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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
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4. And now I find it stops being funny and gets downright disgusting.

Little rat was a close friend of serial paedophile-rapist BBC's own Jimmy Saville:


Quote:[image caption:] Jimmy Savile with Cardinal O’Brien in 2007 (Picture: Paul McSherry)

Cardinal Keith O’Brien, who is accused of inappropriate behaviour towards priests, was a close friend of disgraced TV presenter Jimmy Savile, it has emerged.

Britain’s most senior Roman Catholic cleric was forced to resign yesterday following the emergence of the historic abuse allegations.

The cardinal, who has been a vocal opponent of lesbian and gay equality, worked closely together with Savile on a number of fundraising projects.

He paid tribute to his ‘friend’ Savile following his death in October, before the former Top of the Pops presenter was unmasked as one of the UK’s most prolific known sexual predators.

‘My friendship with Jimmy Savile developed over many years since I was assistant priest in St Patrick’s Parish, Kilsyth,’ he told the Scottish Catholic Observer.

‘We were always trying to fundraise, not only for the parish, but for a variety of local and national charities.’

(I suppose Hindus should be grateful Savile didn't threaten to take his very christian charity "internationally" and to 'third-world' nations like India. But there are enough other christian 'charities' that do exactly this: enough paedophiles they've sent India's way to start "orphanages". But this is documented in other parts of IF's christianism threads.)


Also, the interesting news heading

My friend Savile by Cardinal 'Sin' at


5. Yet another priest who's been asked/demanded to vote in the conclave is a sleazeball. Unlike O' Brien, Mahoney is not known to be gay-yet-hypocritical (though O' Brien was additionally happily hanging out with paedophile Savile, which makes the cardinal dubious). But Mahoney is a decided criminal: being a great defender of christian, priestly paedophiles (whether O'Brien knew about Savile's paedophilia or not has yet to be investigated, but Mahoney below knows the priests he's been protecting are paedophiles):


Quote:Cardinal: LA's Mahony should help select pope

Monday, February 25, 2013

VATICAN CITY -- The former archbishop of San Francisco said Monday that Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony has a rightful place among Vatican officials who will choose the next pope, even though Mahony has been battered in recent days by disclosures about his role in covering up clergy sex abuse.

The comments by Cardinal William Levada, a high-ranking Vatican official until recently, came in the wake of a grass-roots campaign to shame Mahony into refraining from participating because of his role protecting sexually abusive priests.

Mahony left for Rome over the weekend after recently released church documents showed he had covered up for other priests who raped and molested children.

"There are some victims groups for whom enough is never enough, so we have to do our jobs as best we see it," said Levada, 76, who spoke with reporters from a Menlo Park seminary as he prepared for his trip to the Vatican for the papal conclave.

"He has apologized for errors in judgment that were made," Levada said. "I believe he should be at the conclave."

(Oh look he apologised. That's so sweet.... So if someone were to beat him to within an inch of his life and then apologised - and do it again and apologise again - it should all be okay too, no? It's a pity the legal system doesn't work that way and punishes aiders and abetters of crime such as paedophilia, instead of letting them apologise their way out of it. My favourite part is where Mahoney plays the victim - "I'm persecuted, they won't forgive their enemies, they hate and despise me", without a moment's reflection on whether or not He Deserves It - and then he threatens the jeebus card belowSmile

On Monday, Mahony took to social media and his own personal blog to write about persecution and forgiving one's enemies. He said he has a special prayer group for people who "cannot forgive me for my past hurts and offenses," including members of the media, attorneys, protesters and those who "hate and despise me."

He also tweeted from Rome, writing: "Anyone interested in loving your enemies, or doing good to those who persecute you? See my blog for today. Wow, Jesus is demanding."

("If you're christian, you'll forgive me - you'll Let It all Go - because that is what jeebus would do." Except that jeebus never existed, as Pope Leo X himself admitted.

Wait wait. He's actually asking the catholic victims of catholic paedophilia to forgive - to LOVE - their enemies=the predators. Typical. What next? Ask them to keep rolling over? Disgusting.)


The victims of abuse and their supporters organised a campaign to keep the christoterrorist away from voting at the conclave. Yet while O' Brien's been requested by his Vatican superiors to skip the Conclave, not so Mahoney:


Quote:British Cardinal to skip papal conclave

By The Associated Press Feb. 25, 2013


During a briefing with reporters at the Vatican last week, Piazzoni was asked about the campaign to keep Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony away from the voting because he covered up sexual abuse by priests.

