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Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin)
1. Forgot to archive the following retweeted by Rajeev Srinivasa (who spells his name in the attractive Malayali script now).


Quote:Internet Hindoo !


Internet Hindoo ! retweeted Firstpost

Dear @firstpost it's media who is bringing politics and religion into yoga. Promote yoga & c how public embraces it.

Internet Hindoo ! added,

Quote:Firstpost @firstpost

Dear @narendramodi ,Don't take yoga out of schools. Take religion and politics out of yoga.






Kamlesh Gupta

S V K Swamy

Bimal Pr. Mohapatra




sampada nakhare

Avinash Saxena


8:52 AM - 4 Jun 2015

Good grief, someone calling itself an internet "Hindoo" stated the above.

And was retweeted and favourited by 47 and 16 people respectively. :foreboding:

Fortunately, someone else issued a necessary warning, also retweeted by Rajeev Srinivasan:


Quote:Sankrant Sanu सानु


Sankrant Sanu सानु retweeted Internet Hindoo !

De-Hinduizing Yoga has become important for its appropriation while denigrating and killing its Hindu roots.

Sankrant Sanu सानु added,

Quote:Internet Hindoo ! @DrShobha

Dear @firstpost it's media who is bringing politics and religion into yoga. Promote yoga & c how public embraces it. https://twitter.com/firstpost/status/606444345068101632 …





omprakash sharma

Atul Pratap Agrahari

tapan p

Swadeshi Vichaar

Pratima Sharma



Govind Nishar

Avinash M

9:12 AM - 4 Jun 2015

At least more (retweets and) favourites. Retweets are not always endorsements, as seen in Rajeev having retweeted both, probably to raise awareness of the bad arguments of internet Yindoo and tie it back to Sanu's warning. But the number of times each tweet was favourited do count as endorsements of the views articulated.

So: is that ratio - of those who endorsed the Internet Yindoo vs those that endorsed the warning sounded by Sankrant Sanu - indicative of the proportion of self-deluded "Hindu nationalist" vocalist Indians on twitter vs those that are more aware? <- Because such a disparity would be just among "Hindu nationalists" note, not even including every class of anti-Hindus. Yikes.

Universalising Hindoos' heathenism was always offensive and always did bode ill.

Internet Yindoo's offspring are going to see very dark days. They should blame the likes of her for making it possible, for *arguing* for it. No cure for stupidity, it's always suicidal.

2. Archiving relevant link:


The rest of the piece is worth looking over, but this bit is a good summary:

Quote:Nearly 80% of the Dalit population come from 10 Indian states. Of these Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal account for more than 30% of the Dalit population. In the case of Uttar Pradesh, over 75% of the Dalit communities consume meat but discourage beef eating. Nearly 20% encourage vegetarianism. However, fewer communities in West Bengal are into vegetarianism (around 5%). There, around 80% Dalit communities are meat eating but discourage beef.
Well of course. It's clear that the ones that don't eat beef are HindOOs, the rest are christians and christo-conditioned (aka neo-Buddhists/Ambedkarites). Don't know why people keep lumping the Hindoos (Harijan) with those who call themselves "Dalits", which last are exclusively christoislamicommunists and neo-Buddhists (who also belong under christianism).

Among Indic types, Buddhists are known beef eaters: beef was not disapproved by Buddhism. In SL, some Buddhist monks have recently started to agitate against harming cows/against beef eating, but that is from Hindu influence which has influenced SL Buddhism in many ways and continues to, but historically SL Buddhism and general Buddhism in India approved of beef even for the monkhood and definitely for the laity. When Mahayana came along in time it did a blanket ban on all meat, but nothing peculiarly against beef. <= More proof that Hindoo communities who get lumped with christoislamics under the "dalit" label were never historically "Buddhist", but were always Hindoos. And the fact that many are vegetarian and become vegetarian is more proof of what Elst etc called "self-Sanskritization" - but which is merely the innate Hindoo heathenism in these Hindu heathens developing naturally, as it does in other Hindoos.

Many Hindoos of Harijan communities are hyper-heathens. They are often the last bastion of loyalty to heathendom. One comment at HaindavaKeralam or some news site mentioned that an affluent Hindoo Harijan had donated lakhs or crores to protect his local temple and the poojaris from takeover. They have a profound love and attachment to the Gods that - in English - is comparable only to that of Emperor Julian.

I've seen far more traitors of my own background, who when faced with subversion, become more subversionist and more dangerous and scary than anyone else. There's a fickleness and a pettyness to some of these (not all, others are as loyal as the most loyal Harijan Hindoos, being all Hindoos alike).

Insubvertibility - from which follows loyalty - is a great and, as I see now, a very rare thing. I often find myself thinking increasingly of my own personal hero among the "Hindu" voices heard on the internet, M Venkatesan, who despite years of social engineering attempted against his community could never be subverted away from his unfaltering love for his ancestral=Hindoo(=Vedic) Gods and religio.


