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The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged
Muslim fanatics fear `NILAVILAKKU’ like the fear Dracula has for `CROSS’

23/09/2012 11:38:27 HK Correspondent

Years ago as a young Muslim League minister when Kunjali Kutty refused to light the `Nilavilakku’ at a state function, many raised their eye brows in disbelief, but the subject died away since the Hindus take everything lightly.

In recent times, when Ministers Muneer and Abdul Rubb followed the footsteps of their leader and kept away from Nilavilakku, it gave a signal about their designs. But now, at Mynagapplly when the new Musaliar at the Madrassa Muhammad Naufal, a NDF activist, directed Muslim students studying at Lakshmi Vilasam High School at Mynagappally not to wear the school uniform bearing the emblem of the school which happens to bear the ‘Nilavilakku’ and ‘Veena’, the issue took a different turn.

This school started in 1921 by the then Travancore Maharaja was named Lakshmi Vilasam to commemorate Rani Lakshmi Bhai and majority students in the school are still Hindus. Emblem of the school was designed about 32 years ago by the PTA which comprised of parents and teachers from all religions.

First the Musaliar directed the Muslim students from the school not to enter the Madrassa wearing the school uniform bearing the school emblem and then instigated the Muslim youth in the area belonging to fanatic groups to scare school authorities with their pressure tactics to remove the emblem from school uniform. When the school authorities refused to budge, the Musalair threatened that they would take out all Muslim students numbering about 500 from the school. The Principal of the School, a Muslim Lady, stood with the PTA and teachers and refused to accept their demand.

The Muslim League leaders in the district then got involved in the issue and gave a demand in writing to the Education Director to have the emblem removed from school uniform. By this time various Hindu organization and BJP in the area also got involved in the issue. The Education Director then directed the school committee to deal with the issue amicably. By this time, parents and students in the school also got divided into two groups and the decision of the committee was to allow the Muslim students to wear uniform without the emblem. So, the Musaliar succeeded in his first attempt.

So, within one week the Musaliar at Mynagappally Madrassa was able to divide the students in this school in to two categories as Muslims and non-Muslim and have even different uniform. A thing to remember in this context is that Mynagappally is the native place of Abdul Nasser Madani, and his headquarters is close to this Madrassa and the school. All changes happening in and around Mynagappally, Karunagappally, Chakkuvally, Bharanikkavu and Sasthamcotta have direct relevance to what he taught his disciples and how venous his sermons were. Behind the bar he may be counting his days, but the religious hatred he preached has spread around are growing in different designs. No wonder that the `Nilavilakku’ has impact on them like the Holy Cross to Dracula.


Just like Vande mataram issue raised by muslims in 1920

Another step to Moplastan

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The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - by G.Subramaniam - 09-24-2012, 06:19 AM

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