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Christian Subversion And Missionary Activities - 6
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Previous post was more on India.

5. Current news.


Quote:Pope to warn global warming is killing the planet


Filippo Monteforte

Pope Francis will this week warn that global warming threatens the future of the planet and say there is both an urgent need and moral imperative to reduce fossil fuel consumption, Vatican sources said Tuesday.

A landmark Church statement on the environment, due to be officially released on Thursday, places the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics firmly in the camp of those who say climate change is mainly man-made at a critical time in the global debate over what, if anything, can be done to slow or reverse it.

The papal intervention, seen as a potential game-changer by Green groups, comes six months before international leaders gather in Paris to try and seal a global deal on steps to reduce carbon emissions.

Francis will outline his views in the form of an encyclical, a statement of fundamental principles designed to guide Catholic teaching on a subject that is issued as a letter from the pope to bishops around the world.

But he will also make it clear that his appeal is addressed to everyone on the planet and that he sees a clear link between defending the environment and delivering social justice.

The encyclical, entitled "Laudato Si" (Be Praised), will reference the views of climate change sceptics who are particularly influential in the United States by acknowledging that natural cases such as volcanic activity have contributed to the phenomenon of rising average temperatures.

But it will leave no doubt that the Pope believes that the causes are mainly human, and that creates a compelling practical case and a moral imperative for action to phase out fossil fuels and develop alternative energy sources.


The purpose is manifold:

+ not only will the Vatican/catholicism now pretend that it is - and thus "was ever" - an environmentally friendly religion, appealing to modern christians who have been forced to take note of environmental concerns and to whom such a papal announcement therefore is very welcome

+ but the above announcement will clearly affect the christianising 3rd world, and is actually a plan to leverage the increasing number of converts to catholicism in Asia, and use them as a means of containing the development of the Asian nations which they infest (and where they consolidate their power), by means of the chuches organising christians to protest and prevent any national programmes that are not in the interests of maintaining western hegemony. All as per the western agenda.

It may speak universally (in a 'catholic' voice, with a message of universal salvation as the invisible carrot), but the Vatican is a *western* power, with very temporal interests (as seen throughout history to the present in the wealth the church has amassed and the orgies it indulges in), albeit with an increasingly Asian face to its convert footsoldiers=useful idiots: to replace the converts lost in the west, the Vatican has gained converts in Asia and Africa, but they are merely an extension of western interests (to implement their agenda, see also the western-Vatican-catholic Vietnamese rule nexus during the Vietnam war era documented by journalist and Baron Avro Manhattan), though of course the Asian converts will imagine this is all catholic and done for christendom/jeebus and ultimately for their benefit/salvation (papal infallibility was based on the pope already being declared the earthly representative of the biblical monogawd). So Indian and all Asian christians (minus perhaps some of the Chinese kind) will lobby for anything the Vatican tells them to. And all of them will go against the interests of Asian nations not yet wholly converted. And after they are wholly converted they will remain a perennial third world, enslaved in the christian hierarchy with western powers at the top. (See Philippines, see E Timor, the two most christianised Asian lands.)

6. Speaking of the Vatican trying to reinvent its image into one of having ever been a friend to the environment (or its pretence that it is so now):

The new pope is an interesting character. He seems to court controversy as a rule. Not that long back, international news resounded with the pope's apparent declaration - undermining all established catholic theology - that animals go to heaven upon death. <- Can't stress how much this is a major break with christian specifically catholic tradition.

While animal-loving catholics rejoiced for their heretofore heretical wish that they will see their pets again in the carrot afterlife of christendom*, there were very very angry comments at western news sites - even by catholic theologians who set aside the recently-instituted papal infallibility in favour of the longer-established and thus much more certain catholic theology - that the current pope was a new-ageist who was essentially pulling an Angelo Roncalli/Vatican II revisionism. Other western catholics simply declared that the devil sits on the throne the Vatican (an unsubtle reference to Pope Francis as a subversionist of catholicism). New agey catholics in the west were happy, and doubtless all Indian catholics were blindly applauding too - since they're ignorant of their theology and its history as a rule and just roll with papal infallibility, unlike European catholics who know their religion better (having studied this as 1st worlders, instead of awestruck 3rd worlders).

