Post 2/3
No apologies for length and repetition (or the, no doubt copious, spelling and grammatical errors). Just wanted to type up my thoughts.
Summary of this post: I see the beginnings of a familiar trend. That Indian women will be groomed the way E Asian women in America (and in their homelands) were.
Demonisation of 'ethnic' men by the christowest always goes hand in hand with that other thing. (And which is why I created the thread on the E Asian situation. I could not then write what I foresaw. Even now it is a partial prediction. But there are clear indications of the direction things are heading.) To be honest, I expected the developments sooner than now, same as how the Yugoslavia thread has taken a long time (nearly a decade) to start serving the real purpose I had for it at IF. But these things take time for the west to carefully prepare the groundwork and implement, I suppose.
5. There is one thing that others haven't mentioned, but I've had a - not irrational - fear that seems to grow more tangible by the day.
Christowest is going to use the belated feminism being introduced into the third world "progressive" mentality that is modern India to groom Indian women into the next exploitation export product I mean mail order brides/"Asian women looking to date western men" types out there, like the countless dating ads for E Asian women allegedly looking for "love" with western men. (Probably run by christo orgs, like the S Korean christian adoption centres in the 1980s, which were similarly turning illegally obtained S Korean heathen babies into exploitation export products intended for western consumption.)
There are several stages to this.
a. First two stages: demonising Indian (read Hindu) men, while praising Indian (read Hindu) women as a class apart from their men. The rajeev2004 blog already noted how in the Jyoti Singh Pandey case, Jyoti was advertised about international circles for her "excellent" "English", while her tormentors were of course illiterate brutes (illiterate in English, which is the standard the west and christoised India uses/projects as the standard of illiteracy). The same spurious dichotomy is repeatedly being projected with every rape case in India that makes it into the international news.
And Indian women too - as others have before - *will* get so brainwashed by this selective and calculated praise, that they'll forget that 50% of the kids they produce are the men who are considered oh-so-faulty, which if you think about it, actually means Indian women are actually considered faulty for being able to produce them... (They may be good-looking enough to sleep with, but they're not good to reproduce with.) The western mentality goes back to US miscegenation laws. This is why western males in relationships with Asian females - or historically African females - prefer to have female children. Since "mulatto" male children were considered a greater threat to the christo western patriarchy, even explicitly evident in films like the racist "Birth of a nation".)
Demonising the Indian male is a necessary first stage, because the target is the huge class of nominally Hindu women. Though the first to fall for it and the ones to fall heaviest for it - as always - will be India's christian women (actually that step is already largely in the bag, as seen in live examples). Secular Indian women already fell for it too. (Several NRI Hindu women have married western men deliberately, but mainly because many NRI Indian men of Hindu origins were never actual Hindoos=heathens, so the choice between alien-alien and Indian-alien became even to them, as per their explanation of their reasoning.)
The purpose to targeting India's growing number of secularising women is manifold:
- directing them away/alienating them from Hindu and even secular Indian men will reduce India's population growth (a key foreign policy, not concealed in public UN documents), even as it will not mean that all these women will produce viable offspring (gender alienation will reduce population growth, western dalliances with Indian women need not produce children at all, as having a family is not always the aim of such relationships, plus the divorce rates of alien marriages to secular Indian women in the west is, from what I have seen, surprisingly high, seemingly higher than among other Asian women-western men combinations)
- it produces extra-territorial loyalties. Every so-called "ethnic" woman who has been socially engineered to date a western male has *always* been a western asset/agent working against her native tradition, culture, (ancestral religio,) her countrymen and also any countrywomen who remain loyal to these things.
That is, these socially engineered women are *programmed* to be traitors.
(Of course, in theory, either gender could have been targeted for demonisation and the other for sexual exploitation. But christowest is patriarchal: women are always allowed a free pass for assimilation - they're considered assimilatable material - hence it's always "ethnic" men that are demonised and "ethnic" women who are allowed entry into the clique/into the folds of christowestern patriarchy.)
b. Advertising Hindu women as a desirable choice to western males. If people have noticed, they are already using the old Phileas Fogg routine with every internationally-disseminated rape report: That the Indian woman is under threat of Indian males. That the Indian woman is civilised as a matter of course, that the Indian male is a brute by nature beyond correction and certainly can never measure up to the civilised alien man. That the Indian woman is mismatched with Indian males, and would find a better match in alien (western) men.
And even that the Indian woman is available and hence actually waiting around for the western male ("if only she knew that he was her real ideal"). It is the classic method that the west also used on E Asians in America, but it has become grotesquely apparent in the Indian case in recent reports.
E.g. one recent report of an Indian Hindu female dragging her groper by the hair to the police, not only repeated the usual stereotypes - her soundbytes IIRC were in English to signal she is educated, "literate", civilised, her groper was drunk (correlating to 'hence probably illiterate in English' and "therefore obviously" another examplar of all Indian i.e. Hindu males being demons, though the groper was not named and therefore probably christoislamic, but the insinuation from other international news reports is sufficient to lead the international readers to the assumed conclusion that "therefore" he "must be" "Hindu").
Again: the report on this woman not only repeated the usual stereotypes about the woman knowing English and being "worthy" (she fought off her assailant and got justice for herself, a trait signal), there was also a picture of her in western clothing. Both her English and her western clothing together - and the fact that she was willing to fight off her assailant, specifically presented in the news report as an act "against tradition" - are calculated signals to instill into the male western reader that she is compatible: i.e. not a traditional mindset. English and educated, western clothing - i.e. her lifestyle will be compatible and she won't have a degenerate traditional-Indian (read heathen, Hindu) mindset, but a christianised one. By the way, and contrary to what Indian women may think, both those cues are *correct*: Indian women wearing western clothes and speaking English in India *does* correlate to a christianised mindset and which is exactly the mindset that would be willing to pursue sexual - well that's what it all comes down to, right? - relationships with western men.
BTW, some of these features are opposite to what western men look for in E/SE Asian women and the cues for that: traditional E Asian female clothing is NOT considered indicative of a "traditional=backward" Asian woman, E Asian women's clothing is considered sexy on E Asian women, fashionable, chic, whatever, so the "little woman" can have some "E Asianness" to her while she is shown off on the arm of her western male.
Back to the actual example of the recent news report: among the numerous things that struck me, the most obvious of the social engineering evident was how they chose a ... let's call it 'glamorous' picture of the woman. The type of picture one sees in dating ads. Really, the alien interpretation screamed "Asian/Indian woman looking to date alien male", not that that was the intent of the woman when she took the picture. But that is the vibe it *will* give off to readers. I know it will. The problem is not the interpretation, which is beyond anyone's control. The problem is that the news report would know this. I.e. that it is a clear sign of calculation and therefore social engineering. It is stage 2 of the western social engineering project of grooming Indian women for western males: to make western men take notice. (There must be a market to sell the product, even if the product has not yet acquiesced to being a product, which is to be handled in stage 3.)
It's not that aliens didn't take notice before. A decade or so ago when bollywho made its short-lived 'breakthrough' into the west, there were sick bollywho fora of depraved alien (western) men drooling all over Indian women. Not even just the Indian actresses, but there were comments of being willing to date/do the background dancers. (I'd have laughed at the desperation but I got creeped out. Eeeewww.) But the running thread was that these women were 'sadly' out of reach - and not geographically, but that Indian women (in India at least) still didn't tend to date/marry aliens. And it could not have made matters better for this class of entities to see a dozen Shaadi/Bharat-Matrimony ads - amidst the thousands of "Chinese/Thai/other E-SE Asian women looking for western men" ads - where Indian women were specifically looking (and to marry) only Indian men. Pretty women. And none available. Like that saying about the salty=de-hydrating sea, "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink".
