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Research Into Indic Mathematicians
India's Scientific and Cultural Heritage
Prof. N. S. Ramaswamy*
THHE long march of Man from nomadic an existence 10,000 years ago to the current level of civilization has been achieved by the contribution of sages, saints, scholars, scientists and philosophers in different parts of the world. We are indebted to all of them, who in their life time struggled and contributed for the welfare of man, animals and nature. In general, India contributed in the spiritual, cultural and philosophical sectors, while westerners contributed in science and technology for -the materialistic progress. Each country has a unique genius. Indians are indebted to the West for the modem technology, like instant communication, computers, rapid modes of travel, innovation in production, etc. India contributed largely to the inner world of Man. In certain cases, Indian sages discovered scientific truths long before westerners did. Mankind should be grateful to both ancient wisdom of India and the modern scientists and technologists of the West.
Many scholars think that it is India's century, whereby India's ancient thought and wisdom would be useful to solve the myriad problems afflicting mankind and to improve quality of life. Therefore, we propose to give a glimpse of India's scientific and cultural heritage so that Indians would get a better appreciation of our contributions, which will enable them to spread India's ancient wisdom not only to Indians but also to rest of the world.
Information given in this article has been taken from a variety of sources - both Indian and foreign. I express my gratitude to them. The number being large, I am not giving their names, for which I apologize. Voluminous books by eminent scholars are now available in Sanskrit, English and some regional languages.
I must express my profound gratitude to Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Honorary Director, Indian Institute of Scientific Heritage. The world owes a great deal to this great son of India, who has dedicated his life to spread the messages contained in our ancient thought and wisdom through his writings and lectures in India and abroad. I have taken a lot of material from his publications, for which I thank him.
Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo as well as many foreign scholars and Indologists believe that this is India's century, when the whole world would come to India to seek solutions to the problems confronted by mankind.
India's ancient thought and wisdom has covered most areas of human endeavor -science, technology, economics, psychology, law, governance, health, education, culture, philosophy, mysticism, cosmology, astronomy, astrology, linguistics, logic, music, dance, Yoga, meditation, environment, ecology, architecture etc: Sages and scholars made hundreds of discoveries in these areas, largely without any equipments or library, and partly through experiments as in the case of medicine, surgery,metallurgy, etc. They led virtuous lives and meditated with a prayerful heart. Many of these discoveries perhaps came to them as revelation, intuition and imagination. There is nothing supernatural about their powers. These saints and sages were selfless souls, who were only interested in the welfare of man, animal and nature. They led a simple life, desiring nothing for themselves. Most of them had family also. They had lofty ideals and worthy goals. Their discoveries prove that man is capable of unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and nature, using then- inherent powers and following the principles laid down in India's spiritual literature. Such knowledge is known as Para Vidya, or higher knowledge^ as distinct from Apara Vidya or secular and materialistic knowledge obtained through the senses and using .equipments wherever necessary.
In spite of such a head start of 3000 years, India looks to the West in scientific and technological fields. Our Education system ought to be given enough resources and autonomy to carry out research as well as to document and disseminate India's ancient knowledge and wisdom. Our rich temples ought to fund such studies. Tirupati, Sabarimala and Guruvayoor temples should establish study centres. Educational institutions, under the management and control of religious Mutts, can help such pursuits.
We have compiled information on India's Scientific Heritage. Indians discovered profound and marvelous concepts, such as, counting, numbering system, zero, decimals, place value, infinity, Pythagoras theorem, gravitation, spherical shape of earth, planetary movements, diameter of the earth and atmosphere, speed of light, age of the Universe, time, metallurgy, atom and hundreds of such scientific truths, re-discovered later by western scientists using equipments. Sankara postulated the Advaita philosophy.
Indians gave a plausible explanation for the inequality and inequity in creation and suffering,by postulating the Law of Order, Law and Effect and Law of Rebirth. Ayu now being accepted by the West as method, since medicines are organic, was done by Sushrutha. Indians gave s arguments in favor of vegetarianisn western scholars were vegetarians, i Bernard Shaw, Shakespeare, Russell, and thousands of others. Our saints a had discovered the mysteries of nati before western scientists did. Mai discoveries of our sages are now attri Newton, Galileo, Kelvin, Copernicus, Pj etc. A list of discoveries by bur sages corresponding finding by the West will a later issue. A large number of wesl Emerson, Maxrmieller, Isherwood, Oppenheimer, Einstein, Mathew Arnol Frawley, Will Durant, Toynbee, Basham, Lin yu Tang, Walters - were in by Indian philosophers — Vivekana Abhedananda, Prabhupada and Ram Yogananda, Mahesh Yogi and Deepak Osho, Dayananda and Ravi Shankar ai others. These philosophers instilled in Indian thinking among US scholars. Y meditation have become popular there. C are also helping. They have to be hell facilities to learn more on Indian heril to spread Indian wisdom.
What is the advantage of knowing ancients had discovered these truths ear the west? The main objective is to Bharath, Most of us do not know anythii ^ India's past glory. We should blame o that, even after 60 years of independem is no attempt on the part of the Establisl educate the young about our ancient gloi hidden energy would then emerge and them to conduct research so that the contribute to the progress of our nati should adopt whatever is good in the the East as well as our own ancient and concepts, provided they are scientific rational. Superstitions should be abolished. Nothing should be accepted in blind belief. Experience is the key test of any statement. Even the concept of God should be proved by experience. Ramakrishna said that he saw God. Knowledge is of various kinds — Prathyaksha (manifested, visible), Anumana (inference) and Pramana (authority of great people). When we cannot see or infer, we should accept statements of those who are knowledgeable and have had experience. It is in that spirit we accept Einstein and Sankaracharya.
With the same attitude, we should take the postulatidn of our sages as valid. The younger generation of Indians do need to know much about ancient Indian discoveries in the field of Science, Astronomy, Mathematics, Metallurgy, etc. Fortunately, there are still hundreds of scholars, who are struggling, without support and recognition, to keep alive our heritage and prayerfully waiting for support their studies and documentation. Our corporate world should come forward. Though there is no profit in such investigations they will be the beneficiaries of a stable and united India. Understanding ancient thought and culture would help to strengthen our bonds to keep India as a nation state. The Corporate sector should introduce Indian Heritage as part of their HRD programmes. Rich temples in the south, like Tirupati, Guruvayur and Sabarimala ought to start Sanskrit colleges to study Vedas and show their relevance to current situations and problems. •
India's Scientific and Cultural Heritage — II*
Prof. N. S. Ramaswamy

