And that other unpleasant topic again.
Something I recently discovered.
It has to do with post 32 of the indology thread at
Personally, I think it is imperative for all Hindus to have read it. Especially all the kinds that peddle Hindus' religion to aliens, and more so all the Hindus that peddle the Vedam among aliens.
In any case, if you haven't read that earlier post, there's really no point in reading the rest of this one, as it is directly connected.
Post 32 of the indology thread was a copy-and-paste affair from a forum discussion on the beliefnet site, which has since been reorganised or something so that the link I provided to the source now goes to a dead end. I searched the web for the text of the discussion, and it seems IF now has the only copy. (Someone's been cleaning up what their big mouth had given away.)
The alien "Vedic Recon" female had blabbed her gang's intentions publicly and verbosely:
- that she was inventing a new, True Vedic Religion (which wasn't Hindu religion; according to her/her alien gang Hindus are practising the neo-religion, and hers is the original/pure Vedic religion)
- that she had started in Hindu religion and wanted to be allowed to dabble in the Vedam, but that she had come up on a dead end because she realised Hindus wouldn't let her (her being an alien dabbling terrorist and all)
- that she therefore needed to start the True Pure Vedic Religion (and she's set it up in antagonism to Hindus' religion), wherein she declares she and her alien gang have right of access to the Vedam
- but she admitted repeatedly that she still needed Hindus to teach her the How To Do It All.
- she also admitted that by that point she had 'at last' found some Useful Indian Idiot (is there another kind?) to teach her proper diction in Skt. Gee, I wonder which of the long list of traitors she found to teach her and her equally poisonous like-minded kind to dabble in the Vedam. Gah of all the kinds of dabbling mlecchas to instruct - though all kinds are banned - they had to pick the worst of the lot. (And don't you know alien females are even more prone to dabbling and new-age than even the male kind. But they're all quite mad, and to distinguish between genders at this point borders on nitpicking.)
But well done, traitors, well done. I wish the many traitors inducting aliens into the Vedam would just publish their names and what they did already, so that native Hindus can shun them forever, and point to them throughout history as the source of the greatest of Hindus' woes. Personally, I wouldn't leave it at shunning *this* type of traitor, but then, I never did have a forgiving character. I really *really* wish I knew where they all lived. But as I don't have the requisite home addresses to do something about it/them, it's all only so much venting.
So on to the discovery.
When I looked up the Vedic Recom female's handle on the internet to see whether she was still on beliefnet at least, found out this particular individual hadn't merely started off dabbling in Hinduism, but had been a presumably long-term and visible participant in something called "Hindunet" - since she expected other alien (undercover?) dabblers to remember and recognise her from there:
When Hindus say No to aliens "No, you can't convert/dabble", you always (at least eventually) start seeing the alien dabblers' true colours.
Their responses always follow along one of several lines. Ranging all the way from pleading for acceptance with arguments of how they are "true Hindus" ("truer than you, far more like your Yogis and Rishis etc than you native Hindus are, therefore it all belongs to us more than it does to you" - nice try), to arguing that most Hindus aren't really native either (Namboodiris must be Syrian, GSBs and Chitpavans must be Iranian/whatever, etc) "therefore we're no more alien than you all are, therefore we have as much right to convert/to the Vedam as all of you",
all the way down to getting really angry and starting their own independent True Pure Vedic Religion and further declaring that Hindus' religion is as miscegenated a variant of Pure Vedic Religion as Hindus are a miscegation of Oryans (Japhetites) and Hamites (Dravoodians).
Hindus don't appear to know the mindset of aliens - and the consequent typical behaviour pattern of aliens of dabbling tendencies - yet insist on peddling Hindu religion among these.
The current aliens are the offspring of people who murdered the inconvertibles of the heathen religions of Europe.
If there are any heathens among the current aliens (and there are), they would be following their own ancestral heathenism, not be dabbling in Hindu religion. Wish Hindus would get that into their heads. There's a whole ocean of decent western people out there. But the ones that want to "convert" to (dabble in) Hindu or Daoist etc religion are specifically not it.
Something I recently discovered.
It has to do with post 32 of the indology thread at
Personally, I think it is imperative for all Hindus to have read it. Especially all the kinds that peddle Hindus' religion to aliens, and more so all the Hindus that peddle the Vedam among aliens.
