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Demographic Politics And Population Growth - 2
1. rajeev2004.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/quick-notes-peak-car-era-indus-drought.html

Quote:•[color="#0000FF"]The new India story: Delayed pregnancies, lower fertility[/color]


Secular unHindu types (the kind that give birth to anti-Hindoo generations) have started slowing down/stopping altogether with reproduction. Score 1 for Hindoo heathens.


Quote:The new India story: Delayed pregnancies, lower fertility

Last updated on: February 26, 2014 20:41 IST

Abhishek Mande Bhot

Why are several young couples in India delaying having their first child? We find out

[color="#0000FF"]After five years of marriage, Sunita Rajasekhar* gingerly brought up the topic of having babies. Her husband, who had married her on the condition that they wouldn't have babies, shot down the idea.[/color]

[color="#800080"](More fool Sunita. If she knew he didn't want kids, why did she marry him? Oh no, wait, don't tell me: she thought she could "change" him. Mwahahhahaha. World's Oldest Mistake. Tsss.

Alternatively, she didn't see herself ever wanting kids when she married him - no sense of foresight - and then suddenly she changed her mind and he didn't. Again: more fool Sunita. This also happens with lots of men who think they don't want kids but then they later do, but the women they married still don't want kids.

The moral: think before you marry person X. "Oh, but I loooooove X! It's the only one for me!" Except the world is filled with people you are likely to easily experience similar chemical reactions for given time and opportunity. And anyone not blinded by infatuation would know that.)[/color]

Sunita and her husband have been seeking a counsellor's help of to save their marriage.

(Sunita's wasting her time. Biology is more powerful - don't underestimate the Selfish Gene, she's clearly not the one in charge here - so she may as well stop trying to make her marriage work and Move On sooner rather than later. It's wrong to burden her spouse with kids he clearly doesn't want, and since her biological self is not going to let this go and clearly she's too weak to resist it - she caved into wanting kids now, didn't she? - she may as well act in accordance to its agenda rather than any she imagines she has set for herself.)

[color="#0000FF"]Across urban India, their story is a common one with working couples.[/color]

Often, "since both (husband and wife) are career oriented, neither wants to give up their professions for kids," said Dr Namrata Kacchara, a senior gynaecologist at Paras Hospital in Gurgaon. "A better lifestyle and living conditions further puts them in a situation that they both have to work to make ends meet. There is a constant struggle between them as to who shall be doing what and to what extent."

It is also not unusual for such couples to change their mind later, pointed out Dr Firuza Parikh, Mumbai-based IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) specialist, in an earlier interview with Rediff.com

"Many of these people who are double income and don't want children," Dr Parikh said, "by the time they are 37 and 38 they come back saying that look we thought we won't have children but I think it is time for us to have children."

By then, it is often too late to conceive naturally.

Am I the only one who's cheering that these people - like Sunita's child-hating husband - aren't going to leave copies of themselves?

Australia is a country where the western couples of that age where they could raise a family refuse to. Not because of circumstances or fears for their progeny's future (which are valid) but because most of these couples *hate* children. Which is some really sick mentality: who - except psychos - hates children or animals? It's one thing if you don't want children for reasons like being too poor or living in a ticking christoislamic timebomb (e.g. India) where you see no future for heathen kids, or if have convinced yourself that you'd make a lousy parent, or if think you might produce the kind of kids that turn into christoislamics/ruin the re-heathenisation process (=Julian's fear and reason not to have kids). But to *hate* children? Ugh. Must be Dahl's Witches disguised as human couples...

Don't ya just love the insipid way India's clueless journalists ask debile questions like this (and manage to come up with the wrong answers):

Quote:Why are several young couples in India delaying having their first child?

[color="#0000FF"]The real answer is in publicly-available UN documents targeted at the 3rd world. Look for documents on "gender equality". Which admit that they are actually all about how to reduce the population of the 3rd world by getting more women into the workforce - not just by delaying marriage and the age when they start having children (so they can have fewer by the time their childbearing window ends) - but also so that these women can be made so mentally-confused that they will trade in what females of any (mammalian) species tend to naturally 'want' in exchange for the pie-in-the-sky of "career" to chase after instead.[/color] The beauty of the con is that it will work until things are too late: until the stupid "progressive" women who fell for the "career" ruse - usually the fembot types and all those who listen to fembots - get so old and realise that the "career" distraction that the west wanted these 3rd world women to chase after has prevented them from doing the one thing that *nature* drives all men and women (and other male and female animals) to do: reproduce and raise the next generations.

"Career" is not something other animal species chase after, note. It is not a mammalian thing and was a recent invention/fraud.

It takes a great deal of social engineering - courtesy of lots of US and Euro thinktanks behind these decades-old UN policies and social-engineering projects - to convince human animals that what they "really" want is not what comes natural to the human life cycle (that of raising a litter) but "Career" - a totally artificial construct that Nobody who had half a brain ever wants.

Proof that Indian fembots are brainless: they were the easiest to convince and convert out of human females' natural behaviour patterns. (I think parting these types from their money may prove to be equally easy, so maybe con-artists should add these guys/gals to the top of their list of who would make good potential future victims.)

That this population reduction owing to "career-orientated" next generations is a UN policy success story is also seen in China. I have frequently heard from a great many contacts that younger generations of Chinese refuge to oblige the suddenly altered Chinese law (now Chinese couples are encouraged to have 2 children, apparently) and either don't want kids AT ALL or just one (further, some Chinese women don't want to get married/be in a relationship, let alone have kids). Again, the reason cited is that men and women have become too career oriented for kids even when they opt to get married. And men and women have become alienated owing to psy-ops against Asian males, and this has created the notion in E Asian females that they will lose the freedom they think they have as "career" persons when they get married to a man and fear they will end up being "subjugated" to the alleged Asian "tradition" of "patriarchy".