N the earlier part of this article we have thanked Dr. N.Gopalakrishnan, Honorary Director of Scientific Heritage for his dedication to ancient India's thought and wisdom.
We give below Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan's writings in the Heritage Publications Series-66.

We have also listed a few discoveries of Indians, said to have been discovered by Westerners much later. We are thankful to him for permitting the reproduction. We are sure our compilation and pleas would awaken India.

No, Subject Discovered by Year
1 Discovery and Use of Zero Pingalacharya 200 B.C.
2 Loans and Interests Vishnusmruthi 100 BC
3 Charging Interest Vishnu Smruthi 100 B.C.
4 Pythagorus Theorem Boudhayana 700 BC
5 Binomial Theorem Pingalacharya 200 BC
6 Geometry in Sulbasutra-II Boudhayana 700 BC
7 Rules of Bodies in Motion Aryabhata - I 499 AD
8 Arc and Chord Aryabhata-I 499 AD
9 Circle - Value of Phy Aryabhata - I 499 AD
9- A Circle - Value of Phy Bhaskaracharya - I 628 AD
10 Triangles Aryabhata - I 499 AD
1 1 Rotation of Earth - II Aryabhata - I 499 AD
1 2 Eclipse-I Aryabhata - I 499 AD
1 3 Four Quadrants of Earth Aryabhata - I 499 AD
14 Nrushiyojanam Aryabhata - I 499 AD
15 Day Diameter Panchasiddhantika 4 505 AD
16 Meridian and Time Varahamihira
17 Knowledge on Infinity Bhaskaracharya - II Brahmaguptha 1148 AD ' 600 AD
18 Use of Ratio and Proportion Bhaskaracharya - I 628 AD
1 9 Use of Fractions Bhaskaracharya - I 628 AD
20 Partnership and Shares Bhaskaracharya I 628 AD

