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Vegetarian Discussion
1. During the dark ages of christoislamic terrorism's grip on India,

the Hindoo Indian Rhinoceros was also hunted intensively by the christoislamics=demons, until its population numbers reduced. (C.f how christoislam had reduced the Hindoo lions to a measly 20, and how the christo European infestation in India under the colonial terror had brought about the utter extinction of our longtime compatriots, the Hindoo cheetahs, see a few posts back.)


Quote:The Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), also called the greater one-horned rhinoceros and Indian one-horned rhinoceros, belongs to the family Rhinocerotidae. Listed as a vulnerable species, the large mammal is primarily found in India's Assam, West Bengal and in protected areas in the Terai of Nepal, where populations are confined to the riverine grasslands in the foothills of the Himalayas.[2]


The Indian rhinoceros once ranged throughout the entire stretch of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, but excessive hunting reduced their range drastically. Today, more than 3,000 rhinos live in the wild.[3] In 2014, 2,544 of which are found in India's Assam alone, an increase by 27 percent since 2006, although in early the 1900s, Assam had about 200 rhinos only.[4]

Sport hunting became common in the late 1800s and early 1900s.[2] Indian rhinos were hunted relentlessly and persistently. Reports from the middle of the 19th century claim that some British military officers (famous as the "Great White Christian Hunters", as the demonic plague proudly regarded themselves) in Assam individually shot more than 200 rhinos. By 1908, the population in Kaziranga had decreased to around 12 individuals.[5] In the early 1900s, the species had declined to near extinction.[2]

Image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/RhinoHuntBabur.jpg/220px-RhinoHuntBabur.jpg

Img caption: Moghul emperor Babur on a rhino hunt, 16th century

More proof that christoislam has only ever genocided the natives of the Hindoo subcontinent, and why all christoislam should be kicked out of the subcontinent and forever banned from entering again. "Indian" christoislamics are the same demons as their fellow monotheistically-infected from Europe and ME to C Asia.

Note how

- nothing good ever came from christoislam, only genocide. Christoislam is the *definition* of extinction/genocide. Especially of other creatures: of people/other animals of heathen climes.

- it was christoislamic hunting that had brought this and many other Hindoo animal species to (the brink of) extinction

- whereas, once again, it is only the return of the heathen, native=non-christoislamic rule that allowed the endangered Hindoo animals to grow in numbers again

- christianism is now pretending to reinvent itself as environmentally-friendly with the hope of in future laughably projecting itself as having always been so. <- More proof that christians are compulsive liars inspired by the compulsive lying of their mindvirus ideology/jeebusism, the greatest parasite of them all.

2. Turns out the "Manul" is also an ethnic Hindoo. Confusedcore:

Not only is it spread in Mongolia and Tibet, it occurs in parts of northern India along the Himalayas (and not just Ladakh). And just a few years back, its presence in Nepal was accidentally detected too: IIRC the Nepalese govt conservationists had set up cameras to monitor the Hindoo Snow Leopard, and one day, all of a sudden, they found a recording containing sighting of this mammal and had to seek confirmation that it was who they thought it was: the Manul.

So it is an ethnic Hindoo of both Nepal and India, not just a Bonpo-Shamanist heathen of Mongolia-Tibet. Woohoo.

Note how it actually has round pupils, unlike its more common - and often more recent - relatives.

Wacky's entry is telling for two totally different reasons:

Quote:Distribution and habitat

Pallas's cats are native to the steppe regions of Central Asia, where they inhabit elevations of up to 5,050 m (16,570 ft) in the Tibetan Plateau.[4] They inhabit Mongolia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kashmir, and occur across much of western China.

First, wacky peculiarly mentions Kashmir - a part of India - among a list of what are exclusively countries. While the map at wacky of the habitat range/distribution of the creature clearly show it residing along the Indian foothills of the Himalayas - e.g. it is well attested in Ladakh of the Jammu & Kashmir state of India - wackypedia still refused to mention the word India (and even pretend Kashmir is it's own thing and that the Manul is only found in that part of Hindoo India), whereas Tibet is not mentioned separately but brushed off as "western China". More proof of wacky being a stronghold of christoislamism and christoislamic dawaganda.

This is a better link for the creature's distribution.

I wonder if ancient Hindoo literature mentions this mammal and what its native name might be.

The following sermon is not necessary for Hindoos. But modern English-speaking elite types in India apparently started acquiring owls as a fad after Harry Potter suddenly made these popular, so that rich Indian parents were buying rare owls as birthday presents for their spoiled little HP-obsessed children (who'll probably grow up into the next selfish Deepika "myChoice" Padukones.) Hence the sermon below:

Although the manul looks like it would win the Soft Toy Competition (of all time), it's not a soft toy but has its own life. It is Not a domesticated species, but a wild animal, so not a pet. Plus I read online that it is quite okay with temperatures as low as -50 degrees (that's what its beautiful bushy pelt is actually for), since its habitat is high altitudes, where pathogens are not as common/not the same, so adopting them into your home as the next pet/family member is NOT okay: survivability of young (and even adults) is rendered lower, as the creature is quite vulnerable/not so immune to pathogens in warmer/more human-inhabited climes. If people really cared about it and were happy to know of its existence, they'd leave it alone. It is predictably endangered, and in Mongolia, Tibet, China and Russia it's hunted a lot.

And western countries (e.g. US, Germany) keep kidnapping them from their happy homes and locking them up in zoos - should be made illegal - as if they were souvenirs to keep the populace amused and entertained.

3. Forgot to add. People with cats would know, but something that IMO is rather cute.

A litter of a single domestic mother cat can have been fathered by multiple male cats.

Apparently, a multi-coloured litter Confusedweet: is indicative of multiple fathers.

(Don't know exactly why, but was reminded of the above by the litter of Karna+Pandava cubs of Kunti and Madri bearing the divine essence of 6 Hindoo Gods.)

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Vegetarian Discussion - by Guest - 10-05-2006, 07:18 AM
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Vegetarian Discussion - by Shambhu - 10-06-2006, 01:15 AM
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Vegetarian Discussion - by agnivayu - 10-06-2006, 04:46 AM
Vegetarian Discussion - by Guest - 10-06-2006, 04:54 AM
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