03-12-2005, 10:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-13-2005, 05:54 AM by G.Subramaniam.)
Penicillins versus the Tetracyclines
These are 2 separate families of anti-biotics
They destroy bacteria by separate methods
Penicillins actually kill the bacteria
whereas the tetracyclines, slow down the reproduction of the bacteria and gives time for the natural defenses of the body to slowly destroy the bacteria
Counter-breeding comes in the Tetracycline category
Another analogy I can use is Cholera
In cholera, there is no medication, what is used is called Oral Rehydration Therapy
A solution of Salt+Sugar+water is given in large enough quantities to the infected person to make up for the fluid loss caused by the infection
When the fluid balance is contained for a few days, cholera slowly vanishes
See the analogy with counter-breeding
In his book, "World of Fatwas' , Shourie clearly argues that being a muslim is stressful by itself and being forced to live as a muslim minority is 100 times more stressful.
For example, Islam has rules that ban use of urinals
There are islamic rules on using stones to wipe themselves after going to the bathroom
( These islamic rules are called istinja )
Any time a muslim uses a urinal he is violating islam
Once you seal the pressure cooker by counter breeding, you set up the stage for implosion
These are 2 separate families of anti-biotics
They destroy bacteria by separate methods
Penicillins actually kill the bacteria
whereas the tetracyclines, slow down the reproduction of the bacteria and gives time for the natural defenses of the body to slowly destroy the bacteria
Counter-breeding comes in the Tetracycline category
Another analogy I can use is Cholera
In cholera, there is no medication, what is used is called Oral Rehydration Therapy
A solution of Salt+Sugar+water is given in large enough quantities to the infected person to make up for the fluid loss caused by the infection
When the fluid balance is contained for a few days, cholera slowly vanishes
See the analogy with counter-breeding
In his book, "World of Fatwas' , Shourie clearly argues that being a muslim is stressful by itself and being forced to live as a muslim minority is 100 times more stressful.
For example, Islam has rules that ban use of urinals
There are islamic rules on using stones to wipe themselves after going to the bathroom
( These islamic rules are called istinja )
Any time a muslim uses a urinal he is violating islam
Once you seal the pressure cooker by counter breeding, you set up the stage for implosion