21 Progression of the Type
I sq + 2 sq + 3 sq + 4 sq . Bhaskaracharya I 628 AD
22 Progression of Type 1 cu+2 cu+3 cu+4 cu Bhaskaracharya I 628 AD
23 Triangles - (Quiz) Bhaskara I 628 AD
24 Rotation of Earth-I Brahmagupta 629 AD
25 Place Values-J Vyasa Bhashya to Yoga Sutra 650 AD
26 Parallax-H Lallacharya 700 AD
27 Parallax-HI Lallacharya 700 AD
28 Apogee, Perigee and Orbit of Earth Lallacharya 700 AD
29 Appearance of Circumference of Earth Lallacharya 700 AD
30 Shape of Earth Lallacharya 700 AD
3J Globe Varahamihira 505 AD
32 Meridian and Time Bhaskara I 628 AD
33 Eclipse - II Lallacharya 700 AD
34 Eclipse-II Lallacharya 700 AD
35 Angular Dimensions Vateswara 880 AD
36 Horizon Vateswara 880 AD
37 Astronomical Definitions Vateswara 880 AD
38 Equator Vateswara 880 AD
39 6 o* Clock Circle Vateswara 880 AD
40 Circle of Diurnal Motion Vateswara 880 AD
41 Day Radius Vateswara 880 AD
42 Ecliptic Vateswara 880 AD
43 Setting Point of Ecliptic Vateswara 880 AD
44 Rising — Setting Line Vateswara 880 AD
45 Day Radius and Earthsine Vateswara 880 AD
46 Sun's Prime Vertical Vateswara 880 AD
47 Progression of the Type En+En Sq + En Cu Sreedharacharya 900 AD
48 First Degree Indeterminate Equation Sreedharacharya 900 AD
49 Newton Gauss (1670 AD) Vateswara 904 AD
50 First Order Equation - II Sreedharacharya 990 AD
51 Equations of Higher Order - I Sreedharacharya 990 AD
52 Permutations and Combination - I Sridharacharya 990 AD
53 Interest Calculation Sridharacharya 990 AD
54 Meeting place of the two surfaces Aryabhata I 499 AD
55 Meridian Sankaranarayana I 950 AD