In any case, if you haven't read that earlier post, there's really no point in reading the rest of this one, as it is directly connected.
Post 32 of the indology thread was a copy-and-paste affair from a forum discussion on the beliefnet site, which has since been reorganised or something so that the link I provided to the source now goes to a dead end. I searched the web for the text of the discussion, and it seems IF now has the only copy. (Someone's been cleaning up what their big mouth had given away.)
The alien "Vedic Recon" female had blabbed her gang's intentions publicly and verbosely:
- that she was inventing a new, True Vedic Religion (which wasn't Hindu religion; according to her/her alien gang Hindus are practising the neo-religion, and hers is the original/pure Vedic religion)
- that she had started in Hindu religion and wanted to be allowed to dabble in the Vedam, but that she had come up on a dead end because she realised Hindus wouldn't let her (her being an alien dabbling terrorist and all)
- that she therefore needed to start the True Pure Vedic Religion (and she's set it up in antagonism to Hindus' religion), wherein she declares she and her alien gang have right of access to the Vedam
- but she admitted repeatedly that she still needed Hindus to teach her the How To Do It All.
- she also admitted that by that point she had 'at last' found some Useful Indian Idiot (is there another kind?) to teach her proper diction in Skt. Gee, I wonder which of the long list of traitors she found to teach her and her equally poisonous like-minded kind to dabble in the Vedam. Gah of all the kinds of dabbling mlecchas to instruct - though all kinds are banned - they had to pick the worst of the lot. (And don't you know alien females are even more prone to dabbling and new-age than even the male kind. But they're all quite mad, and to distinguish between genders at this point borders on nitpicking.)
But well done, traitors, well done. I wish the many traitors inducting aliens into the Vedam would just publish their names and what they did already, so that native Hindus can shun them forever, and point to them throughout history as the source of the greatest of Hindus' woes. Personally, I wouldn't leave it at shunning *this* type of traitor, but then, I never did have a forgiving character. I really *really* wish I knew where they all lived. But as I don't have the requisite home addresses to do something about it/them, it's all only so much venting.
So on to the discovery.
When I looked up the Vedic Recom female's handle on the internet to see whether she was still on beliefnet at least, found out this particular individual hadn't merely started off dabbling in Hinduism, but had been a presumably long-term and visible participant in something called "Hindunet" - since she expected other alien (undercover?) dabblers to remember and recognise her from there:
Posts: 52
Registered: May 2005 Posted May 27th, 2005 01:14 PM IP
Hey, you guys!
All right, getting down to business:
I am a "Vedic Recon" and other user names you might recognise:
amorphous (Beliefnet)
agnihotr (Sword & Shield, Hindunet, etc.)
Good to see you guys
When Hindus say No to aliens "No, you can't convert/dabble", you always (at least eventually) start seeing the alien dabblers' true colours.
Their responses always follow along one of several lines. Ranging all the way from pleading for acceptance with arguments of how they are "true Hindus" ("truer than you, far more like your Yogis and Rishis etc than you native Hindus are, therefore it all belongs to us more than it does to you" - nice try), to arguing that most Hindus aren't really native either (Namboodiris must be Syrian, GSBs and Chitpavans must be Iranian/whatever, etc) "therefore we're no more alien than you all are, therefore we have as much right to convert/to the Vedam as all of you",
all the way down to getting really angry and starting their own independent True Pure Vedic Religion and further declaring that Hindus' religion is as miscegenated a variant of Pure Vedic Religion as Hindus are a miscegation of Oryans (Japhetites) and Hamites (Dravoodians).
Hindus don't appear to know the mindset of aliens - and the consequent typical behaviour pattern of aliens of dabbling tendencies - yet insist on peddling Hindu religion among these.
The current aliens are the offspring of people who murdered the inconvertibles of the heathen religions of Europe.
If there are any heathens among the current aliens (and there are), they would be following their own ancestral heathenism, not be dabbling in Hindu religion. Wish Hindus would get that into their heads. There's a whole ocean of decent western people out there. But the ones that want to "convert" to (dabble in) Hindu or Daoist etc religion are specifically not it.