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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
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[quote name='Niki' date='02 September 2011 - 08:14 AM' timestamp='1314930998' post='112691']

Top brass of defense forces being filled with christians - Navy Vice Chief and Air Force Chief. A lot of subtle pressure in forces to convert

[/quote]What's the cause - e.g. the source article or event/observation - that led to that statement?

Of course christianism would be tightening the noose around Hindus' necks. But then, the Indian army is a secular institution - it describes itself as that. It's just one step removed from christianisation anyway. (Hindu -> Hindu nationalism -> Indian nationalism -> universal/secularism -> christianism. See end of 2nd post.) An old example rehashed in post 2.

1. Rome

a) Relevant is point 3 of the post 25 of india-forum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1494-thomas-in-india-history-of-christianism-in-india/page__view__findpost__p__60502 (Had to go trawling through all the "McCabe" entries to find it: from 2006, which is why I couldn't find it under my username. Points 1 and 2 already implemented.)

Joseph McCabe writes:

Quote:(3) Bribery to convert (this was during Constantine's time, because Christian emperors after him issued severe decrees to persecute the Romans of the Old Religion):


From the first Constantine had, apart from his unsuccessful decrees, showered wealth and privileges upon the Church. A stream of gold flowed from the palace, and new churches, of a more attractive nature, began to rise. At court and in the army the best way, if not the only way, to secure promotion was to become convinced by the brilliant evidence of the religion. Even ordinary citizens were rewarded with a baptismal robe and a piece of gold. Villages were raised to the rank of cities if all their inhabitants exchanged Jupiter for Christ. In ten years imperial gold had done more than the blood of all the martyrs, the miracles of all the saints, and the arguments of all the apologists.

Except that wealth continued to reach the Roman clergy, the progress of the Church in the west was now suspended. The city of Constantinople was dedicated in 330. The world had at least a Christian metropolis; and it was a superb city. Already, as I said, more than three fourths of the Christians were in the ignorant east, and they were now encouraged to attack pagan temples and openly ventilate their scorn. Few pagans could get advancement in the east.

b ) The above was the initial encouragement / 'light' pressure.

Then the heat was turned up:



An Imperial edict (17th November) forbids Gentile officers of the army to command christian soldiers.


The inquisitor Hypatius, alias "The Sword of God", exterminates the last Gentiles of Bithynia. In Constantinople (7th December), all non-christian army officers, public employees and judges are dismissed.

c) http://homepage.mac.com/dodecatheon/FILELL.pdf

Quote:We hereby decree that children must be baptized immediately, without postponement while they are of small age, (compulsory baptism of infants) while those of older age must spend their time in our holy churches and be instructed in the Scriptures and the (biblical) texts. When they have come to their senses and rejected the ancient (ancient-Greek) fallacies, they will be allowed to receive the holy baptism to secure the true faith of Orthodox Christians in the future. Those that hold military or other (public) Office, or posess great fortune and have come forward to be baptized (pretending to be faithful) to avoid the consequences but leave their spouses and children and other kin or members of their household (believing) in the Greek fallacies , we decree that their fortunes be confiscated (!) their civil rights annulled and that they will be subject to punishment worthy of their crime, since they have obviously attained the Holy Baptism without true faith. We bring these laws into effect on account of those rogue Greeks».

Justinian Code 1.10.10

The sort of things to look forward to. (Well, christianism IS in charge. Not likely to give up power as easy as Hindus did/were tricked into.)

2. South Korea

Excerpts from "Buddhism under Siege 1982-1996: A Chronology of Fifteen Years of Incidents Against Buddhism in South Korea" and "Buddhism under Siege in Korea: Chronology of Events January 1997-December 1998"

at http://www.buddhapia.com/eng/tedesco/2.html and http://www.buddhapia.com/eng/tedesco/2.html

Govt, army, police, media, other public institutions - they're all hijacked (relevant terms highlighted with blue below). India is just a copy of the same process, and required more pre-planning/organisation by christianism, and there's more factors - but ultimately, same thing.

Quote:1991 November.

Military reserves stationed in Kyôngnam Province (many of them Buddhist) are forced to attend a Protestant revival meeting, presumably by a superior officer.


President Kim Young Sam attends services at a Protestant church located on the nation's central military base at Kyeryôngsan Mountain. In an event which sends shock waves throughout Buddhist and Catholic circles in Korea, many troops based there are compelled to attend the service in order to create the appearance of a larger number of Protestant troops. (Many of the troops are not Protestant Christians, and many are not even Christian.) Moreover, people attending services at a nearby temple and Catholic church are placed under virtual "house arrest," their religious sanctuaries being encircled with troops while the President makes what is deemed a "preferential" visit to the Protestant chapel. ...

(Oh, poor catholics.... Had they been in power, they'd have done the same. Like they did in Rome. Like they do in India. They're just grieving that it's not them in charge and that 'the damned heretics' - the protestants - are imposing on them. "Aren't we all witnessing for christ in Korea?")

1996 May 12.

Arsonists attack the main Buddha statue in the Taejôkkwangjôn at Hwagyesa Temple in Seoul for the second time. A lit candle is placed in a box of papers and wisk brooms under the main altar. The fire is quickly extinguished by a passing monk. At the time, more than 30 police and army are patrolling the temple in plainclothes in broad daylight, but fail to apprehend the assailant. (2nd attack on Hwagyesa)

1996 May 14.

Two days later, again with over 30 police and military patrolling the temple, a massive fire is set beneath the main Buddha statue in the Taejôkkwangjôn at Hwagyesa Temple in Seoul for the third time.

Superb altar paintings, ornate woodcarvings and traditional wall paintings are lost. Damage estimated at about $775,000 according to the police.

(3rd attack, 1 building seriously damaged).

June 1997.

