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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
While I'm being a little not-so-serious in this post (esp. to do with the pictures), some of the text I highlight and which I link to is [color="#FF0000"]important[/color]. So don't take everything in this post lightly merely because of the light way in which I present items here.

1. http://www.renegadecatholic.com/blog/ (Blog belonging to the revamped version of that old Priests Of Darkness site where a catholic author, who was abused by catholic priests as a child, writes about how he asked to be released/excommunicated from the church, etc.)

Quote:What’s wrong with this picture?

[color="#800080"][main image from Guardian.uk's news article "Vatican hit by gay sex scandal"][/color]

What’s wrong with this picture?

I’ve neglected this blog a lot.


But the Church just won’t let me be. Every time I think, Okay, I can walk away now, they come up with something even more outrageous. I’ve stoically ignored the meltdown in the Irish Church, even failed to mention the choirboy scandals in Germany. But now…

Well, now there’s a new scandal brewing in Rome. And thus the cause for the irony between the headline and the picture above. Those are Irish cardinals who’ve been called in on the carpet for the sex scandals there.



Where he discusses the Guardian article. The last point agrees with what I said in the previous post:

Quote:The timing couldn’t be worse. Here’s the story from the Guardian, where the above headline and picture come from, too:

[color="#800080"][Here the blog entry excerpts from the Guardian article - already pasted in previous post. But to see the blogger's own emphases go to his blog-entry.][/color]

(Emphasis added.) Original story here.

Let’s connect some dots:

- An usher, it seems to me, would be ideally placed to be a pimp to the Pope’s elite visitors: cardinals, archbishops, heads of religious orders dignitaries, ambassadors, etc., etc.

- This arrangement between the two may have gone on for a decade, and is part of a larger operation.

Choirs — as is evidenced by the current scandal surrounding a school choir in Germany later run by the pope’s brother — have long been used as pools for predators.

- The timing — the Irish cardinals appearing in Rome for a private meeting with the pope.

[color="#800080"](I'm not sure what the implication of this is...)[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]- Finally, the procurer worked for the missionary arm of the Church! Imagine the possibilities there, for not only procuring victims, but placing predators.[/color]

[color="#800080"](See, the ex-catholic agrees with me on the dangers of the church's mission in the world. They are spreading their disease of sex-slaves as well as paedophilia.)[/color]

Suddenly, the headline and the story seem to go together all too well!

More to come, almost certainly…

March 06th 2010 Posted to Heretic's Pulpit, Roman Circus


[quote name='Husky' date='19 February 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1266584988' post='104366']

Jeebus keeps morphing and morphing: since the babble is open to re-interpretation for the times and the (target) audience, jeebus can be transformed into whoever the Maddening Crowd wants him to be.


Done. Next. Jeebus the E.T. Oh wait, nothing novel, Contact etc. already touched on that.[/quote]Told ya:


Quote:I’ve neglected this blog a lot. Believe it or not, I’ve wanted to turn my attention to topics other than clergy sex abuse in the Catholic Church. As a gnostic, heretic, and long time sci-fi fan, the religious implications of UFOs, what the Church knows about Roswell, and even the possibility that Christ could be seen as an extraterrestrial have long intrigued me.

Why doesn't he (this person from the Priests of Darkness site) just leave christianism? Why on earth do these abused people still hang on to christ and christianism which is the root cause of his having been tormented in the first place. There's not a single redeeming feature in christianism/christ.

His inability to see christianism for what it is, is exactly how people abused by their spouse always defend said spouse: "it's not my spouse. They're such a sweet person when they're not battering me... which they do most of the time..."

3. Do not miss! Pictures of his Papal Infallibleness, catholics' very own Nosferatu (=unDead, vampyre), Herr Head Inquisitor Ratzy:

http://www.sarabite.info/pd-ratzipics.html (This is the new version of that same person's Priests of Darkness site. It's connected to the http://www.renegadecatholic.com/ blog)

Quote:One Scary Pontiff

A Photo Gallery of Pope Benedict XVI

Would you buy a used religion from this man?

Timeline of the Sex Scandals

Yes, anyone can have a bad hair day. Anyone can have fun with a silly hat.


But how is that someone who is supposed to be the representative of God on Earth can look so consistently evil?

True story: the day Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope, someone replaced his picture on his page at Wikipedia with this one of Senator Palpatine from Star Wars. It went unnoticed for some time. It's an appropriate comparison, seeing as both started off as champions of the underdog and became spooky-looking, power-mad tyrants. And indeed, the graphic comparison to the evil Emperor is uncomfortably apt.

[color="#800080"](I always - independently - thought Ratzy reminded me of Darth Sidious too.)[/color]

[color="#800080"][See Wackypedia image of Ratzy-as-Sidious at link.][/color]

Before he became Pope, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger served as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), which at one time had been called the Holy Office of the Universal Roman Inquisition. Yes, that Inquisition. The one that silenced Galileo and burnt Bruno. It was also the one that kept the lid on clergy sexual abuse for over 400 years.

