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The tactics used by America to destroy (East) Asian society
Still trying to get through the back-catalogue of older articles first.

1. modelminority.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=153:why-do-asian-women-date-white-men-&catid=37:dating&Itemid=56

Quote:What many of the old-timers on s.c.a.a are talking about is the disparity between the number of AF/CM couples versus AM/CF couples. According to an article in the San Francisco Examiner [Look folks! Real live hard data, not just someone's anecdotal evidence.] AF/CM marriages outnumber AM/CF marriages by 4 to 1 in San Francisco. In Sacramento the ratio is 8 to 1.


Given that the male/female ratio in the population is roughly 1 to 1, the 4:1 and 8:1 ratios cited above deviate significantly from randomness. Thus, we reject the null hypothesis and search for explanations.

2. modelminority.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=204:a-threatened-manhood-exploring-the-myth-of-the-angry-asian-male-&catid=37:dating&Itemid=56

Quote:During his freshman year, Kim dated a white woman. The relationship gained him respect from his Asian American male friends, he says, admitting that one of the reasons he went out with her “was a status thing.” And up until a couple years ago, he was impressed when he saw Asian man with a white woman. “I thought, ‘all right, he’s got a white girlfriend.’”

Fellow Lambda brother Kelvin Lin, 22, also prefers to date Asian American women. He notices subtle differences in how Asian women are treated as opposed to their white counterparts, especially by his non-Asian American peers. When he goes to clubs with his white friends, Lin says, he notices they’re more confident with Asian women, and their comments tend to have more sexual connotations.

“When they see an Asian girl, they say things like, ‘I want to get with her,’” Lin explains. “But when they see a Caucasian woman, they make more subtle comments like, ‘Oh, she’s pretty.’”

Though Lin feels uneasy when he sees an Asian woman dating a white man, he says he feels “guilty “ for judging the relationship based on stereotypes and his past experiences. Now, he tries not to be so critical. “As long as the guy is treating her right, I have no problem with interracial dating,” Lin concludes.

‘Asian women are sexualized, men are desexualized and neutered’

Not all Asian American males are that understanding, however. Curtiss Takada Rooks, an assistant professor of Asian American Studies at San Jose State University, says there is a sense of Asian American male frustration as Asian American women continue to outmarry at higher rates than Asian American men, and media bombards society with images of Asian men as either “stern and misogynist” or “effeminate and nerdy.”

“Asian American male frustration is not a myth,” Rooks says. “The frustration, however, is not so much based on marrying out, but rather on the reason women are marrying out. Asian American men feel dismissed by Asian American women, not for who they are, but for what society says they are.”

Social scientists who have studied this phenomenon have found that Asian American women are, in fact, more likely to outmarry. The most recent statistics from the 1990 Census show that Asian American women are almost twice as likely to outmarry than Asian American men. In California, 7.7 percent of the males were married to whites, compared to 16.2 percent of the women.

“That is a huge difference,” says Larry Shinagawa, an Asian American studies professor at Sonoma State University. “Asian men tend to marry inter-ethnically; second- and third- generation men tend to marry first- and second-generation women.”

But those statistics don’t tell the whole story. What Shinagawa and others are also finding is that the outmarriage gap between U.S.-born men and women is closing.

Indeed, statistics in California show18.9 percent of native-born Asian American males were married to white females, whereas 24.8 percent of native-born Asian American females were married to white males. Nationwide, U.S-born American males were more than four times as likely as foreign-born Asian males to outmarry.

More and more, the outmarriage issue is forcing discussions, calling into question race, purity and the changing definition of what it is to be Asian American, says Rooks.

“Asian American males, trying to find their place in this changing society, are impacted by external factors,” he elaborates.

“This is not simply an Asian American male versus female issue. It becomes a family and community issue; the community has to deal with their own prejudices and recognize the community is changing.

“Asian American females and males need to discuss these issues, understanding each other’s strengths rather than emphasizing the weaknesses derived from mainstream images.”

Historically, anti-Asian laws, while robbing all Chinese Americans of their dignity, have dealt a particularly hard blow to men. The Exclusion Act in the 1870s and early 20th century, for example, prevented Chinese laborers from bringing their wives to the United States. By 1900, it is estimated that men outnumbered women by 26 to 1; Chinatowns were bachelor societies, where often men gambled and visited prostitutes. In the media, the Asian immigrants were labeled the “yellow peril” -- a marginalized group characterized as having perverted lifestyles and lacking family values.

Negative media images followed. In 1929, the English author Sax Rohmer wrote the The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu, characterizing Asians as villains. Meanwhile, Asian females were often paired with white males in such productions as Madame Butterfly, Sayonara and The World of Suzie Wong -- wrote Doobo Shim in 1998.

Gender differences often determine how Asian Americans interpret these images. Shinagawa gives the example of The Joy Luck Club, a movie he shows to his Asian American students. He says women in his class tend to view the film as a mother-daughter bonding movie, whereas the men are often disturbed by its “myopic view of Chinese men. Asian American men are sick of that movie. It presents the men in such jaded ways, as only concentrating on money,” explains Shinagawa.

“Comparatively, Asian women are sexualized; men are desexualized and neutered,” says filmmaker Steven Okazaki, who wrote and produced American Sons, a movie that examines Asian American masculinity. “These characters have very offensive effects on Asian men and women and on how others see Asian men. We’re in a more enlightened era, yet a lot of those negative images are out there, offensive stereotypes of buck-toothed, nerdy variations. These haven’t changed. To give Asian men hearts and souls and sexuality is threatening in this culture.”

mating habits

These stereotypes created by mainstream society and media, Rooks says, impact the way people, including Asian American women, view Asian males.