This whole psy-ops on India as rape central/Indian (Hindu) men as rapist demons who are suppressing and terrorising -that suddenly entirely different species- "Indian women", must have come as a windfall for the alien sleaze out there. Some old entities really like their "ethnic" women. (And even some younger, normal, non-sleazy British and Brit-origin men - back when I was in uni - still walk a straight line to the nearest Indian woman, as Dutch men did to the nearest Indonesian and even Indian females. Colonial hangover? But they can't possibly remember the colonial period, not having been around then and being conveniently kept ignorant of it all. What IS it? I've never worked it out, but I'm not the only one who noticed these shady happenings from high school - lots of Indonesian friends back then - to uni and beyond. They don't know these women At All and yet will be ready to date them - on the very first day, after having a mundane and forgettable exchange of "what courses are you taking" bleh. Every Indian female I know has been accosted. Maybe it's a strong term, but these men, conveniently ignorant of history, are not pursuing these Indian women for their characters, as they don't know them. I really don't know what spooks about in their head. Or if they have a brain.)
But the old generation of sleaze drooling over Indian women - like many do over E Asian and Russian women - is even more disturbing.
Anyway, the point was that the news report on the Indian Hindu-named woman vs her groper chose to present a *glamorous* picture of a female who was a target of molestation. What kind of news reporting is that? There are simply no two interpretations possible: it is entirely social engineering. And I know *exactly* what buttons it will press in western males. The less offensive being the Phileas Fogg attitude (the other side of the "white man's burden").
Here you go, found the picture, apparently plastered in all international outlets that reported on the case:
Oh and this report even adds a second picture, one where the product that the news report (social engineering) is selling gets to model her ethnic wear - oh, sorry, I mistook this for the Miss World pageant for a moment, forgetting the news concerns a *molestation*. Oh and this is just brilliant: the caption to this second picture reads:
So they've suddenly manufactured it as a "social taboo" in "backward traditional Hindu India" for a Hindu woman to bring her attacker to justice? (Never mind that they often do it, someone has to.) Rather just like how the christowestern documentary paid the christoislamic rapist* to manufacture how it was suddenly the "tradition" for Hindu women like Jyoti Singh Pandey to not be out at night alone or in the male company of non-relatives. <- When that is oh-so-obviously an *islamic* (and as we shall see in a news item in a subsequent post: christian) tradition/religious mandate.
(Obviously christo-manufactured too, was the "Ram-sene" beating up Indian women at some bar in Bangalore. IIRC it was the same NDTV, which also helped the christo documentary along, that was reported -by The Chindu- as ready and waiting at the very site, some 15 mins in advance IIRC, to shoot the bar brawl scene, just so that the western international media could herald the manufactured label "Hindu Taliban" very shortly after.)
* The rapist "Mukesh Singh" is at most a cryptochristian: no Hindu associates with islamaniacs, as said rapist did with fellow gangrapist Mohammed Afroz. Only christians and muslims associate/gang with christoislamics. Most especially true when they are fellow criminals preying on Hindu women.
The Hindu traditional response to avenge the helpless and the wronged - by whatever limited means was open to them - was seen in 1. the action of other inmates at the prison who simply murdered the brother (and fellow gangrapist) of "Mukesh", and those prisoners who beat the interviewed rapist himself to a pulp (and IIRC urinated on him) after they noticed him getting identified by the male victim during a police test identification parade. <- As per news reports.
The projection of 'Mukesh Singh' as upholding some concocted Hindu tradition that allegedly prevents women from going out at night or being in the company of friendly civilised males (as opposed to the christoislamicommunist demons) is obviously more of the illogical christowestern script which convinces only debiles: limiting women's movement is not remotely a Hindu tradition (but famously a christoislamic one). At most it has been a necessary defence against christoislamaniac predation, and hence only in times and regions of India highly infested by christoislam. And Mukesh Singh can never be a Hindu let alone a traditional one: Hindoos (and Hindoos are the Orthodox=tradition) do NOT associate with islamaniacs let alone in criminality let alone against their own let along against their own women and children. That one thing is sufficient to give away the lie of the documentary and that its intention is anti-Hindu psy-ops. That the documentary is purely for anti-Hindu psyops purposes - to insinuate that the anti-Hindu rapist acted as per Hinduism - is further confirmed by twitter items at the Rajeev2004 blog which showed that the documentary deliberately cut away to images of Hindu Gods while the cryptochristo western plant rapist was gloating about brutally disembowelling his female Hindu victim etc. It is typically christowestern manufactured consent for upcoming genocide and warfare: the west also showed "evil Iraqi soldiers of Saddam" sneering in delight as they snatched premature newborn babies from their incubation chambers. The intended message was clear: they are that evil, and the land of the free and democracy needs your support/your consent to put an end to Saddam and his evil men who will even kill their own premature children for sport. Honest western journalists have reported how this "Iraqi incubation infanticide" never actually happened but was all staged by the US (and the lies were willingly peddled by the likes of American papers, such as NYT again I think) in order to manufacture consent for war against the "evil child-murdering regime of Saddham Hussein". Any Indian who fell for the documentary as having an iota of honesty in intention or presentation is deluded beyond salvaging, and is welcome to invite and endure whatever miseries AmeriKKKa and its circle of European sidekick nations has in store for India hereafter.
And here I have found evidence of stage 2 (influencing the western male response to Indian women in such "India rape" reports) in the above article itself.
Stage 3 is the prediction. It is the question whether it comes true or not. I know it will come true. Hope I misjudge my own women, but Indian men and women have shown themselves to be perfectly manipulable, falling for *every* darn social engineering, subversion and routine out there. So I'm sure any number of brainless women will fall for this. (Or even read the above quoteblock as a flattering compliment. Ugh.)
c. Stage 3 of the christowestern social engineering program is of course: programming Indian women to acquiesce to exploitation. Or: groom Indian women to want to be with alien (western) men.
As happened with E Asian women. It is the same pattern.
And we'll have progressive liberated Indian women writers/artists/filmmakers - both the "I'm a Hindu (but I hate Hindu men/Hinduism=patriarchy)" types, you know, the ones who are only ever "Hindu" when they can spit at other heathens and heathenism (quite like the "Hindu" women dating/marrying islamaniacs now, who speak of being "Hindu" only to therewith castigate Hindoos in their objection to love jihad, which objection has nothing to do with idiot Indian women willingly dating islamaniacs - they deserve each other - but is solely an objection against the kidnapping and coercion and deception by islamaniacs of Hindu women unwilling to be stuck in islam. So the two things are clearly very different: one concerns Hindoo women=women who hate islam and islamaniacs, and the other concerns mentally-christoislamic women who willingly marry into christoislam and who aren't Hindu (even in their own self-appellation) except for the purpose of attacking Hinduism under the label.)
But back to the 3rd stage of the christowestern social engineering project that has started.
Expect to see "progressive liberated" (i.e. predictable hence manipulable and easily socially-engineered=brainless) Indian women of both overtly anti-Hindu and "I'm a Hindu" type anti-Hindu who will be writing about how 1. Hindu 'Indian' men are evil and 2. western men are ideal
-> same as seen with E Asian AmriKKKan socially-engineered women who were handpicked as the agents for furthering western patriarchy in new territories (i.e. Asian society). Our own "Kingstonians" etc. The definition of that term can be found in the Psy-ops against E Asians thread.
Hindoo men will see few changes to their fortunes. They are already at the bottom of the pile for being invisible.