56 Eclipse - I Sarikaranarayana 950 AD

57 Knowledge on Infinity Brahmaguptha Bhaskaracharya II 600 AD 1148 AD

58 Calculations with Zero Sripati 1039 AD

59 Permutations and Combination - II Bhaskaracharya 1114 AD

60 First Order Equation - I Bhaskaracharya II 1114 AD

61 Equations of Higher Order - II Bhaskaracharya II 1114 AD

62 Area of Circle and Sphere Bhaskaracharya 1114 AD

63 Polygonal Bhaskara II 1114 AD

64 Lenth of ARC - Chord Bhaskara II 1114 AD

65 Arc and Arrow Bhaskara II 1114 AD

66 Volumes of4 Cones Bhaskara II 1 1 14 AD

67 Gravity Bhaskara II 1114 AD

68 Use of Average Values Bhaskaracharya II 1 150 AD

69 Gregory's (1632 AD) Madhava 1350 AD

70 De-Molvre's (1650 AD) Approximation Madhavacharya 1350 AD

71 Lhuiler's (1782 AD) Formula Madhavacharya 1360 AD

72 Lebnitz (1673 AD) Power series Puthumana Somayaji 1440 AD

73 Newton's Infinite GP Convergent Series Nilakanta 1444 AD

74 Taylor (1685 AD) Series of Sine and' Cosine Nilakanta 1444 AD

75 Somayaji's Theorems Puthumana Somayaji 1450 AD

76 ARC and Chord Puthumana Somayaji 1450 AD

77 Sine, Cosine Radius and ARC Puthumana Somayaji 1450 AD

78 Newton's (1660 AD) Power Series Puthumana Somayaji 1450 AD

79 Velocity of Planets per day Puthumana Somayaji 1450 AD

80 Place Values - 11 Sankaracharya -

8 1 Tycho Brahe Reduction of Ecliptic Achyuta Pisharoti -

82 Parallax - I Lallacharya -

Many scientific inventions that are attributed to foreigners have actually been discovered by our ancient masters of science. Given below are the discoveries and the names of the ancient Indians and western scientists, as given by Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan in the HPS-66.
Pythagoras Theorem Pythagorus - 500 BC Proof of Pythagorus Theorem Euclid - 300 BC
Cataract Operation Joseph Lister - 1600 AD Lithotomy Marios Santos - 600 AD Plastic Surgery Joseph Constantine -1814 AD Nose Surgery Gasparo Tag cozzi - 1600 AD

Pythagoras Theorem Pythagorus - 500 BC Proof of Pythagorus Theorem Euclid - 300 BC
Cataract Operation Joseph Lister - 1600 AD Lithotomy Marios Santos - 600 AD Plastic Surgery Joseph Constantine -1814 AD Nose Surgery Gasparo Tag cozzi - 1600 AD

Evolution Theory Wave Nature of Sound Darvin - 1800 AD Hyghen - 1700 AD
4 KANAADA - 300 BC
Atomic Theory Dalton - 1893 AD'
5 CHARAKA - 300 BC Blood Circulation Micro Organism ' Hrarvey - 1656 AD Lewis Pasture -1822 AD
Spherical Shape of Earth Revolution of Earth Apogee Sine & Cosine Diameter of Earth Value for Pye Square Root Determination Galileo - 1564 AD Kepler- 1571 AD Kepler DeMolvre's i Copernicus-1473 AD Lindemann - 1882 AD Cantanew 1546 AD
Comets Haley - 1656 AD
Style's Equation +ve Integral Sterling Formula Newton Sterling Interpolation Equation for Area for Cyclic Quadrilateral Equation for Radius of Cyclic Quadrilateral Intermediate Equation of Second Degree Style - 1600 AD DeMolvre's - 1667 AD Sterling - 1642 AD Newton/Sterling
W. Shell - 1619 AD Lhuiler - 1782 AD Langrange - 1560 AD
Perigee Kepler
Newton Gauss Forward Interpolation Formula Newton/Gauss
Newton Gauss Backward Interpolation Formula Newton / Gauss 1640
12 BHASKARA - II - 1114 AD
Gravity Cyclic Method Newton Galois - 1600 AD

Inverse Cyclic. Method Differential Calculus Toilers Theorem • Theory of Continued Fraction Pellian Equation Euler - 1600 AD Newton Rolle - 1646 AD Sanderson Deoron Pale - 1660 AD
13 MADHAVA - 1350 AD
Taylor Sine Cosine Series Lebnitz Series Gregories Series for Arc Lebnitz Infinite Taylor - 1685 AD Lebnitz - 1642 AD Gregory Lebnitz
Lhuiler formula Lhuiler - 1782 AD
15 NILAKANTA - 1440 AD
Infinite GP Series Lebnitz Power Series Newton Lebnitz
16 SAYANA - 1400 AD
Velocity of Light Newton - 1642 AD
DeMolvre's Infinite Series DeMolvre's
Tycho-Brahe Reduction Tycho Brahe - 1546 AD


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Research Into Indic Mathematicians - by Guest - 08-07-2007, 12:27 AM
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