[* Illustrated in the movie Chocolat IIRC, where in a sleepy French town the side character of an old man had refused to attend church since many decades, all because its prelate stuck to catholic theology and thus would not allow that the old man's pet - a dog - had a soul/would go to heaven after death.

UPDATE: "Chocolat" may not be the movie after all, as I may have confused it with another film set in a catholic township in France which had an old man with a dog.]

Things took a turn for the more interesting, when a retraction followed: apparently the Pope had been misinterpreted/misrepresented in the news and had never promised heaven for animals, thus still in keeping with his predecessors and catholic theology. While new agey catholics were muted this time, the formerly indignant ones felt triumphant: their religion's 'principle' on this issue had not been subverted. And many other western catholics in international newspapers wrote happily that the pope had not dis-affirmed catholic theology regarding animals, but that this was to be yet maintained, being catholic truth.

Perhaps in issuing such mutually exclusive versions on the touchy subject, Pope Francis was testing the waters to see how far he could use papal infallibility to rewrite catholicism/christianism to his own whims. Or perhaps he really had been misreported by the Vatican's own journalists (which would be interesting in itself, if true).

A more touchy subject where the same Pope was to have done a similar landmark pronouncement followed by a retraction, was that atheists would go to heaven after all. And then, that that too turned out to be a 'mistaken' report: they will not be going to heaven (but to hell) as had always been maintained by christianism (this being a belief rooted in the bible=word of gawd).

Can't remember if the current pope's warmth for the LBGT community - another drastic departure from all previous popes - was followed by a similar retraction as well. But here's some supporting data for the other aforementioned instances:

Quote:Pope Francis didn't say pets could go to Heaven after all ...

www.independent.co.uk › News › World

Dec 14, 2014 - Widely-reported comments implying the Pope had given pets his blessing to enter Heaven were based on a misunderstanding, it has emerged.

Pope Francis suggests that pets can go to heaven - Europe ...

www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Europe

Dec 12, 2014 - Pope Francis suggests that pets can go to heaven ... whose dog had recently died, he declared that “paradise is open to all God's creatures”.

All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is ...


Finally, Pope Francis confirms what everyone has always known: All dogs go to heaven! During his weekly address in St. Peter s Square, the Catholic leader ...


Industries | Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:34pm EST

Related: Media, Cyclical Consumer Goods

Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment

WASHINGTON/VATICAN CITY | By Frances Kerry and Philip Pullella

Quote:Pope Francis assures atheists: You don't have to believe in ...

www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Europe

Sep 11, 2013 - In comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, Pope Francis has ... Pope Francis assures atheists: You don't have to believe in God to go to heaven ... “But what this is all about is him seeking to have a more meaningful ... Danielle Jacobs' video of her dog comforting her during an Asperger's.

Catholic Church confirms atheists still go to hell, after Pope ...

www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Europe

May 28, 2013 - Catholic Church confirms atheists still go to hell, after Pope Francis ... the Pope emphasised the importance of “doing good,” for all people.

What the Hell? Vatican caught in two minds over damnation ...

www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Europe

May 28, 2013 - David McKeegan of The Freethinker journal, said: “We atheists were over the moon when the Pope told us that we were all going to heaven.

And this is a warning for unsaved Asian nations:

Quote:Pope Francis: 'The choice not to have children is selfish ...

www.independent.co.uk › News › People

Feb 12, 2015 - Read more: Pope Francis didn't say pets could go to heaven after all · Man begged Pope for help, sues Catholic church over bell ringing

The Vatican still pursues its outbreeding rule in Asia, which is more compliant with the catholic church's mandate on not using contraception and not having kids. In contrast, the Vatican knows it has much less power over today's European catholics, many of whom are backsliding, and even among the very faithful there are some that tend to ignore the Vatican's strict stance as to contraception and even having children.

Here too, the Vatican is implementing the western agenda by increasing christian demographics in the unsaved nations of the 3rd world, in order to control them better/make their futures align with western interests (by means of exercising control over the growing flock positioned there), while not necessarily promoting overpopulation in the west (from the anticipated lack of success of such papal pronouncements as above to a western catholic audience).

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