Even the sneaky class of Hindu-origin but not heathen (not Hindoo) men [and women] have had more luck: they've deceptively self-referenced themselves as "Hindus" (in that other sense: not heathen, but anything goes) and thereby been worming their way into heathen families and stealing heathen spouses away with more success. Same as love jihad, only more subtle. They're a major source of gangrene and future generations becoming subverted. When one parent is not a heathen (by which only one thing is meant: polytheistic idolator), subsequent generations turn into subverted, then totally de-heathenised, then secularised, then christoislamised.
Hindoo men have for some time not had much luck. The more traditional they are, the less they have had any chance even with (English speaking) heathen Hindu women. I have never been able to work out why. But I know a few heathen=Hindoo NRI women of my sister's gen who complained that all NRI Indian men they knew weren't HindOO. When I suggested there were many back home - I know of many, and so there must be multitudes more - they complained that these would not know of English or wouldn't have the same outlook as comes with what I call the 'NRI effect'. I personally always thought Hindoo men back home were too good=unsubverted for NRI Hindoo women and that they should therefore be [p]reserved for Hindoo women back home. Anyway, my remonstrations never had much luck: the very NRI women who argued about the matter married alien atheist/agnostic men. (Fortunately not anyone who threatened to "convert".) The only exception among those women I was arguing with being my sister: even though everyone she encountered was the "I'm a Hindu atheist/agnostic" variety (which means zip all), she decided to look out for Hindoo=ethnic Hindoo men anyway, since we had so many in our family who are like Da Best Men in the world. (Well they are.) And so of course she found one. And there are many multi millions more out there still, such that any Hindoo woman could start a harem. [Not that they should, BTW.]
So part of the argumentation is a willing self-deception I think: it is not that Hindoo men are non-existent, or factually scarce, it is that some NRI women want two opposing things: NRI and unsubverted Hindoo. That combination does not quite exist. Not in Hindoo women either. But it is true that NRI Hindoos are quite scarce. There are new ageists and subverted. And there are way too many atheists and agnostics who also call themselves Hindu, but which is not at all what is meant by the NRI Hindoos. And there are even way too many progressives and seculars and subtly anti-Hindu non-Hindu atheists/agnostics, who also go by "Hindu" in order to get a spouse. (All of which is love jihad too.)
So the unheathens masquerading as "Hindus" part is definitely true. Which is why I always recommended SE/E Asian heathens - exactly what I've always been suggesting to male NRI HindOO friends too. But the particular women ignored the suggestion or didn't even consider it. Fortunately other Hindoos overseas - men and women - have happened upon that ideal solution on their own. (It's so obvious.)
I worry more for the future. I can see my sister and her husband raising their kids HindOO, but that it will be next to impossible to find Hindoo spouses for them. The numbers of actual Hindu heathens (i.e. traditionalists) in India or without is decreasing, whatever the number that calls itself Hindu. But de-heathenisation and subversion are larger problems than people in the future not being able to form families. I mean, Hindoos nowadays can't even survive without being constantly terrorised, so future generations having any breadth of choice in marriage is a secondary consideration (when not even their safety to *be* heathen is assured).
Another negative side effect of the social engineering is that - like many poor E/SE Asian women do now - many destitute Hindoo women may see in this mess an opportunity for survival in selling themselves (and ultimately, the future of heathendom) off to aliens.
Poverty is a major factor in Chinese and Thai women back in China and Thailand (and Filipino and Russian women) selling themselves to dating agencies targeting western men. Western men always take advantage of this and then complain about the mercenary nature of all these women. Not sure what they were expecting. Gratitude? For reducing all these people to slaves and destitution (let's not forget colonialism's long-term effects) and for destroying their men's prospects and thereby their own heathen futures with their own kind, so that acquiescing to alien exploitation becomes their only means of survival?
Poor Hindoo village communities could be hard hit. Because the process works just like christian "orphanages" (and christian "education") scams: it will become a business, as it is in E and SE Asia. An especially shady one as it is in christianised parts of Asia.
But there are as ever silver linings from the fallout:
- Many Hindoo men will not feel much change: except for destitute Hindoo women, only progressive Indian women will fall for the social engineering (you know, the kind that fall for everything?) Besides, Hindoo men really can't be more ignored and more invisible to Indian women than they were already.
- Bollywho khans will be replaced by "New & Improved" male ideals. (Easy math: western male preying on "ethnic females" still > subcontinental christoislamaniac.) This is the very thing Indian islamaniacs were complaining about in objecting to Hindu actresses acting opposite western males in the hero role in "crossover" films, like a couple Aishwarya Rai did and some other Indian actresses too. Hindu men did not presume to tell Hindu women what to do, and while some expressed disdain for the convenient amnesia about colonialism - not just in the western men, where it is to be expected - but in the Indian actresses besides, the subcontinent's islamaniac men already think of Hindu women as their "resources" and so got really incensed and wanted an end to such movies and tie-ups/couples to prevent what they thought of as the female Hindu sheep/their prey from considering western men instead of islamaniacs as replacements for Hindu men.
- More progressive bollywho actresses will replace dating their fellow christoislamaniacs with dating overseas aliens (by which I mean western men. I don't see bollywho actresses having the taste to date E Asian heathen men, for instance.) After all, if every bollywho starlet is dating a Khan or whatever Indian christoislamic, it ain't fashionable any more is it? Need a new accessory to still be a trendsetter. And the Indian christomedia will totally be in on it.
This milestone, too, in the western social-engineering project was effected among E Asians in the US and at home in Asia (Singaporean example in E Asian thread), also using the help of the subverted media. As was promoting interracial babies locally (by which western and "ethnic" was meant, not E Asian and other E Asian, say) with the help of local SE Asian and occasionally E Asian media, to further western interests.
Indian christomedia and bollywho is already famous for promoting bi-ethnic actresses - again, only if they're half European of course, to look more European, as the new projected ideal - so half the work was done decades ago.
- The eternally irritating Indian male feminists - you know, the kind who will lecture you on women's rights, question your egalitarianism (oh shut up) and who, to make themselves look better, will readily blacken the character of every Hindu man out there as having regressive attitudes to women, when traditional Hindoo heathen men are 2nd only to native Americans in their naturally pro-female attitude -
again: the Indian anti-Hindu male feminists will learn that their espousing their 3rd world feminism (feminism is passé BTW*; India's imitations of western fashions are, as always, decades out of date) does NOT pay and will Not be translating into access to gullible women any more. Only progressive Indian women ever consider the Indian male feminists anyway - famous only for spitting at Hindu men and the concocted "patriarchy of Hinduism", while belting out platitudes. And the very same progressive Indian women - parvenus as they are - will merely climb further up the social ladder given a chance, to bag a much better prize. And let's admit it: western men > Indian "progressive" men, and western men [whether calling themselves feminist or not] > Indian male feminists. So Why In The World would any Indian woman choose the RHS, if the LHS is an alternative?
And there's no hope in hell that the male Indian progressive "I'm a feminist, watch me spit at Hindu men and Hinduism" will have a chance with Hindoo Indian women - the ones who will marry Indian (specifically only Hindoo) men. Not until the anti-Hindu progressives opportunistically return to pretending that they're "Hindu" suddenly [love jihad again]. You know, the way that their espousal of feminism is also purely opportunistic: to appear the better alternative to women (to idiot women surely?) and as a cover for lashing out at Hindus and Hinduism with.
The very thought of the grating Indian male feminists being prevented from reproducing by loss of their pool of gullible women almost pays for itself.
