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The tactics used by America to destroy (East) Asian society
Note that this is the only post of today's series of spam that is on the thread topic.

It has gained some extra relevance in the context of the links in the earlier posts,

but the links in this post (in blue further below) were already very important and I was going to paste them after some more links from the 44s/bigwowo.

Post 5/5

So, onto the Chinese example.

Some posts ago, I ended my spam session with the following statement:

Quote:Oh and near the final comments to one of the bigwowo links from the previous post, I just spotted stuff from a site whose pages are so infuriating ... am going to have to leave it for another day. (But it's a typical source of all this psyops crap. :GrrrrrSmile

What I spotted was this:


Quote:T. AKA Ricky Raw says:

March 5, 2013 at 5:52 pm

This site has an interesting take on the issue, but I’m not sure if I totally buy it, especially since I have no idea if it may be written by a non-Chinese man and may be a little biased as a result:


The relevant part:

Quote:In what is an annual multi-billion dollar industry, more than half of all Asians (mostly women), aged 25 to 34 years, use skin whiteners on a regular basis (CNN.com, 2002). The Chinese preference for clear, white or pale skin is pervasive and ubiquitous and, as such, Chinese women avoid exposure to the sun whenever possible and most carry parasols with them during the summer months (you will even see women riding bicycles with a parasol in one hand). For this reason primarily, you will rarely observe Chinese arriving at pools or the seaside before 5:00 p.m., i.e., when the sun begins to set. In addition, eating disorders, particularly bulimia nervosa (binge eating followed by purging), are increasing in prevalence in China at an alarming rate, especially among girls from higher income families aged 12 to 22 (Chen and Jackson, 2007). A revealing human interest story featured on the All-China Women’s Federation website about two American-born Chinese (ABC) girls studying in Beijing, highlights their difficulties adjusting to cultural differences in regard to both weight and skin tone. The article notes that whereas both girls wore small sizes in the United States, in China they are considered “fat” (and are readily told so by both friends and casual acquaintances) and can only fit into large sizes (Martin, 2007). Whereas their skin tone would be considered healthy-looking by American standards, here they are both regarded as being way too “dark.”

What all of this amounts to is that the vast majority of Chinese women are extremely insecure about their physical appearance, far more so than their Western counterparts. There is incredible social pressure on Chinese women to be extremely thin and those who don’t meet their culture’s nearly unattainable standards of beauty are reminded of it constantly—by parents, friends, teachers, and commercial advertisements that conspicuously feature either Western models or those of Eurasian ancestry. Young women who are considered too dark will spend what little money they earn to purchase whitening creams and those who can afford to do so will seek “corrective” plastic surgery (which, by the way, includes hymenorraphy, i.e., surgical restoration of the hymen). In fact, plastic surgery has become so pervasive and common in China today, the country actually hosted its first beauty pageant in 2004 specifically for women who are now considered to be beautiful as a direct result of these various cosmetic procedures, i.e., a pageant for former cosmetic surgery patients only (ABC News, 2008).

There is no doubt that Western and Chinese men maintain very different criteria for determining what constitutes a pretty Chinese girl, and this is actually one of the reasons behind some Chinese girls’ attraction to foreign men. Obviously, if you are considered a “little ugly” by men of your own culture and then you come across a Western man who sincerely views and treats you as beautiful, it is understandable that the woman will be highly flattered, perhaps even grateful, and attracted in turn. The cultural difference in perception regarding what constitutes a pretty Chinese girl is so pronounced that one can actually find a public discussion among Chinese men on the China Daily forum titled “Do Foreign Men Have Ugly Chinese Girlfriends?”

As a further illustration, in 2001, People magazine voted young Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. However, when Peng Bo, president of the Shanghai Time Cosmetic Surgery Hospital, was asked to comment on Zhang’s title and whether he personally considered her to be beautiful, he refused to give a direct answer to the question. Instead, he replied “I would only say her face is up to the standard of beauty. Zhang’s job requires that she has to be assertive” (China Daily, 2005). In other words, according to at least one director of a cosmetic surgery center in China, Zhang does not qualify as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in 2001 as she just meets the standard of “beauty,” and has a look that he apparently regards as too “assertive” or hard in appearance. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that Zhang Ziyi would eventually find herself a foreign boyfriend (multimillionaire Vivi Nevo). Obviously, if a young Chinese movie star of international acclaim for her beauty cannot pass muster in China, there isn’t much hope here for the majority of women. And, in fact, this partially explains how Western men fit into the picture.

