12-13-2004, 11:20 PM
A shift of staggering proportions has just occurred -- and it will blindside investors, trip up Wall Street gurus and enrich anyone who grasps it's true implications.
This sweeping shift is already under way. And for investors, uncertain about how to invest in 2005, the real surprise is that President Bush's reelection isn't what's really important. That's because it is Alan Greenspan whose hand will remain on the economy's tiller throughout President Bush's second term.
And Alan Greenspan has just made a radical shift in direction.
This gives you an extraordinary opportunity, as you are about to see.
Your own success over the next 6 - 12 months does not depend on President Bush's agenda -- but on your grasp of the change that has occurred in "Greenspanomics."
An Important Shift Blindsides Investors
Time was, The Chairman would try to direct the economy.
Try and fail.
The Post-Election Boom
How to Get Your Share
Tighten your seatbelts, folks -- it's going to be a bumpy ride.
The next 12 months will see a productivity surge -- and a market opportunity unlike anything since the early '80s.
But, despite the imminent boom, it'll pay you to invest prudently.
In fact, it'll pay you a lot more than if you blithely believe that this rising tide will lift all boats.
For the last 18 years, subscribers of Young's Intelligence Report have had one mantra: safe and cheap. Safe and cheap -- IN THAT ORDER.
This approach has built the wealth of many hundreds of thousands of families. Some of our subscribers are the grandchildren of Charter Subscribers, and as you can imagine, they've got the "safe and cheap" religion.
If you don't have it, get it now -- or lose a bundle in the year ahead.
Today the economy is virtually impossible to direct -- the system is too complex, too global and simply too vast. And Greenspan has now acknowledged that this is so.
That's why Greenspanomics today is based on shepherding the economy. This means trends already in play -- will continue to play out in 2005.
The Federal Reserve can only influence -- never direct -- those trends.
This represents a huge shift.
That's why, for example, over the summer, Greenspan made two of the most widely-publicized, widely-predicted rate hikes in history.
He doesn't want markets spooked by surprises.
Or, as he has put it, "When events are unexpected...human beings become less able to cope. The failure...induces fear and, hence, disengagement...whether it be entering a dark room or taking positions in markets."
Think about this for a moment.
No more dark rooms.
A transparent, well-lit Federal Reserve.
And markets where prices are set, not by the Federal Reserve but, as Greenspan has said, "by judgments of millions of investors...highly knowledgeable about the prospects for specific investments."
Of course, this is a disaster for conspiracy-freaks and doomsayers!
But for investors who understand that certain trends already developing are now unstoppable -- well, this is a happy, happy day.
Which brings us back the real meaning of Bush's reelection.
You see, by now it is well understood that the economy itself is well beyond any president's control. George W. Bush can not be blamed for the recession that overtook the economy 2 months after his inauguration. Nor, in truth, can he be fully credited with it's recovery.
The last president to wield real influence over the economy was Franklin D. Roosevelt -- and, despite his drastic measures, even he was powerless when the economy plunged back into depression in 1937.
In short, no president has control over the economy.
More recently, the Federal Reserve has become endowed with the mythical power that once was the president's. But Chairman Greenspan's new "handsoff" approach gives us all a wonderful opportunity.
An opportunity to profit, no matter what.
4 Unstoppable Trends Benefit Most
There are four trends that benefit most from laissez-faire Greenspanomics:
1. Energy. We're in the midst of a rip-snorting energy crisis, and Bush can't do very much about it. Oil, natural gas, electrical transmission and coal are your best bets here. Again, complete instructions follow. Don't you dare miss out on this!
2. Regional housing. The big surprise here is that, while housing is indeed a "bubble" in some areas, in most of the country, it is still playing catch up. And right now, 70 million people are migrating to exurban areas -- small towns and customized communities. In the next few pages, I will give you 3 specific investments to make now that cash in on this bonanza.
3. The real digital revolution has arrived, and it is time -- finally -- to get on board. The biggest single investment mistake you could make in the next 12 months is to neglect information technology.
4. Cult brands. When consumers become loyal, fortunes are cemented. Companies that have a better product, know your name, give high levels of satisfaction consistently and, in short, actually give a damn will beat any index you can name in the next 12 months.
