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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6

Tamil Nadu Politcs: Cancerous Church eats into Dravidian parties – Radha Rajan

Pretty scary but predictable stuff on how (crypto) christos are even trying to separate the Shaivam in Hindu TN from the rest of the Hindu religion (including Shaivam elsewhere in India). Never mind that in origins, Tamizh Nadu's Shaivam is very much related to the ancient Shaivam in Kashmir.

In fact, international "Kriyayoga" circles are listing some of the Siddhars of Shaivam with christian names now. What an "unexpected surprise". And one declared that Agastya was a "Dravoodian" originally from TN who kindly helped "Oryans" pen some verses in the Vedam. Hysterisch. What next, Tirumoolar is not a Hindu originating from Kashmir? Who are people kidding?

In a more important sense, both Agastyar and Tirumoolar belong to TN because they are actually Hindus who belong to Akhanda Bharatam. Furthermore, they were reasonably 'settled' in Tamizh and nearby regions of Bharatam (just like the other Siddhar - Adishesha's manifestation - was often visiting ChidambaraNatha, being attached to the Temple), and their language included Tamizh, with Agastya having had much influence on its development. It's only when viewed strictly in terms of geographical origin that both of them are to have been sent from the north to the south (as per tradition in Tamizh Nadu itself). In specific, Agastya was IIRC sent by none other than Shiva and, later, Tirumoolar - who until then had been dwelling either in Kailasa-surroundings or rest of the Himalayas somewhere, can't recall - was told where to find Agastya, whom he then came looking for and caught up with in TN. Cryptochristo "dravoodian" losers clearly don't know, but Tamizh Agamic tradition is derived from the largely-Kashmiri Hindu Rishis of the Hindus' Shaiva Agamas. Tamizh Nadu is inseparable from Kashmir - and so it becomes hard to overlook the huge tract of Hindu geography connecting TN with Kashmir (the land betwixt the two known as the rest of Bharatam ) which one has to cross. Especially if you want to get to the major physical Kailasa which lies on the far end.

Not to mention how the very head of Shaivam - Shiva - is deeply related to the other Hindu Gods in various ways:

+ he is married to the head of Shaktam and most inseparably-attached to her (see mini-nyaasam of Rudra),

+ and he is the brother-in-law (and the husband of the female form) of the head of Vaishnavam,

+ he is the father of Aiyappa, Murugan and Ganapati,

(and that Shiva is Somaskanda - Father+Mother+Cub - is seen even in the way the Temples to the Father, Mother and Baby Skanda in Kanchi are arranged with Baby's Temple in the middle between the two Temples of the Parents)

+ his "origin" is common with that of Saraswati,

+ he forms the Trimoorti with Brahma and Vishnu, and forms unities with them in some manifestations,

+ his own son is the son-in-law of Mahendran,

+ Chandran is attached to his head which also carries Ganga (see mini-nyaasam of Rudra again),

+ he is invoked with Agni, he is inseparably mentioned with various Hindu Gods of the very Hindu Vedam. And (from what I can make out) he is described as being the Sun himself. He is definitely repeatedly described as Vishwaroopa: All Forms/the Form of the All. Same as, say, Mahavishnu.

I am sure there is more.

In short, there is no "Tamizh Shaivam" separate from the rest of Shaivam or as a separate religion from the Hindu religion that encompasses it. Shiva, a God of the Vedam, is what attaches Tamizh Shaiva Hindus to the rest of the Hindu body. There is also the rest of the Vedam to consider, which names other Hindu Gods.

From the link:

Quote:This poisonous Aryan-Dravidian propaganda inter alia also meant –


Saivism, the religion of the Tamil People of Dravidasthan, is Tamil Saivism and therefore is not Hinduism
Cryptochristianism doesn't know any new tricks does it? Not hard to spot.

Flimsy shake-nines are free to leave Shiva and go their own way (and that's the only option people get). Can stop pretending to be Shaivas, even to themselves. Obviously their allegiance is to dravoodianism and not to Shiva.

1. The nonsensical threat is rather like how cryptochristo "Dravoodians" previously tried to separate Aiyappa from Hindu religion and present him as a stand-alone "Dravoodian-only Tamil deity". (Bahahaha. Too bad for the cryptochristo losers that the Mahavaidya Hindu God - whose Mother is Dhanvantari and whose Father is the Vishwa BhiShak aka Rudra - is the chief (and one of the KulaDevas) of an entire devoutly-Hindu Pandya dynasty which ruled in Kerala, ever since the God became the foundling son to a most fortunate Pandya Maharaja. Of course, Ayyappa is among the Kula- and Ishtadevas of many southern Hindu communities. And he is factually attached to the Vedam, which is of course inseparable from his being say the shaivadharmarakShitaH.)

2. Makes one recall how christos are encroaching on Shangdi, pretending he is the God of a separate Chinese monotheist religion and that that religion predates Daoism.* Meanwhile, Shangdi is very much a Daoist God. In fact, IIRC, Shangdi is that very famous and major God of Daoism: the Jade Emperor, who is himself the embodiment of Daoist Heaven, besides being the Cosmic Ruler of it. Now the christos in China have moved on to Step 2: pretending=claiming that Shangdi is actually the non-existent christian babblical gawd (having set the ball rolling for Step 1: christo-attempts to separate the God from the native Chinese religion/Daoism by pretending his was a separate religion and that he is a separate God, and was "merely later identified by Daoists with a Daoist God"). Step 2 is in order for christianism to claim indigenousness ("we are the original religion of China") while Step 1 is to de-legitimise Daoism as the native religion and to cut the Daoists off from their own God and religious history.

* Christianism has the programmed habit of insinuating/declaring they see "monotheisms" in natural religions and then separating the identified subset into its own stand-alone religion, and then eventually moving in on it, to claim it as christianism. (It's not just Shaivam they've been doing this to.)

But christos always lie. And their lies always follow such a tune. Then again, it only follows: Julian himself did warn most clearly - back in ~360 CE itself - that christianism is an evil lie:

Quote:Emperor Julian writes in Contra Galilaeos ("Against the Christians"):

It is, I think, expedient to set forth to all mankind the reasons by which I was convinced that the fabrication of the Galilaeans (=those who call themselves christians) is a fiction of men composed by wickedness.

3. Another thing I'm reminded of is how, not long back, Hindu Press International/Hinduism Today - the media-arm of "Himalayan Academy" - was promoting the huge lie that "Shiva is [perhaps, possibly, probably and therefore] Yahweh". Which of course then becomes Step 1 for christians to hereafter equate Shiva with the non-existent christian "gawd" of the babble. Already complained about it earlier. "Interesting" that an org claiming to be Shaiva - and they *are* resposible for what their mouthpiece publishes - is peddling Hinduism-esp.-Shaivism=Judaism (which will morph into an equation with christianism soon enough), ending their baaaddd nonsense by encouraging "further exploration of the many similarities between Judaism and Hinduism, particularly Shaivism". Further proof is not required to conclude they obviously don't know Shiva, but know to lie/peddle lies about him though. (Then again, the Himalayan Academy's and Missionaries' dear mutual friend is Swarmy Uglyface aka "swamy agnivesh".)

Hmmm. There's another post to make.

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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-17-2009, 03:39 AM
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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 12:31 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 09:36 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-22-2009, 05:03 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-22-2009, 05:13 AM
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