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Rape crimes in India vs elsewhere: deliberate disproportionate reporting by international news
And of course the only real story of rampant rapes in India that will not make it into the international news (or India's christomedia) is the epidemic that's been dubbed 'love jihad' (=sexual jihad/demographic jihad in reality):

1. haindavakeralam.com/HKPage.aspx?PageID=19615

Love Jihad in Kerala: 49 Cases Reported in 2 Weeks

04/06/2015 15:11:36 Courtesy: Janmabhumi

2. haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=19594

Hate Jihad in the name of 'Love Jihad', A global phenomena

The entire article is worth reading, as the rest more directly concerns heathens in India.

But excerpting a part relevant to this thread:

Quote:In 2005, British investigative journalist Clive Gresswell discovered a collection of secret pamphlets being distributed to young Muslim men in Luton, UK. Excerpts run thus:

“A Message to Moslem Youth: Real Khilafa – A Political Reality from Dr. K M Farukh. (For Private Circulation)

We call upon our fellow youth to come and join us in our mission—universal and global Islam. The job is big but nothing is impossible. If the kafir non-believer does not accept by gentle persuasion or reasoning then other methods which are allowed for in the holy Quran must be used such as—going to war with the kafir or converting them by manipulation. We need to send out our boys to bring into the umma or community of Islam. This task is getting easier by the day as the Sikh and Hindu girls are not taught (as is done in Islam) much about their religion at all. They have a westernized upbringing and the school college and university campus is the ideal place for our youth to carry out their duties easily in this way. It is easy to take the Sikh girls out on a date as they generally like a good drink and from these gradually they can be brought into Islam. This is not a hard job at all as the Kafir women they like Moslems. Hardly surprising as we are attractive and intelligent compared with Kafirs… Otherwise why would Indian films have so many Moslem actors. There is not a single Hindu or Sikh actor in Pakistani films. We need more funds desperately to carry on our job and we need volunteers from amongst the youth specially. We need your help at this crucial time when our Moslem brothers and sisters are being killed in countries all over the world.”

Jihad, in all its forms is likely to stay for a protracted period. It is not just a war of weapons, but also of culture and mores. In an article in 1993, Huntington writes, “It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.”

Perhaps it is coming, what philosopher Francis Fukuyama calls, the end of history. Surviving it is the modern world’s greatest challenge.

With Inputs from Romeos of Terror by Sangram Parhi's in The New Indian Express


On these statements in the above:

Quote:Hardly surprising as we are attractive and intelligent compared with Kafirs… Otherwise why would Indian films have so many Moslem actors.

Islamaniacs' extreme powers of self-delusion disprove their (already disproved) claims to alleged intelligence.

And Bollywho is owned by the islamic underworld. So *of course* they will have ugly islamaniac men and brainless Hindu-origin women acting in there, it's part of their conditioning programme. Doesn't mean islamaniac males look remotely passable even.

Quote:This is not a hard job at all as the Kafir women they like Moslems.

No. The secularised Indians - men and women - don't differentiate between anything that looks Indian, be it christoislamicommunist or nominally Hindu, though all seculars are allergic to Hindoos=Hindu heathens.

Hindoo women would never marry christoislamics. More aware Hindoo women hate christoislamaniacs, more than even Dutch women hate moslems.

On this last. For once, a useful anecdote from my own life. (Oh no, my life has turned into something to mine examples and lessons from. This is never a good sign). Back when I was in my early teens, NL girls showed great awareness of islamic males and islam itself. One Dutch girl warned an Indonesian girl (from the Moluccas, sp?) away from considering dating an islamic boy the latter seemed to like. The very popular Dutch girl (who exclusively dated African-origin Surinamese males, so she's no racist, except perhaps against her own men) essentially said that it was extremely ill-advised to date islamic males, as all they want is to convert non-muslim females.

^ And all Dutch teens of my generation knew this, without exception. To the point that they were advising Indonesians away from islam (and the Moluccas were supposed to have been converted to christianism, IIRC, since it typically betrayed Indonesia and sided with the Dutch).

