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Bollywood And Propaganda

20/04/2009 07:40:28  SLUM-DOG and her FATHER
(Title is: <b>I was ready to go to Saudi:Rubina</b>
20 Apr 2009, 1431 hrs IST, MUMBAI MIRROR)

Following a sting operation that showed the nine-year-old’s father demanding a whopping Rs 1.8 crore to give her up for adoption, relatives from Rubina breaks down as squabble continues all over turned up, seeking ‘a share of the pie’

Following a sting operation by a British tabloid, nine-year-old angel-faced Rubina Ali, who starred in Slumdog Millionaire, has been caught in the midst of a tug-of-war.

Since the news broke that Rubina’s father Rafique Qureshi was allegedly trying to sell his daughter to a Saudi Sheikh for a whopping Rs 1.8 crore, every relative, no matter how distant, entered the fray.

A direct fallout is that the girl’s biological mother, Khurshid, who separated from her husband eight years ago, laid fresh claim to the girl on Sunday and even approached the police.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->20/04/2009 23:01:21  Reply to Ramesh
Ramesh, you say -

"Following a sting operation that showed the nine-year-old’s father demanding a whopping Rs 1.8 crore to give her up for adoption,"

He was not giving her up for adoption, he was selling her as a bride. Prophet Muhammad "married" a 6 year old girl, Ayesha, and "consummated" that marriage when she was 9 (raped her). This is why in Saudi Arabia and Iran the legal age of marriage is under 10 years old. I am not making this up to make Islam look bad, and one can verify everything that I have said.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->I've seen statements of confirmation of the Iranian case in several places. Whether that was the case in this instance I don't know. The sheikh has a wife according to the next news item (but many an Arabian islamic has a harem also, so his having a wife isn't necessarily a guarantee, I suppose).

But poor child.
Indian muslims are kidnapped Hindus held hostage by a terrorist ideology. Their children are the progeny of Hindus' ancestors, hence the kids' welfare - such as protecting them from being preyed upon by repugnant christoislamic practices (by christoislamism itself) and getting them back into their natural Dharmic state - is Hindus' responsibility. Their ancestors want them all back.

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Did Slumdog star’s dad try to sell her?</b>
20 Apr 2009, 0420 hrs IST, Bharti Dubey & Vijay V Singh, TNN

MUMBAI: 'Slumdog wants to be a millionaire in a hurry' could well be the title of the latest episode in the Oscar winner's saga.

<b>Allegations flew thick and fast on Sunday as an international news website publicised the sting operation it had conducted on Slumdog child star Rubina's father, Rafiq Qureshi, in which he allegedly tried to sell his daughter to an Arab couple for Rs 1.80 crore.</b>

However, both Rubina and Qureshi, who live in the Garib Nagar shanty in Bandra (east), have denied such a development.

<b>"My father loves me and will not sell me," insisted nine-year-old Rubina when asked if her father had tried to sell her off.

"I did go with my father to the hotel to meet the couple who wanted to see me and adopt me, but my father refused their offer."</b> Rafiq added, "Why will I want to sell my daughter? I have brought her up despite my financial problems. I also want to clarify that I did not ask for any money - they kept bringing up the topic of money every now and then."
(The daughter said that Yes, her dad took her to meet the couple who wanted to adopt her. And then the dad says he never wanted to sell her. Then why would he take her there? <!--emo&:blink:--><img src='style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blink.gif' /><!--endemo--> To dangle her in front of them and then retract her back, like bait on a fishing line?)

Rafiq also alleged that a certain Yunis, who claimed to be the secretary of the Arab sheikh who wanted to adopt Rubina, had been calling him up even before the film won the Oscars.

"Yunis called me last Friday and told me that the sheikh's wife had flown down from Dubai and wanted to meet Rubina. She was completely taken up with my daughter's story on television, so we decided to go and meet them."

While Rubina and her father were clarifying their side to the media, the child star's biological mother, Khushi, got into a scuffle with Rubina's stepmother Munni. <span style='color:red'>Khushi even kicked the pregnant Munni in the stomach.</span>
(The events that never happened during the Godhra riots really happened here: islamic terrorises pregnant islamic. Sick.)

