<b>January 15, 1934:</b>
A major earthquake measuring 8.4 on Richter scale struck in the afternoon this day in parts of Bihar and Nepal. Over 30,000 people reported to have been killed; much of Kathmandu and parts of Darjeeling were damaged; Munger, Muzaffarpur wree largely destroyed with huge casuality. The epicenter was on the border between Nepal and Bihar and an area of 120,000 square miles was affected. Observers compared this earthquake to the 1897 Assam and 1905 Punjab quakes.
<b>January 15, 1948:</b>
Debate on Kashmir issue began in United Nations Security Council upon India's request. Speaking today in UNSC, Pakistan's ambassador made scathing charges against India: India's illegal occupation of Kashmir, Junagadh and other states; and "pogroms" against Moslems in India, and so on.
On the same day, ironically, as M K Gandhi entered the third day of his fast to establish "communal unity" and "Peace", the GoI Cabinet declared the implementation of financial agreement with Pakistan and immediate payment of the balance sum to Pakistan as gesture of goodwill, amid protests by V B Patel, the deputy PM.
A major earthquake measuring 8.4 on Richter scale struck in the afternoon this day in parts of Bihar and Nepal. Over 30,000 people reported to have been killed; much of Kathmandu and parts of Darjeeling were damaged; Munger, Muzaffarpur wree largely destroyed with huge casuality. The epicenter was on the border between Nepal and Bihar and an area of 120,000 square miles was affected. Observers compared this earthquake to the 1897 Assam and 1905 Punjab quakes.
<b>January 15, 1948:</b>
Debate on Kashmir issue began in United Nations Security Council upon India's request. Speaking today in UNSC, Pakistan's ambassador made scathing charges against India: India's illegal occupation of Kashmir, Junagadh and other states; and "pogroms" against Moslems in India, and so on.
On the same day, ironically, as M K Gandhi entered the third day of his fast to establish "communal unity" and "Peace", the GoI Cabinet declared the implementation of financial agreement with Pakistan and immediate payment of the balance sum to Pakistan as gesture of goodwill, amid protests by V B Patel, the deputy PM.