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What DNA Says About Aryan Invasion Theory -2
[quote name='ramana' date='08 December 2009 - 11:45 AM' timestamp='1260252463' post='102832']

Dhu Try to get hold of this book.

Michael H. Hart "Understanding Human History: An Analysis Including the Effects of Geography and Differential Evolution"

Washington Summit Publishers | English | 2007-07-15 | ISBN: 1593680260 | 496 pages

[/quote]Ramana was kidding I think. He would know the following 2 items and should have warned Dhu.

For those who don't know -

1. Hart is the chairman of some conference for the "Preserving Western Civilisation" site ...uh.... scene.


Quote:About us

The chairman of the organizing committee for this conference is Dr. Michael H. Hart. As an undergraduate, Hart majored in mathematics; but he later earned a law degree, advanced degrees in physics and in computer science, and a Ph.D. in astronomy. Hart has written three books on history, various scientific papers, and controversial articles on various other subjects. His best known book is The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. His most recent book is Understanding Human History, which is a history of humanity beginning about 100,000 years ago and going through the 20th century. Unlike most other books on world history, Hart’s book explicitly discusses differences in average intelligence between various groups, explains when and why they arose, and discusses the effect that those differences have had on human history.

Ya don't say.

Michael Hart: Astronomy, maths/physics/comp sci and law. Apparently all that makes him an instant expert in history, evolution and genetics. (I didn't even know that was possible.... I thought you could be good at somethings without automatically being an expert at everything else...)

2. But now comes the unexpected shocker of what the Preserving Western Civilisation troupe is all about. (Don't all Hart Infarct from the following revelation at the same time, 'kay?)


Quote:Statement of Purpose:

(^ Makes a nice change that they start with an honest declaration of bias/motivation behind the convenient - predetermined - conclusions they were steering towards)

We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.
But of course.

Just another Christo-Class-Racists Convention: thinly veiled arguments why christonazis should be top of the food chain and rule over the appointed untermenschen - the heathens who refuse to accept biblical hierarchy, including those that keep militating against it, such as the "blacks" (=the modern christo-secular terminology for Hamites; such uses of secularism is a christian method for first turning Africans' actual identity into Colour and then using that mindtrap to box them into biblical mythology and biblically-prescribed/prophesied behaviour models. It's so successful that many Amrican Africans repeat the christian accusation that "Black"/colour-identification/colour-pre-occupation is supposedly meant to be a constituent and even a prime ingredient in African identity. When all this trivialised and trivialising mis-identification has served is to rob them of trying to learn how their traditional ancestors understood themselves and looked at the world, and which has instead forced them into seeing themselves as christians see them/want them to regard themselves and others.)

Now one can be relieved as to its reliability: it's all so above board - so confessedly Babblical, so Curse of Ham. "Third worlders" don't assimilate into Amrikkka's christo "cultural" values, they're obviously subhuman. One can blindly trust the 'scientific' revelations by Hart which the Racist League eagerly endorse. (Which came first, their fantasy/Stated Purpose or his 'controversial' discoveries which they are trying to sell? Or was it merely a coincidental meeting that led to such happy flirtation.)

After all, nothing's more unquestionable and unassailable than Scholarly Racism And Superiorism (i.e. the usual christo-ideologically-motivated bigotry circulated by the jeebus-crowd and dubbed "science" after its blatant Biblical tag failed to sell it).

By the way, as for Hart's "The 100: A ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History", here's his #1.

His top n are listed on several sites, I think, but I'm pasting from Islamists 'R Us:




From the 100, a Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History

by Michael H. Hart

My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.


It is probable that the relative influence of Muhammad on Islam has been larger than the combined influence of Jesus Christ and St. Paul on Christianity. On the purely religious level, then, it seems likely that Muhammad has been as influential in human history as Jesus.

Furthermore, Muhammad (unlike Jesus) was a secular as well as a religious leader. In fact, as the driving force behind the Arab conquests, he may well rank as the most influential political leader of all time.


We see, then, that the Arab conquests of the seventh century have continued to play an important role in human history, down to the present day. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.
Since I avoid reading bad fiction, I haven't read Hart's 100 myself to confirm the accuracy of jamaat's Hart quotes. Sadly, I'm not predisposed to doubt jamaat in his favour.

For a supposedly "Jewish" person, why would Hart be peddling "Judeo-Christian civilisation" nonsense? In all the times the two came into contact, the latter cannibalised the former (persecutions, live-burnings, pogroms, crusades, genocides - aka anti-Semitism).

