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The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged
I shall now explain why the Ayodhya movement was a serious tactical mistake

You need to fight the close enemy before you fight the far enemy

This was the mistake of the Indian freedom fight,

They fought with the far enemy, the british and ignored the close enemy, the muslim, leading to Partition

Savarkar and Hegdewar, Both of whom started out as anti-british freedom fighters, by 1922, Khilafat riots had recognised that the muslim was the bigger enemy

By 1986, Ayodhya was a fully functional Hindu temple, with idols and daily pujas , while still enclosed in a mosque exo-skeleton

Demolishing the domes, while praiseworthy, could have waited while more immediate concerns are fixed

The sangh did not and even now does not realise how most Hindus are passive, de-racinated, traitorous ( deals with EJ and mullahs for vote ). Why else is the BJP not winning 80% of seats

Ram temple is very important in the Hindi belt, but once outside the Hindi belt, say South India, or East India, Ram temple is something nice to have, but not critical

Hindus respond to national desecration - arresting mullahs who desecrate Amar Jawan, rather than mullahs who desecrate local temple

One of the main issues with demolishing of Babri is coping with Muslim riots

First step should be to organise Hindus to defang muslim rioters AND THEN to liberate 33000 temples

45% of Muslims live in muslim concentration districts, 75% of muslims live in muslim concentration towns

In these islam infested areas, Hindus should have been organised and armed

Sending Pandits back to Kashmir valley is more important than Ayodhya

Organising Hindus in West bengal, Assam and Kerala and Harit Pradesh and Seemanchal is more important than Ayodhya

The psec media has managed to demonise Hindus as aggressors. due to Ayodhya, while in reality Hindu groups should be shown as defenders of national and Hindu interest in stopping mini-pakistans and enforcing rule of law

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The coming islamic partition of India and what can be salvaged - by G.Subramaniam - 09-30-2012, 08:28 PM

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