^That is the level of self-regulation Hindu society needs to inculcate in the women among it. Notice how Dutch teen girls warn other women off dating islam? (Notice also how very different Dutch girls are compared to English speaking west where

- English girls in the UK, not just Sikhs and Hindu girls, are lured into islam by love jihad

- UK and US women constantly marry into Jordan royalty and Aga Khan household and convert to islam (see here, scroll down to item 2)

- UK and US girls both fawn over that half-Paki islam-peddler "Zayn Malik" from some crazy boy-band called New Direction

The self-policing done by Dutch teen girls* is what needs to be reproduced among Hindu females. And this needs to start among Hindu teen girls.
No waiting until past that age, else by that stage Indian women are secularised=christo-conditioned (and pseudo-'westernised') beyond the point of no return. And, as stated, it needs to be by and for the Hindu female youth. They will listen to each other. They will warn each other off. This is what girls do, especially the more extroverted they are.

So raise one pretty and preferably popular* Hindu female who knows enough about christoislam** to be willing to warn off others in her class, and her entire class of female Hindu girls will be immunised. *Don't know how female teen peer hierarchies in India work.

Also need to get Hindu male youngsters to warn each other of christo females. (Will never work. E.g. even adult "nationalists" who've otherwise woken up to christianism have no brains: Tarun Vijay would readily have run after Syrian christo actress Asin if he saw her. And the number of Indian "Hindu nationalist" men drooling over Paki women and thinking that the interest of non-converting muslimahs is complimentary, rather than missionary. Deeply worrying. If she wanted to revert, then I'd say bring her home. But when a muslimah has no intention of reverting but pretends to still be interested in a Hindu male, it is only for love jihad: she wants him to convert. Duh.)

** NB: Neither Dutch females nor males were remotely multicultural in the sense of "islam is the same as (the all pervasive in NL) atheism". They didn't talk about islam unless it came up, but when it did, no one was an idiot about it. (The greatest haters of christoislam were all my NL classmates: I was a multiculturalist moron back then, knowing zip all about christoislam, and imagining -based on blissful=euphemism for deadly ignorance- that christoislam must surely be valid and peashful too, as long as I don't have to associate with it. But in any case, I was never quite ideological/confrontational about my position - certainly not against people who didn't know better - so don't seem to have done any damage to others there. The only known victim of my own ignorance seems to have been myself. It was only in my late teens or beyond that I started becoming more aware.)

Dutch teen males disliked islam, but -interestingly- they never interfered in such conversations as mentioned above between Dutch girls. This apathetic stance, this distance to the problem, is however a point of similarity with the English-speaking nations: Dutch male teens had rather the same laissez-faire attitude of the British males as to what happened to their females (at the hand of islam or ultimately at the hand of anything). Yet the difference is still that British girls are a victim of love jihad, whereas the Dutch girls aren't (or, at least, weren't in my day, and probably still aren't): because they were not interested in being ignorant about real nature of life and hence islam.

There was, however, a definite discernable flow of women between islam and the Dutch, but it was all one way: muslimahs ran off with Dutch males. Same happened in Germany.

Dutch females were totally immune else became self- and mutually-immunised to islam. Dutch males were immune too, but were nevertheless happy to take ex-muslimahs off islam's hands.

- While the latter has long been happening in India, islamaniacs are now doing in India what they have always been doing in the ME to christian and Jewish men who run off with muslimahs: murder the girl and especially boy, in a determination to stop this natural trend.

- The former (females being totally immune to islam) must be inculcated in India.

I think my suggestion of getting Hindu teen females countrywide to become aware and start immunising themselves and policing each other is something that must be implemented. Somehow, the process must be started off. Of course, the christoislamic demons will simply forcibly kidnap, assault/rape and "marry" and "convert" any resistive Hindoo females - as happens in TSP and BD and now W Bengal and parts of Kerala too - but none of Hindoo parentage will voluntarily/unwittingly fall into the 'love jihad' ploys that is meant to snare the secularised.

