10-24-2011, 04:29 AM
Recently, we were talking about misrepresentations of Sanathana Dharma in school textbooks.
Here's a [url="http://www.owasso.k12.ok.us/webpages/gyankey/files/Earth%20and%20Its%20Peoples%20Ch%2003.pdf"]link[/url] to the history textbook that my high school used (in particular, the chapter on the ancient Middle East). The section on Judaism begins on page 74, and it reproduces the Biblical account word-for-word. The biases of the authors are all too clear.
Here's a [url="http://www.owasso.k12.ok.us/webpages/gyankey/files/Earth%20and%20Its%20Peoples%20Ch%2003.pdf"]link[/url] to the history textbook that my high school used (in particular, the chapter on the ancient Middle East). The section on Judaism begins on page 74, and it reproduces the Biblical account word-for-word. The biases of the authors are all too clear.