* Among the people I know, only western women in generations that are 1 or 2 decades older than my own are feminists. Those in my and later generations are - how to put it mildly - not sympathetic at all to feminism. Feminism is beyond passé. Its flaws are apparent to many. It is a joke sold only to females in the 3rd world who have the kind of 3rd world mentality to fall for it (i.e. the 3rd world females who can be programmed). It's like that famous red herring called "career" etc. Men and women earn money to eat, have a roof over their head and survive, and to look after their family. Not for the pointless "career" dream. What normal people want is to preferably do something relatively fun and easy to earn the moolah, and have enough free time to enjoy life/do stuff they actually want to do (which may even be nothing at all but lazing around in the sun) and have enough money to support this. Many people don't *want* to work. They'd like to be retired. But the world doesn't work that way. So they work to fund their free time and to save for the unknowns of the future.
"Career" - what a con. Every married woman - western to Chinese - that I know of my own and later generations wants to retire and go home to their families, even *when* they are good at their jobs and have fun at it. Every unmarried woman I know (of the same generations) dreams of retirement. The only times Chinese women aim to work for the sake of it, is when it serves their community, such as by teaching all their community's kids Mandarin - to preserve their language - or to teach their traditions and festivals to pass these on intact. (Must say I really admire Chinese heathen women and men. They have their priorities straight. Indians have like air in their heads. I'm so afraid that if the same western social engineering project is attempted on Indians, one well-aimed blow and Indians will domino. It's going to be so embarrassing. Sigh. Whereas E Asians *have* shown remarkable resistance, immunity and insight into the root causes, despite their losses.)
- Then there's the fact that supply will exceed demand: too many brainless Indian women will be running after alien men. And there's only a certain class of western men who are sleazy enough to bother. The rest have taste. And there never were that many western men to juggle all of Asia, S America and E Europe. And many western men prefer their own (which is understandable and normal).
As a result, many of the successfully socially engineered Indian women will feel - like many western feminists feel - grumpy at the end of it. And shortchanged by life. And the feeling of their biological clock ticking over. (Why am I grinning evilly.) Well, not my fault if they overlooked Hindoo heathenism and Hindoo men to betray heathenism for "progressiveness" and mercenary opportunism. Why should I complain if people I don't like are thwarted from reproducing or are delayed in reproducing so that they have only a minimum number of children (= just as per UN's proposal on how to control population growth in the "developing" i.e. "3rd" world esp India and China, using techniques like insincerely propagating 'gender equality in the workforce' and 'feminism' to control "ethnic" women from reproducing).
- Of course, hardest hit tends to be 'ethnic' christian men as it is 'ethnic' christian women who are naturally susceptible and groomed from the ground-up to prefer the males highest in the christian casta system: the japhetic males.
As seen in how it is IIRC 60% of Filipino and S Korean (christian) women in the US who intermarry with western men rather than their own.
Maybe like the Philippines, Indian christian families should start expecting huge numbers of body bags yearly too? Carrying the exploited female dead returning from the west. [It is a serious problem in the Philippines.] Though Indian progressive females of once/allegedly Hindu origins may look forward to reducing the strain on Filipino women in similar manner too. Poor Filipino women, they deserve a break. I'm all for them getting a respite at the expense of Indian christian and christo-conditioned females.
The mercenary and opportunistic Indian christo female preference (the mercenary attitude in Indian christos was already seen in Devyani's christo maid, and the church has already greenlighted the grooming of Indian females for western males via their own agent, Frieda Pinto) could eventually have a fallout for Hindoos: in the form of more of the demonic Indian christian males trying to prey on Hindu women, due to the increasing lack of their own. But then, Indian christo males are already trying to love jihad Hindu women, though only succeeding in running off with the same kind as would run off with islamics anyway: the progressive/secularised Indian women. Which are, again, exactly the kind to prefer western men to Indian male anything (christo or islamic). So their odds still won't improve. Good.
Can see it all as yet another Subvertibility Test. This one's exclusively for Indian women (they seemed to have already dismally failed the first phase, the "will we defend Indian men if they get singled out for attack, or will we remain silent/even turn on them" test. I've never seen such a paltry turnout or such horrible comebacks. Horrifying comebacks, more like it: One was particularly and painfully disappointing.)
Time for India's women to demonstrate how manipulable they are (i.e. how readily they will fall for social engineering, or whether they have the sense to see through it - though, with the advantage of E Asian predecessors, seeing through the western ruse now wouldn't quite prove innate intelligence), and whether they were marrying their own men thus far merely for lack of opportunity or for more sensible reasons and considered loyalty. Although that last question was already answered when so many brainless Indian progressives of both genders - but what can one expect of anti-Hindus? - married christoislamics, even Pukestanis and indologists.
I predict that, as usual, the more progressive and feminist the Indian female (the more she imagines she's thinking for herself) the harder she will fall for all this. Western social engineering can perfectly predict the 3rd world [and even most of the present day 1st world] feminist mindset (the west inculcated it, after all: it is their product, their programming) and western social engineering can therefore also guide all those with this mindset to desired outcomes. It was the same case with E Asian women too, after all. And, it must be acknowledged that the "progressives"/westernised among E Asian females are heads and shoulders ahead when it comes to *actual* intelligence compared to Indian "progressive" women. (The latter can only parrot the argumentation of their European betters or create obvious derivatives, whereas the E Asian variants at least show signs of original thinking in coming up with original 'arguments' to keep themselves forever alienated from their own native society. And new crops of E Asian western feminists in the US - who remain allergic to E Asian males and their traditional society - have further evolved out of the western mould and are considered rogue, and even have a close eye kept on them by the US govt, as indicated at some articles off the Eminism site. Many of them have turned lesbian - the verb is correctly chosen - though others have championed that other symbol of eternal defiance of oppressive christowestern patriarchy: dating African males in the US.)
More noteworthy is that the heathen female response in China, at least to the social engineering attempted in their homeland (a.o.t. America), has been much more intelligent - and more effective and came out of left field for the west - than what the average heathen Indian female vocalised response to the western attack on Hindoo men has been.
I'll try to watch with interest. Although to be honest, I'm losing interest, since I've been noticing de-heathenisation trends and patterns in Indian including self-designated 'Hindu' minds since my late teens, and my predictions based on prior observations/experiences of patterns have never been disappointed. (Though I have been. Repeatedly).
And so too here: I quite think I know how this will turn out. It will be ugly (though it make take time to get there). But then, all things involving modern Indians - so easy, so subvertible (so laughable, so despicably de-heathenising) as they are - is ugly. And when so little of use was achieved against western social engineering and psy-ops by modern "nationalist" "Hindu" (de-heathenised, subverted) vocalist men, is it reasonable to expect their female counterparts to perform better? Nah.
They may prove me wrong, which will require great numbers to demonstrate their immunity and - more than that - active resistance, for the effect to count as valid; which of course will be a miracle. But I will bet no money on them. (I'm never betting on loser populations again. I'll run at a loss. Hate to bet on the west. But they've played this game so often and won a significant number of times against more perceptive opponents. And the ball has barely ever been in Indian women's court before, certainly not at a time when there were so many de-heathenised to drag everyone down. The one time it had been - which was when the attacks on their men started recently/in recent years - they did so poorly. And I've even seen opportunistic backstabbing, including from unexpected quarters (gives new dimensions to the phrases of kicking [good] people when they're down and driving a hole into one's own boat).
So No. There will be no betting. There will be no finger-crossing either.
Whatever happens happens.)
No apologies for length and repetition (or the, no doubt copious, spelling and grammatical errors). Just wanted to type up my thoughts.
Summary of this post: I see the beginnings of a familiar trend. That Indian women will be groomed the way E Asian women in America (and in their homelands) were.
