11-11-2003, 10:55 AM
My late father, in his writings and translations of some Sanskrit texts mentions Shukra Niti as a source of information on ancient hindu armaments (he translated shlokas relating to making of guns and cannon, and gun powder), and Dhanur Ved. He also mentions Bharadwaaj's work: Vayoo Yaan Sahinta, and the names of six sages prior to Bharadwaaj, and their works: Naraayan (Vimaan Chandrika), Sh-Shaunak (Vyom Yaan Tantr), Gargacharyaa (Yantr Kalp), Vaachaspati (Yaan bindu), Chaakraayani (Khet-Yaan Pradipika), and Dhurindi Naath (Vyom-yaan Ark Prakaash). My father had a great interest in this subject and he left a lot of material and books (those in sanskrit I cannot read). I will post more, on the Brahmastr as I find the relevent texts.