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The Age of the Indian Renaissance
Doesn't mean that all Hindus are wonderful, corruption is an unrelated issue.

Abrahamic fascists have no respect for other religions other than their own. It is them who introduced the concept of holy war. Look at the sectarian fighting within Christianity and Islam, is that the wonderful culture than needs to be imported? Who is heck is this middle eastern war monger threatening me with hell?

Muslims get their percentage high enough, India will become like Pakistan, where Islamo terrorists are blowing up even Mosques.

Christo terrorists are waging a terror war in North east India now spreading to Orrisa & central India.

The spineless pseudo secular Congress losers delibrately prevented the industrialization of India for 4 decades. That kind of weakling culture should not be followed, it has resulted in a steady rise in the Muslim percentage.

[quote name='ravinder' date='24 December 2009 - 11:30 AM' timestamp='1261633929' post='103114']

Sir, if after 1573 posts this is your idea of a Renaissance then I must wonder.........

I am an accountant. Worked my 10+ years (in 10+ companies) in Indian businesses run every single time by a Non-Xtian and Non-Muslim businessmen/boards. Every single time these holy non-muslims and non-Xtians were Tax thieves, wriggled there way out of uneasy contracts that they themselves entered into and oftentimes were just as holier then Non-muslims and Non-Xtians as a Non-muslim or Non-Xtian can be. To my admittedly limited understanding, these constitute desh droh. I am sure such desh droh is committed by Muslim and Xtian businessmen also. I again, admittedly find all these guys in the same boat. I dont think people of this boat will ever be able to bring about any Renaissance (hindu, indian....whatever).

On the other hand there are tax-chors who have given back more then what they took. This boat again carries both Hindus and Muslims and Xtians. I feel it my bounden duty to help them whatever limited way my admittedly limited mind can allow me to.

Pls do excuse such acerbity. Comments are an equal-equal deal one-ly. You see sir, the world is grey and Indians resolved the puzzle of greyness a good 10000 years back (them called it Vivek) and I have no intention of letting the fight between a perceived black and a perceived white take my beloved hindu greyness from me.


Messages In This Thread
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by Kevat - 12-17-2009, 12:52 AM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by Kevat - 12-23-2009, 05:32 PM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by ravinder - 12-24-2009, 11:22 AM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by agnivayu - 12-25-2009, 05:32 AM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by ravinder - 12-30-2009, 02:17 PM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by agnivayu - 01-01-2010, 04:58 AM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by ravinder - 01-01-2010, 11:41 AM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by agnivayu - 01-01-2010, 07:35 PM
The Age of the Indian Renaissance - by manish - 03-24-2010, 12:21 PM

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