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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
It's not just the islamaniac jihad that Asia's heathens and other unconverted need to worry about.

The Pope's visit to S Korea sees the beatification of yet another 124 "martyrs" (pope John Paul II -was it- had granted Korea the largest number of saints or martyrs or something already). And - as AFP admits - the pope is threatening conversion of Asia yet again, reminding the sheep not to slacken their efforts.

Not only that, the pope's pretending that the church (and the catholic church, of all impossible things) promotes frugalism and non-materialism. All in order to appeal to heathen Asians, since heathen Asians are some of the last remaining frugal and non-materialist people left on the planet.

1. www.heraldlive.co.za/pope-warns-cancer-despair-newly-affluent-asia/

Quote:Pope warns of ‘cancer’ of despair in newly affluent Asia

August 15, 2014 | Filed under: World, | Posted by: Allan Williams

Pope Francis warned on Friday (15/08/2014) of a “cancer” of despair in materially obsessed, outwardly affluent societies and urged South Korean Catholics to reject “inhumane economic models” in a stark message to wealthier Asian nations.

In an apparent reference to South Korea’s high suicide rate he also warned 45,000 people at a mass in a World Cup stadium in Daejeon of the “culture of death” that can pervade countries where the quest for rapid growth marginalises the poor and vulnerable.

The message, delivered on the first papal visit to the region in 15 years, was designed to resonate not just with South Koreans, but in other dynamic Asian economies where many are beginning to question the social consequences of rapid growth and rampant consumerism.


The pope’s visit to South Korea is very much aimed at fuelling a new era of growth for the Catholic church in Asia, and his address at the youth event carried a clear evangelical message.

God, he said, “is asking you to go out on the highways and byways of this world, knocking on the doors of other people’s hearts, inviting them to welcome him into their lives.”

Although the Church is making some spectacular gains in Asia, Catholics still only account for 3.2 percent of the continent’s population.

But expansion faces tough challenges, especially in China which prohibits its Catholics from recognising the Vatican’s authority.

According to various reports, scores of Chinese Catholics were prevented from travelling to South Korea for Asian Youth Day, and Beijing also warned Chinese priests in attendance not to participate in any event involving the pope.

(It's a pity that India never emulates the good points of the modern Chinese regime.)

The centrepiece of the five-day visit to South Korea will come on Saturday, when up one million people are expected to gather in downtown Seoul for an open-air mass at which Francis will beatify 124 early Korean Catholic martyrs. – AFP

2. Typically, cryptochristian catholic media in India is all ra-ra about their pope threatening Asia and is conducting its own PR campaign for his Korean visit and latest vatican commandment to convert Asia. What is the great show *for*, after all, if the christomedia won't relay papal efforts and commandments?

Just the snippets that do *not* gush over his papalness follow, from the economictimes (but Zeenews and others were advertising too - though AFP admittedly already penned most of the news for them):


Quote:Pope meets Korea ferry disaster relatives at public mass

15 Aug 2014

Pope Francis met relatives of South Korea's ferry disaster Friday at 45,000 ecstatic people packed into a sports stadium for a mass on the first papal trip to Asia in 15 years.


The report made no mention of the pontiff's five-day visit to the South and stressed that the test was timed to mark the anniversary Friday of the Korean peninsula's liberation from Japanese colonial rule.


[Pope conducts huge public mass for show and to hold a non-christian country hostage to christianisms.]

The event coincided with a public holiday to mark the liberation anniversary.

(Don't papal visits to non-christian countries *always* magically coincide with an important local celebration? Catholicism likes to crash parties and - especially when countries weren't christianised yet - to also pretend that existing mass celebrations/gatherings are in honour of the pope. When the pope visited Korea in the mid 80s or was it the 90s, Korea wasn't yet as converted as it is now. So he had to crash the Buddha birthday celebrations back then to pass off the gathering crowds as being for him/catholicism/christianism/jeebus.)

The pope's visit has generated enormous public excitement in a country with a thriving Catholic community that punches well above its minority weight in one of Christianity's most muscular Asian strongholds.

In the last national census to include religious affiliation, conducted in 2005, close to 30 percent of South Koreans identified themselves as Christian, compared to 23 percent who cited the once-dominant Buddhism.

The majority are Protestants, but Catholics are the fastest-growing group, with around 5.3 million adherents -- just over 10 percent of the population.

The pope's visit is very much aimed at fuelling a new era of growth for the Catholic church in Asia and Francis will get a chance to send a message to the region later Friday when he meets several thousand young Catholics gathered in Daejeon for Asian Youth Day.


Asia's heathens and other non-christo-islamics should brace themselves for the next concerted conversion spree by determined catholics, cryptocatholics and even assorted christianisms. India will no doubt see more behind-the-scenes christian collusion with jihad in order to further their mutual goal of converting the heathen natives of India to some mono-moronism - I mean the monotheisms.

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