Archiving older news. Related to posts 151-159 and 167 of the previous pages.
A specific development that I totally missed earlier makes all the following worth archiving: apparently Dwaraka Shankacharya told Shirdi Sai worshippers to not dabble in Hindoo heathenism while they pursued their interest in worshipping a muslim. The acharya essentially asks them to refrain from turning the pristine Hindoo heathenism into a new-ageism with their tendency to dabble in multiple mutually-exclusive religions. (BTW, worshipping a muslim/a peddler of islam is not only not sanctioned in Hindoo heathenism, it is also haraam in islam. So basically Shirdi Sai followers have invented a totally new religion. It is right that the Dwaraka Shankaracharya asks them not to enter Hindoo temples while they are under the subversive spell of their new-ageism.)
The Hindus plugging for Sai Baba never claimed anything else: even in the Shirdi Sai "miracle" story concerning Ganga, can see that Shirdi Sai Baba wanted to replace Hindoo heathenism with himself as the centre of worship, as he tells his Hindu following that bathing in Ganga is "not necessary", since it is already - conveniently - supposedly encompassed within himself [before he then produces an alleged miracle to win over his doubting thomases].* Aka replacement theology. Sufis were known to practise subtle replacement theology, same as christianism employs today, and like christianism used cheap tricks and hoaxes to fool people into worshipping them (it's easy to Jedi mindtrick people I mean Sith mindtrick people). So Shirdi Sai Baba may have been a sufi.
* Compare with how Hindu avataaras regularly went on yatras to all the sacred teerthas of the Hindoos.
The matter took an excellent turn when the Dwaraka Shankaracharya said that Shirdi Sai Baba followers should not falsely dabble in two things at the same time:
- both worshipping Shirdi Sai Baba (who was against himself or followers dipping in the Ganga as sacred)
- AND play at being Hindoos (for whom bathing in Ganga is a sacred rite, for whom Rama's name is sacred - note Rama is a Vishnu avataaram to Dwaraka Shankaracharya, not a deified person, and for whom visiting Hindoo temples a.o.t. islamised spaces is important).
So the Dwaraka Shankaracharya asked the Shirdi Sai Babans dabbling part-time in Hindoo religion - and bringing their partial islamisation into actual Hindoo temples and polluting these - to choose one or the other and stick to it, instead of practising a new-ageism by dabbling in both:
The anti-Hindoo Newsnation is eager in peddling that the Shankaracharya is "angry" etc, as seen in other news headings. But should acharyas thenbe happy that people are turning the pristine Hindoo heathenism into a travesty by islamising it? Should he be neutral and disinterested about it? Or should he be displeased at what is happening to this endangered heathenism and be stern about the matter by issuing the necessary warnings?
The Shankaracharya seems utterly immune to personal insults: despite being taunted and hissed at and his good advice neglected by an ungrateful de-heathenising / new-ageisng people, he continues to advice them in their own best interest. It is very understandable that he sounded more urgent in his statements and more absolute as the sensationalised non-controversy went on and he realised the gravity of the matter indicated by the stubborn insistence of others in continuing to de-rail the sacred heathenism that he is tasked to guard.
It isn't just that's anti-Hindoo in their reporting, complete with their lame "VOTE" request/desperations.
Virulently anti-Hindoo firstpost opportunistically promotes Shirid Sai-ism, in order to cast aspersions on Shankaracharyas and Naga Sadhus (and all of Hindoo heathenism thereby):
I'm not at all surprised that the Shankaracharya considers there to be a real conspiracy afoot to subvert Hindoos' heathenism, and that he suspects that even foreign powers are involved, in creating the problem, and then raising a controversy to make people opt for Shirdi Sai Sufi as the supposed "liberal minded" (though he advocated against Gangaa snaanam, for circumcise, against offering foods to Hindoo Gods in favour of having food blessed by maulvis etc) by presenting Hindu acharyas as offering supposed "ultimatums" and that Hindoo heathenism is close-minded. Never mind that Hindoo heathenism - or any heathenism - was never an "anything goes" religion in the first place, and is actually far too reasonable for its own good/for the sake of its own self-preservation. It is not the Hindoo acharyas of the Dharma Sansad that are unreasonable: they are stating mere facts and warning against serious threats from the outside. Stupid de-heathenising Hindus refused to take heed despite it being for their own good.
