us.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Christoislamism will destroy what will not submit. It's just the way it works. It's like a hostile program or malignant retrovirus. It's not us the *Hindoo* that it sees, it's us the *inconvertible*. The virus sees us quite impersonally, but to get rid of us, its zombies will make the matter personal by creating targeted hatespeech and psyops.
We only notice that christoislamism <i>hates</i> us in the extreme, when it starts its sporadic terrorisms against us. But in the occasional calm between sustained attacks (for example, post christoPortuguese terrorism, post christoBrit terrorism), we sleep and ignore how ancient tribe upon tribe in SE Asia and nations in Africa and communities in S America get wiped out (<i>still</i> ongoing). They have no media to even remotely make a plea in their favour. We're not the last and were never the first to be on the receiving end of christianism's love.
The only difference I can see between us and some African, American and other Asian communities, is that - like Greece and Rome - we're far more urbanised and more of an organised bulwark. A big, visible thing to topple.
To be able to get away with attacking us, christos have to make monsters out of Hindus - and of course hatespeech helps (just like the propaganda of persecution and immorality spun about ancient Romans and Greco-Romans). Hence you get crude stories like "those evil Hindoos - with their suttee and their 3000 year old Apartheid - DESERVE IT". And more complex psychobabbles/fables like Wendy Doniger et al's stuff (including that article or book on how "Hindu mothers don't love their children").
Nazis were able to legitimise the wholesale genocide of Jews for the German population through the christo mechanism of propaganda. That's what christianism *does*: it massacres outright those peoples and nations who won't be heard, and it uses propaganda to manufacture consent for censuring, then criminalising then rooting out nations on whom such direct methods won't work.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->What is it that Hindus have? Legitimacy...<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Dhu, can you elaborate on what you meant? Does that also mean "legitimacy" in the sense of legitimate traditions vs artificial terrorist memes that have no business in our world?
The thinking portion of the christo(-conditioned) west does want some aspects of what Hindu Dharma - and hence Hindus - have. For them to be able to claim these things, they first need to destroy the true owners or distance the true owners from their possessions by transfer of ownership (through various delegitimising mechanisms including rewriting history). The earlier, less-refined version of this process happened to the native Americans over land: it is their land, but now they're mostly murdered out and the remainder of their people dispossessed, ignored and expressly left to slowly wither away. And no one even talks about them anymore, they're treated as if they are some extinct species. They're not. Christowest merely made the remnant invisible and inaudible to the rest of the world as it continues to mop up the remaining blood pool in whatever way it can. In our day, it doesn't seem to matter for most people that for some tens of thousands of years native Americans had ownership of the Americas - the rightful owners. It's only in the last few centuries that the land has slowly become 'christoland' and now christosettlers talk about it as always having been their gawd's promised land for the chosen christo people. (Transfer of ownership narrative.)
The part that I don't get is that other people actually accept this christoclaim and go along with it. Whatever. The land will *always* belong to the native Americans. The christosettlers will always be thieves and murderers living on stolen land. The native Americans will always retain the right to take back what is theirs (if that may ever happen) without evoking a single murmur in protest from the world.
Christowest is trying to write their own sordid history of mass-murder and violent oppression onto Bharatam instead (it's what murderers do: framing others to distract onlookers from their own crimes). Making out that Hindus don't belong in their own land and inventing terms for different Hindu communities (de-hinduising them) and referring to some as the 'original' inhabitants and the rest as aliens. Then christowest starts inciting different groups to call for independence from and expulsion of other Hindu groups. To be able to do this, de-hinduisation is very important. Traditional/cultural continuity, if not broken, means Hindu communities will identify with other Hindu communities - it will be impossible in such a case to instill amnesia in them and get them to attack their own kind. Hence the incredible opposition in the christowest to Hindu charities that prevent such amnesia among Hindus.
- Christowest will keep playing mindgames with Bharatam (since in this century they can't quite as easily mow over a rather visible nation, like they did/still do in parts of Asia, the Americas, Africa - though christos do continue to massacre people in remote regions of the country like in the NE).
