12-28-2008, 05:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-28-2008, 10:33 PM by Bharatvarsh.)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->If it's a blood sport, then I so thoroughly approve. Time Hindus stopped playing the squeamish roles we've taken on in recent generations. Something like this may train Hindu minds. It's not enough that Hindus learn to shoot or use weapons, unarmed combat is a must to learn. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I wouldn't say its a blood sport (used by the western media to demonize it) but a much more REALISTIC and SAFER sport than for example boxing, mainstream mma has adopted a lot of rules to be sanctioned in US (the very first mma shows in US were like rioheroes but got banned due to the moral police led by mccain, so they had to adopt a lot of garbage rules to please people like him), but what you see in rioheroes is the closest you can get to ancient mallayuddha or greek pankration. They fight under the warriors code which means no groin shots, biting, hair pulling, eye gouging, i think thats about it. In pankration the only ban was on eye gouging and biting, everything else was fair game.
Th only rule not there in rioheroes which is there in mainstream mma orgs that makes the fighters more safe is a ban on strikes to the back of the head which can sometimes kill a person, BUT even in rioheroes both fighters give consent knowing the risks involved.
The other difference between ancient pankration and rioheroes is in ancient pankration the bout was stopped only if the other fighter was dead or he submitted, in rioheroes a win can be secured either by the other guy tapping out (submitting), getting knocked out OR the referee stopping the fight if he feels that the other fighter is so badly hit that he/she can no longer defend himself intelligently.
Now coming to the "blood sport" allegation made (as a bad thing), i would say boxing is far more unsafe and unrealistic, in boxing you can punch a guy in the head for 12 rounds, you can only win by a knock out (and even in that you get a count to 10 to get up and fight again) which means a boxer on average takes far more punches to the head causing brain damage, but funnily enough they stop at the sign of a cut and blood coming out (which looks disgusting to the squeamish types) but causes nowhere near the amount of harm that repeated punches to the head do. It is unrealistic in the fact that rarely would you see real street fights just confined to two guys punching each other in the head, more often than not people kick, wrestle, go down to the ground etc none of which boxing incorporates, punching is just 1 part of fighting.
By contrast in both mainstream mma, and rioheroes a fighter can win by submission (arm bars, leg locks etc), knock out (no count), and referee stoppage, and fighters dont have to confine their blows to the head (probably one of the most sensitive areas in the human body) like boxing, so an mma fighter takes far less blows to the head compared to a boxer.
Then there is the use of gloves, rounds etc in both mainstream mma, and boxing (particularly boxing which uses huge gloves when compared to mainstream mma orgs). To that, here is what rioheroes had to say:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->RioHeroes is a vale tudo fight league with no intentions of replicating or conforming to any of the current MMA fight leagues. The company has nothing against MMA, however, we strive to provide real life fights without corporate sanctioned regulations, rounds, or time limits. RioHeroes is a true vale tudo league and will remain that way forever.
For those who want to see true professional vale tudo fights, please feel free to utilize all of the benefits this site has to offer. If you want to see regulated, corporate sanctioned fights, this website is not for you.
RioHeroes, and its enacted policies, protects the fighters for many reasons. Gloves are not allowed because they protect the fighters hands, allowing them to throw unending blows without suffering from any damage to the fists, causing severe head trauma to their opponent. Time limits and rounds allow fighters to rest, regaining strength and stamina, before re-entering the next round. This allows the fighters to once again throw more traumatic blows then a fighter who has been a cage battling for an indefinite amount of time.
All of our fighters have come together to agree on a basic set of rules which we refer to as the Warrior's Code. This includes: no eye-gouging, no hair pulling, no biting, and no groin shots. Besides that, Anything Goes.
There has never been a more qualified referee in any professional fight then Jorge Pereira. He knows better then anyone when it is necessary to stop a fight. Lastly, once the fights begin, the attending medical doctor has total control over the fight and can stop it at any time.