So according to this site, Chinese culture is way too hard on Chinese women and their looks, and Western men aren’t, and that plays a big role in the attraction. I don’t know if I personally buy it, so I dropped the link here to hear the other side of the story from you guys.

And the one person who bothered to respond to the obvious christowestern dawaganda:

Quote:N says:

March 11, 2013 at 9:35 pm


You should know by now that 99% of the stuff that rice chasers writes about asians are absolute garbage.

The christowestern claims about the Chinese perceptions sound familiar don't they? (And they are apparently repeated by Kingston et al, to give an Asian chorus to the western line. Which Asian chorus are picked up by the christowest once more and passed of as "See, even Chinese women admit the Chinese cultural/social oppression we've been talking about".)

It's a pity that neither N nor any of the others seemed to have gone of to the middle kingdom life - of the WM at mid-life crisis - site.

1. It pretends to be a site of and for western native English speakers teaching/considering teaching English in China, and what to expect of life there in Chung Kuo (The Middle Kingdom)

2. It pretends to be accurate: it claims this for itself! It *actually* states that it is well-recognised as a source of accurate info on China! No doubt "accurate" as in reflecting America's "Asian Studies" programme.

3. BUT it is a site of curiously only *male* prospective English-teachers in China: you can tell this is so, because their highly acclaimed guide - purporting to be a guide on teaching English in China - has entire sections devoted to how to get a Chinese woman, including:

- chapters and chapters on dating Chinese women, where to find them, where to look for them, what to expect, how to appeal.

- Chinese views on sex etc [and here we get down to the heart of the matter: middle-aged aliens are hoping to troll about Asia to get a woman at last, since no one wanted them back home. These Americans think their European ancestry is like a free ticket to get them a beautiful young Chinese girlfriend even bride, so they can finally try passing on their lame Asiaphile genes. May they get struck with permanent impotence.]

- it "analyses" Chinese women's "psychology" - which they declare is "basically" of 2 (and moreover unflattering) kinds [as opposed to millions of individuals, since you know, only the christowest has individuals],

- why WM [western male] is better for Chinese women than Chinese men,

- why Chinese women *should* ("and therefore surely do?") prefer the western male,

- why Chinese men are horrid and Chinese society and culture is horrid and downright EVIL, especially against Chinese women. And that the WM is therefore essentially the Chinese woman's saviour, her only hope.

Indeed, these middle-aged western men - white men, hey let's be offensive about the offensive - have intensely been collecting all Chinese material on the marriage preferences and intermarriage non-preferences of the Chinese and analysing it. Initially, the moronic christowestern male hoping to parasite on Chinese women declared triumphantly that research had supposedly shown that Chinese women would much prefer western men over their own.

Then the stupid alien christo morons retracted it and admitted that the data didn't quite imply that (actually, the data showed no such thing), that it showed that Chinese women preferred their own men actually. And yet they ended lamely with "yet, there is still hope for us WM preying on Chinese women" (And the reasoning? "*Because* we say Chinese culture is patriarchal and its men are horrid and their women consequently need saving by us". I.e. circular reasoning). All the data admitted to was that Chinese women said they had no racial preferences - biases - and would consequently consider western men, although they seemed to prefer their own anyway and in practice too stuck to their own. Theoretical statements of "I would consider people from any geography" are to be expected from the E Asians, but then, it is *theoretically* true for the likes of me also - since I'm not a bigot either - but *practically*, not so much. (Religio-cultural differences, you see.)

4. It is clearly a christo site: it speaks of how prospective English-teachers can still attend church in China. It speaks of avoiding certain types of "mercenary" Chinese women who used to be prostitutes but want to go to the west and so now reinvent themselves as younger, virtuous christian girls just to lure the "poor innocent" middle-aged WM male out hunting Chinese women in China (such as with use of this guide at middle-kingdom-life).

Note the "most viewed pages" of the site are (or were, when I visited it) exactly those involving snagging a poor unsuspecting Chinese woman. This in a site claiming to be about teaching English in China.

I can't stress how Hindus - especially women - (and all Chinese women) should really read the guide/the site, in particular the following pages. I mean, check the titles.











(How I wish I could force every so-called "ethnic" woman to read the above and especially every Chinese woman back in China.)

There's also a link to the chapter on sexual mores in China in "the guide". I didn't read it, I'm sure it's more psy-ops. You can find it from the menu for their Guide on their site.

