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Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan 3
Makes sense. This would be another bakri being sent up by Manmohan. It will be more on the order of few thousand troops. Without assured supply routes and air cover, they will be swallowed up by Paki F-16's. Nothing happens in the Afghan theater, without prior NATO approval. Condi probably sounded this line to Manmohan: stand down in kashmir border, send up bakri to afghanistan instead, you will win next election on foolish hindu votes who will forget all anti-hindu maneuvers. bakri gets sent up before election, and gets taken down after election with no repurcussions. Commies will shadowbox their opposition. All jokers missing since nuke deal tamasha will crop up.

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Twirp : Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Republic Pakistan 3 - by dhu - 12-30-2008, 10:49 PM

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