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Twirp: Terrorist Wahabi Islamic Rep Pakistan 5
<b>Fort Hood shootings suspect may have wired money to Pakistan</b>
<b>7 killed in blast at spy agency in NW Pakistane</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Authorities say seven people have been killed and 35 wounded in a bomb blast outside the headquarters of Pakistan's spy agency in the northwest.
The attack Friday took place in the city of Peshawar<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Envoy’s concerns highlight deep US divisions
By Daniel Dombey in Washington
Published: November 12 2009 09:43 | Last updated: November 12 2009 22:46
US president Barack Obama’s biggest international challenge on Thursday became more daunting still with the news that his ambassador to Afghanistan has deep reservations about the US military’s call for more troops for the country.

In a move that shows the split not just in Washington but between US efforts on the ground, Karl Eikenberry, the former commander of US forces in Afghanistan who now heads the embassy in Kabul, has told Mr Obama in writing of his opposition to fulfilling the military’s request unless the Afghan government first changes its ways.

General Karl Eikenberry said the administration should step cautiously in planning for any troop build-up while there were still so many questions surrounding Afghan president Hamid Karzai
Gates ‘appalled’ over Afghan leaks - Nov-12

Europeans split on Afghanistan troop surge - Nov-12

Obama to press China on Afghanistan - Nov-12

In depth: Afghanistan - Nov-12

Philip Stephens: Obama’s Afghan plan - Nov-09

Obama decision on Afghan strategy awaited - Nov-10

His warning, first reported by the Washington Post and other US newspapers, cites concerns about Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s president, and highlights a split within US ranks that may complicate hopes of prevailing against the Taliban.

The news serves as a counterweight to the push from the military and congressional Republicans for Mr Obama to authorise the sending of 44,000 more troops in addition to the 68,000 already in situ.

But it also reveals a clash between Mr Eikenberry and Stanley McChrystal, the commander of US and Nato forces in the field, who has spearheaded the call for more forces.

Washington insiders said on Thursday that Mr Eikenberry’s scepticism about the push for more troops became apparent several months ago, as Gen McChrystal finalised a high-profile strategy review.

They added that Mr Eikenberry’s stance reflected not only his personal position as a former commander in Afghanistan, but a traditional division between the state department and the Pentagon. This is despite the good relations between Hillary Clinton, secretary of state, and Robert Gates, defence secretary, and Mrs Clinton’s stated support for a forceful US position in Afghanistan.

In a sign of the rival concerns the administration is seeking to reconcile, Mr Gates said on Thursday that Mr Obama wanted his eventual decision “to signal resolve and at the same time, signal to the Afghans as well as to the American people that this isn’t an open-ended commitment”.

Mr Obama himself has signalled he does not want to be pushed into a decision that could be the most momentous of his tenure, not least when many congressional Democrats have expressed reservations about sending more troops and while mistrust of the recently re-elected Mr Karzai is on the increase.

Despite pressure from European governments for a speedy decision, the US says none is likely before Mr Obama returns from Asia in a week’s time. He may not even announce his choice until December.

In an indication it may be seeking a middle way, the administration has already reformulated the choices presented to the president by Gen McChrystal into four options, ranging from sending a few thousand extra troops to the dispatching of the full 44,000.

But at a war council this week Mr Obama indicated that he was still not happy with any of his choices, because of doubts about the Karzai government and about the realism of one of the key tenets of the McChrystal plan: training 400,000 Afghan soldiers and police by 2013.

“The president is pushing for revisions to clarify how and when US troops would turn over responsibility to the Afghan government,” said an administration official. He added that Mr Obama’s questions at the war council on Wednesday “could alter the dynamic of both how many additional troops are sent to Afghanistan and what the timeline would be for their presence in the war zone”.

The official said: “The key sticking points appear to be timelines and questions about the credibility of the Afghan government.”

James Jones, Mr Obama’s national security adviser, this week said reports the president had already decided he would send up to 40,000 troops were “absolutely false”.

Nevertheless, diplomats and analysts expect the president to authorise the dispatch of troops, in part because he himself has identified Afghanistan as a war of necessity, not of choice. One assumption is that Mr Obama will send about 30,000 troops, give or take 5,000, but that they could take a year or more to deploy in full.

On Thursday’s leak of Mr Eikenberry’s memo comes against the backdrop of divisions within the White House.

Joe Biden, the vice-president, has called for more focus on attacking suspected al-Qaeda terrorists rather than seeking to defend the whole Afghan population against the Taliban.

But some officials say this dispute is a matter of degree rather than of opposites.

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<b>Seven killed in Peshawar suicide blast</b>

PESHAWAR : Seven people were killed in a powerful suicide car bomb blast in Peshawar, Aaj News reported.

According to the channel, the suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car near a police check-post in Pishtakhara as a result seven people were killed.