Demonisation of 'ethnic' men by the christowest always goes hand in hand with that other thing. (And which is why I created the thread on the E Asian situation. I could not then write what I foresaw. Even now it is a partial prediction. But there are clear indications of the direction things are heading.) To be honest, I expected the developments sooner than now, same as how the Yugoslavia thread has taken a long time (nearly a decade) to start serving the real purpose I had for it at IF. But these things take time for the west to carefully prepare the groundwork and implement, I suppose.
5. There is one thing that others haven't mentioned, but I've had a - not irrational - fear that seems to grow more tangible by the day.
Christowest is going to use the belated feminism being introduced into the third world "progressive" mentality that is modern India to groom Indian women into the next exploitation export product I mean mail order brides/"Asian women looking to date western men" types out there, like the countless dating ads for E Asian women allegedly looking for "love" with western men. (Probably run by christo orgs, like the S Korean christian adoption centres in the 1980s, which were similarly turning illegally obtained S Korean heathen babies into exploitation export products intended for western consumption.)
There are several stages to this.
a. First two stages: demonising Indian (read Hindu) men, while praising Indian (read Hindu) women as a class apart from their men. The rajeev2004 blog already noted how in the Jyoti Singh Pandey case, Jyoti was advertised about international circles for her "excellent" "English", while her tormentors were of course illiterate brutes (illiterate in English, which is the standard the west and christoised India uses/projects as the standard of illiteracy). The same spurious dichotomy is repeatedly being projected with every rape case in India that makes it into the international news.
And Indian women too - as others have before - *will* get so brainwashed by this selective and calculated praise, that they'll forget that 50% of the kids they produce are the men who are considered oh-so-faulty, which if you think about it, actually means Indian women are actually considered faulty for being able to produce them... (They may be good-looking enough to sleep with, but they're not good to reproduce with.) The western mentality goes back to US miscegenation laws. This is why western males in relationships with Asian females - or historically African females - prefer to have female children. Since "mulatto" male children were considered a greater threat to the christo western patriarchy, even explicitly evident in films like the racist "Birth of a nation".)
Demonising the Indian male is a necessary first stage, because the target is the huge class of nominally Hindu women. Though the first to fall for it and the ones to fall heaviest for it - as always - will be India's christian women (actually that step is already largely in the bag, as seen in live examples). Secular Indian women already fell for it too. (Several NRI Hindu women have married western men deliberately, but mainly because many NRI Indian men of Hindu origins were never actual Hindoos=heathens, so the choice between alien-alien and Indian-alien became even to them, as per their explanation of their reasoning.)
The purpose to targeting India's growing number of secularising women is manifold:
- directing them away/alienating them from Hindu and even secular Indian men will reduce India's population growth (a key foreign policy, not concealed in public UN documents), even as it will not mean that all these women will produce viable offspring (gender alienation will reduce population growth, western dalliances with Indian women need not produce children at all, as having a family is not always the aim of such relationships, plus the divorce rates of alien marriages to secular Indian women in the west is, from what I have seen, surprisingly high, seemingly higher than among other Asian women-western men combinations)
- it produces extra-territorial loyalties. Every so-called "ethnic" woman who has been socially engineered to date a western male has *always* been a western asset/agent working against her native tradition, culture, (ancestral religio,) her countrymen and also any countrywomen who remain loyal to these things.
That is, these socially engineered women are *programmed* to be traitors.
(Of course, in theory, either gender could have been targeted for demonisation and the other for sexual exploitation. But christowest is patriarchal: women are always allowed a free pass for assimilation - they're considered assimilatable material - hence it's always "ethnic" men that are demonised and "ethnic" women who are allowed entry into the clique/into the folds of christowestern patriarchy.)
b. Advertising Hindu women as a desirable choice to western males. If people have noticed, they are already using the old Phileas Fogg routine with every internationally-disseminated rape report: That the Indian woman is under threat of Indian males. That the Indian woman is civilised as a matter of course, that the Indian male is a brute by nature beyond correction and certainly can never measure up to the civilised alien man. That the Indian woman is mismatched with Indian males, and would find a better match in alien (western) men.
And even that the Indian woman is available and hence actually waiting around for the western male ("if only she knew that he was her real ideal"). It is the classic method that the west also used on E Asians in America, but it has become grotesquely apparent in the Indian case in recent reports.
E.g. one recent report of an Indian Hindu female dragging her groper by the hair to the police, not only repeated the usual stereotypes - her soundbytes IIRC were in English to signal she is educated, "literate", civilised, her groper was drunk (correlating to 'hence probably illiterate in English' and "therefore obviously" another examplar of all Indian i.e. Hindu males being demons, though the groper was not named and therefore probably christoislamic, but the insinuation from other international news reports is sufficient to lead the international readers to the assumed conclusion that "therefore" he "must be" "Hindu").
Again: the report on this woman not only repeated the usual stereotypes about the woman knowing English and being "worthy" (she fought off her assailant and got justice for herself, a trait signal), there was also a picture of her in western clothing. Both her English and her western clothing together - and the fact that she was willing to fight off her assailant, specifically presented in the news report as an act "against tradition" - are calculated signals to instill into the male western reader that she is compatible: i.e. not a traditional mindset. English and educated, western clothing - i.e. her lifestyle will be compatible and she won't have a degenerate traditional-Indian (read heathen, Hindu) mindset, but a christianised one. By the way, and contrary to what Indian women may think, both those cues are *correct*: Indian women wearing western clothes and speaking English in India *does* correlate to a christianised mindset and which is exactly the mindset that would be willing to pursue sexual - well that's what it all comes down to, right? - relationships with western men.
BTW, some of these features are opposite to what western men look for in E/SE Asian women and the cues for that: traditional E Asian female clothing is NOT considered indicative of a "traditional=backward" Asian woman, E Asian women's clothing is considered sexy on E Asian women, fashionable, chic, whatever, so the "little woman" can have some "E Asianness" to her while she is shown off on the arm of her western male.
Back to the actual example of the recent news report: among the numerous things that struck me, the most obvious of the social engineering evident was how they chose a ... let's call it 'glamorous' picture of the woman. The type of picture one sees in dating ads. Really, the alien interpretation screamed "Asian/Indian woman looking to date alien male", not that that was the intent of the woman when she took the picture. But that is the vibe it *will* give off to readers. I know it will. The problem is not the interpretation, which is beyond anyone's control. The problem is that the news report would know this. I.e. that it is a clear sign of calculation and therefore social engineering. It is stage 2 of the western social engineering project of grooming Indian women for western males: to make western men take notice. (There must be a market to sell the product, even if the product has not yet acquiesced to being a product, which is to be handled in stage 3.)
It's not that aliens didn't take notice before. A decade or so ago when bollywho made its short-lived 'breakthrough' into the west, there were sick bollywho fora of depraved alien (western) men drooling all over Indian women. Not even just the Indian actresses, but there were comments of being willing to date/do the background dancers. (I'd have laughed at the desperation but I got creeped out. Eeeewww.) But the running thread was that these women were 'sadly' out of reach - and not geographically, but that Indian women (in India at least) still didn't tend to date/marry aliens. And it could not have made matters better for this class of entities to see a dozen Shaadi/Bharat-Matrimony ads - amidst the thousands of "Chinese/Thai/other E-SE Asian women looking for western men" ads - where Indian women were specifically looking (and to marry) only Indian men. Pretty women. And none available. Like that saying about the salty=de-hydrating sea, "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink".