This sweeping shift is already under way. And for investors, uncertain about how to invest in 2005, the real surprise is that President Bush's reelection isn't what's really important. That's because it is Alan Greenspan whose hand will remain on the economy's tiller throughout President Bush's second term.
And Alan Greenspan has just made a radical shift in direction.
This gives you an extraordinary opportunity, as you are about to see.
Your own success over the next 6 - 12 months does not depend on President Bush's agenda -- but on your grasp of the change that has occurred in "Greenspanomics."
An Important Shift Blindsides Investors
Time was, The Chairman would try to direct the economy.
Try and fail.
The Post-Election Boom
How to Get Your Share
Tighten your seatbelts, folks -- it's going to be a bumpy ride.
The next 12 months will see a productivity surge -- and a market opportunity unlike anything since the early '80s.
But, despite the imminent boom, it'll pay you to invest prudently.
In fact, it'll pay you a lot more than if you blithely believe that this rising tide will lift all boats.
For the last 18 years, subscribers of Young's Intelligence Report have had one mantra: safe and cheap. Safe and cheap -- IN THAT ORDER.
This approach has built the wealth of many hundreds of thousands of families. Some of our subscribers are the grandchildren of Charter Subscribers, and as you can imagine, they've got the "safe and cheap" religion.
If you don't have it, get it now -- or lose a bundle in the year ahead.
Today the economy is virtually impossible to direct -- the system is too complex, too global and simply too vast. And Greenspan has now acknowledged that this is so.
That's why Greenspanomics today is based on shepherding the economy. This means trends already in play -- will continue to play out in 2005.
The Federal Reserve can only influence -- never direct -- those trends.
This represents a huge shift.
That's why, for example, over the summer, Greenspan made two of the most widely-publicized, widely-predicted rate hikes in history.
He doesn't want markets spooked by surprises.
Or, as he has put it, "When events are unexpected...human beings become less able to cope. The failure...induces fear and, hence, disengagement...whether it be entering a dark room or taking positions in markets."
Think about this for a moment.
No more dark rooms.
A transparent, well-lit Federal Reserve.
And markets where prices are set, not by the Federal Reserve but, as Greenspan has said, "by judgments of millions of investors...highly knowledgeable about the prospects for specific investments."
Of course, this is a disaster for conspiracy-freaks and doomsayers!
But for investors who understand that certain trends already developing are now unstoppable -- well, this is a happy, happy day.
Which brings us back the real meaning of Bush's reelection.
You see, by now it is well understood that the economy itself is well beyond any president's control. George W. Bush can not be blamed for the recession that overtook the economy 2 months after his inauguration. Nor, in truth, can he be fully credited with it's recovery.
The last president to wield real influence over the economy was Franklin D. Roosevelt -- and, despite his drastic measures, even he was powerless when the economy plunged back into depression in 1937.
In short, no president has control over the economy.
More recently, the Federal Reserve has become endowed with the mythical power that once was the president's. But Chairman Greenspan's new "handsoff" approach gives us all a wonderful opportunity.
An opportunity to profit, no matter what.
4 Unstoppable Trends Benefit Most
There are four trends that benefit most from laissez-faire Greenspanomics:
1. Energy. We're in the midst of a rip-snorting energy crisis, and Bush can't do very much about it. Oil, natural gas, electrical transmission and coal are your best bets here. Again, complete instructions follow. Don't you dare miss out on this!
2. Regional housing. The big surprise here is that, while housing is indeed a "bubble" in some areas, in most of the country, it is still playing catch up. And right now, 70 million people are migrating to exurban areas -- small towns and customized communities. In the next few pages, I will give you 3 specific investments to make now that cash in on this bonanza.
3. The real digital revolution has arrived, and it is time -- finally -- to get on board. The biggest single investment mistake you could make in the next 12 months is to neglect information technology.
4. Cult brands. When consumers become loyal, fortunes are cemented. Companies that have a better product, know your name, give high levels of satisfaction consistently and, in short, actually give a damn will beat any index you can name in the next 12 months.