Finally, I want to get back to this bit from the excerpt quoted in the bigwowo comment:

Quote:As a further illustration, in 2001, People magazine voted young Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. However, when Peng Bo, president of the Shanghai Time Cosmetic Surgery Hospital, was asked to comment on Zhang’s title and whether he personally considered her to be beautiful, he refused to give a direct answer to the question. Instead, he replied “I would only say her face is up to the standard of beauty. Zhang’s job requires that she has to be assertive” (China Daily, 2005). In other words, according to at least one director of a cosmetic surgery center in China, Zhang does not qualify as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world in 2001 as she just meets the standard of “beauty,” and has a look that he apparently regards as too “assertive” or hard in appearance. Therefore, it is not surprising at all that Zhang Ziyi would eventually find herself a foreign boyfriend (multimillionaire Vivi Nevo). Obviously, if a young Chinese movie star of international acclaim for her beauty cannot pass muster in China, there isn’t much hope here for the majority of women. And, in fact, this partially explains how Western men fit into the picture.

They provided a photo of the admittedly luminous Zhang Ziyi and caption it with:

Quote:Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi, voted one of the world's most beautiful women by People Magazine, is considered "so-so" or a "little ugly" by most Chinese

Note how:

1. WM are eager to lie that Chinese people don't think Zhang Ziyi is pretty. Never mind that she is regarded a *famous* beauty by the general Chinese population (IIRC she's considered a discovery of the director who had made the also lovely Gong Li famous before her. Gong Li at 46 starred as younger-looking love interest to a then 29 year old Farrell in Mann's re-visit of Miami Vice. Typical). Never mind that Zhang Zi Yi was introduced to the west by the *Chinese* as a great beauty. She is regarded beautiful by the Chinese the way Indians regard Aishwarya Rai beautiful. So for a modern Indian POV to understand the extent of the lie, the statement reads as:

"Indian actress Aishwarya Rai, voted beautiful by <insert international ragazine>, was - in her acting years - considered "so-so" or a "little ugly" by most Indians."

*That* is the level of lying in the statement by the WM.

2. The view of a plastic surgeon's is twisted into the view of all Chinese. Yet the plastic surgeon didn't even say all that much, certainly not the way the WM leapt on his highly reserved statement - and who knows what he was thinking, maybe he was displeased that she didn't have any surgery done and so didn't promote his profession? - and tore his statement to shreds to remake it as per their intentions. The WM decided the plastic surgeon's statement "actually" meant that he thought she was ugly: despite him saying she fit the standards of beauty, they decide to demote this to mean "she JUST fit the standard of beauty". Also, BTW, which plastic surgeon do you know that wouldn't want to rework everyone? And since when are cosmetic surgeons' views representative of everyday people?

Then they declared that this one man's opinion is representative of all Chinese and declare she is considered "so-so" or a "little ugly" by most Chinese.

(Then they declare here and elsewhere that only the WM - not the unappreciative, ungrateful Chinese male, mind you - is capable of appreciating Chinese feminine beauty. And as seen, the reference is to acclaimed beauties such as Zhang Zi Yi.

They then declare that "that's why she dated a WM at one point in time".)

3. Compare the WM tactic/arguments with the same echoes/argumentation/convolutions magically heard in Mallika Rao/HuffPo presenting the views of an Indian alien-trained plastic surgeon and trying to pass his views off as that of Indians in general:

Quote:Regimens were prescribed by the pageant's in-house doctor, a London-trained plastic surgeon named Jamuna Pai who had what Runkle called a "disturbingly casual" view to skin-lightening treatments concocted with acids and lasers.

"'When an Indian man looks for a bride, he wants one who is tall, fair and slim, and fairer people always get jobs first,'" Runkle says Pai told her. While she quotes Pai admitting that the binary is "being disproved because of the success internationally of dark-skinned models," (see: supermodel Lakshmi Menon), the shift was apparently imperceptible at home. "'We still lighten their skin here because it gives the girls extra confidence when they go abroad,'" Pai reportedly told Runkle.

So HuffPo and Mallika Rao's goal is the same as that of Kingstonian types - who get quoted a lot by the middlekingdomlife type WM, btw:

To make Indian culture, Indians (with an emphasis on men in the plastic surgeon's statement) come across as "evil" to Indian women.

[color="#FF0000"]The links in blue in this post and the huffpo link on the last page are the only important things in this set of posts.[/color]

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The tactics used by America to destroy (East) Asian society - by Husky - 09-26-2013, 11:38 PM

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