06-28-2008, 06:53 AM
Understanding the psy-ops on low Indian IQ
First of all the british could not justify to their public,
on the morality of colonising a place where 20% of the population is above the white range and another 40% within the white range
Only the SC/ST/Muslim would be below the white range
Next the xtian missionaries depend on funding from the western public
and the public is unlikely to fund an effort where the chances are weak as against a high IQ opposition
Third, western foreign policy has been to look down on India, and this again is impossible once you acknowledge the real indian IQ
Fourth the indology departments and marxists are bent on maligning India,
and spreading the news that Indian IQ at the upper end, can match the jews, will put them out of business
In any case, the truth cannot be hidden for long
Think what happens when a racist gora, who has read Indian iQ is 80, goes up against a dark brown south Indian of 140IQ
First of all the british could not justify to their public,
on the morality of colonising a place where 20% of the population is above the white range and another 40% within the white range
Only the SC/ST/Muslim would be below the white range
Next the xtian missionaries depend on funding from the western public
and the public is unlikely to fund an effort where the chances are weak as against a high IQ opposition
Third, western foreign policy has been to look down on India, and this again is impossible once you acknowledge the real indian IQ
Fourth the indology departments and marxists are bent on maligning India,
and spreading the news that Indian IQ at the upper end, can match the jews, will put them out of business
In any case, the truth cannot be hidden for long
Think what happens when a racist gora, who has read Indian iQ is 80, goes up against a dark brown south Indian of 140IQ