This whole psy-ops on India as rape central/Indian (Hindu) men as rapist demons who are suppressing and terrorising -that suddenly entirely different species- "Indian women", must have come as a windfall for the alien sleaze out there. Some old entities really like their "ethnic" women. (And even some younger, normal, non-sleazy British and Brit-origin men - back when I was in uni - still walk a straight line to the nearest Indian woman, as Dutch men did to the nearest Indonesian and even Indian females. Colonial hangover? But they can't possibly remember the colonial period, not having been around then and being conveniently kept ignorant of it all. What IS it? I've never worked it out, but I'm not the only one who noticed these shady happenings from high school - lots of Indonesian friends back then - to uni and beyond. They don't know these women At All and yet will be ready to date them - on the very first day, after having a mundane and forgettable exchange of "what courses are you taking" bleh. Every Indian female I know has been accosted. Maybe it's a strong term, but these men, conveniently ignorant of history, are not pursuing these Indian women for their characters, as they don't know them. I really don't know what spooks about in their head. Or if they have a brain.)
But the old generation of sleaze drooling over Indian women - like many do over E Asian and Russian women - is even more disturbing.
Anyway, the point was that the news report on the Indian Hindu-named woman vs her groper chose to present a *glamorous* picture of a female who was a target of molestation. What kind of news reporting is that? There are simply no two interpretations possible: it is entirely social engineering. And I know *exactly* what buttons it will press in western males. The less offensive being the Phileas Fogg attitude (the other side of the "white man's burden").
Here you go, found the picture, apparently plastered in all international outlets that reported on the case:
Oh and this report even adds a second picture, one where the product that the news report (social engineering) is selling gets to model her ethnic wear - oh, sorry, I mistook this for the Miss World pageant for a moment, forgetting the news concerns a *molestation*. Oh and this is just brilliant: the caption to this second picture reads:
Quote:Ms Mandhare defied social taboo in her bid to have her attacker brought to justice. (Facebook/Pradnya Mandhare)
So they've suddenly manufactured it as a "social taboo" in "backward traditional Hindu India" for a Hindu woman to bring her attacker to justice? (Never mind that they often do it, someone has to.) Rather just like how the christowestern documentary paid the christoislamic rapist* to manufacture how it was suddenly the "tradition" for Hindu women like Jyoti Singh Pandey to not be out at night alone or in the male company of non-relatives. <- When that is oh-so-obviously an *islamic* (and as we shall see in a news item in a subsequent post: christian) tradition/religious mandate.
(Obviously christo-manufactured too, was the "Ram-sene" beating up Indian women at some bar in Bangalore. IIRC it was the same NDTV, which also helped the christo documentary along, that was reported -by The Chindu- as ready and waiting at the very site, some 15 mins in advance IIRC, to shoot the bar brawl scene, just so that the western international media could herald the manufactured label "Hindu Taliban" very shortly after.)
* The rapist "Mukesh Singh" is at most a cryptochristian: no Hindu associates with islamaniacs, as said rapist did with fellow gangrapist Mohammed Afroz. Only christians and muslims associate/gang with christoislamics. Most especially true when they are fellow criminals preying on Hindu women.
The Hindu traditional response to avenge the helpless and the wronged - by whatever limited means was open to them - was seen in 1. the action of other inmates at the prison who simply murdered the brother (and fellow gangrapist) of "Mukesh", and those prisoners who beat the interviewed rapist himself to a pulp (and IIRC urinated on him) after they noticed him getting identified by the male victim during a police test identification parade. <- As per news reports.
The projection of 'Mukesh Singh' as upholding some concocted Hindu tradition that allegedly prevents women from going out at night or being in the company of friendly civilised males (as opposed to the christoislamicommunist demons) is obviously more of the illogical christowestern script which convinces only debiles: limiting women's movement is not remotely a Hindu tradition (but famously a christoislamic one). At most it has been a necessary defence against christoislamaniac predation, and hence only in times and regions of India highly infested by christoislam. And Mukesh Singh can never be a Hindu let alone a traditional one: Hindoos (and Hindoos are the Orthodox=tradition) do NOT associate with islamaniacs let alone in criminality let alone against their own let along against their own women and children. That one thing is sufficient to give away the lie of the documentary and that its intention is anti-Hindu psy-ops. That the documentary is purely for anti-Hindu psyops purposes - to insinuate that the anti-Hindu rapist acted as per Hinduism - is further confirmed by twitter items at the Rajeev2004 blog which showed that the documentary deliberately cut away to images of Hindu Gods while the cryptochristo western plant rapist was gloating about brutally disembowelling his female Hindu victim etc. It is typically christowestern manufactured consent for upcoming genocide and warfare: the west also showed "evil Iraqi soldiers of Saddam" sneering in delight as they snatched premature newborn babies from their incubation chambers. The intended message was clear: they are that evil, and the land of the free and democracy needs your support/your consent to put an end to Saddam and his evil men who will even kill their own premature children for sport. Honest western journalists have reported how this "Iraqi incubation infanticide" never actually happened but was all staged by the US (and the lies were willingly peddled by the likes of American papers, such as NYT again I think) in order to manufacture consent for war against the "evil child-murdering regime of Saddham Hussein". Any Indian who fell for the documentary as having an iota of honesty in intention or presentation is deluded beyond salvaging, and is welcome to invite and endure whatever miseries AmeriKKKa and its circle of European sidekick nations has in store for India hereafter.
And here I have found evidence of stage 2 (influencing the western male response to Indian women in such "India rape" reports) in the above article itself.
Quote:9 CommentsI'm going to puke. Been nauseous for days over my fears - I knew it wasn't irrational, because I've seen the social engineering with other "ethnic" fe/male populations, and the beginnings of the same pattern with Indians - but this just confirms it. And the above dude reacts as he was intended to, on cue.
1 day ago
Paul Ismyname
I love her.
Stage 3 is the prediction. It is the question whether it comes true or not. I know it will come true. Hope I misjudge my own women, but Indian men and women have shown themselves to be perfectly manipulable, falling for *every* darn social engineering, subversion and routine out there. So I'm sure any number of brainless women will fall for this. (Or even read the above quoteblock as a flattering compliment. Ugh.)
c. Stage 3 of the christowestern social engineering program is of course: programming Indian women to acquiesce to exploitation. Or: groom Indian women to want to be with alien (western) men.
As happened with E Asian women. It is the same pattern.
And we'll have progressive liberated Indian women writers/artists/filmmakers - both the "I'm a Hindu (but I hate Hindu men/Hinduism=patriarchy)" types, you know, the ones who are only ever "Hindu" when they can spit at other heathens and heathenism (quite like the "Hindu" women dating/marrying islamaniacs now, who speak of being "Hindu" only to therewith castigate Hindoos in their objection to love jihad, which objection has nothing to do with idiot Indian women willingly dating islamaniacs - they deserve each other - but is solely an objection against the kidnapping and coercion and deception by islamaniacs of Hindu women unwilling to be stuck in islam. So the two things are clearly very different: one concerns Hindoo women=women who hate islam and islamaniacs, and the other concerns mentally-christoislamic women who willingly marry into christoislam and who aren't Hindu (even in their own self-appellation) except for the purpose of attacking Hinduism under the label.)
But back to the 3rd stage of the christowestern social engineering project that has started.
Expect to see "progressive liberated" (i.e. predictable hence manipulable and easily socially-engineered=brainless) Indian women of both overtly anti-Hindu and "I'm a Hindu" type anti-Hindu who will be writing about how 1. Hindu 'Indian' men are evil and 2. western men are ideal
-> same as seen with E Asian AmriKKKan socially-engineered women who were handpicked as the agents for furthering western patriarchy in new territories (i.e. Asian society). Our own "Kingstonians" etc. The definition of that term can be found in the Psy-ops against E Asians thread.
