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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
x-posting from the nexus thread -


Quote:Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Will this bigot face scrutiny from GOI?

[color="#0000FF"]How can the allegedly atheist and"rationalist" Chief Minister of Karnataka accord state patronage to a rabid evangelical like Benny Hinn?[/color]

"Faith healing" is an obviously fraudulent endeavour. Why shouldn't the authorities take cognizance of this

blatant fraud under the "anti-superstition" laws that the "secularists"

are so eager to legislate?

Even if [color="#0000FF"]the C.M is a Christian or a stealth christist[/color], state patronage to proselytism by a particular creed is evidently unconstitutional.

[color="#800080"](No need to turn the obvious into a mere supposition. CM is obviously a christian: has openly declared his religion by action itself. Actions speak louder than words after all. No greater affirmation of his christianism.

Most so called "atheists" and "rationalists" in India - not just in TN and Bengal but in KN too - are christists. Definitely all the ones who are anti-Hindu yet promote christoislamism.

Also why do Hindus always appeal to the constitution and the law when these are so often flouted and re-written, respectively, to implement anti-Hinduism by successive christian/cryptochristian govts?)[/color]

What category of visa does this evangelical saboteur possess and will use to gain entry to India for indulging

in activities directly contributing to

communal discord, disharmony and that are very likely to threaten peace in

the city of Bangalore and the state of Karnataka?

When the foreign visitor's intentions to

stoke hatred and disharmony in pursuit of the global Church's agenda to emasculate Indian sovereignty

are quite transparent, the government of India (such as it is) should subject him to careful scrutiny. Any violation of the strict conditionalities pertaining to his visa need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including detention, strip search etc.

In fact, any other self respecting national government, i.e. other than the corrupt and compromised UPA,

conscious of the threats to internal security, sovereignty etc. would have revoked his visa with immediate effect.

I do hope this enemy of India and world peace - does not have a smooth ride at the port of entry.

m.rediff.com/news/report/controversial-evangelist-benny-hinn-to-face-protests-in-bangalore/20140108.htm Posted by karyakarta92 at 1/08/2014 03:52:00 PM
Benny Hinn is famously exposed, recognised - and ostracised - as a christian con-artist even in the US.

But just goes to show that christo-ruled India will accept even christian preachers discredited by christians. Indian christogovt should invite that American/Canadian preacher famous for kicking followers in the face as part of christo-gawd's will/for money and declared that this "cured cancer", who was controversially going to visit Britain a while back. See [color="#0000FF"]dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2183860/Todd-Bentley-MP-calls-ban-tattooed-preacher-cures-cancer-kicking-people-face.html[/color] or post 546 of the christianism thread

I really think that the utterly debile and regressive christians of India would like to be kicked in the face by this (paedophile) pastor as part of christian "faith healing". I for one wouldn't object to seeing him kick Indian christians in the face - preferrably all of them. I understand his western followers smarted pretty badly - fell over unconscious from the pain even - from his applying his foot to their faces. Sounds just like the sort of thing that would do India's christians some good.

Anyway, hardly surprising that the KN govt is christian, since cow-slaughter and more Hindu temple takeovers to direct their funds for christoislamism were the cryptochristo congress govt election promises:

1. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=17271

Quote:Will bring back 'Cow slaughter' in Karnataka - Congress

02/05/2013 13:39:32 HK

Bangalore: As often Minority appeasement is the trademark this time also to Congress who claims to recapture the Karnataka assembly this time. Bringing back Cow slaughter is one of the promise Congress promising when ever they address a Muslim dominated meetings.

BJP in Karnataka have introduced Prevention of Cow slaughter and Cattle preservation bill last year.Implementation of Sachar recomendations,a separate commission for the education of minorities etc are the other promises given out by the party which always thrived on dividing the people.

2. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=17378

Quote:After cow slaughter Karnataka Congress target temples

27/05/2013 02:37:54 With Media Inputs

Chief Minister Siddharamaiah has clarified that [color="#0000FF"]the government would take steps to bring Shri Krishna temple in Udupi and the Gokarna temple under the Muzrai Department. This attempt by Congress is to to encroach back these two temples which was denotified in favour of Hindu management who govern the temple.[/color]

BJP leaders in coastal Karnataka took to the streets in protest as soon as Siddaramaiah announced that the government will consider notifying the two temples.

"This proposal is uncalled for. Where is the need for the government to notify the two temples? The government's move is creating confusion among the public. This kind of interference is not necessary," said BJP MLA Ashwathnarayan.

After all, before the christian congress came back to power in Karnataka:


Quote:Congress fumes over Karnataka Government's support to Temples

12/03/2011 01:51:23 HK

BANGALORE: Congress party who never lost their sleep over Haj Subsidy by Central Government or Jerusalem Subsidy by late Evangelist CM of AP Samuel Reddy is very much worried over Karnataka Government's allocation of funds for Temple management.

[color="#0000FF"]Under BSY's leadership ruling BJP is gradually liberating the temples from Government control back to the hands of devotees and Hindu organisations.[/color] Also BJP government is returning the money ollected from temples for it's development.

And when the Christian congress govt was previously in charge in Karnataka:


Quote:Temple Commitee donates 2 lakh to construct Haj House

27/10/2009 13:39:32 HK

Mangalore: If the Secular researchers in Kerala settled in naming the gate of Kerala Secratariat as YMCA gate, The Congress researchers in Karnataka are using temples itself

as the tool for Minority appeasing propaganda.

Generous [color="#0000FF"]Karnataka Congress Leader Janardhan Pujari had offered 2 lakh Rupees for the construction of Haj House in Mangalore, Not from his pocket but from the Temple fund, where he is the president of the Kathiroli Temple commitee.[/color]

Pujari revealed this decision of his Temple Commitee by flagging off the first Hajj flight from Mangalore.

Don't know why secular Hindus (more fool them) always refuse to make public the equation that

[color="#0000FF"]anti-Indian nexus = christianism+islam+communism[/color]

(communism is actually a subset of christianism and a cover for christianism, as is DMK etc. So they're all included on the RHS)

The news was:


Quote:Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Will this bigot face scrutiny from GOI?

[color="#0000FF"]How can the allegedly atheist and"rationalist" Chief Minister of Karnataka accord state patronage to a rabid evangelical like Benny Hinn?[/color]

"Faith healing" is an obviously fraudulent endeavour. Why shouldn't the authorities take cognizance of this

blatant fraud under the "anti-superstition" laws that the "secularists"

are so eager to legislate?

Even if [color="#0000FF"]the C.M is a Christian or a stealth christist[/color], state patronage to proselytism by a particular creed is evidently unconstitutional.


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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-18-2009, 07:05 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 12:31 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 09:36 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-22-2009, 05:03 AM
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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-26-2009, 08:36 AM
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