Quote:As a great believer in Hinduism and Hindu philosophy, his [Shri M Venkatesan's] sensitive soul was tortured by the baseless attacks of Periyar on Hindu Gods and Goddesses. I would like to quote his own words in this context: 'I could not help viewing Periyar's uncivilised and barbarous attacks upon my chosen Gods and Goddesses and my own Hindu faith as wanton attacks on my dear and sacred mother who begot me. My search into the works of Periyar and my extensive reading of all his articles gave a rude cultural shock to me. I was greatly dismayed by the hellish hatred of Periyar towards my faith and towards my chosen Gods and Goddesses'.
(I have of course memorised his words. And made them my own. Rather like I did with Julian's.)

And can compare his depth of feeling for his Hindoo Gods, as is evident in his expression, with that of Emperor Julian below, who likewise deeply loved his own, Olympic, Gods:

Quote:I feel awe of the Gods, I love, I revere, I venerate them, and in short have precisely the same feelings towards them as one would have towards kind masters or teachers or fathers or guardians or any beings of that sort.

There was a picture of him at the original article. Even in looks Shri Venkatesan takes directly after His Parents, there is a keen resemblance that I instantly recognised (he would of course be even more kalai were he wearing Hindoo markings like chandanam/veebuti/kungumam in his photo). IIRC, in his interview, he even insisted on the sacredness of truth, rather in the very manner of his Father Sri Rama who had insisted the same because truth was Ishwara (Sri Rama would know first-hand, first-person).

What a noble lineage of earthly parents and grandparents and ancestors Venkatesan must come from, and what fame he gives his community because of his loyalty to the Gods=religio dear also to all his ancestors (who instilled this in him). And he gives great fame to me, because, most importantly, he is my close kinsman, since I too am an ethnic Hindoo and thus directly related. Not even emperor Julian can claim as close a kinship to him as I, though those two be spiritually akin too.

May Shri Venkatesan remain ever insubvertible, and always remain loyal in his love for his(=also my) Gods. May he be happily married with many children already, with a billion strong ethnic Hindoo progeny to come that will forever remain loyal to the Hindoo Gods=heathenism as he and his ancestors. May his line redeem my species - the Hindus - from the ignominy and gangrene assailing it.

[By the way, M Venkatesan is mine. I may not have come across him first, but I call him first. (I call all insubvertible Hindoo heathens. They're all mine alone. And I never share. So everyone else can have the subvertibles.)

The working/logic for my audacious but legit claim is: 1. Shri M Venkatesan loves his Gods; 2. (for which) I love him (and the insubvertibility of heathens is a measure of my own constancy to them: I'm as loyal to them, and for as long, as they are to their Gods); 3. therefore he is mine. Minor corollary: the fact that I 'called' first on him and other insubvertibles=HindOOs, makes them 'mine and mine alone'.

^Proof by induction. "But that's not a proof by i...". Shut up.

Uh, if anyone ever actually reads this -unlikely- please don't tell Shri M Venkatesan that I said any of those things.* And especially not the way I said them, which, although it is factually the way I always think it (and is literally true), may come across as possessive and thus be misconstrued. While it is very much possessive in a sense, no design against him is implied or intended or secretly plotted or anything of that sort, obviously. Meaning: there's no actual threat to him - or to other Hindoo heathens - from my direction that are due to my 'drastic' sounding claims on them.

* My high regard is not a secret. But I don't want the very people whom I so well regard to find out how trivial I am (including even in expression). Anyone and everyone else may know this last, of course.]

3. swarajyamag.com/lite/wendys-in-gurgaon-dinanath-batra-demands-ban/

The article itself is apparently satire, and was not written in a manner that I even understood what it was trying to convey. But some comments - specifically the conversation by IIRC IndianNotAmused and Akshaya - make good points about how aliens set themselves up as "Hindus" - many of the indological and Hindu Studies kind (and many "convert" and all other dabbling types) do this - only so they can spit venom on Hindoo heathenism with impunity. Indics calling themselves Hindus and Hindu nationalists also often subvert Hindoo heathenism or make hateful statements after declaring their "Hindu" ness, e.g. NS Rajarant hissed at the Vedam after affirming his "Hindu"-ness first (SOP for anti-Hindus).

About aliens, the Hindu studies and Indology kinds pretend great expertise on Hindoo-dom after the certificates of authority they give to themselves, and always pretend they know more than actual=ethnic Hindoos (but there are no other than ethnic traditional Hindoos, after all).

IMO, if Hindoos want to nip the problem in the bud, they should issue a blanket disinvitation to all aliens dabbling in Any Way in Hindoo heathenism, including converts. Converts are NOT an asset, and are subversionists as a rule with no exception. Plus the number of conscious anti-Hindus sneaking in under the "convert" garb is an even more obvious problem.

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Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-01-2005, 02:34 AM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-02-2005, 10:36 AM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-02-2005, 12:17 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-02-2005, 11:06 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-02-2005, 11:14 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-02-2005, 11:56 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-03-2005, 12:13 AM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-03-2005, 10:47 AM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-03-2005, 07:12 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-09-2005, 09:41 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-24-2005, 08:28 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 10-16-2005, 08:07 AM
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Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 07-26-2006, 05:45 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 08-28-2006, 03:12 AM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 10-01-2006, 11:15 PM
Sanatana Dharma - Aka Hinduism (3rd Bin) - by Guest - 10-02-2006, 09:18 PM
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