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Islamism - 6
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's terror list</b>

March 15, 2007
FOLLOWING is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed's final statement to the March 10 hearing at the US detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and a list of the operations he claimed responsibility for.
KSM REPRESENTATIVE: Mr President, the detainee has asked me to read his final statement to the tribunal with the understanding he may interject or add statements if he needs to, to correct what I say. According to the Detainee:

“I hereby admit and affirm without duress to the following:

1. I swore Bay'aat (ie allegiance) to Sheik Osama Bin Laden to conduct jihad of self and money, and also Hijrah (ie expatriation to any location in the world where Jihad is required).

2. I was a member of the al-Qa'ida Council.

3. I was the media operations director for al-Sahab, or “The Clouds”, under Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri. Al-Sahab is the media outlet that provided al-Qa'ida-sponsored information to al Jazeera.

4. I was the operational director for sheikh Osama Bin Laden for the organising, planning, follow-up, and execution of the 9/11 operation under the military commander, sheik Abu Hafs al-Mastri Subhi Abu Sittah.

5. I was the military operational commander for all foreign operations around the world under the direction of sheik Osama Bin Laden and Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri.

6. I was directly in charge, after the death of sheik Abu Hafs al-Masri Subhi Abu Sittah, of managing and following up on the cell for the production of biological weapons, such as anthrax and others, and following up on dirty bomb operations on american soil.

7. I was emir (ie commander) of Beit Al Shuhada (ie the Martyrs' House) in the state of Kandahar, Afghanistan, which housed the 9/11 hiajackers. There I was responsible for their training and readiness for the execution of the 9/11 Operation. Also, I hereby admit and affirm without duress that I was a responsible participant, principal planner, trainer, financier (via the military council treasury), executor and/or a personal participant in the following:

1. I was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Centre Operation.

2. I was responsible for the 9/11, from A to Z.


4. I was responsible for the Shoe Bomber Operation to down two American airplanes.

5. I was responsible for the Filka Island Operation in Kuwait that killed two American soldiers.

6. I was responsible for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia which was frequented by British and Australian nationals.

7. I was responsible for planning, training, surveying and financing the New (or Second) Wave attacks against the following skyscrapers after 9/11:
a. Library Tower, California.
b. Sears Tower, Chicago.
c. Plaza Bank, Washington state.
d. The Empire State Building, New York City.

8. I was responsible for planning, financing and follow-up of Operations to destroy American military vessels and oil tankers in the Straights of Hormuz, the Straights of Gibraltar and the Port of Singapore.

9. I was responsible for planning, training, surveying and financing for the Operation to bomb and destroy the Panama Canal.

10. I was responsible for surveying and financing for the assassination of several former American presidents, including President (Jimmy) Carter.

11. I was responsible for surveying, planning and financing for the bombing of suspension bridges in New York.

12. I was responsible for planning to destroy the Sears Tower by burning a few fuel or oil tanker trucks beneath it or around it.

13. I was responsible for planning, surveying and financing for the operation to destroy Heathrow Airport, the Canary Wharf Building and Big Ben on British soil.

14. I was responsible for planning, surveying and financing for the destruction of many night clubs frequented by American and British citizens on Thailand soil.

15. I was responsible for surveying and financing for the destruction of the New York Stock Exchange and other financial targets after 9/11.

16. I was responsible for planning, financing and surveying for the destruction of buildings in the Israeli city of Elat by using airplanes leaving from Saudi Arabia.

17. I was responsible for planning, surveying and financing for the destruction of American embassies in Indonesia, Australia and Japan.

18. I was responsible for surveying and financing for the destruction of the Israeli embassy in India, Azerbaijan, the Philippines and Australia.

19. I was responsible for surveying and financing for the destruction of an Israeli El-Al Airlines flight on Thailand soil departing from Bangkok Airport.

20. I was responsible for sending several Mujahadeen into Israel to conduct surveillance to hit several strategic targets deep in Israel.

21. I was responsible for the bombing of the hotel in Mombasa that is frequented by Jewish travellers via El-Al airlines.

22. I was responsible for launching a Russian-made SA-7 surface-to-air missile on El-Al or other Jewish airliner departing from Mombasa.

23. I was responsible for planning and surveying to hit American targets in South Korea, such as American military bases and a few night clubs frequented by American soldiers.

24. I was responsible for financial, excuse me, I was responsible for providing financial support to hit American, Jewish and British targets in Turkey.

25. I was responsible for surveillance needed to hit nuclear power plants that generate electricity in several US states.

26. I was responsible for planning, surveying and financing to hit NATO Headquarters in Europe.

27. I was responsible for the planning and surveying needed to execute the Bojinka Operation which was designed to down 12 American airplanes full of passengers. I personally monitored a round-trip Manila-to-Seoul Pan Am flight.

28. I was responsible for the assassination attempt against US President (Bill) Clinton during his visit to the philippines in 1994 and 1995.

