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How To Preserve Sannathana Dharma
The idea of starting this thread is to gather opinions and views as to how we could effectively preserve the vedic culture and develop an action plan that will enable us to combat the degeneration of our customs and traditions under the attack of the urban pseudo - cable culture of globalization having not only changed our social behavior but also gradually alienating us from our roots .Any ideas and suggestions are welcome in containing this trend .It will build distinction from what is real understanding of the Saanaathana Dharma and what has been diluted by interpolation by bigots and anti – Brahmins .I intent to sponsor a Patshala that will take the best of the suggestions here.The following work really made me sit up and think as why we remain so passive to threats

New Book Coming Soon

Crimes Against India

And The Need to Protect its Ancient Vedic Tradition

1000 Years of Attacks on Hinduism And What to do About it

by Stephen Knapp

India is a most resilient country, and is presently becoming a great economic power in the world. It also has one of the oldest and dynamic cultures the world has ever known, but few people seem to understand the many trials and difficulties that the country has faced, or the present problems India is still forced to deal with in preserving the culture of the majority Hindus who live in the country. This is described in the real history of the country, which a decreasing number of people seem to recall.

Therefore, this book is to honor the efforts that have been shown by those in the past who fought and worked to protect India and its culture, and to help preserve India as the homeland of a living and dynamic Vedic tradition of Sanatana-dharma (the eternal path of duty and wisdom).

There are also many people who do not know of the many angles and ways in which this profound heritage is being attacked and threatened today, and what we can do about it. There is much to do to protect this culture, and until we are aware of how it has been assaulted in the past, and how it is threatened in the present, we will not have the motivation to take a stand and defend it.

Therefore, we should carefully understand:

· How there is presently a war against Hinduism and its yoga culture.

· The weaknesses of India that allowed invaders to conquer her.

· Lessons from India’s real history that should not be forgotten.

· The atrocities committed by the Muslim invaders, and how they tried to destroy Vedic culture and its many temples, and slaughtered thousands of Indian Hindus.

· How the British viciously exploited India and its people for its resources.

· How the cruelest of all Christian Inquisitions in Goa tortured and killed thousands of Hindus.

<b>· Action plans for preserving and strengthening Vedic India today.</b>

<b>· How all Hindus and concerned people must stand up and be strong for protecting the universal spiritual traditions of Vedic culture. </b>

In the darkest of eras that this world has seen and will see in the future, the Vedic tradition, the culture of yoga, will remain India’s gift to the people who inhabit this planet. It is this spiritual culture of Sanatana-dharma that remains the spiritual guide of humanity. This is the reason why India is here, and for the contribution that she makes, and the reason why we must work to protect it.


Messages In This Thread
How To Preserve Sannathana Dharma - by Guest - 12-29-2008, 11:29 AM
How To Preserve Sannathana Dharma - by Guest - 12-29-2008, 11:38 PM
How To Preserve Sannathana Dharma - by Guest - 12-30-2008, 04:27 AM
How To Preserve Sannathana Dharma - by Guest - 12-30-2008, 10:31 AM
How To Preserve Sannathana Dharma - by Guest - 12-30-2008, 12:19 AM

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