Hindoo men will see few changes to their fortunes. They are already at the bottom of the pile for being invisible.
Even the sneaky class of Hindu-origin but not heathen (not Hindoo) men [and women] have had more luck: they've deceptively self-referenced themselves as "Hindus" (in that other sense: not heathen, but anything goes) and thereby been worming their way into heathen families and stealing heathen spouses away with more success. Same as love jihad, only more subtle. They're a major source of gangrene and future generations becoming subverted. When one parent is not a heathen (by which only one thing is meant: polytheistic idolator), subsequent generations turn into subverted, then totally de-heathenised, then secularised, then christoislamised.
Hindoo men have for some time not had much luck. The more traditional they are, the less they have had any chance even with (English speaking) heathen Hindu women. I have never been able to work out why. But I know a few heathen=Hindoo NRI women of my sister's gen who complained that all NRI Indian men they knew weren't HindOO. When I suggested there were many back home - I know of many, and so there must be multitudes more - they complained that these would not know of English or wouldn't have the same outlook as comes with what I call the 'NRI effect'. I personally always thought Hindoo men back home were too good=unsubverted for NRI Hindoo women and that they should therefore be [p]reserved for Hindoo women back home. Anyway, my remonstrations never had much luck: the very NRI women who argued about the matter married alien atheist/agnostic men. (Fortunately not anyone who threatened to "convert".) The only exception among those women I was arguing with being my sister: even though everyone she encountered was the "I'm a Hindu atheist/agnostic" variety (which means zip all), she decided to look out for Hindoo=ethnic Hindoo men anyway, since we had so many in our family who are like Da Best Men in the world. (Well they are.) And so of course she found one. And there are many multi millions more out there still, such that any Hindoo woman could start a harem. [Not that they should, BTW.]
So part of the argumentation is a willing self-deception I think: it is not that Hindoo men are non-existent, or factually scarce, it is that some NRI women want two opposing things: NRI and unsubverted Hindoo. That combination does not quite exist. Not in Hindoo women either. But it is true that NRI Hindoos are quite scarce. There are new ageists and subverted. And there are way too many atheists and agnostics who also call themselves Hindu, but which is not at all what is meant by the NRI Hindoos. And there are even way too many progressives and seculars and subtly anti-Hindu non-Hindu atheists/agnostics, who also go by "Hindu" in order to get a spouse. (All of which is love jihad too.)
So the unheathens masquerading as "Hindus" part is definitely true. Which is why I always recommended SE/E Asian heathens - exactly what I've always been suggesting to male NRI HindOO friends too. But the particular women ignored the suggestion or didn't even consider it. Fortunately other Hindoos overseas - men and women - have happened upon that ideal solution on their own. (It's so obvious.)
I worry more for the future. I can see my sister and her husband raising their kids HindOO, but that it will be next to impossible to find Hindoo spouses for them. The numbers of actual Hindu heathens (i.e. traditionalists) in India or without is decreasing, whatever the number that calls itself Hindu. But de-heathenisation and subversion are larger problems than people in the future not being able to form families. I mean, Hindoos nowadays can't even survive without being constantly terrorised, so future generations having any breadth of choice in marriage is a secondary consideration (when not even their safety to *be* heathen is assured).
Another negative side effect of the social engineering is that - like many poor E/SE Asian women do now - many destitute Hindoo women may see in this mess an opportunity for survival in selling themselves (and ultimately, the future of heathendom) off to aliens.
Poverty is a major factor in Chinese and Thai women back in China and Thailand (and Filipino and Russian women) selling themselves to dating agencies targeting western men. Western men always take advantage of this and then complain about the mercenary nature of all these women. Not sure what they were expecting. Gratitude? For reducing all these people to slaves and destitution (let's not forget colonialism's long-term effects) and for destroying their men's prospects and thereby their own heathen futures with their own kind, so that acquiescing to alien exploitation becomes their only means of survival?
Poor Hindoo village communities could be hard hit. Because the process works just like christian "orphanages" (and christian "education") scams: it will become a business, as it is in E and SE Asia. An especially shady one as it is in christianised parts of Asia.
But there are as ever silver linings from the fallout:
- Many Hindoo men will not feel much change: except for destitute Hindoo women, only progressive Indian women will fall for the social engineering (you know, the kind that fall for everything?) Besides, Hindoo men really can't be more ignored and more invisible to Indian women than they were already.
- Bollywho khans will be replaced by "New & Improved" male ideals. (Easy math: western male preying on "ethnic females" still > subcontinental christoislamaniac.) This is the very thing Indian islamaniacs were complaining about in objecting to Hindu actresses acting opposite western males in the hero role in "crossover" films, like a couple Aishwarya Rai did and some other Indian actresses too. Hindu men did not presume to tell Hindu women what to do, and while some expressed disdain for the convenient amnesia about colonialism - not just in the western men, where it is to be expected - but in the Indian actresses besides, the subcontinent's islamaniac men already think of Hindu women as their "resources" and so got really incensed and wanted an end to such movies and tie-ups/couples to prevent what they thought of as the female Hindu sheep/their prey from considering western men instead of islamaniacs as replacements for Hindu men.
- More progressive bollywho actresses will replace dating their fellow christoislamaniacs with dating overseas aliens (by which I mean western men. I don't see bollywho actresses having the taste to date E Asian heathen men, for instance.) After all, if every bollywho starlet is dating a Khan or whatever Indian christoislamic, it ain't fashionable any more is it? Need a new accessory to still be a trendsetter. And the Indian christomedia will totally be in on it.
This milestone, too, in the western social-engineering project was effected among E Asians in the US and at home in Asia (Singaporean example in E Asian thread), also using the help of the subverted media. As was promoting interracial babies locally (by which western and "ethnic" was meant, not E Asian and other E Asian, say) with the help of local SE Asian and occasionally E Asian media, to further western interests.
Indian christomedia and bollywho is already famous for promoting bi-ethnic actresses - again, only if they're half European of course, to look more European, as the new projected ideal - so half the work was done decades ago.
- The eternally irritating Indian male feminists - you know, the kind who will lecture you on women's rights, question your egalitarianism (oh shut up) and who, to make themselves look better, will readily blacken the character of every Hindu man out there as having regressive attitudes to women, when traditional Hindoo heathen men are 2nd only to native Americans in their naturally pro-female attitude -
again: the Indian anti-Hindu male feminists will learn that their espousing their 3rd world feminism (feminism is passé BTW*; India's imitations of western fashions are, as always, decades out of date) does NOT pay and will Not be translating into access to gullible women any more. Only progressive Indian women ever consider the Indian male feminists anyway - famous only for spitting at Hindu men and the concocted "patriarchy of Hinduism", while belting out platitudes. And the very same progressive Indian women - parvenus as they are - will merely climb further up the social ladder given a chance, to bag a much better prize. And let's admit it: western men > Indian "progressive" men, and western men [whether calling themselves feminist or not] > Indian male feminists. So Why In The World would any Indian woman choose the RHS, if the LHS is an alternative?
And there's no hope in hell that the male Indian progressive "I'm a feminist, watch me spit at Hindu men and Hinduism" will have a chance with Hindoo Indian women - the ones who will marry Indian (specifically only Hindoo) men. Not until the anti-Hindu progressives opportunistically return to pretending that they're "Hindu" suddenly [love jihad again]. You know, the way that their espousal of feminism is also purely opportunistic: to appear the better alternative to women (to idiot women surely?) and as a cover for lashing out at Hindus and Hinduism with.