<b>Khushi too alleged that her husband and his family had tried to sell his daughter to a sheikh. She said, "They have been wanting to do this for some time, their intentions are not right."</b>

Rafiq and Rubina's other relatives denied the charges, saying Khushi was trying to malign the family's name. She had left the child about seven years ago and she wants her back now only because of her success, they claimed.
Khushi has filed a complaint with the Nirmal Nagar police station alleging that her husband tried to sell her child. The police has recorded the statements of all concerned. "We will take action after inquiring into the case," said Prakash Salunke of the Nirmal Nagar police station who is handling the investigations. He also said that the police had sought the CD of the sting operation.

Meanwhile, Parvez, the model coordinator who was instrumental in getting Rubina her role in Slumdog Millionaire, does not know what to make of the entire incident. "I really don't know what the truth is since the parents of both Rubina and Azhar (her co-star in the film) don't tell me about the deals they have been doing with people from the industry or otherwise." <b>Another source living near Rubina's house said, "A political activist close to Rubina's father may have tried to broker the deal of adoption. I guess they asked for more, that's probably why the deal fell through."</b>

There are several other Rafiq Qureshis living in Garib Nagar wanting their children to follow in Rubina's footsteps. "At least 30 parents have approached me asking me to get their kids a job in a film or TV serial at any cost," said Parvez. Another co-ordinator said, "These parents treat their kids as commodities and don't really want to know the realities - they just want money from them. I recall a lady from the slums coming with her two-day child for a shoot so that she could take home some money."

<b>Assistant director of Salaam Bombay, Udayshankar Pani, is not surprised to hear about the charge that the slum kid was being sold to an Arab.</b> He said, "Today, everything is commercial and kids are cash cows for the parents. Talking about Salaam Bombay, he said, "Our efforts to help the kids who acted in the film did not really work out since most of them were not comfortable with the good life we offered them. They all eventually went back to the footpath."<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
And the reality is once again in stark contrast to the christian lies of the christian slummovie: It's not Hindus that are forcing islamics into slums. It's islam.

Meanwhile the faithful catholic director Boyle is in a publicity pickle too:
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Slumdog money being used to help Mumbai slum children: Boyle</b>
2 Mar 2009, 1645 hrs IST, PTI

LONDON: The Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle has said that the money earned from Slumdog Millionaire was being channelled back to Mumbai to help the slum children.

His comments come shortly after child actor Azharuddin Ismail's father demanded more money from the director, the Daily Mail reported.

"They have received some money, which has disappeared, so we have put in place an educational plan. They will receive further payments when they have finished their education and we have also given them money to buy a house," said the director, who returned to his native place on Sunday.
(Do I detect a hint of islamic blackmail being exercised on the catholic director? "Give us more moolah or we'll tell the media you shortchanged us."
The catholic terrorist meeting real islam, as opposed to the christofictional allegations in his film...)

Boyle and the producers had come under sharp criticism after some reports said that the child actors were still living in the slums despite film being a smash hit internationally.

The producers denied such allegations by arranging a Los Angeles trip for the children to attend the Oscar ceremony. They have also promised to buy houses to the child actors.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->There you go: christos use islamic children for fame, money and missionary purposes and then leave them in slums. Christian charity is only for appearances/film. People should make a film about that: western christian directors exploiting Indian kids and their families. The REAL untold story.

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Bollywood And Propaganda - by HareKrishna - 05-05-2009, 10:30 AM
Bollywood And Propaganda - by acharya - 05-05-2009, 11:49 AM
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Bollywood And Propaganda - by dhu - 05-06-2009, 12:26 PM
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Bollywood And Propaganda - by Husky - 06-01-2009, 05:56 PM
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Bollywood And Propaganda - by Guest - 08-15-2009, 09:07 PM
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Bollywood And Propaganda - by Capt M Kumar - 02-06-2010, 10:41 AM
Bollywood And Propaganda - by Bharatvarsh2 - 02-12-2010, 12:16 AM
Bollywood And Propaganda - by Bharatvarsh2 - 08-25-2010, 04:14 AM
Bollywood And Propaganda - by Capt M Kumar - 09-14-2010, 11:53 AM
Bollywood And Propaganda - by Husky - 09-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Bollywood And Propaganda - by Guest - 05-24-2011, 08:01 PM
Bollywood And Propaganda - by Husky - 11-01-2011, 06:38 PM
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