Piazzoni said while in the past some cardinals have been impeded either by illness or by interference from their governments, none has stayed away because of a stain on his own reputation.

That last line is the sort of the typical catholic excuse regarding all of their paedophilia: the priests discovered to have abused kids never get excommunicated or even defrocked by the church - standard catholic church practise as per their Crimen Sollicitationes (sp?) document - and cardinals protecting paedophilia aren't expected to abstain from the papal poll either. (Yet note how Crimen Sollicitationes punishes the christian victims of clerical sexual abuse if they were to go to the police about it. The victims could get excommunicated for that - and thus be withdrawn from jeebus' "love" curse forever.)

These entities are so pukeworthy.

Indian catholics must be pukeworthy entities too - equal condoners of paedophilia - to follow this vile disease so willingly. They're eager peddlers of the disease what's more. Bah. To think some Indian nutters actually marry Indian christians. But anyone of heathen origin or self-definition who marries a christian is a christian themselves, and should keep and be kept away from all Hindus too.

Piazzoni's final line 'A stain on his own reputation' is - for a change - what's reputed to be keeping O' Brien away. First case of supposedly "voluntarily" abdicating his right to vote, apparently (just like Ratzy is the 2nd to voluntarily step down as pope, though he too is forced by messy business that came to light, as per Italian media):


Embattled British cardinal becomes first to skip papal conclave because of personal scandal

There are too many suspicious "firsts" this time: first voluntary papal abdication in many centuries (and 2nd ever), first cardinal to step down. Both amid serious scandals. But it's admittedly not an ordinary situation and is indeed considered very serious.

6. How serious the matter is can be gaged from news headings like:


Cardinal quits in ‘biggest crisis since Reformation’

(If true, very serious indeed then)


'Amateur hour': Vatican conclave drama is one for the history books, experts say

www.press-citizen.com/usatoday/article/1947609 and usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/02/25/pope-vatican-mess-catholic-church-chaos-cardinals/1947609

Pope Benedict leaves amid a holy mess at the Vatican

7. Meanwhile, a lobby wants O' Brien to vote at the conclave anyway. Well considering the likes of Mahoney's allowed, why not O' Brien, right?


Quote:Give him the vote: Cardinal Keith O'Brien backed to help pick next Pope despite allegations

Britain's most senior Roman Catholic cleric should be allowed to help choose the next Pope despite facing allegations of inappropriate behaviour, the former archbishop of Westminster said today.

Oh, the former archbishop. For a moment I was certain it was the insane Indian catholics - on fire for anything christian - that formed the lobby.

But "sorry, archbishop of canter... I mean westminster, the Pope apparently overruled ya."

I'm actually going to return to my original suspicion: that the reason why O' Brien's in the dock - yet not priestly paedophiles, their high-placed protectors like Mahoney, nor well-known gay clergy (including the rest of the "Vatican Gay Lobby" that led to the Pope's own resignation) - is because O' Brien blasphemed against papal infallibility and has tried to overturn catholic 'orthodoxy' concerning the matter of priestly celibacy. That alone still explains the discrepancy in the dates of how on Saturday he was still the prize horse for voting and today he's not. Then again, as the archbishop of Westminster insists that O'Brien should still have a right to be present at the conclave, I suppose I could be wrong. (Then again, maybe the Pope won't look too kindly at the retired archbishop for the suggestion, if, as some news say, the Pope/Vatican is behind the cardinal's resignation?)

And, in light of the revelations in the news items excerpted in this second post, the British Cardinal's closing remark becomes more ominous and downright disturbing, where he:

Quote:suggested it could be time for a younger pontiff, possibly from the developing world.

"I would be open to a pope from anywhere if I thought it was the right man, whether it was Europe or Asia or Africa or wherever,"
he said.

Eewwww. Sick. Now it sounds like he wants to expand his palate, to have a greater - more international - variety of love interests. Especially in the context of the "Papal Gentlemen" controversy that came up in the last few years (news items were posted on IF) about how "ethnic" men were included in the 'love interests' (victims) of highly placed Vatican priests. The Vatican love jihad has *men* in its crosshairs (also women and children, but definitely also men, so Nobody is safe).

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