09-17-2010, 02:11 AM
X-post from D Roy in BRF:
Link also suggest the new enrichment facility coming up in Chitradurga, Karnataka is more for pwoer reactor fuelling and has a higher Separating Unit (SUs) ie more efficient plant. And it centrifuge based.
My guess is it is the super critical centrifuges.
Quote:Bhaiyon aur Baihnon,
Quote:The Navy will need three or four nuclear-powered submarines for this arm to be a viable force. Will you build more LWRs for these submarines?
We are already doing that. I will not be able to tell you the number, but it is a fact that we are in that game. The next nuclear steam generating plants are getting ready for future applications.
Link also suggest the new enrichment facility coming up in Chitradurga, Karnataka is more for pwoer reactor fuelling and has a higher Separating Unit (SUs) ie more efficient plant. And it centrifuge based.
My guess is it is the super critical centrifuges.