But the above says nothing from which one can learn about other Natural Traditions, so why this thread....?
And apparently there's no need to get all poetic (^^) in despairing tragidrama just yet, since some simple brute-force web search leads to:
Controversy strengthens resolve of Hindu Community
Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 12:05 pm
Going by the surname, the previous post's news article was presumably by a Chinese reporter, so I'd then guess it seems like the long arms of the PRC raining down on Hindus' parade. In any case, looks like they deliberately got the identity hence character of the invited Buddhist speaker amazingly wrong, and the nay-sayers interviewed look very convenient, especially the extremely hyper spokesperson they got for Sikhism (complete with high-tension fictional drama on how "Sikhs are the Jews to Hindus' nazism" or some such myth - someone is clearly wallowing in realms of fantasy). Interesting that the above link says the reporter of the earlier piece got the date wrong too: past the month of the actual event (why, so people miss it?)
As for the other person they found to interject something -
From what I understand: traditional Taoists aren't really organised - certainly not in all regions of the Asia-Pacific. They're also very private about their religion (more so Chinese Taoists because of persecution). Taoists have private family puja rooms, but their temples are back home. In their home regions too - including Singapore and Malaysia where Chinese people are settled - traditional Taoism tends to be relatively quiet: it's not a missionary religion. So, can't tell whether they are so organised as to have a representative at hand everywhere.
On the other hand, some 'Taoist-Buddhist' groups are organised. But these are actually Mahayana Buddhists who keep the Taoist title (follow Buddhist doctrine and use Buddhist identities for Daoist Gods, may occasionally name-drop the Dao-de-Ching and its author; in contrast, traditional Taoists don't identify their Daoist Gods and religion with Buddhism) in order to compete with established MBs as an independent identity. I'm told some such 'TB' groups are also extremely proselytising - even among MBs and Taoists back home - and are active in all of the Asia Pacific region (well, outside N Korea, China, volatile regions), where they open many prayer centres.
That makes it hard to work out what the religious affiliation of the "Taoist" vocalising in the report of the previous post is. That's assuming he is genuine and not hired to sound so exasperated.
Other items that turned up in the search, though they're not really about the article of the previous post:
- www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU1003/S00253.htm
Hindu conference aims to strengthen bonds
Tuesday, 16 March 2010, 1:25 pm
- www.indianweekender.co.nz/Pages/ArticleDetails/7/1053/New-Zealand/Buddhist-monk-promotes-Hindu-conference
Buddhist monk promotes Hindu conference
- www.prlog.org/10662341-prominent-hindu-and-spiritual-leaders-to-gather-for-the-hinduism-summit-in-melbourne.html (This is in Australia, but it's also in May.)
Actually came to respond to BV, but I guess I'll have to do that Some Other Time again. Soon hopefully, so I can get it out of the way.
And apparently there's no need to get all poetic (^^) in despairing tragidrama just yet, since some simple brute-force web search leads to:
Controversy strengthens resolve of Hindu Community
Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 12:05 pm
Going by the surname, the previous post's news article was presumably by a Chinese reporter, so I'd then guess it seems like the long arms of the PRC raining down on Hindus' parade. In any case, looks like they deliberately got the identity hence character of the invited Buddhist speaker amazingly wrong, and the nay-sayers interviewed look very convenient, especially the extremely hyper spokesperson they got for Sikhism (complete with high-tension fictional drama on how "Sikhs are the Jews to Hindus' nazism" or some such myth - someone is clearly wallowing in realms of fantasy). Interesting that the above link says the reporter of the earlier piece got the date wrong too: past the month of the actual event (why, so people miss it?)
As for the other person they found to interject something -
From what I understand: traditional Taoists aren't really organised - certainly not in all regions of the Asia-Pacific. They're also very private about their religion (more so Chinese Taoists because of persecution). Taoists have private family puja rooms, but their temples are back home. In their home regions too - including Singapore and Malaysia where Chinese people are settled - traditional Taoism tends to be relatively quiet: it's not a missionary religion. So, can't tell whether they are so organised as to have a representative at hand everywhere.
On the other hand, some 'Taoist-Buddhist' groups are organised. But these are actually Mahayana Buddhists who keep the Taoist title (follow Buddhist doctrine and use Buddhist identities for Daoist Gods, may occasionally name-drop the Dao-de-Ching and its author; in contrast, traditional Taoists don't identify their Daoist Gods and religion with Buddhism) in order to compete with established MBs as an independent identity. I'm told some such 'TB' groups are also extremely proselytising - even among MBs and Taoists back home - and are active in all of the Asia Pacific region (well, outside N Korea, China, volatile regions), where they open many prayer centres.
That makes it hard to work out what the religious affiliation of the "Taoist" vocalising in the report of the previous post is. That's assuming he is genuine and not hired to sound so exasperated.
Other items that turned up in the search, though they're not really about the article of the previous post:
- www.scoop.co.nz/stories/CU1003/S00253.htm
Hindu conference aims to strengthen bonds
Tuesday, 16 March 2010, 1:25 pm
- www.indianweekender.co.nz/Pages/ArticleDetails/7/1053/New-Zealand/Buddhist-monk-promotes-Hindu-conference
Buddhist monk promotes Hindu conference
- www.prlog.org/10662341-prominent-hindu-and-spiritual-leaders-to-gather-for-the-hinduism-summit-in-melbourne.html (This is in Australia, but it's also in May.)
Actually came to respond to BV, but I guess I'll have to do that Some Other Time again. Soon hopefully, so I can get it out of the way.