12-31-2008, 03:37 PM
Congratulations, Rhytha.
<b>The Pada or word/name Naka</b>
Pronounced Naaka has a solar meaning: naáka m. the sun Naighantu i. 4;
But, Naka would not give 7, 16 or 25.
<b>The Pada or word/name Nyá </b>
In the 1st vibhakti = nominative case: Nyás > Nyó in Sandhi at AV. xi, 7, 4.
About the Dhaatu ny-as
Parasmaipada ny-asyati, or ny-asati, to throw or cast or lay or put down
- (with 7th vibhakti or locative case, e.g. bhuvi, on the earth) AV. &c. &c.; to take off MBh. Ram.; to give up, resign (as life) Ram.; to set in the ground, plant (prarohaan, shoots) Bâlar.;
- (with 7th vibhakti or locative case) to throw or hurl upon, pour or shed on or in, put or place or fix or insert in, turn or direct to, deposit with, intrust or commit to;
- to settle arrange MBh. Kâv. &c. (with citre, "to place in a picture", paint, depict; with shirasi, to place on the head", receive with reverence; with manasi, to call to mind", reflect, ponder; with pathi, "to lay on the road", give up); to bring forward, mention Mall.: Caus. (pf. nyaasayaam-aasa or sayaaM-cakre) to cause to put or lay down MBh.
But, not much of a solar meaning here.
Looking at the text place of Nyá in the Atharvaveda:
Atharvaveda XI.7.4 (Shaunaka Shakha)
<b>drDHó drMHa sthiró nyó bráhma viÅhvasrÌjo dáÅha |
naaÌbhim iva sarvátaÅh cakrám úcchiSHTe devátaaH ÅhritaaH ||4||</b>
The firm, <i>the fast, the strong, the hard, Brahma, the All-creating Ten.
Gods, as a wheel about the nave, are fixed all round the Residue.</i>
Nyá here is translated as "the hard", referring to something firmly planted or placed in the earth/ground. The 7th Hymn is a glorification of the UcchiSHTa (ud-shiSHTa) or Residue of the Yajna. If you want to grasp the meaning of this 7th hymn, see:here.
The transcribed Sanskrit text can be read at: skt. Or in Devanagari script at devanagari.
Hope this helps.
<b>The Pada or word/name Naka</b>
Pronounced Naaka has a solar meaning: naáka m. the sun Naighantu i. 4;
But, Naka would not give 7, 16 or 25.
<b>The Pada or word/name Nyá </b>
In the 1st vibhakti = nominative case: Nyás > Nyó in Sandhi at AV. xi, 7, 4.
About the Dhaatu ny-as
Parasmaipada ny-asyati, or ny-asati, to throw or cast or lay or put down
- (with 7th vibhakti or locative case, e.g. bhuvi, on the earth) AV. &c. &c.; to take off MBh. Ram.; to give up, resign (as life) Ram.; to set in the ground, plant (prarohaan, shoots) Bâlar.;
- (with 7th vibhakti or locative case) to throw or hurl upon, pour or shed on or in, put or place or fix or insert in, turn or direct to, deposit with, intrust or commit to;
- to settle arrange MBh. Kâv. &c. (with citre, "to place in a picture", paint, depict; with shirasi, to place on the head", receive with reverence; with manasi, to call to mind", reflect, ponder; with pathi, "to lay on the road", give up); to bring forward, mention Mall.: Caus. (pf. nyaasayaam-aasa or sayaaM-cakre) to cause to put or lay down MBh.
But, not much of a solar meaning here.
Looking at the text place of Nyá in the Atharvaveda:
Atharvaveda XI.7.4 (Shaunaka Shakha)
<b>drDHó drMHa sthiró nyó bráhma viÅhvasrÌjo dáÅha |
naaÌbhim iva sarvátaÅh cakrám úcchiSHTe devátaaH ÅhritaaH ||4||</b>
The firm, <i>the fast, the strong, the hard, Brahma, the All-creating Ten.
Gods, as a wheel about the nave, are fixed all round the Residue.</i>
Nyá here is translated as "the hard", referring to something firmly planted or placed in the earth/ground. The 7th Hymn is a glorification of the UcchiSHTa (ud-shiSHTa) or Residue of the Yajna. If you want to grasp the meaning of this 7th hymn, see:here.
The transcribed Sanskrit text can be read at: skt. Or in Devanagari script at devanagari.
Hope this helps.