Though western males/western society has grown apathetic (or made itself apathetic) to what happens to their own females, it's good that Hindu males are concerned about their female counterparts (i.e. Hindu females) - nothing bodes worse for the future than mutual apathy - but IMO Hindu females should start showing some concern for the real threats against Hindus of their own gender, and start actively doing what they can to stop it, such as by raising awareness, and in an influential manner. The way Dutch teen females have been doing among themselves since decades. Hindu females especially of younger generations have a lot more influence over other Hindu females, even modern ones, than Hindu men are allowed. Modern Hindu-origin women tend to be biased against Hindu men and heathenism so they will not take kindly to even good advice. But when the same lessons are read them by Hindu women, they may be more willing to listen or at least hear. Pseculars will be immune forever of course, and they have intended themselves for the christoislamic cannibal menu. I speak of corrigible modern Hindu-origin females.

There is a blind spot for christoislam among Hindus, male and female. Hmmm, how to explain. Best demonstrated with an example that I'm sure I must have brought up already, since I often use it among people I know as an obvious case of the current double-handedness towards our own vis-a-vis christoislam. In my 2nd or 3rd year at uni (in different but still alien climes), an extremely close Hindoo female friend told me that some Afghan islamaniac exchange student - oddly enough dressed like an Arab, guess Afghan islamics imagine they're Arabs now - was extremely kind and considerate. I asked how (since he looked like every other Taliban to me). She said - and was impressed/touched by - how he had told her "politely" that the wide holes in her jeans (<- apparently that fashion statement didn't die out in the early 90s but had revived itself to haunt some at uni) essentially weren't considered decent and that she should not sport clothes with holes in them in case men got the wrong idea. I grinned grimly, and told my friend that if a Hindoo male had told her exactly the same "polite" words that she would take great offence and think he was oppressing her. "Isn't it so?" She thought about it and said I was right. Well, who wouldn't be offended by the lecture by some unknown throwing itself into your harmless personal affairs? I also pointed out that no Hindoo male would tell her that her jeans would give men the wrong idea (the cuts were at the knees, geez, so how was this offensive to anyone but islamaniac males?); but that at most traditional Hindoos might mention that holes in clothing were inauspicious and such clothing should be replaced with new equivalents. In contrast, were she -for instance, and this is hypothetical- not decently clad, close Hindoo male and female friends might choose to warn her of scanty outfits potentially placing her in danger in the wider christoislamising world. Such advice could only be well-meant, but many Indian females of the age will still take them badly if it were to come from a Hindoo male (very possibly my friend won't be offended, though: she warns other girls of unintentional cleavage etc. So she might be grateful for any heads up in return). Anyway, but that example is NOT the sort of warning the Afghan gave. Hindoos if they ever decide on advising someone, would do so in the actual self-interest of the person concerned. The islamaniac Afghan instead thought my friend's decent clothes offended his islamic sensibilities (or worse...) and he wanted her to dress more conformant with islam, and merely couched the lecture - which he would definitely have executed taliban style back home - in more polite-sounding words, in order for a kafir female in a dar-ul-harb to still fall more in line with islamania.

My friend imagined (imagines?) herself a feminist. [She isn't quite. She likes men and she likes Indian Hindoo men in particular, at least in a romantic sense, which is half the battle I always think. Her marriage was arranged traditionally, which was just what seemed natural and right to her. She would never have married a non-Hindu in any case, and refused to date aliens too, who did try. And she's read less feminist literature than even I have. Her self-advertised 'feminism' is limited to getting angry if anyone male says women can't do X, which she's admittedly only experienced from stories/hearsay of western history and not in her own or real life. But that level of alleged 'feminism' is seen in many people who don't subscribe to said ideology, and merely derives from a distaste to others pre-determining/pre-judging the extent of anyone's possibilities. I'm sure she'd be equally angry at any females who were to declare that all males are incapable of doing X, where X is non gender-specific.]