As head of the CDF, Ratzinger deliberately cranked the clock back to the Middle Ages. Or at least long before the Second Vatican Council. He personally helped squash most of the progressive hopes that he himself had promoted during the Council. It reads like a litany of the damned. Among them are:

- Liberation theology, taking the "preferential option for the poor" of the Gospel seriously, was condemned. Along the way, so too were his old friends and allies from the Council, including Leonardo Boff, Hans Kung, and Karl Rahner.

- Women's ordination hopes were dashed by raising [color="#0000FF"]the doctrine of verismilitude[/color] – that possession of a penis like Jesus, even if unused, was somehow vitally important to the office of priest – to near-dogmatic status.

[color="#800080"](Clearly shows who actually worship the phallus: christians. Here: catholics.)[/color]

- Gays were denied any participation unless totally celibate. Quite a bit of hypocrisy there as many experts reckon that well over half of the clergy itself is homosexual, and most of them are [color="#0000FF"]active[/color].

- Ecumenical flowerings withered on the vine by suggesting that any Christian denomination [color="#0000FF"]denying the pope[/color] were somehow lacking. It is, by the way, now [color="#0000FF"]an offense worthy of automatic excommunication and a secret trial for any priest who participates in a Mass with non-Roman Catholics[/color] – on the same level as a Black Mass or sexual abuse.

- Inter-religious relations haven't flourished either, especially with the Muslims, whom Benedict managed to insult by calling Muhammad an evildoer. Nor have the Jews been pleased by his promotion of the idea that Catholics continue to pray for their conversion.

And the main reason: Clergy abuse cases are once again handled secretly, with automatic excommunication incurred by anyone who violates it. For more information see Timeline of the Sex Scandals

Not only that, he is simply one scary-looking dude.

Of course, it's easy to exagerate the look with Photoshop...

But below are a series of photos of Benedict collected from the Internet. Judge for yourselves if they are fake or real.

Hindus must absolutely see the images on that page and read the text. Really. It's AMAZING: the iniquitous mass is scary as hell - and people actually let this guy put his claws on the heads of their kids? Won't that cause permanent trauma?


Here he's Doing The Nosferatu:

[Image: pope-wings.jpg]

Nazi-pope siegheils:

[Image: pope-blessing1.jpg]

"I'll get you, my pretty"

[Image: ratzi-reach.jpg]


4. http://www.renegadecatholic.com/blog/

Quote:Omen of Christmas Future?

[color="#800080"][image of the recent event where a woman shoved his papal infallibleness][/color]

Sometimes the best gifts are those you never ask for, but are given anyway.

For instance, I would never, ever have thought of writing to Saint Nick,

“Dear Santa,

“This year, could you somehow have the pope tackled during a procession? I don’t want anybody really hurt, but it would sure brighten up my Christmas.”

But guess what? It happened anyway! Well, although an elderly cardinal broke his leg, the pope himself wasn’t hurt in the commotion, and that’s just fine with me. (Seriously, the last thing I’d want is Ratzi to become a martyr — and the incident wouldn’t have been at all funny, either.)

But having him taken down with a flying tackle by a woman in red? Priceless.


December 26th 2009 Posted to Heretic's Pulpit

Comments Off

“I’m shocked, shocked” says the Pope…

[color="#800080"][photoshopped image from Casablanca][/color]

Behind the mask

I had a rather peculiar feeling when reading how shocked and dismayed Pope Benedict XVI said he was over the report on Irish abuse. I was reminded in fact of a scene from the classic film Casablanca (1942). You know the one — the refugees in the bar beat the Germans in the “Battle of the Anthems” and so the head Nazi, the evil Maj. Strasser, orders the corrupt French cop Capt. Renault to shut the place down.

Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?

Capt. Renault: I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]

Croupier: Your winnings, sir.

Capt. Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.


Capt. Renault: Everybody out at once!

[color="#0000FF"]Yes, caught between admitting that abuse was due in large part to the Vatican’s culture of secrecy and cover-up which he himself has restored and having to do something about it, the Supreme Pontiff’s response of “outrage, betrayal, and shame” is predictable. Since, however, as the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , Ratzinger is more likely outraged by the revelations of abuse rather than its actual happening.

For if anybody knew what was going on it was him. And if the Grand Inquisitor didn’t know, that in itself is a major scandal!

But rather than confess any faults of God’s Holy Church, he places the blame squarely on the perpetrators and the bishops who enabled them. Like Capt. Renault,[/color] [color="#FF0000"]the Holy See profits from the cover-up and also by the abuse.[/color]


[color="#0000FF"]Let’s face it: Abuse, or even homosexual acting out with their peers keeps some of the remaining clergy — mainly men who cannot survive in the “real world”, content. The cover-up is necessary to keep a lid on things and the papal hands as white and unblemished as his robes.[/color] And the corruption in the sacred premises is every bit as seedy and degenerate as that in a refugee hellhole.

December 12th 2009 Posted to Clergy Crime, Heretic's Pulpit, Roman Circus


Next Page »

5. Hindus should familiarise themselves with catholicism. E.g. by reading the Priests of Darkness site:

(Need to learn about this, because: what you don't know about christianism *can* kill you)


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