“Many Asian males think women are not dating them because they are judged based on stereotypes they can’t control,” Rooks explains, “and that white males are going out with Asian females because of stereotypes that they are exotic and skilled in the sexual arts, rather than for who they are as individuals.”

Rooks’ Asian American male students have said that they’ve been rejected by Asian American women who complain that Asian males “aren’t spontaneous; they don’t laugh; they aren’t tall,” according to Rooks. “Asian men start questioning their identity. They’re asking themselves why they can’t get a date, ‘Is it because I’m Japanese American, Korean American, because of the negative stereotypes, or because I’m a jerk?’”

There’s also a feeling that women are “marrying up and out,” Rooks says. Gordon Milton, who published Assimilation in American Life in 1964, believed intermarriage signified assimilation, as subordinate groups adopted the dominate groups’ culture.

“Conservative theory of the 1960s and ‘70s said that women outmarried as part of the assimilation process,” Rooks says. “Women move first by marrying the men who have the power to marry those they conquer.”

“This isn’t an Asian male society. Whites have access to any sexual relationship they wish,” says Shinagawa, who gives the example of his sister-in-law who was recently approached by a white male. First the man said to her ‘Konichi-wa’ [hello in Japanese]. After getting no response, he said, ‘Ahn young ha sae yo’ [hello in Korean]. She finally felt obliged to say, ‘Oh, that’s good.’ And he immediately talked on and on to her.

“Asian American women get used to that,” Shinagawa says. “I’ve heard variations of this story told over and over by different women. That’s white privilege, being able to look at color, language, race and not the person.

“What if my [Asian American] student sees a good-looking white woman and asks her, ‘Are you English? German? Italian?’ It would be totally out of context. He would have no privilege to do that.”

‘What’s wrong with me?’

Sam Lau, 26, has witnessed that privileged mentality. While a student at University of Wisconsin, he met a few white men who he believes had Asian fetishes. “They didn’t care about the girls’ looks as long as they had long hair and were petite.”

Lau says some of these men would go to extreme measures to meet Asian women.

“I took some Japanese and Chinese classes,” Lau continues. “A lot of white people take those classes because they are interested in the language and culture -- but mainly as a means to meet the women.”

Lau even knew of one man who worked in a bar patronized mainly by Asian Americans so he could meet women.

“I got the feeling it was borderline stalking,” Lau says. “To see them in action is kind of freaky. You see it in their eyes when they look at Asian girls. They see an Asian girl and they perk up.”

Lau, himself, has dated non-Asian women. Growing up, he didn’t know any Asians except for his family and family friends. Later on, however, he found he had more in common with Asian American women. When dating one white woman, he felt a particularly strong cultural gap.

“Asians hold family in higher regard,” Lau says. “When my grandfather got sick I stayed at home more and spent less time with her. She complained, saying I hardly knew my grandfather. But he was my mother’s dad. I wanted to be there for my mom. She couldn’t understand that.”

Now living in California, he has become friends with many Asian Americans, who, he says, “have problems” with Asian women dating white men.

“A lot of Asian guys feel they can’t get white girls because they wouldn’t find them attractive,” Lau says. “When the guys see Asian girls who only like white guys, it makes them feel shitty.

“I can see where they’re coming from. There are some guys who are at the stage where they’re wondering, ‘What’s wrong with me?’”

the standard is white

At 5’ 10” and with what he calls “white features,” Phil Chow does not consider himself an average-looking Asian guy. In fact, more than a few people -- both Chinese and white -- have assumed he is Eurasian. But whenever Chow is rejected by an Asian woman, he suspects it’s because he’s Chinese.

“I always seem to meet attractive Asian women who turn me down for stereotypical reasons,” Chow reasons.

Chow, who is Canadian, didn’t realize he had a unique look, however, until he was in college. The turning point, he says, came on the day he went to eat at a Vietnamese-French restaurant.

“I noticed the waitresses staring at me,” Chow says. “One came over to take my order and asked if I were a Westerner.”

Amused, he went back to the dorms and told some of his fellow students. “They thought I was part white, too. It was the first time I realized people thought I was half.”

But his “white features” haven’t helped him get dates. Most of the Asian women he meets would rather date white men, Chow says. Six years ago he dated a Chinese woman who admitted to him that she “didn’t go out with Chinese men because they weren’t tall enough.”

“I told her she was bull-shitting, that not being tall enough was an excuse,” Chow says. “I told her she was ashamed of being Asian.

“She said, ‘Well, you guys have small penises.’

“I said, ‘You have pancake tits.’

“Then she said, ‘I bet you haven’t gone out with a white woman.’ When I told her I had, she looked at me and said, ‘Yeah, I guess you could go out with a white woman.’

“She implied the standard is white. If you’re attractive enough to go out with a white woman, you’ve made it,” Chow says, explaining that because he looks white, the woman thought it was more credible that he had dated white women.


It's tempting to bring up the similarities and differences with bollywho and Indian media's attempts against the native heathens, heathen society and heathenism, but I may leave that for another day. (Besides, it's not like IF doesn't already know - and better - about bollywho/Indian media.)

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The tactics used by America to destroy (East) Asian society - by Husky - 09-05-2013, 07:14 PM

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