Contrary to how Taoist laity respect their knowledgeable teachers of Taoism to guide them on the right path, including including when these ask the Taoist laity to refrain from mixing Taoism with mutually exclusive religions, Indian Hindus - Vijaya Rajeeva and the countless other "Hindu" VV etc commenters were just the tip of that iceberg - are certain they know better themselves, arrogating authority to themselves upon stripping those worthy of it, and thus act reactively every time in delusional 'defiance' to correct guidelines. What else can be expected from modern Indians, every one of which is such an 'expert' - as per themselves - and who so readily resort to blackmailing those that will still follow their ancestral tradition unsubverted?
And so too, one can't expect otherwise from the Shirdi Sai fans: instead of being respectful to Hindoo heathenism by refraining from further attempts to islamise it with their Shirdi Sai hobby, Shirdi Sai fandom have apparently deliberately insisted on pursuing their process of islamification of Hindoo heathenism and themselves, though still not entirely successfully:
(one of the videos that was - possibly still is - archived there has the following description as metadata
They can't even follow Shirdi Sai-ism correctly: Shirdi Sai specifically didn't want them to take a dip in the Gangaa, but to worship himself in place of Gangaa and other Hindoo Gods' (which was eventually to be directed to worshipping allah). More proof that these misguided Hindoos actually love Gangaa and their Hindoo heathenism in truth, and not sufism or the sufi whose wishes they have ignored - e.g. that they stop dipping themselves in Gangaa.
Is it not better then - for themselves - that they give up on the Sufi whose instructions to them they refuse to follow anyway but who they will mystifyingly idolise, and that they instead return to following their ancestral Sanatana Dharma and its Gods? Islam is either way going to wipe them out for their idolatry of their Mother Ganga (and of the unrelated idol of the Shirdi sufi). They would therefore be much happier and safer if attached exclusively to Ramaavataram and all the other Hindoo Gods, who do not create confusion in their minds about Gangaa Amman etc.
Dwaraka Shankaracharya may sound frustrated with the Shirdi Sai Sufi peddlers who have chosen to manufacture a fake rebellion, but he nevertheless hints to them there is a way to purify themselves from their stubborn waywardness and return to their true home:
Backpeddling is only forbidden in serious crimes against the Hindoo Gods/heathenism, such as lying about [the nature of] Hindoo Gods and/or peddling subversive views about these, convinced by (self-)delusion. [Such persons should be doubly debarred from Hindoo temples, certainly those temples housing the very Gods they lied about.]
In constrast, the many lay Hindu ex-Shirdi Sai Sufi worshippers can naturally return home, by performing shuddhi. Their error is merely misplaced bhakti: they have misattributed the character of their Hindoo Gods to the Shirdi Sufi and for this reason worship him also. But he does not factually have that character (it is only their imagination that he has), so they actually love only the Hindoo Gods without their knowing it.
A specific development that I totally missed earlier makes all the following worth archiving: apparently Dwaraka Shankacharya told Shirdi Sai worshippers to not dabble in Hindoo heathenism while they pursued their interest in worshipping a muslim. The acharya essentially asks them to refrain from turning the pristine Hindoo heathenism into a new-ageism with their tendency to dabble in multiple mutually-exclusive religions. (BTW, worshipping a muslim/a peddler of islam is not only not sanctioned in Hindoo heathenism, it is also haraam in islam. So basically Shirdi Sai followers have invented a totally new religion. It is right that the Dwaraka Shankaracharya asks them not to enter Hindoo temples while they are under the subversive spell of their new-ageism.)
Quote:[Dwaraka Shankaracharya stated:] [...] People are worshipping a person [Shirdi Sai baba] who never took the name of anyone but "Allah", the one who said no to Ganga Snaan. People have made a God out him. [...]
The Hindus plugging for Sai Baba never claimed anything else: even in the Shirdi Sai "miracle" story concerning Ganga, can see that Shirdi Sai Baba wanted to replace Hindoo heathenism with himself as the centre of worship, as he tells his Hindu following that bathing in Ganga is "not necessary", since it is already - conveniently - supposedly encompassed within himself [before he then produces an alleged miracle to win over his doubting thomases].* Aka replacement theology. Sufis were known to practise subtle replacement theology, same as christianism employs today, and like christianism used cheap tricks and hoaxes to fool people into worshipping them (it's easy to Jedi mindtrick people I mean Sith mindtrick people). So Shirdi Sai Baba may have been a sufi.
* Compare with how Hindu avataaras regularly went on yatras to all the sacred teerthas of the Hindoos.
The matter took an excellent turn when the Dwaraka Shankaracharya said that Shirdi Sai Baba followers should not falsely dabble in two things at the same time:
- both worshipping Shirdi Sai Baba (who was against himself or followers dipping in the Ganga as sacred)
- AND play at being Hindoos (for whom bathing in Ganga is a sacred rite, for whom Rama's name is sacred - note Rama is a Vishnu avataaram to Dwaraka Shankaracharya, not a deified person, and for whom visiting Hindoo temples a.o.t. islamised spaces is important).