- And Hindus keep getting played.
A defensive war will get Hindus nowhere, except slowly backing us further and further into a corner (and the inevitable result that will follow from there).
If Hindus want to win, they have to (learn to) play this game far better than the terrorists and make them regret having ever started messing with us.
We have to absolutely win. Otherwise we lose.
If Hindus were to play their hand successfully, they will make the terrorists beat a retreat and - just as happened with Bharatam starting the domino of independence from colonialism - other peoples may well benefit and have renewed vigour to assert themselves.
This world belongs to natural traditions. There is NO ROOM for terrorist mindviruses. They don't belong. They should get lost, be removed. Co-existence with terrorist ideologies is impossible, because to destroy natural traditions is an inseparable, inextricable part of the genetic blueprint of the terrorist mindviruses - there is <i>no way</i> of separating the 'offending sequences' from its strands. In fact, the seek-and-destroy sequence is *all* there is to the mind-virus.
Free the world. The terrorist mind-viruses ought to be eradicated; liberate the mentally-imprisoned zombies so they can return to humanity.
Our (anti-)conversion/missionary slogan ought to be: revert the world (to the Old Traditions).
Until Hindus say this and act based on this, nothing will change. What kind of apologist for serial-genocide one would have to be <i>to be willing</i> to live alongside terrorisms that destroyed the Hellenes, Romans, Jews, Parshyas, Africans, native Americans, and a host of others (including huge numbers of our own ancestors) - terrorisms which persist/will ever persist with their primary intention of destroying what remains of us all. (And after the remaining heathens have been converted, the mindviruses will be back to identifying and burning the heretics among the zombies made. Same old story.)
<b>EDITED:</b> added explicit clarification in blue above (in case it wasn't obvious to anyone). Same old thing that's been repeated forever: destroy the terrorist memes, while liberating the possessed individuals so that they are no longer possessed.
Note that terrorist mindviruses are never people, just ideologies. Therefore, eradicating mindviruses means eradicating *ideologies*, so that this frees up the sheep/ummah for re-integration into life.
We only notice that christoislamism <i>hates</i> us in the extreme, when it starts its sporadic terrorisms against us. But in the occasional calm between sustained attacks (for example, post christoPortuguese terrorism, post christoBrit terrorism), we sleep and ignore how ancient tribe upon tribe in SE Asia and nations in Africa and communities in S America get wiped out (<i>still</i> ongoing). They have no media to even remotely make a plea in their favour. We're not the last and were never the first to be on the receiving end of christianism's love.
The only difference I can see between us and some African, American and other Asian communities, is that - like Greece and Rome - we're far more urbanised and more of an organised bulwark. A big, visible thing to topple.
To be able to get away with attacking us, christos have to make monsters out of Hindus - and of course hatespeech helps (just like the propaganda of persecution and immorality spun about ancient Romans and Greco-Romans). Hence you get crude stories like "those evil Hindoos - with their suttee and their 3000 year old Apartheid - DESERVE IT". And more complex psychobabbles/fables like Wendy Doniger et al's stuff (including that article or book on how "Hindu mothers don't love their children").
Nazis were able to legitimise the wholesale genocide of Jews for the German population through the christo mechanism of propaganda. That's what christianism *does*: it massacres outright those peoples and nations who won't be heard, and it uses propaganda to manufacture consent for censuring, then criminalising then rooting out nations on whom such direct methods won't work.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->What is it that Hindus have? Legitimacy...<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Dhu, can you elaborate on what you meant? Does that also mean "legitimacy" in the sense of legitimate traditions vs artificial terrorist memes that have no business in our world?