29. I shared responsibility for the assassination attempt against Pope John Paul the second while he was visiting the Philippines.

30. I was responsible for the training and financing for the assassination of Pakistan's President (Pervez) Musharaf.

31. I was responsible for the attempt to destroy an American oil company owned by the Jewish former Secretary of State, Henry Kissiner, on the Island of Sumatra.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Even the pope is in that list somewhere. Yupp. Number 29, the second assassination attempt on JPII.

http://www.suntimes.com/news/nation/298251...-terr15.article<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>'Responsible for 9/11 from A to Z'</b>
March 15, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of Sept. 11, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released Wednesday by the Pentagon.

''I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z,'' Mohammed said.

In a chilling list of attacks -- some of which were carried out, some not -- Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing and training others for plots ranging from the 1993 truck bombing of the World Trade Center to the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight with explosives in his shoes, making clear al-Qaida wanted to down a second trans-Atlantic aircraft during Reid's operation.

<b>Daniel Pearl</b>
In a section of the statement that was blacked out, he confessed to the beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, the Associated Press has learned. Mohammed has long been a suspect in the killing.

<b>Kenya, Bali</b>
He said he was involved in planning the 2002 bombing of a Kenya beach resort frequented by Israelis and the failed missile attack on an Israeli passenger jet after it took off from Mombasa, Kenya. He also said he was responsible for the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia. In 2002, 202 were killed when two Bali nightclubs were bombed.

<b>Sears Tower, NYSE, Big Ben</b>
Other plots he said he was responsible for included planned attacks against the Sears Tower, the Empire State Building and New York Stock Exchange, the Panama Canal and Big Ben and Heathrow Airport in London -- none of which occurred.

<b>Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter</b>
He also said he was involved in planning assassination attempts against former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, attacks on U.S. nuclear power plants and suspension bridges in New York, the destruction of American and Israeli embassies in Asia and Australia, attacks on American naval vessels and oil tankers around the world and an attempt to destroy an oil company he said was owned by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Indonesia.
The hearings, which began last Friday, are being conducted in secret by the military as it tries to determine whether 14 alleged terrorist leaders should be declared ''enemy combatants.''

<b>Military: Suspected 9/11 mastermind confessed</b>

I've no doubt he was involved in and committed terrorist attacks. But I'm sure he wasn't acting solo nor the sole mastermind.
Wondering whether by confessing to so many international terrorist crimes and claiming he's the mastermind, he's hoping to protect other AQ and recruited j-hadi terrorists (possibly also held under suspicion in Guantanamo Bay). Will they be let off the hook now since this guy confessed? Will people stop looking for further terrorists who were involved? Is he doing this - confessing to most major recent crimes, since he was going down for one major attack anyway - to protect the rest of the world's j-hadis from being caught out?
At least his list of plots sounds more plausible at present then if he'd added the London, Madrid, Mumbai and Varanasi bomb attacks to it.

Wow, he's a real traveller, isn't he? Hopping from Kenya, to Indonesia, Phillipines, India, Azerbaijan, Israel. Or maybe sometimes only his plans travelled to j-hadi cells around the globe, while he stayed back chatting with his man OBL.

Couldn't help laughing at one thing when watching the news though. It said that this Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has been in Guantanamo for 3 years. Now, after this confession, they showed a transcript of him being asked by (a rep for?) the US president: (paraphrasing) 'Are you certain you were not coerced into making this confession and are not doing so under duress?'
And KSM responded in affirmative.
Why even bother asking? How else is he going to respond - what with his jailers waiting to beat him up again if he makes the wrong statement? Either they think he's guilty or not. His confession would never have been voluntarily given if he hadn't been caught. And no one's kidding themselves that torture is not a common place occurrence in the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.

And does this qualify as duress and coercion?
http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/03/...7144871928.html (excerpt)
<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin--><b>We have your sons: CIA</b>
March 10 2003
By Olga Craig

Two young sons of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the September 11 attacks, are being used by the CIA to force their father to talk.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->Come on. This guy's committed so much. How hard can it be to get some evidence on him?
More importantly, if they're certain he did it, why not just do away with him altogether instead of trying to get him to confess by torture and by taking relatives hostage? No one except his family and fellow j-hadis will miss him if he is the guy they're after. (And torturing him didn't make him drop any additional names, instead he claimed he was their man - implied he was the only/main guy they should be after, as if the rest are only small fry.)

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Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 06-28-2007, 07:08 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 06-28-2007, 10:37 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 06-29-2007, 10:04 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 06-30-2007, 12:13 PM
Islamism - 6 - by Bharatvarsh - 07-01-2007, 08:40 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 07-01-2007, 08:47 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 07-01-2007, 10:18 PM
Islamism - 6 - by Bharatvarsh - 07-01-2007, 10:28 PM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 07-03-2007, 08:05 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 07-03-2007, 10:39 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Bharatvarsh - 01-18-2007, 09:34 AM
Islamism - 6 - by Guest - 06-21-2007, 08:27 PM

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