The very thought of the grating Indian male feminists being prevented from reproducing by loss of their pool of gullible women almost pays for itself.
* Among the people I know, only western women in generations that are 1 or 2 decades older than my own are feminists. Those in my and later generations are - how to put it mildly - not sympathetic at all to feminism. Feminism is beyond passé. Its flaws are apparent to many. It is a joke sold only to females in the 3rd world who have the kind of 3rd world mentality to fall for it (i.e. the 3rd world females who can be programmed). It's like that famous red herring called "career" etc. Men and women earn money to eat, have a roof over their head and survive, and to look after their family. Not for the pointless "career" dream. What normal people want is to preferably do something relatively fun and easy to earn the moolah, and have enough free time to enjoy life/do stuff they actually want to do (which may even be nothing at all but lazing around in the sun) and have enough money to support this. Many people don't *want* to work. They'd like to be retired. But the world doesn't work that way. So they work to fund their free time and to save for the unknowns of the future.
"Career" - what a con. Every married woman - western to Chinese - that I know of my own and later generations wants to retire and go home to their families, even *when* they are good at their jobs and have fun at it. Every unmarried woman I know (of the same generations) dreams of retirement. The only times Chinese women aim to work for the sake of it, is when it serves their community, such as by teaching all their community's kids Mandarin - to preserve their language - or to teach their traditions and festivals to pass these on intact. (Must say I really admire Chinese heathen women and men. They have their priorities straight. Indians have like air in their heads. I'm so afraid that if the same western social engineering project is attempted on Indians, one well-aimed blow and Indians will domino. It's going to be so embarrassing. Sigh. Whereas E Asians *have* shown remarkable resistance, immunity and insight into the root causes, despite their losses.)
- Then there's the fact that supply will exceed demand: too many brainless Indian women will be running after alien men. And there's only a certain class of western men who are sleazy enough to bother. The rest have taste. And there never were that many western men to juggle all of Asia, S America and E Europe. And many western men prefer their own (which is understandable and normal).
As a result, many of the successfully socially engineered Indian women will feel - like many western feminists feel - grumpy at the end of it. And shortchanged by life. And the feeling of their biological clock ticking over. (Why am I grinning evilly.) Well, not my fault if they overlooked Hindoo heathenism and Hindoo men to betray heathenism for "progressiveness" and mercenary opportunism. Why should I complain if people I don't like are thwarted from reproducing or are delayed in reproducing so that they have only a minimum number of children (= just as per UN's proposal on how to control population growth in the "developing" i.e. "3rd" world esp India and China, using techniques like insincerely propagating 'gender equality in the workforce' and 'feminism' to control "ethnic" women from reproducing).
- Of course, hardest hit tends to be 'ethnic' christian men as it is 'ethnic' christian women who are naturally susceptible and groomed from the ground-up to prefer the males highest in the christian casta system: the japhetic males.
As seen in how it is IIRC 60% of Filipino and S Korean (christian) women in the US who intermarry with western men rather than their own.
Maybe like the Philippines, Indian christian families should start expecting huge numbers of body bags yearly too? Carrying the exploited female dead returning from the west. [It is a serious problem in the Philippines.] Though Indian progressive females of once/allegedly Hindu origins may look forward to reducing the strain on Filipino women in similar manner too. Poor Filipino women, they deserve a break. I'm all for them getting a respite at the expense of Indian christian and christo-conditioned females.
The mercenary and opportunistic Indian christo female preference (the mercenary attitude in Indian christos was already seen in Devyani's christo maid, and the church has already greenlighted the grooming of Indian females for western males via their own agent, Frieda Pinto) could eventually have a fallout for Hindoos: in the form of more of the demonic Indian christian males trying to prey on Hindu women, due to the increasing lack of their own. But then, Indian christo males are already trying to love jihad Hindu women, though only succeeding in running off with the same kind as would run off with islamics anyway: the progressive/secularised Indian women. Which are, again, exactly the kind to prefer western men to Indian male anything (christo or islamic). So their odds still won't improve. Good.
Can see it all as yet another Subvertibility Test. This one's exclusively for Indian women (they seemed to have already dismally failed the first phase, the "will we defend Indian men if they get singled out for attack, or will we remain silent/even turn on them" test. I've never seen such a paltry turnout or such horrible comebacks. Horrifying comebacks, more like it: One was particularly and painfully disappointing.)
Time for India's women to demonstrate how manipulable they are (i.e. how readily they will fall for social engineering, or whether they have the sense to see through it - though, with the advantage of E Asian predecessors, seeing through the western ruse now wouldn't quite prove innate intelligence), and whether they were marrying their own men thus far merely for lack of opportunity or for more sensible reasons and considered loyalty. Although that last question was already answered when so many brainless Indian progressives of both genders - but what can one expect of anti-Hindus? - married christoislamics, even Pukestanis and indologists.
I predict that, as usual, the more progressive and feminist the Indian female (the more she imagines she's thinking for herself) the harder she will fall for all this. Western social engineering can perfectly predict the 3rd world [and even most of the present day 1st world] feminist mindset (the west inculcated it, after all: it is their product, their programming) and western social engineering can therefore also guide all those with this mindset to desired outcomes. It was the same case with E Asian women too, after all. And, it must be acknowledged that the "progressives"/westernised among E Asian females are heads and shoulders ahead when it comes to *actual* intelligence compared to Indian "progressive" women. (The latter can only parrot the argumentation of their European betters or create obvious derivatives, whereas the E Asian variants at least show signs of original thinking in coming up with original 'arguments' to keep themselves forever alienated from their own native society. And new crops of E Asian western feminists in the US - who remain allergic to E Asian males and their traditional society - have further evolved out of the western mould and are considered rogue, and even have a close eye kept on them by the US govt, as indicated at some articles off the Eminism site. Many of them have turned lesbian - the verb is correctly chosen - though others have championed that other symbol of eternal defiance of oppressive christowestern patriarchy: dating African males in the US.)
More noteworthy is that the heathen female response in China, at least to the social engineering attempted in their homeland (a.o.t. America), has been much more intelligent - and more effective and came out of left field for the west - than what the average heathen Indian female vocalised response to the western attack on Hindoo men has been.
I'll try to watch with interest. Although to be honest, I'm losing interest, since I've been noticing de-heathenisation trends and patterns in Indian including self-designated 'Hindu' minds since my late teens, and my predictions based on prior observations/experiences of patterns have never been disappointed. (Though I have been. Repeatedly).
And so too here: I quite think I know how this will turn out. It will be ugly (though it make take time to get there). But then, all things involving modern Indians - so easy, so subvertible (so laughable, so despicably de-heathenising) as they are - is ugly. And when so little of use was achieved against western social engineering and psy-ops by modern "nationalist" "Hindu" (de-heathenised, subverted) vocalist men, is it reasonable to expect their female counterparts to perform better? Nah.
They may prove me wrong, which will require great numbers to demonstrate their immunity and - more than that - active resistance, for the effect to count as valid; which of course will be a miracle. But I will bet no money on them. (I'm never betting on loser populations again. I'll run at a loss. Hate to bet on the west. But they've played this game so often and won a significant number of times against more perceptive opponents. And the ball has barely ever been in Indian women's court before, certainly not at a time when there were so many de-heathenised to drag everyone down. The one time it had been - which was when the attacks on their men started recently/in recent years - they did so poorly. And I've even seen opportunistic backstabbing, including from unexpected quarters (gives new dimensions to the phrases of kicking [good] people when they're down and driving a hole into one's own boat).
So No. There will be no betting. There will be no finger-crossing either.
Whatever happens happens.)