Several people were also injured in the blast, the channel added.

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<b>Muslims asked to quit UK army for Islam

A top Iranian spiritual leader has asked Muslims to quit the British army, saying that their involvement in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars is forbidden by Islam.

Ayatollah Abdolhossein Moezi, who is Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's representative in Britain, asked Muslim personnel in the British Army to quit the military.

The 65-year-old cleric, who has been personally appointed by Khamenei to be his special envoy to the UK, underlined that it was wrong for followers of Islam to serve in the British military, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq where Muslims were being killed, The Times newspaper said on Saturday.

"Not only do I not accept it for Muslims to go there, I don't accept non-Muslims to go there as well," Ayatollah Moezi was quoted as saying by the British daily.

Ayatollah Moezi, the director of the Islamic Centre of England, said "Muslims are not allowed to go and kill Muslims". "Do you think that Christians are allowed to go and
kill Muslims?"

Ayatollah Moezi, the most senior Iranian spiritual leader in Britain with thousands of followers from the Shia sect, believes that Islam and politics are "inter-mixed" because religion "could not be ignorant of social issues". "And part of social issues is politics, therefore Islam should have some sort of eye on political issues," he said.
Next on the list will be Indian army.

<b>Pakistan: Now or Never?</b>

Perspectives on Pakistan
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06:51 November 14th, 2009
Pakistan and Afghanistan: “the bad guys don’t stay in their lanes”
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Posted by: Myra MacDonald
Tags: Pakistan: Now or Never, Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Bruguiere, Bush, France, India, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Obama, Pakistan, US
Given the debate about whether the United States should refocus its strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan more narrowly on hunting down al Qaeda, it’s worth looking at what happened immediately after 9/11 when it did precisely that.

In a new book about his years fighting terrorism, former French investigating magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere casts fresh light on those early years after 9/11. At the time, he says, the Bush administration was so keen to get Pakistan’s help in defeating al Qaeda that it was willing to turn a blind eye to Pakistani support for militant groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba, nurtured by the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency to fight India in Kashmir.

Basing his information on testimony given by jailed Frenchman Willy Brigitte, who spent 2-1/2 months in a Lashkar training camp in 2001/2002, he writes that the Pakistan Army once ran those camps, with the apparent knowledge of the CIA. The instructors in the camp in Pakistan’s Punjab province were soldiers on detachment, he says, and the army dropped supplies by helicopter. Brigitte’s handler, he says, appeared to have been a senior army officer who was treated deferentially by other soldiers.

CIA officers even inspected the camp four times, he writes, to make sure that Pakistan was keeping to a promise that only Pakistani fighters would be trained there. Foreigners like Brigitte were tipped off in advance and told to hide up in the hills to avoid being caught.

Reluctant to destabilise Pakistan, then under former president Pervez Musharraf, the United States turned a blind eye to the training camps and poured money into the country. In return, Pakistan hunted down al Qaeda leaders — among them alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, captured in 2003. ”For the Bush administration, the priority was al Qaeda,” writes Bruguiere. ”The Pakistan Army and the ISI would focus on this - external - objective, which would not destabilise the fragile political balance in Pakistan.”

Pakistan denies that it gave military support to the Lashkar-e-Taiba and has banned the organisation. But India at the time accused western countries of double standards in tolerating Pakistani support for Kashmir-focused organisations while pushing it to tackle groups like al Qaeda which threatened Western interests. Diplomats say that attitude has since changed, particularly after bombings in London in 2005 highlighted the risks of “home-grown terrorism” in Britain linked to Kashmir-oriented militant groups based in Pakistan’s Punjab province.

Last year’s attack on Mumbai, blamed on the Lashkar-e-Taiba, and more recently the arrest in Chicago of David Headley, linked to the Lashkar-e-Taiba and accused of planning attacks in Denmark and India (pdf document), has underlined international concern about the threat posed by the group.

But for Bruguiere, one of the major lessons was that Islamist militants can’t be separated into “good guys and bad guys”, since they were all inter-linked.

“You should take into account, this is crucial, very, very important,” Bruguiere told me in an interview. “Lashkar-e-Taiba is no longer a Pakistan movement with only a Kashmir political or military agenda. Lashkar-e-Taiba is a member of al Qaeda. Lashkar-e-Taiba has decided to expand the violence worldwide.”

Bruguiere said he became aware of the changing nature of international terrorism while investigating attacks in Paris in the mid-1990s by the Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA). These included an attempt to hijack a plane from Algiers to Paris in 1994 and crash it into the Eiffel Tower — a forerunner of the 9/11 attacks. The plane was diverted to Marseilles and stormed by French security forces.
This new style of international terrorism was quite unlike militant groups he had investigated in the past, with their pyramidal structures. ”After 1994/1995, like viruses, all the groups have been spreading on a very large scale all over the world, in a horizontal way and even a random way,” he said. “All the groups are scattered, very polymorphous and even mutant.”