And why is he going about advertising for jeebus, "santa" paul and mohammed the "secular"? (Note that while the jeebus character is factually more influential - zum Beispiel, ohne christianism gibt's keine moronism, I mean mohammedanism - jeebus also happens to be hypertastic fiction, so lack of historicity means jeebus itself can't count as "the most influential single figure in human history".)

But Hart is fronting a conference for the ChristoVirus Preservation League. And that league has listed islamism as some sort of threat to it in their statement of purpose. (Why, beats me. Islamism IS christianism.) So perhaps he wasn't actually being particularly complimentary in opinionating that the first jihadist was the World's Most Influential person(?)

And since when did christianism give rise to any civilisation? As the Hellenes said when the upstart christianism entered into view: what has christianism ever done? For an example, am reaching for an easy quote. Here's one from Emperor Julian's "Contra Galilaeos" (Against The Jeebus-Peddlers), where Rome's champion of the Olympic Gods addresses the destructive, utterly uncreative christoterrorists whose religion brought forth nothing:

Quote:Hellenic gifts: science, philosophy, mathematics, music, harmony

But has God granted to you (galilaeans, i.e. christists) to originate any science or any philosophical study? Why, what is it? For the theory of the heavenly bodies was perfected among the Hellenes, after the first observations had been made among the barbarians in Babylon. And the study of geometry took its rise in the measurement of the land in Egypt, and from this grew to its present importance. Arithmetic began with the Phoenician merchants, and among the Hellenes in course of time acquired the aspect of a regular science. These three the Hellenes combined with music into one science, for they connected astronomy with geometry and adapted arithmetic to both, and perceived the principle of harmony in it. Hence they laid down the rules for their music, since they had discovered for the laws of harmony with reference to the sense of hearing an agreement that was infallible, or something very near to it.

(Praises indeed be to the Great God Pan for his divine Pan flute. Sadly christists so utterly destroyed Hellenic music that when the composer for the technicolour spectacle "Ben Hur" was told to make a "Roman" sounding score, no one knew what Ancient - that is, Hellenic - Rome or Greece sounded like. He had no choice but to just make up a sound.

As an aside: GrecoRomans were able to trace the origins of geometry to as far as Egypt and astronomy to Babylon and arithmetic to Phoenicia? Hmmm.)

Need I tell over their names man by man, or under their professions? I mean, either the individual men, as for instance Plato, Socrates, Aristeides, Cimon, Thales, Lycurgus, Agesilaus, Archidamus,----or should I rather speak of the class of philosophers, of generals, of artificers, of lawgivers? For it will be found that even the most wicked and most brutal of the generals behaved more mildly to the greatest offenders than Moses did to those who had done no wrong. And now of what monarchy shall I report to you? Shall it be that of Perseus, or Aeacus, or Minos of Crete, who purified the sea of pirates, and expelled and drove out the barbarians as far as Syria and Sicily, advancing in both directions the frontiers of his realm, and ruled not only over the islands but also over the dwellers along the coasts? And dividing with his brother Rhadamanthus, not indeed the earth, but the care of mankind, he himself laid down the laws as he received them from Zeus, but left to Rhadamanthus to fill the part of judge. . .

(Etcetera. For more, refer to Julian et al)

Did I say christianism brought forth nothing? What an erreur! All-round Certain Death it brought. It murdered out GrecoRoman civilisation (e.g. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of Rome essentially concludes that christianism murdered the Hellenistic religio-cultural-political civilisation). When christianism installed itself, it was the death of everything. Education was systematically murdered out, bringing in the Dark Ages, to keep the ignorant superstitious christians in the perpetual Dark of christianism (i.e in ignorance). Am going to parrot this excellent summary again:

Quote:The Roman municipalities supplied free elementary instruction for the children of all workers. Anywhere you went, in a suburb of Rome or a small Italian town, you would see the teacher, in the porch of a house perhaps, teaching the children how to write on wax-faced tablets. Practically every Roman worker could read and write by the year 380 A.D., when Christianity began to have real power. By 480 nearly every school in the Empire was destroyed. By 580, and until 1780 at least, from ninety to ninety-five percent of the people of Europe were illiterate and densely ignorant. That is the undisputed historical record of Christianity as regards education.

-- The Story Of Religious Controversy, by Joseph McCabe
Not to forget that christianism accompanied all that/followed all that up with inquisitions, crusades, witch burnings, genocides, nazism, etc.

I suppose when the "Preserving The World's Christo-Occupation/Oppression" team says "christian civilisation" (somehow connecting that to "western" as if secular geography is to blame) it is merely a euphemism for the mass genocide of all that is truly worthy, truly civilised in humanity.

Christoclass mindvirus genocides all. And THAT has been its only bequest to humanity. They're merely arguing ad Babble for the oppression to continue.

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