Still, she will definitely have taken offence at Hindoo men advising her about the same thing in the same words as the Afghan did. And this is the thing I wonder at. (When in reality she should have been angry at the islamaniac - at his tacky line of thought, and his daring to address her on the subject and to control her about it at all.) At the same time, she's sensible enough to introspect on her own double-handedness in the matter once I pointed it out to her. While seculars/progressives may be incurably moronic, my friend is a HindOO, albeit NRI and thus invariably "westernised" to just such an inevitable extent as happens in spending X number of formative years overseas. [Am sure I'm more subverted than her, having spent most of my life in some alien land or other.] She may be somewhat representative of modernising Hindoo women, and the degree to which they may have become conditioned to initially draw the wrong conclusions when handling unconsciously, but will become reasonable/will reason about it when they think more consciously on it such as by being made aware of it.


And finally, I want to give my suggestion (=a personal opinion) to what Hindoo males can do to help do their bit to stop the problem of the love jihad.

Since Hindu women are increasingly bypassing arranged marriages for "love marriages", to the point that christoislamic demons are targeting Hindoo women with just this, I think Hindoo men should be more forthcoming and be willing to grab a Hindoo wife starting at high school or university or at work too. Before some demon grabs them.

And this will increase the chances of every Hindoo male having a Hindoo wife (since the arranged marriage system is increasingly not working out as well any more in favour of many Hindoo men who've been willing to abide by it). Hindoo men should just find someone who is Hindoo at their uni/work/wherever whom they like and go for it/make a go of it. And by planning on the person in advance, can have the power to choose someone of their own community, to uphold that tradition too and/or in case one's parents/family would disapprove otherwise. And Hindoo males taking the initiative will also help parents in not having to go through the hardship of finding some willing girl (increasingly difficult for many), since the male would have already found some suitable girl and hopefully got her to be interested/willing. Basically it's an arranged marriage, but one where the Hindoo female doesn't realise it was pre-planned.

It will do all Hindoo-dom a favour: the Hindoo parents of the male and female, the female and male itself, Hindoo society at large.

What are christo-islamaniac love jihadis doing if not plotting designs against some Hindoo girl? And if she can be duped into marrying some demon, why can't some Hindoo beat them to it and just as easily make her interested in him instead? Really, why not?

And why shouldn't Hindoo males cut in line first - having more honourable intentions anyway, and thereby securing her in heathenism too. After all, heathen males and heathen females belong together, they don't belong to christoislamicommuni demons (or the subverted).

Since many Hindoo parents nowadays have little understanding over the climate in schools and work environments of their daughters, it is only people who are at these environments who can keep an eye out. Which would be the Hindoo males of their daughter's generation there.

I know nationalist writers have laid down the law that when studying everyone must be a brahmachari or whatever. But surely that was when studying the vedam. The vedam ain't secular schooling. And even otherwise/in any case, there's nothing illegal in Hindoo-dom in being married. Nor in being married youngish. Can't Hindoos do what the Chinese do? The Chinese used to have village matchmakers arranging all their married couples (i.e. arranged marriages), but city-dwelling Chinese of mainland China of my generation increasingly get married to people they met in high school or university or work (or whom they originally knew in primary school and then met again much later). And it's still the case that they don't sleep together until they're married, but just hang out together by talking walks or visiting places, and gradually get themselves engaged and then hitched. So Hindoo parents can't object, plus HindOOs are quite self-regulated.

[Also, since in my scenario the Hindoo males - who would have actually opted for arranged marriage weren't the love jihad situation so dire - can definitely be trusted, and it's the Hindoo females who're unaware of the fact that it's not quite a totally random 'romance' but rather a more rationalised (though still genuine) one that they're involved in, it means that at most it'll be the female who is more likely to want to prematurely/spontaneously sleep with the male. In which case, the males can just threaten with "marriage now, or not happening".]

Anyway, it's totally what I'd do if I was a single Hindoo male.

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Rape crimes in India vs elsewhere: deliberate disproportionate reporting by international news - by Husky - 06-05-2015, 11:28 PM

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