na tathA kaTu-ghUtkR^itAd vyathA me
hr^idi jIrNOpavaneShu ghUkalogAt
parishIlita pArasIka vAgbhyo
yavanAnAn bhavane yathA shukebhyaH (8.13)
<span style='color:red'>(O my King), I get more perturbed by hearing the Persian language uttered by the pet-parrots from the houses of musalmans in my country, than I get troubled by hearing ill-ominous noises emitted by owls that now live in our abandoned gardens!</span>
...from the appeal of a citizen of Tamil country to the prince of karnATaka's vijayanagara, an event chroniclized by his spouse ga~NgAdevI, a Telugu lady in her madhurAvijaya, the only manuscript of which was discovered from a malayAlam library by Pandit N Ramasvami Sastriar in 1905, and I quote this from a Hindi translation of the same by Dr. Sharada Mishra, Professor in Sankrit Dept. of Patna University, thanks for finding which goes to BhV.
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hr^idi jIrNOpavaneShu ghUkalogAt
parishIlita pArasIka vAgbhyo
yavanAnAn bhavane yathA shukebhyaH (8.13)
<span style='color:red'>(O my King), I get more perturbed by hearing the Persian language uttered by the pet-parrots from the houses of musalmans in my country, than I get troubled by hearing ill-ominous noises emitted by owls that now live in our abandoned gardens!</span>
...from the appeal of a citizen of Tamil country to the prince of karnATaka's vijayanagara, an event chroniclized by his spouse ga~NgAdevI, a Telugu lady in her madhurAvijaya, the only manuscript of which was discovered from a malayAlam library by Pandit N Ramasvami Sastriar in 1905, and I quote this from a Hindi translation of the same by Dr. Sharada Mishra, Professor in Sankrit Dept. of Patna University, thanks for finding which goes to BhV.
More on this chapter of madhurAvijaya