The thinking portion of the christo(-conditioned) west does want some aspects of what Hindu Dharma - and hence Hindus - have. For them to be able to claim these things, they first need to destroy the true owners or distance the true owners from their possessions by transfer of ownership (through various delegitimising mechanisms including rewriting history). The earlier, less-refined version of this process happened to the native Americans over land: it is their land, but now they're mostly murdered out and the remainder of their people dispossessed, ignored and expressly left to slowly wither away. And no one even talks about them anymore, they're treated as if they are some extinct species. They're not. Christowest merely made the remnant invisible and inaudible to the rest of the world as it continues to mop up the remaining blood pool in whatever way it can. In our day, it doesn't seem to matter for most people that for some tens of thousands of years native Americans had ownership of the Americas - the rightful owners. It's only in the last few centuries that the land has slowly become 'christoland' and now christosettlers talk about it as always having been their gawd's promised land for the chosen christo people. (Transfer of ownership narrative.)
The part that I don't get is that other people actually accept this christoclaim and go along with it. Whatever. The land will *always* belong to the native Americans. The christosettlers will always be thieves and murderers living on stolen land. The native Americans will always retain the right to take back what is theirs (if that may ever happen) without evoking a single murmur in protest from the world.
Christowest is trying to write their own sordid history of mass-murder and violent oppression onto Bharatam instead (it's what murderers do: framing others to distract onlookers from their own crimes). Making out that Hindus don't belong in their own land and inventing terms for different Hindu communities (de-hinduising them) and referring to some as the 'original' inhabitants and the rest as aliens. Then christowest starts inciting different groups to call for independence from and expulsion of other Hindu groups. To be able to do this, de-hinduisation is very important. Traditional/cultural continuity, if not broken, means Hindu communities will identify with other Hindu communities - it will be impossible in such a case to instill amnesia in them and get them to attack their own kind. Hence the incredible opposition in the christowest to Hindu charities that prevent such amnesia among Hindus.
- Christowest will keep playing mindgames with Bharatam (since in this century they can't quite as easily mow over a rather visible nation, like they did/still do in parts of Asia, the Americas, Africa - though christos do continue to massacre people in remote regions of the country like in the NE).
- And Hindus keep getting played.
A defensive war will get Hindus nowhere, except slowly backing us further and further into a corner (and the inevitable result that will follow from there).
If Hindus want to win, they have to (learn to) play this game far better than the terrorists and make them regret having ever started messing with us.
We have to absolutely win. Otherwise we lose.
If Hindus were to play their hand successfully, they will make the terrorists beat a retreat and - just as happened with Bharatam starting the domino of independence from colonialism - other peoples may well benefit and have renewed vigour to assert themselves.
This world belongs to natural traditions. There is NO ROOM for terrorist mindviruses. They don't belong. They should get lost, be removed. Co-existence with terrorist ideologies is impossible, because to destroy natural traditions is an inseparable, inextricable part of the genetic blueprint of the terrorist mindviruses - there is <i>no way</i> of separating the 'offending sequences' from its strands. In fact, the seek-and-destroy sequence is *all* there is to the mind-virus.
Free the world. The terrorist mind-viruses ought to be eradicated; liberate the mentally-imprisoned zombies so they can return to humanity.
Our (anti-)conversion/missionary slogan ought to be: revert the world (to the Old Traditions).
Until Hindus say this and act based on this, nothing will change. What kind of apologist for serial-genocide one would have to be <i>to be willing</i> to live alongside terrorisms that destroyed the Hellenes, Romans, Jews, Parshyas, Africans, native Americans, and a host of others (including huge numbers of our own ancestors) - terrorisms which persist/will ever persist with their primary intention of destroying what remains of us all. (And after the remaining heathens have been converted, the mindviruses will be back to identifying and burning the heretics among the zombies made. Same old story.)
<b>EDITED:</b> added explicit clarification in blue above (in case it wasn't obvious to anyone). Same old thing that's been repeated forever: destroy the terrorist memes, while liberating the possessed individuals so that they are no longer possessed.
Note that terrorist mindviruses are never people, just ideologies. Therefore, eradicating mindviruses means eradicating *ideologies*, so that this frees up the sheep/ummah for re-integration into life.