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India And The World
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And again. The links belong to

[quote name='Husky' date='20 January 2014 - 08:35 PM' timestamp='1390229841' post='117004']a Japanese "nationalist" site that Harvard/Asian Studies entities shriek at as Japanese fundootva. I figured that "therefore, there must be something good about the site" and had a look. I didn't read all that much - not enough to make up my mind on the site itself [/quote]


Quote:2014.01.10 (Fri)

Time-Honored History: the Source of Japan’s Strength in 2014


Compassion for the Weak

Takeda further notes that in ancient times the heavenly gods could at least hear the tearful voices of the earthly gods, citing as examples the story of the “White Hare of Inaba,” who was stripped of his skin and fur for cheating, and then saved by Okuninushi, also known as Onamuji-no-kami, or the story of a hunter god, Hoori-no-mikoto, who was saved by a god of the sea, Shiotsuchi-no-kami. These stories adequately demonstrate the compassion that the ancient Japanese gods had for the weak.

These values shared by our ancestors permeate through the 17-article constitution—Japan’s first constitution written by Prince Shotoku in 604, more than a century before the Kojiki. The fundamental spirit of Shotoku’s constitution called for the rulers to watch prudently what they did and fully devote themselves to the building of a nation on behalf of the general populace based on principles of fairness. For nearly 14 centuries since then, as demonstrated in the teachings of the domain schools and terakoya private elementary schools of feudal Japan—as well as in the teachings of bushido—the Japanese people have, under the guidance of benevolent leaders, nurtured a remarkable sense of responsibility as citizens.

Those values were incorporated into the Charter Oath of Five Articles (1867) setting the legal stage for Japan’s modernization following the Meiji Restoration. Japan can truly take pride in what the oath represented in terms of a pledge by a newly born modern state determined to join the ranks of the world’s advanced nations. The basic posture of the new Japan as seen through the Oath corresponded to what was richly demonstrated in the 17-article constitution, as well as the Kojiki, calling on the new leadership to build a nation by heeding the opinion of every single Japanese regardless of his station in life. And it was at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 that the basic principle of fairness that the Meiji Japanese leaders advocated regarding man’s individual integrity blossomed in the international community. Toward the creation of the League of Nations at the end of World War I, Japan powerfully proposed the abolition of all forms of racial discrimination as the standard operating principle of the international body.

The Japanese proposal was rejected by the US. However, throughout World War II, the Japanese values of detesting racial discrimination remained unshakable. Wasn’t it amply proven by the fact that the Japanese government committed itself to saving Jews where it could, despite its alliance with Nazi Germany?
These Japanese actions were an expression of a national determination to create a world without racial discrimination.

Having maintained its silence since the end of the Greater East Asian War, a period of more than 60 years, Japan is now being asked to step forward and play a larger role in international affairs—particularly in checking China’s often irrational behavior. In order for Japan to contribute to building a better international community, I sincerely hope that in 2014 we will spare no effort to connect with our origins as we strive to reestablish our true identity.

(Translated from “Renaissance Japan” in the January 2-9, 2014 combined issue of The Weekly Shincho)

I recall an NL WWII anti-Axis poster shown in history class depicting deformed (highly, offensively caricaturised) Japanese officers pleading with German nazis that now they too are Arische brothers by siding with Germany. (It didn't purport to be historical, it was just lampooning the Axis powers.) But what nonsense, the Japanese - unlike some Indians - did not harbour the notion of being IE/Oryan nor did they want to join that clique anyway. They were Japanese, which was good enough for them.


Quote:2013.11.19 (Tue)

Time is Opportune for Prime Minister Abe’s Much-Awaited Visit to Yasukuni Shrine

The annual autumn observance is scheduled for October 17-20 at Yasukuni Shrine in central Tokyo. In view of the current international situation, there appears no more opportune time than now for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to realize his long-cherished dream of a visit to the shrine, where the spirits of the nation’s war-dead are enshrined.

On August 15th, Abe sent his proxy Koichi Hagiuda, who serves as his special advisor, to Yasukuni. Abe instructed him to convey “my heart-felt condolences to the spirits of those who died fighting for our nation and its people during the last war” and to “deeply apologize for my failure to personally be present due to the present circumstances.” Two months later, on October 11th, Abe observed on BS Fuji’s “Prime News”: “I regard it as a very natural sentiment and an intrinsic right of the leader of a nation to show reverence to the spirits of the war-dead who sacrificed their lives fighting for the nation.”

