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What DNA Says About Aryan Invasion Theory -2
[url="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2057546/Early-humans-Africa-route-Arabia-Egypt.html#comments"]Scientists confirm early humans were from Africa but their route out was via Arabia not Egypt[/url]

A few of the comments including a few gems by one Kaycee from UK...

Quote:Oh stop whining -it is the comet on 22nd December 2012 you got to worry about.

- Rob, Stockton-on-tees, UK, 5/11/2011 14:17

You chart stops before they ALL came to England!

- Robin, Of Croxley, 5/11/2011 12:08

The date actual looks like 83000 years ago when there was a very big ice age peak and low sea levels. Also man was in India before 73000 years ago, as the Super Volcanoe Toba wiped them out in India, so it looks like they have only been in India 70000 years when it was repopulated from the east and west. The flood mythe is in about 40 cultures, so must have hit a small group of people who then spread around the world. We are basicaly beach comers. As we need large amounts of fresh water to survive we can not cross deserts we followed springs and rivers.Climate must allways be intergrated with the genetic data. Ice age peaks have been the big driver in the last 200,000 years genetistes need to look at climate to see what was possible. See Stephen Oppenheimer's book Out of Eden for one of the better explanations.

- Peter, Windsor UK, 5/11/2011 6:48

"Academia favours leaving out 99 percent of the facts when forming their theories." The Grim Reaper, Reality, 05/11/2011 04:03. And you leave out 99 percent of your brain cells when you make such an asinine comment.

- Bill, Ipswich, 5/11/2011 5:25

Kaycee sorry to burst your bubble, but like I said in my ealier comment, I KNOW where my ancestors came from. And NOT India. - Sweet Cherry, Glorious Sunny London, 4/11/2011 13:56

Perhaps most of the confusion on which route humans took is because of the geographical changes that the earth may have gone through the last 100 000 years. Definitely, though, I have always found it interesting that people complain about migr ation. All of human history shows that migr ation is a natural act of humans, and that there are ultimately no borders however much we try to draw them up.

- Cain Lawrence, Westmount, Quebec, 4/11/2011 17:06

The migrations appear to show that the British came from Central Europe whereas the main view is that the Celts actually originated from the Iberian Peninsula.

- Philip, Merseyside, 4/11/2011 16:17

Did Wells deliberately exclude the Australian Aboriginals from the study? While they themselves are happy to claim to have always been in Australia, their (partial) archaic-hominid ancestry is potentially Politically Incorrect - and Wells is a very PC kind of guy.

- Simon , London, 4/11/2011 15:45

[color="#0000FF"]<Typical propagandist masquerading as a materialist - the heathens do not need to make "claims" nor do they need to justify their presence>[/color]

In some ways, Sweet Cherry is right. Evolution doesn't exist. Not anymore. We've seen to that by interfering with the survival of the fittest, allowing people who would have perished to survive. This has weakened the gene pool and humankind to such an extent, that people like Sweet Cherry walk among us. She is proof enough that we've stopped evolving..

- Soothsayer, Avalon, 4/11/2011 15:40

''And now they come into the UK via stowing in the back of trucks via Calais, some things never change.'' They are going to their ancestors land that left india and went into europe, who become europeans..aka YOU. Also wasnt it the case for europeans who for 400years invaded, looted, enslaved entire cultures and people. So i think first they coming back to the land that took what belonged to them and second, as is clearly shown in genetic, europeans come from india. How can they be going anywhere other than to the land which was colonized by indians? lol...The change in history takes place with the onset of Abrahamic faiths, who declare that only in their name and their god can you achieve salvation, that ideology erased, diluted, the ancient links that created pre-abrahamic societies with the homeland, India.

- kaycee, uk, 4/11/2011 13:30

Who ever thought our ancestors left Africa via Egypt and Sinai?? The theory has always been that they left via the Ethoipia/Yemen straits at a time when sea levels were much lower and it was possible to wade across. What a non news item!!

- John, Halton, 4/11/2011 11:20

Sweet Cherry, your ancestors came from India. This is proven. Story of Noah and the great flood, is an exact replica of ancient vedic text that predates all known great flood myths. Known as the Hindu Matsya Purana (Fish Chronicle), it clearly mentions the story of noah. And in the Mahabharata it states:"The progeny of Adamis and Hevas (Adam and Eve) soon became so wicked that they were no longer able to coexist peacefully. Brahma therefore decided to punish his creatures, "Vishnu" ordered Vaivasvata to build a ship for himself and his family. When the ship was ready, and Vaivasvata and his family were inside with the seeds of every plant and a pair of every species of animal, the big rains began and the rivers began to overflow." Now genetics is proving something that was rightfully taken from the oldest culture in the world. Its high time India is recognized as the home of civilization. Indian vedic culture is the unifying culture that binds the Egyptions, sumerians, Babylonians.

- kaycee, uk, 4/11/2011 10:58

For so many years a false aryan theory was promoted at all levels. Now we just as Ancient indian sources have claimed all a long, Indian tribes migrated out into central asia, north africa, and europe. When the Europeans ventured into india and proposed the aryan theory it was because their where so many similarities between ancient indians and ancient european/central asian populations especially cultural. This report as well as many others have stated over the past several years, that from india man migrated out to all parts, and from india agriculture started, which migrated with indian tribes into central asia and europe itself. Genetics confirm that European R1a1 genome type comes from India. The indians are the ancient ancestors of present day europeans.

- kaycee, uk, 4/11/2011 10:39

Finally the evidence is now starting to make it mainstream. India is the home of civilization, from india tribes migrated out into central asia, north africa, europea and beyong. The genetics has proved this for quite sometime, even the north african populations come from genetic lines that arose in india. Their are even suggestions that south india may indeed by the home of modern man. Indian texts mention tribes migrated out with vedic culture and kick starting civilisation. The europeans created the Aryan Invasion of india, but actually the truth is the opposite the indian aryan invasion of central asia, north africa and europe. Europeans are from Indian ancestors culturally, physically, and linguistically.

- kaycee, uk, 4/11/2011 9:49

Evolution is just a myth! You can believe what you like but we ALL came from the Middle East in a garden called Eden where first man and woman walked. At least I know that's where my ancestors came fromSmile

- Sweet Cherry, Sunny Glorious London, 4/11/2011 9:18

These are assumptions of the ' Out of African theory' they do not explain the Neanderthals,the Mongolians,the South Americans,the North Americans or even the Aborigines,the Maori,s or other peoples who evolved through different ape species worldwide. No matter how hard one tries to hammer home a piece of a jigsaw ,if its the wrong piece one will get the wrong picture.At this rate its the 'Flat Earth Theory'.

- George, Netherlands, 4/11/2011 9:02

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What DNA Says About Aryan Invasion Theory -2 - by Guest - 08-21-2006, 04:31 AM
What DNA Says About Aryan Invasion Theory -2 - by Guest - 08-21-2006, 04:34 AM
What DNA Says About Aryan Invasion Theory -2 - by Guest - 08-21-2006, 04:59 AM
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What DNA Says About Aryan Invasion Theory -2 - by Guest - 08-21-2006, 06:57 AM
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What DNA Says About Aryan Invasion Theory -2 - by Guest - 08-21-2006, 11:58 AM
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