-Jason Atkins, President
Jorge Pereira, Vice President <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Having huge gloves like boxing may look safe (and it is safe for the knuckles) but it also means that it gives you the ability to throw punches to the other guys head for far longer than you would with bare knuckles, thus increasing the likelihood of brain damage or death.
I wouldn't say its a blood sport (used by the western media to demonize it) but a much more REALISTIC and SAFER sport than for example boxing, mainstream mma has adopted a lot of rules to be sanctioned in US (the very first mma shows in US were like rioheroes but got banned due to the moral police led by mccain, so they had to adopt a lot of garbage rules to please people like him), but what you see in rioheroes is the closest you can get to ancient mallayuddha or greek pankration. They fight under the warriors code which means no groin shots, biting, hair pulling, eye gouging, i think thats about it. In pankration the only ban was on eye gouging and biting, everything else was fair game.
Th only rule not there in rioheroes which is there in mainstream mma orgs that makes the fighters more safe is a ban on strikes to the back of the head which can sometimes kill a person, BUT even in rioheroes both fighters give consent knowing the risks involved.
The other difference between ancient pankration and rioheroes is in ancient pankration the bout was stopped only if the other fighter was dead or he submitted, in rioheroes a win can be secured either by the other guy tapping out (submitting), getting knocked out OR the referee stopping the fight if he feels that the other fighter is so badly hit that he/she can no longer defend himself intelligently.
Now coming to the "blood sport" allegation made (as a bad thing), i would say boxing is far more unsafe and unrealistic, in boxing you can punch a guy in the head for 12 rounds, you can only win by a knock out (and even in that you get a count to 10 to get up and fight again) which means a boxer on average takes far more punches to the head causing brain damage, but funnily enough they stop at the sign of a cut and blood coming out (which looks disgusting to the squeamish types) but causes nowhere near the amount of harm that repeated punches to the head do. It is unrealistic in the fact that rarely would you see real street fights just confined to two guys punching each other in the head, more often than not people kick, wrestle, go down to the ground etc none of which boxing incorporates, punching is just 1 part of fighting.
By contrast in both mainstream mma, and rioheroes a fighter can win by submission (arm bars, leg locks etc), knock out (no count), and referee stoppage, and fighters dont have to confine their blows to the head (probably one of the most sensitive areas in the human body) like boxing, so an mma fighter takes far less blows to the head compared to a boxer.
Then there is the use of gloves, rounds etc in both mainstream mma, and boxing (particularly boxing which uses huge gloves when compared to mainstream mma orgs). To that, here is what rioheroes had to say:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->RioHeroes is a vale tudo fight league with no intentions of replicating or conforming to any of the current MMA fight leagues. The company has nothing against MMA, however, we strive to provide real life fights without corporate sanctioned regulations, rounds, or time limits. RioHeroes is a true vale tudo league and will remain that way forever.
For those who want to see true professional vale tudo fights, please feel free to utilize all of the benefits this site has to offer. If you want to see regulated, corporate sanctioned fights, this website is not for you.
RioHeroes, and its enacted policies, protects the fighters for many reasons. Gloves are not allowed because they protect the fighters hands, allowing them to throw unending blows without suffering from any damage to the fists, causing severe head trauma to their opponent. Time limits and rounds allow fighters to rest, regaining strength and stamina, before re-entering the next round. This allows the fighters to once again throw more traumatic blows then a fighter who has been a cage battling for an indefinite amount of time.
All of our fighters have come together to agree on a basic set of rules which we refer to as the Warrior's Code. This includes: no eye-gouging, no hair pulling, no biting, and no groin shots. Besides that, Anything Goes.
There has never been a more qualified referee in any professional fight then Jorge Pereira. He knows better then anyone when it is necessary to stop a fight. Lastly, once the fights begin, the attending medical doctor has total control over the fight and can stop it at any time.
-Jason Atkins, President
Jorge Pereira, Vice President <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Having huge gloves like boxing may look safe (and it is safe for the knuckles) but it also means that it gives you the ability to throw punches to the other guys head for far longer than you would with bare knuckles, thus increasing the likelihood of brain damage or death.