There was a link posted at the Rajeev2004 blog last year or so on the Japanese case as well: same reasoning for women not marrying and the constantly decreasing number of couples. (Previously, the problem for Japan was that fewer people were having kids/more than 1 kid, now even the marriages/couples have reduced drastically in number).

But note however that heathens are still marrying and having kids both in Japan and China. (And India, Taiwan, etc.) Though heathens are under enormous pressures in Japan (numerically, and owing to a greying population) and China (numerically, and government discrimination means Daoists keep their heads below the radar). In India, this is another reason the west targets the destruction of the majority heathenism: the west knows that if India becomes less heathen it will have fewer kids. Consider how many of the easy converts to christianism had stopped having kids once they were told this was best for them by western instructions delivered via the church. But now the catholic church worldwide is afraid it's losing numbers to secularism in the west and so wants to grow its ethnic convert populations (it would have preferred future western christian generations, but Beggers can't be Choosers) and that is why in Kerala the church has now chosen to go against western policy of restraining the flock's population growth*, even as it targets more heathens for conversion. But the inconvertibles - i.e. heathens - continue to be told by the christogovt in India to stop having kids/have fewer and get the social engineering project of alienation and fembot-ism.

* Eventually, the western backlash will be felt by the christians in India too if the latter's numbers become noticeable.

As for the growth of islam in India, the west knows that islamic numbers only grow in dar-ul-harbs and stabilise (and even go down due to internal cannibalisms) in dar-ul-islams, since dar-ul-islamic society regresses to a pre-stone age state - especially in an islamised 'South Asia' etc - where the pressures are immense: a permanent 3rd world.

The great danger facing heathen reproduction in India - i.e. heathens producing future generations of heathens - is actually not from the christoislamic love jihad or the pseculars (heathens don't seem to want to marry pseculars at all), but rather the increasing number of non-heathens of Hindu parentage who yet call themselves "Hindus" and who circulate themselves within heathen society and thus illegally snag for themselves an arranged marriage with heathen Hindoos: upon which the heathen-ness of the heathen spouse becomes wasted and their heathen line is broken, as any children born of this abhorrent alliance are all non-heathen and the next generation is secular, and then the next generation after that is anti-Hindu or outright christian. It all goes downhill at that point when heathen parents don't do their homework and remain ignorant about prospective brides/grooms and thus get their poor kids married to non-heathens masquerading about as "actual Hindus".

2. And I seem to find an increasing number of reports about "progressive" Indian muslim females marrying western non-muslims (and not bothering to convert these either). I can't seem to locate the examples I had come across but have instead found:


Quote:Bollywood actress Ayesha Takia, who is married to Samajwadi Party MLA Abu Azmi's son, clearly mentioned on Twitter yesterday night that she doesn't believe in what her father-in-law said about women. [...] The actress' statement suggests that she is not defending Abu Azmi's sexist comments. Whereas, his son Farhan Azmi was deeply embarassed and apologised saying, "He made statements that were completely not him, he's upset with himself and only I know how bad he's feeling right now. Deep inside, he's very sad. Whatever he said, it was politically wrong", reports Bombay Times.

[color="#800080"](I.e. Farhan Azmi only thinks they're *politically* wrong: wrong for the political landscape. But once India is islamic, roll in the sharia. No?

But the point of this post followsSmile[/color]


[color="#0000FF"]Says a source close to the family, "Ayesha's sister Natasha who aspired to follow her sister into films has now given up her starry dreams and is getting married to a foreigner. Can you imagine, at a time when Ayesha's sister is tying the knot with a foreigner, Ayesha's father-in-law says it's against Indian culture for Indian women to be seen in male company? The Takia household is swarming with relatives and Natsasha's husband's relative from abroad. The family has been deeply embarrassed and ashamed by Abu Azmi's remarks."

While Ayesha was busy with her sister's wedding celebrations Ayesha's mother confirmed her younger daughter's marriage.

Said Mrs Takia, "My daughter Natasha is getting married on January 11 to Joakim Lindstroem. He's Swedish. And he's a traveler, just like Natasha. The house is currently filled with guests."

The Swede Lindstroem might be another of the increasing number of western persons that is not converting to islam and is yet getting an Indian muslim female to run off with him.[/color]

Score again.

Every little thing counts.

Oh, and I recall another Indian celebrity (actress?) - though of a psecular/anti-Hindu variety - called Bipasa Basu declaring that she (and her christian boyfriend) didn't want children either. Score again.

Hindoos may end up winning by accident: if we wait long enough (not only will we be extinct but) our enemies will have started making existential blunders too.

[color="#0000FF"]"Who will extinct first? The good (Hindu heathens), the bad (christo-islami-communists*) or the ugly (seculars)?"[/color]

(* Christoislamicommunists actually also belong under "ugly".)

Perhaps the real "quandary" that the west will have to wrestle with is: where will the christo west's old (delayed, infertile) couples kidnap - I mean adopt - kids from, when they have convinced India and E Asia to stop having kids? After all, the christowest feeds only on heathen societies and doesn't kidnap pakistani/iranian islamic offspring.

At present, Christo-aliens are mainly kidnapping from Hindoo Vanavaasis who tend to still be having children, despite repeated christo-western projects over the years to sterilise these heathens, but eventually one can foresee a time when Vanavasis too will turn into the urban Indians (de-heathenisation goes hand-in-hand with population reduction and correlates positively with modern urbanisation) and will cease to produce kids as well.

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