01-11-2009, 02:39 AM
Gujurat is now a hinduised state
For decades gujus were gandhists
However, they matched muslim breeding,
and muslims will never exceed 10% in gujurat
and once moditva took hold, hindu rashtra is established in gujurat
As contrast kerala
hindus failed to breed and muslims expanded from 17% in 1951 to 25% today simply by breeding and are 33% by birth
kerala hindus are screwed even if by some miracle hindu awareness happens at some point
I am not forcing anyone to breed
but rather spread awareness of the consequences of non-breeding
Replacement fertility is 3
And hindus are below replacement fertility 2.65
Now every hindu must ask themselves why they are not
at least at replacement fertility
regarding extra constitutional methods - sorry will never happen
hindu society is in state at present that initially only passive defence will work - and counter breeding is passive defence
getting the mass mentality to go to extra constitutional methods will take decades and each day the demographics balance is making it worse
A look at extra constitutional methods in USSR
the soviets forced secularism, but the muslims simply breeded
from 9% in 1939 to 19% by 1990 and the russians dumped the CIS states
to avoid internal islamic takeover
Does hindu society have the ruthlessness of stalin?
70% of sovietism failed to roll back islam
My pessimistic scenario is by 2050, India will give up Assam, West Bengal and kerala and to reduce internal muslims from 17% t o12%