05-30-2009, 11:38 AM
The contrasting views expressed by Mudy and Sroy is the true picture of the day dreaming by a section of the people and the reality of contemporary India as brought out by Sroy. This day dreaming is the very reason for the poor showing by the NDA in general and BJP in particular.
Religious agenda, particularly conservative Hindu agenda can never bring success to any political party in India on a national scale. The degrading of the Bengali public of West Bengal has always been a favourite past time of a few individuals, which gets fresh fuel by tagging on with the Communists. India is a democracy and to be a Communist is not a crime, as to be a member of VHP in the propagation and protection of Hindu religious beliefs and disbeliefs ( like self imposed ban on beef eating ).
These old slogans have not worked to the expectation of the day dreamers on a national scale, as is evident from the election results. However, the excuses for the poor performance put forward refuses to accept the irrelevance of religion as a poll issue on a national scale. The continuance of this self denial will bring further disaster to NDA in the future. The only ray of hope is that non of the top leaders of the NDA have so far joined the denial mode on the lines of some of the distinguished thinkers and contributors of this forum .
I entirely agree with Sroy, that the younger generation of the entire so called cow belt have become much more anglicised than those from the East. The popularity of the terms, Daddy. Mummy, Auntiji, Oncalji and the fast growing popularity of jeans and see through dress by the young girls of the region are a clear indicator of which direction the wind is blowing. In most cases, this trend is growing due to open encouragement of the elders in the family and in the society. The community dancing during wedding in which now the elders particularly grandmasâ participation in the geographical region under reference is a pointer to this trend.
Religious agenda, particularly conservative Hindu agenda can never bring success to any political party in India on a national scale. The degrading of the Bengali public of West Bengal has always been a favourite past time of a few individuals, which gets fresh fuel by tagging on with the Communists. India is a democracy and to be a Communist is not a crime, as to be a member of VHP in the propagation and protection of Hindu religious beliefs and disbeliefs ( like self imposed ban on beef eating ).
These old slogans have not worked to the expectation of the day dreamers on a national scale, as is evident from the election results. However, the excuses for the poor performance put forward refuses to accept the irrelevance of religion as a poll issue on a national scale. The continuance of this self denial will bring further disaster to NDA in the future. The only ray of hope is that non of the top leaders of the NDA have so far joined the denial mode on the lines of some of the distinguished thinkers and contributors of this forum .
I entirely agree with Sroy, that the younger generation of the entire so called cow belt have become much more anglicised than those from the East. The popularity of the terms, Daddy. Mummy, Auntiji, Oncalji and the fast growing popularity of jeans and see through dress by the young girls of the region are a clear indicator of which direction the wind is blowing. In most cases, this trend is growing due to open encouragement of the elders in the family and in the society. The community dancing during wedding in which now the elders particularly grandmasâ participation in the geographical region under reference is a pointer to this trend.