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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
Post 1/
  • mediacrooks.com/2015/04/church-crimes-1-how-ndtv-concocts-anti.html

  • mediacrooks.com/2015/04/church-crimes-2-declining-faith.html

1. A comment in the first link and the article in the 2nd link both refer to an apparently new book "God's Bankers - A History of Money & Power at the Vatican" by one Gerald Posner.

Seems like the sort of books that Hindoos who want to expose christianism - catholicism especially - will want to read.

(At the moment don't want to read more about christianism myself, as I feel I already know way more than I want to know.)

One of the comments -and its immediate precursors- to an amazon.com review of "God's Bankers" is interesting:

(Several comments recommended different books by the same author or on related topics by other authors. They may all be of interest to Hindoos who want to be armed with knowledge.)

Quote: Posted on Feb 21, 2015 2:07:09 PM PST

Tony Frost says:

Thanks for bringing The Vatican Murders: The Life and Death of John Paul I to my attention. I bought both books to save on shipping. It is the best researched and most remarkable book I have read on the Vatican bank murders.

In reply to an earlier post on Feb 25, 2015 6:05:33 PM PST

J. Bauernschmidt says:

Tony Frost, are you also familiar with the book In God's Name: An Investigation Into the Murder of Pope John Paul I? Which book would you recommend the highest?

Last edited by the author on Feb 28, 2015 8:13:35 AM PST

Tony Frost says:

Yes. They are both good books. It depends on your interest.

In God's Name is a complete record of shady deals in the Vatican Bank under Paul VI. Though published in 1984, it barely mentions the Great Vatican Bank Scandal (1978-82) in which John Paul II/Roberto Calvi swindled investors of $1.3 billion and transferred it to Central America where it disappeared. Only one chapter deals with the murder of John Paul I.

The Vatican Murders is a complete investigation of the Great Vatican Bank Scandal and the murder of John Paul I and his closest friends. To the best of my knowledge - I've read bios in both English and Italian - The Vatican Murders includes the only biography of this radical leftwing pope written by an author who actually knew the man. Banned from Catholic reading, it is surely the only bio of the 33-day pope not censored of countless controversial things he said and did both as a bishop and as a pope by the Vatican.

I generally go by the rule that if a book is banned by the church, it means it's probably a must-read.

(Where are all the "freedom to screech" people? They'll come out of the woodwork soon enough if that book on Vatican's Forbidden List is were to be in popular print circulation in India... Watch the Indian christian network suppress it faster than the speed of light.)

Will Hindoos be translating the above books for free circulation in India,

or will "Hindu nationalists" continue typing tweets, penning articles and publishing books on their own views (usually semi-informed) on the shadiness and outright villainy of christianism, often regurgitating what others had already said (and better)?

The best critics and debunkers of christianism are ex-christians such as former priests, and western atheists (especially if, like Frank Zindler of American Atheists, their field is biblical scholarship). These tend to be the people with the most expertise on christianism. Hindus and nationalists - anyone without a personal background in christianism from a primary POV - aren't experts on the subject. And some make pedestrian mistakes when analysing/critiquing christianism: they interpret christian nonsense wrongly, rather than the actually simpler task of reproducing the damning but authentic christian interpretation from authoritative church figures. That last is what christians have no response to, and it presents them with a dilemma: either they need to accept the idiocies spouted along with their acceptance of jeebus, or they have to choose reason and call into question first one and then eventually a lot of things about christianism, which can be the beginning of their deconversion.

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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 12:31 AM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-19-2009, 09:36 PM
Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6 - by Guest - 06-22-2009, 05:03 AM
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