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Letters To Be Cut Pasted
<b>3. Bleeding India's population</b>

<i>Will Durant, The Case for India (1930), Chapter 1:</i>
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->The Indian forces number some 204,000 men;53 60,000 of them are British,54 including all officers; 1,874 are aviators55--the last resort of despotism. There are only a few Hindu officers, and no Hindu is allowed in the air force or the artillery, but 70% of the common soldiery are natives. The Hindus are reputed by the British to be incapable of self-defense, but no British Government has been willing to believe this to the extent of allowing Hindus to learn the art of incorporated murder.

The expense of maintaining this army, whose function is <b>the continual subjection of India by bullets, shells and air-bombs</b>, is borne by the Indian people. In 1926 its cost was $200,735,660-a tax of 3% on the scanty earnings of every man, woman and child in the land.

Wherever the Indian army sheds its (mostly native) blood, in Afghanistan or Burma or Mesopotamia or France (for the government is free to send it anywhere), the expense is met not by the Empire which it enlarges or defends, but by Indian revenues alone. When England had to send British troops to India in 1857 it charged India with the cost not only of transporting them, maintaining them in India, and bringing them back home, but with their maintenance in Great Britain for six months before they sailed.56 During the nineteenth century India paid $450,000,000 for wars fought for England outside of India with Indian troops. She contributed $500,000,000 to the War chest of the Allies, $700,000,000 in subscriptions to War loans, <b>800,000</b> soldiers, and <b>400,000</b> laborers to defend the British Empire outside of India during the Great War.57 In 1922 64% of the total revenue of India was devoted to this army of fratricides: Hindus compelled to kill Hindus in Burma until Burma consented to come under British rule; <b>Hindus compelled to defend</b> on the fields of Flanders <b>the Empire which in every year, as will appear later, was starving ten million Hindus to death.</b> No other army in the world consumes so large a proportion of the public revenues. In 1926 the Viceroy announced the intention of the Government to build a "Royal Indian Navy"; the proposal added that this navy should be used wherever in the Empire the British Parliament might care to send it, and that the entire cost of the navy should be met from the revenues of India.58 It pays to be free.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<i><b>3.1. Deliberate Genocide and Negationism: Christian Britain admires its own Hitlers, like Winston Churchill, even as it hides the colossal Holocaust it perpetrated on Hindu Bharatam</b></i>

Dr. Gideon Polya (<i>Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History</i>) already mentioned how Churchill hated Hindus and expressly allowed them to die in the Bengal Famine his nation's christianism inflicted.

The following statements concerning Winstone Churchill are from http://hinduwisdom.info/European_Imperialism.htm

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Amery was bemused by Churchill's “curious hatred of India ” and concluded that he was “really not quite normal on the subject”. Indeed Amery was not sure “whether on this subject of India he is really quite sane.” Provoked beyond endurance by Churchill’s bigotry, <b>Amery, on one occasion, said: “I didn’t see much difference between his outlook and Hitler’s”.</b> Amery was not a liberal or progressive, but a hardnosed right wing imperialist. And it was not just to Amery that Churchill made his feelings clear.

Churchill, “who seemed to regard famine relief as ‘appeasement’ of the Congress”. On one occasion when presented with details of the crisis in Bengal, Churchill commented, “on Indians breeding like rabbits”. As far as he was concerned “the starvation of anyhow underfed Bengalis is less serious than sturdy Greeks”, a sentiment with which Amery concurred.

In February 1945 Churchill told his private secretary, Sir John Colville (1915-1987) that:
<b>“the Hindus were a foul race…and he wished Bert Harris (Air Marshall Bert "Bomber" Harris (1892 - 1984) could send some of his surplus bombers to destroy them.”</b>

Somewhat predictably, Churchill’s part in the failure of famine relief in Bengal , one of the great crimes of the war, is not something that his innumerable biographers have been concerned to explore. This is really quite disgraceful. To quote N B Bonarjee, author of Under Two Masters, and the district magistrate who had loyally helped suppress the Quit India revolt.

In his memoirs he writes bitterly of how the Viceroy broadcast of 13 May 1945 Churchill had thanked Australia, Canada and New Zealand for their <b>contribution to the war effort,</b> but could not bring himself to mention <b>India “although she provided more in men and material than the rest put together.”</b>

(source: <i>The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire</i> - By John Newsinger p. 157 - 159).<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Note how Churchill and the rest of the christian British government were quite into genocide, just like the catholic Hitler. Note how Hitler has been rightly recognised as a genocidal maniac, but that christian Britain—the christian Britain of faithful catholic film-maker Danny Boyle—still reveres Churchill. Danny Boyle is continuing the christian (fascist) lies of the erstwhile christian (fascist) British Empire against Hindus and Hindu Bharatam.
Like in WWI, India saved the day for Britain in WWII as well. In this war too, Bharatam provided more soldiers than all the rest of the commonwealth put together.

More of Churchill's christian <i>nazism</i>:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Winston Churchill - A Christian Bigot at Heart</b>
Posted January 17, 2006

In fact, many of the views he (Churchill) held were virtually Nazi. For example, <b>as Home Minister he had advocated euthanasia and sterilisation of the handicapped</b>. In his own racial hierarchy, blacks were down below all others, Indians too were markedly inferior to Europeans. Even <b>Italians did not have the character to rule themselves, which was why Churchill believed they needed a dictator, and therefore applauded Mussolini.</b>

The extent of Churchill's racism can be gleaned by many extracts from his speeches. For example, <b>in 1937 he said "I do not admit...that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia...by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race... has come in and taken its place."</b> Thus justifying one of the most brutal genocides and mass displacement of people in history. He also had hatred for Indians "I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion." By `beastly religion' he was of course talking about Hinduism.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<i><b>3.2. Sadistic christianism and its gas chambers: experimenting on Indian soldiers</b></i>

Apparently the christians from Britain were forever ungrateful to Indian soldiers for have bailed them out in World War I.
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>"Military scientists tested mustard gas on Indians</b>
· Hundreds of soldiers used in experiments
· Illnesses caused by carcinogen not tracked"<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Mustard Gas Tested on Indian Soldiers </b>

According to recently discovered documents at the British National Archives in London, British scientists tested the effects of mustard gas on Indian soldiers for over a ten-year period. Beginning in the early 1930s, scientists at Rawalpindi sent Indian soldiers, wearing only shorts and cotton shirts, into <b>gas chambers to experience the effects of mustard gas</b>. The scientists hoped to determine the appropriate dosage to use on battlefields. Many of the subjects suffered severe burns from their exposure to the gas. No long term effects of exposure were documented or studied.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Will Durant had discussed how the Indian soldiers in WWI were compelled to fight for Britain, and the mustard gas experimentation probably involved the same amount of 'volunteering'.

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