So the Dwaraka Shankaracharya asked the Shirdi Sai Babans dabbling part-time in Hindoo religion - and bringing their partial islamisation into actual Hindoo temples and polluting these - to choose one or the other and stick to it, instead of practising a new-ageism by dabbling in both:
Quote:Don't enter our temples, avoid taking dip in Ganga, Shankaracharya tells Sai Baba followers | VOTE
By : News Nation Bureau
Updated On : Wednesday, June 25, 2014 01:15 PM
New Delhi : -
Dwaraka Peeth Shankaracharya Swaroopananda Saraswati's remarks against Sai Baba have sparked controversy. The followers of the 20th century saint staged protest against Shankaracharya at various parts of the country and his effigy was also burnt in Varanasi, demanding immediate withdrawal of his remarks.
Despite the row, Shankaracharya still stands by his statement that "Sai Baba is not a God and should not be worshipped." He has refused to take back his controversial comments.
In what could ignite further controversy, Shankaracharya has now given a new advice to Sai Baba followers.
"We are ready to give them freedom. But they should not enter our temples, should not take dip in Ganga and should not chant the name of Ram. Only then they can worship Sai Baba, we don't have any problem," Shankaracharya said.
Defending his remarks, Shankaracharya exclusively told News Nation that he has not committed any crime and that FIR should not have been registered against him.
Shankaracharya had told News Nation earlier that in "Sanatan Dharma, only avatars should be worshipped and hence Sai Baba should not be worshipped as he is not an avatar. Hence, the followers of Sanatan Dharma should not worship him."
The anti-Hindoo Newsnation is eager in peddling that the Shankaracharya is "angry" etc, as seen in other news headings. But should acharyas thenbe happy that people are turning the pristine Hindoo heathenism into a travesty by islamising it? Should he be neutral and disinterested about it? Or should he be displeased at what is happening to this endangered heathenism and be stern about the matter by issuing the necessary warnings?
The Shankaracharya seems utterly immune to personal insults: despite being taunted and hissed at and his good advice neglected by an ungrateful de-heathenising / new-ageisng people, he continues to advice them in their own best interest. It is very understandable that he sounded more urgent in his statements and more absolute as the sensationalised non-controversy went on and he realised the gravity of the matter indicated by the stubborn insistence of others in continuing to de-rail the sacred heathenism that he is tasked to guard.
It isn't just that's anti-Hindoo in their reporting, complete with their lame "VOTE" request/desperations.
Virulently anti-Hindoo firstpost opportunistically promotes Shirid Sai-ism, in order to cast aspersions on Shankaracharyas and Naga Sadhus (and all of Hindoo heathenism thereby):
Quote:Jul 3, 2014
On Sunday, Bharti reacted saying she had no regrets over her devotion to Sai Baba, enraging Swaroopanand further. He has launched a fresh attack on her saying she was worshipping a Muslim. That is the reason she failed build the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. He argued that Sai Baba was a Muslim ascetic and thus could not be treated as a Hindu deity. He accused certain forces of corrupting the Hindu religion by creating new gods and there was a conspiracy to divide the Hindus. He even said foreign forces were behind the practice.
[Shankaracharya is too charitable, but there's no such thing as a muslim ascetic. There are islamic frauds, I mean fakirs. Sufis are islam's soft-power, who work on the minds of impressionable shake-nines among polytheistic idolators, to turn them gradually out of their attachment to their Gods and into redirecting this attachment to islamic frauds instead, eventually making them apologists for islam and ultimately making them mentally islamised.]
The issue took a grave turn when despite written clarification from the minister the sadhus persisted with venomous statements and directed the Sai disciples to be prevented from chanting the name of Lord Ram and taking a dip in the Ganga for purification. Interestingly, the Muslims devotees of the Shirdi saint are unaffected by Shankaraacharya's diktat. It is the devout Hindus who face the dilemma.
I'm not at all surprised that the Shankaracharya considers there to be a real conspiracy afoot to subvert Hindoos' heathenism, and that he suspects that even foreign powers are involved, in creating the problem, and then raising a controversy to make people opt for Shirdi Sai Sufi as the supposed "liberal minded" (though he advocated against Gangaa snaanam, for circumcise, against offering foods to Hindoo Gods in favour of having food blessed by maulvis etc) by presenting Hindu acharyas as offering supposed "ultimatums" and that Hindoo heathenism is close-minded. Never mind that Hindoo heathenism - or any heathenism - was never an "anything goes" religion in the first place, and is actually far too reasonable for its own good/for the sake of its own self-preservation. It is not the Hindoo acharyas of the Dharma Sansad that are unreasonable: they are stating mere facts and warning against serious threats from the outside. Stupid de-heathenising Hindus refused to take heed despite it being for their own good.