Human feces were scattered around the Dharma Hall in the Special Forces School under the Ranger-commando Force. Candidates for Noncommissioned officers who tried to attend dharma meeting had to write a letter of self-criticism. It was revealed that the officer in command forced the candidates without religion to believe in Christianity and applied unspoken pressure on Buddhist candidates. Buddhists organized Countermeasure Committee against Oppression of Buddhism and protested strongly. Defense Ministry issued an apology under the name of its minister.

(There's countless "apologies". Do Hindus want apologies? Or do they want their country back from alien tyrannies?)

February 16, 1998.

Marine Corps Commandant Tobong Chon says that he would make the Marine Corps soldiers of Christ at a ground-breaking ceremony of a church for the Second Division of the Marine Corps. Buddhists made a strong protest against the incident. Marine Corps Commandant sends a letter of explanation stating that the incident was found groundless through self investigation under the directives of the Chief of Naval Operations (March 13, 1998) and promises to prevent any recurrences of the kind (March 14, 1998).

May 16, 1998.

Police investigator following a tip without evidence about organized gangsters barge into a dharma hall where a special ritual is in progress, put handcuffs on a monk and take him to the police station without an arrest warrant using violent language in front of the worshippers. This case is now on trial.

June 27, 1998.

Thirty Christian naval men from the First Division of the Marine Corps missionize in front of Seoul Railroad Station after attending a spiritual retreat. Only three months before the Chief of Naval Operations promises to prevent recurrences of such incidents.

July 1, 1998.

Songsun Kim, ward chief of Sonpa-gu district and Chong-shik Chang, ward chief of Kangbuk-ku district are sworn in with their hands on a Christian Bible, which evoked public criticism. Kim apologizes later. Chang refuses at first but apologizes later when repeatedly demanded by Buddhists.

[color](Don't know what it is with people always demanding an "apology". Christians *will* do such things.

Apologies are not going to change anything: it's the easiest way out. If they extincted Hindu religion in India, will people be content with an apology?

"Oops. Genocide. Christians apologise. How did this happen, genocide again. Christians apologise again. And again...". See the pattern? For christianism, apologies are the most convenient things ever invented. They mean nothing in the hands of christoislamism.)[/color]

July 16, 1998.

Leader of the Grand New Party Hwa-gap Han stirs up trouble when he states, "if President Kim's reform fails, the future of the country will be grim. This government was given to us by God" in an interview with Sisa Journal dated July 16.

August 29, 1998.

Four policemen from Public Security Division of Seoul Metropolitan Police rough up Ven. Song Kwang at the entrance of Chogyesa Temple, the main headquarters temple of the order in Seoul at 9:30 am. The police had been blocking the driveway of the temple and he asked them to step aside so he could drive in and park. They hit him and used abusive language in response. Outraged lay people struggled with the police and a few people received injuries. The police escaped the scene when the protest by lay people escalated. Immediately after the incident, Police Chief Kim, Yonghwa and Kim, Hongjun, Director of the Public Security Division visit Chogyesa to make formal apology and to promise that police involved in the incident will be disciplined. The four perpetrators of the violence visited Chogyesa later that afternoon and apologized to the victim and laypeople involved and performed many prostrations in the temple.


However, a Christian non-denominational weekly newspaper published by the Rev. Kim Chul-young ran articles justifying vandalism of Buddhist property.


A page-two editorial, entitled "All religious idols should be eliminated," said, "The Buddhist community's criticism of the government over these incidents is unfair."

The editorial added, "The Buddhists' criticism of former President Kim Young-sam for holding Christian religious services in the Blue House led him to stop; and this refusal to allow the President to pray resulted in disasters.

"The recent flooding in Korea struck hardest those areas in which there were many Buddhist statues. There was no flooding on Cheju Island, where a Christian destroyed many Buddhist statues this summer."

In addition, the editorial said that "if people do not respect the one God, they will be subject to disasters." The editorial concluded that "it is unfortunate that it is illegal to destroy Buddhist statues."


Earlier, Kidok Shinmun (Christianity Newspaper) said, "Buddhists are overreacting to these incidents." The newpaper printed a cartoon and articles suggesting that Buddhists were overly sensitive."

September 14-16, 1998.

The Daily Sports Newspaper (Ilgan Sports) prints a cartoon series called Toshi-uhon with a sorcerer who tries to kill someone by using the mantra "Om mani padme hum" as an incantation for three days in a row from September 14 through 16. "Om mani padme hum" is frequently recited Buddhist mantra. Buddhists are shocked that this mantra was quoted as a curse to kill people. The newspaper prints a statement of apology on September 25 due to a strong protest by Buddhists.

December 15, 1998

A Kwanum statue carved on a rock in Pukhnsan National Park on the hiking route between Hwagyesa Temple and Sansong Am (both of which suffered serious arson attacks in 1996) is damaged by public employees of the Suyu Branch Office of the National Park Authority. They were ordered to remove an artifact of "folk belief." After investigating the case, the National Park Authority delivers an official letter of apology to the Chogye Order Headquarters and decides to provide training for NPA employees on Buddhism and national culture.

Christianism takes over all public institutions. It's the top-down strategy to conversion.

(The christian LTTE is another example. People will argue that the LTTE rite of passage (eating beaf) and funeral arrangements (burials for the cadre, no Hindu pyre) are secular. I suppose they are: about as "secular" as Prabhakaran et al's christianism.)

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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-17-2009, 03:39 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-18-2009, 07:05 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 12:31 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 09:36 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-22-2009, 05:03 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-22-2009, 05:13 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-26-2009, 08:36 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 07-05-2009, 05:43 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 07-10-2009, 08:14 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 07-23-2009, 08:17 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 07-28-2009, 05:14 PM
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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 08-18-2009, 08:05 PM
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