These remarks eloquently convey the strong yearning on the part of Abe to visit the controversial shrine. Violent reactions from China and South Korea, each determined to politicize the issue, have frustrated Abe’s plans to visit Yasukuni. And now, with the autumn observance just around the corner, a visit by the prime minister is again being taken up in China and South Korea as a serious “diplomatic issue”.

(Look, she refers to it as controversial too: because other people make it so.)

On condition of anonymity, a senior member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party commented:

“Frankly speaking, the biggest stumbling block for Mr. Abe is neither China nor South Korea. In point of fact, it is US. President Obama, ridden with delicate issues such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations, North Korea, and Syria, among other things. His hands also full with domestic issues, Obama regards discord between Japan and China over Yasukuni as an added burden on the US.”

Those fundamentally opposed to Abe’s Yasukuni visit conveniently take advantage of such sentiments on the part of the US administration, eagerly looking for reasons why Abe should not visit Yasukuni. They say, for example, that: (1) even the Emperor is unable to visit the shrine because of the so-called “Class-A war criminals” enshrined there; and (2) the Japanese people are not convinced that those who did not die on the battleground should be enshrined at Yasukuni. They say that the people do not support a visit by the prime minister.

Although these are essentially trivial reasons, largely groundless, they nevertheless are still frequently brought up. Let us consider reason (1). Emperor Hirohito visited Yasukuni on November 21st of 1975. That was the last time an emperor—either Emperor Showa or current Emperor Akihito—visited Yasukuni. It was not until three years later that the spirits of seven of the “Class A war criminals” were enshrined there. That is to say that the enshrinement of these so-called “war criminals” has had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the Emperor has refrained from visiting Yasukuni.

Criticism from the US

I suspect that back in 1975 the Imperial couple decided not to visit Yasukuni Shrine because of concern over how such a visit would be interpreted in view of the separation of government and religion, which was hotly discussed in the Diet at the time.

That, I believe, is why, instead of personally visiting Yasukuni, Emperor Akihito along with Prince Akishino and other members of the imperial family send their emissaries or make votive offerings at the annual spring and autumn observances each year.

As regards reason (2), here’s how I see it.


[Read at link]

Abe’s long-promised visit to Yasukuni is indepensable not only to respond to the expectations of the general populace, but also to enable Japan to hew a new path through the harsh realities of international politics. Who among us can expect to dedicate himself to a mother country whose prime minister is unable to publicly offer prayers to his own war-dead while still able to present a wreath and offer prayers to America’s war-dead at Arlington National Cemetery? Such a nation cannot possibly sustain itself.


And yet, according to Eto, the US—our most important ally—is trying to block a visit by Abe to Yasukuni.


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India And The World - by Capt M Kumar - 04-02-2010, 07:31 AM
India And The World - by Capt M Kumar - 05-25-2010, 12:09 AM
India And The World - by Husky - 01-13-2014, 12:26 PM
India And The World - by Bharatvarsh2 - 01-24-2014, 11:35 PM
India And The World - by ravish - 01-26-2014, 11:45 PM
India And The World - by Bharatvarsh2 - 01-27-2014, 03:06 AM
India And The World - by ravish - 01-28-2014, 06:45 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 01-28-2014, 09:21 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 01-28-2014, 09:25 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 01-28-2014, 09:31 PM
India And The World - by Bharatvarsh2 - 01-29-2014, 10:08 AM
India And The World - by Husky - 01-29-2014, 06:44 PM
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India And The World - by Husky - 01-31-2014, 03:45 PM
India And The World - by Bharatvarsh2 - 01-31-2014, 07:16 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 02-01-2014, 04:49 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 02-01-2014, 08:31 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 02-02-2014, 10:28 AM
India And The World - by Bharatvarsh2 - 02-02-2014, 01:01 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 05-26-2014, 10:40 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 11-10-2015, 03:35 PM
India And The World - by Husky - 11-10-2015, 04:22 PM

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