Contrary to how Taoist laity respect their knowledgeable teachers of Taoism to guide them on the right path, including including when these ask the Taoist laity to refrain from mixing Taoism with mutually exclusive religions, Indian Hindus - Vijaya Rajeeva and the countless other "Hindu" VV etc commenters were just the tip of that iceberg - are certain they know better themselves, arrogating authority to themselves upon stripping those worthy of it, and thus act reactively every time in delusional 'defiance' to correct guidelines. What else can be expected from modern Indians, every one of which is such an 'expert' - as per themselves - and who so readily resort to blackmailing those that will still follow their ancestral tradition unsubverted?
And so too, one can't expect otherwise from the Shirdi Sai fans: instead of being respectful to Hindoo heathenism by refraining from further attempts to islamise it with their Shirdi Sai hobby, Shirdi Sai fandom have apparently deliberately insisted on pursuing their process of islamification of Hindoo heathenism and themselves, though still not entirely successfully:
(one of the videos that was - possibly still is - archived there has the following description as metadata

Quote:Enraged over the diktat Shankaracharya Swami Swaroopanand, devotees of Shirdi Sai Baba along with his idol took a dip in the holy water of Ganga.
They can't even follow Shirdi Sai-ism correctly: Shirdi Sai specifically didn't want them to take a dip in the Gangaa, but to worship himself in place of Gangaa and other Hindoo Gods' (which was eventually to be directed to worshipping allah). More proof that these misguided Hindoos actually love Gangaa and their Hindoo heathenism in truth, and not sufism or the sufi whose wishes they have ignored - e.g. that they stop dipping themselves in Gangaa.
Is it not better then - for themselves - that they give up on the Sufi whose instructions to them they refuse to follow anyway but who they will mystifyingly idolise, and that they instead return to following their ancestral Sanatana Dharma and its Gods? Islam is either way going to wipe them out for their idolatry of their Mother Ganga (and of the unrelated idol of the Shirdi sufi). They would therefore be much happier and safer if attached exclusively to Ramaavataram and all the other Hindoo Gods, who do not create confusion in their minds about Gangaa Amman etc.
Dwaraka Shankaracharya may sound frustrated with the Shirdi Sai Sufi peddlers who have chosen to manufacture a fake rebellion, but he nevertheless hints to them there is a way to purify themselves from their stubborn waywardness and return to their true home:
Quote:Perform "shuddhikaran" and stop worshipping Sai Baba, Shankaracharya tells Hindus
By : News Nation Bureau
Updated On : Thursday, June 26, 2014 11:06 PM
Even as scores of people have been protesting against Dwaraka Peeth Shankaracharya Swaroopananda Saraswati for his controversial remarks against Shirdi Sai Baba, the spiritual guru is refusing to withdraw his statement.
Shankaracharya is making controversial statements one after another. In his first controversial comment he had told News Nation that Sai Baba is not a God and hence should not be worshipped.
Later, he said that Sai Baba followers "should not enter our temples, should not take dip in Ganga and should not chant the name of Ram. Only then they can worship Sai Baba."
Continuing his scathing attack on Sai followers, Shankracharya has now said that Hindus should undergo "shuddhikaran" or "purification" process and should stop worshipping Sai Baba.
"It's their (Hindus) obligation to perform shuddhikaran by keeping a nirjala (without water) Ekadashi fast, taking a dip in Ganga and never take Sai Baba's name," he said.
When asked why he want to remove the word Ram from Sai's name, he said: "Ram is worshipped since time immemorial, while Shirdi Sai Baba came after him, how can people worship him?"
First Published: Thursday, June 26, 2014 22:19 [IST]
Backpeddling is only forbidden in serious crimes against the Hindoo Gods/heathenism, such as lying about [the nature of] Hindoo Gods and/or peddling subversive views about these, convinced by (self-)delusion. [Such persons should be doubly debarred from Hindoo temples, certainly those temples housing the very Gods they lied about.]
In constrast, the many lay Hindu ex-Shirdi Sai Sufi worshippers can naturally return home, by performing shuddhi. Their error is merely misplaced bhakti: they have misattributed the character of their Hindoo Gods to the Shirdi Sufi and for this reason worship him also. But he does not factually have that character (it is only their imagination that he has), so they actually love only the Hindoo Gods without their knowing it.