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Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan 3
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->we must look deeper into the root cause.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

sure. can not wait.
but answer it seems is not far in your analysis:

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->India has faced terrorism on its soil from the pre Independence era. The communal knife had sliced the subcontinent so deeply that it resulted in the partition.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Communalism. With an appeal to pre-partition history. Right.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->It was like two brothers who were so filled with hatred and pain that they refused to look into the eye of facts and allowed themselves to be overtaken by the tide of the wrath of communal dissent.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

But you did not go into next level of root cause analysis of this "communalism"? What caused this "hatred and pain"?

Can you start to list down the causes of "hatred and pain" on both camps?

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->India has faced terrorism on its soil from the pre Independence era. The communal knife had sliced the subcontinent so deeply that it resulted in the partition. It was like two brothers who were so filled with hatred and pain that they refused to look into the eye of facts and allowed themselves to be overtaken by the tide of the wrath of communal dissent .Some fractions of the society didn’t opt to be just bystanders and wanted to make someone pay for the hurt and loss of lives and they were the ones who first raised the demons of terrorism. Be it the RSS, the Hindu Mahasabha or the multiple Sikh fractions or the Muslim league bred youth wing, they all were in some way or the other responsible to the massacre that took the toll of more than 1 million human lives on both sides and displaced more than 10 times the figure of human population which was the largest in modern history.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Please start with looking for answers to these:

1. What was the cause of "hatred and pain" that motivated the Mopla Riots in Kerala (1920-22)? RSS was not yet formed. HMS was a non-actor.

2. What was the motivation for creation of a separate Muslim College (later Aligarh Muslim University) by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan? (BHU or the like did not yet exist). What was the root-cause for Muslim League's opposition to the intruduction of Hindi language and Devanagari script in the courts of United Provinces in 1916, when a proposal was made by people to include Hindi only as an addition to existing Urdu-Farsi? What was the root cause for their demand to uphold the exclusive control of Urdu in government function? What is communal in "Hindi-Devanagari"?

3. What was the "Hindu Communalism" in reaction to which Sir Syed, the topmost Muslim leader, stated that Hindus and Muslims could not live together unless the one conquered and put down the other? And on this basis questioned the very national character of the Indian National Congress?

4. What motivated the muslim support for a separate East Bengal in 1905? It must have been a reaction to the Hindu communalism?

5. What was communal in the Swadeshi movement, that Muslim League rose as a reaction?

6. What was communal in Vande Mataram of Bankim Chandra against which even Moslems of INC, the likes of Mawlana Azad too, reacted?

7. For the analysis of this "terrorism" or "communalism", why should we be restricted in the retrospection of history, only to "pre-partition days", meaning implicitly the post-RSS period? Why should we not travel back in time and survey the last 900 years and identify the deepest root-cause from where the cultural divide and "hatred and pain" of the "two brothers" coming from?

8. Now, talking about Pakistan, can you answer why their missiles are named after Ghori, Ghaznavi, and Abdali? Why is their port named after ibn-Quasim? None of these are "pre-partition" heroes, and I hope you know the acheivements of theirs. And I hope you understand that these names signifiy the real "Roots" of the idea behind Pakistan. Now, pray, tell me, how should India (or Hindus) reconcile with an entity that takes pride in Gaznavi, Ghori, Abdali and ibn-Quasim? Please tell us the way.

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Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan 3 - by Bodhi - 12-16-2008, 02:37 PM

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