Gone were the political objectives which drove terrorism before, he writes, to be replaced with a nihilistic aim of spreading chaos in order to create the conditions for an Islamic caliphate. For the hijackers on the Algiers-Paris flight, their demands seemed almost incidental. “We realised we faced the language of hatred and a total determination to see it through.”

Many have argued against this view of international terrorism as a new and nebulous Islamist network without obvious political objectives, which found its most powerful expression in al Qaeda. Just as Lashkar-e-Taiba grew out of rivalry between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, the GIA sprang from anger about the annulment of elections in Algeria that an Islamist group was poised to win. Its attacks on Paris in the mid 1990s were seen as a reprisal for France’s role in supporting the government in its former colony. Many of those who support al Qaeda and other Islamist groups are driven by anger over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and other perceived injustices across the Middle East.

Yet if he is right that the United States and its allies are facing a loose international network of Islamists with no clear pyramid structure, then it would suggest that no amount of drone bombing of al Qaeda and the Taliban leadership of the kind promoted by counter-terrorism supporters would work. Nor would it be enough, alone, to address political grievances at a national level without taking account of a network which operates globally and does not recognise the validity of the nation state. Rather, you would need a sophisticated and comprehensive strategy which went far beyond the kind of focused counter-terrorism first used by the Bush administration.

Browsing through the New Yorker profile on U.S. special envoy Richard Holbrooke, I noticed the same argument was raised there:

“A pure counter-terror approach had, in fact, been the Bush Administration’s policy for years: kill or capture terrorist leaders, with minimal support for political institutions in Kabul and Islamabad,” it said. “It had created the mess that (President Barack) Obama inherited, with two countries under threat from insurgents and Al Qaeda’s strength increasing.

“‘Al Qaeda doesn’t exist in a vacuum,” it quoted former CIA officer Bruce Riedel, who led Obama’s first review of strategy, as saying. “They’re part of a syndicate of terrorist groups. Selective counterterrorism won’t get you anywhere, because the bad guys don’t stay in their lanes.”

(Photos: Jean-Louis Bruguiere; Pervez Musharraf, the Taj in Mumbai, the Marriot in Islamabad)

<b>Children among 12 killed in Peshawar blast</b>

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<b>EU mission cancels visit to Pakistan</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->KARACHI : European Union mission which was scheduled to visit for inspecting the facilities for the export of Pakistani fisheries products to member states of EU has cancelled its visit on the apparent reason of Eidul Azha in Pakistan and then Christmas and New Year in EU.

<b>However, well-informed sources said that the visit has been cancelled owing to the uncertain security situation prevailing in the country.</b><!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

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<b>CIA says it gets its money's worth from Pakistani spy agency</b>
It has given hundreds of millions to the ISI, for operations as well as rewards for the capture or death of terrorist suspects. Despite fears of corruption, it is money well-spent, ex-officials say.
<b>Obama: I'd Fire Afghan Decision Leakers</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->Reid reports the president said it's still several weeks before he makes a decision on how many more troops to send to Afghanistan.

<b>"Afghans are responsible for their own security," Mr. Obama said. "We have to get Pakistan involved in a more effective way.</b> There is a range of things we have to do at this point; it's fine-tuning a strategy that we can be confident we'll be successful. I think that Gen. (Stanley) McChrystal shares the same goal I do, for us to protect homeland, protect our allies and U.S. interests around the world."

Reid says he asked the president if he's as angry as Defense Secretary Robert Gates about all the leaks coming out of his administration about the Afghanistan decision.

"I think I'm angrier than Bob Gates about it," Mr. Obama replied. "We have deliberations in the situation room for a reason; we're making life and death decisions that affect how our troops are able to operate in a theater of war. For people to be releasing info in the course of deliberations is not appropriate."

"A firing offense?" Reid inquired.

"Absolutely," Mr. Obama responded. <!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Solution will be, give Paki Kashmir and Afghanistan will fool them again.

<b>Militant threat to poison Pak water sources</b>

ISLAMABAD : Pakistani Taliban have threatened to contaminate water sources and reservoirs with poisonous materials to pressure the army to stop military operations against them in South Waziristan tribal region.

The cantonment boards of Rawalpindi and Chaklala received the threat from the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan. A letter, faxed to the Directorate of Military Lands and Cantonments in Rawalpindi on Tuesday, said the Taliban had procured 200 litres of poisonous materials that would be used to contaminate water.

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Actually right after Kargil and before the Mushy's coup the TSP was afraid of an India attack and had taken steps to poison the wells in Sindh across from Rajasthan.
<b>Bomb attack kills five at Pakistan court building: police</b><!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->A bomb exploded outside a Pakistan court building on Thursday, killing five people and wounding more than 10 in the northwestern city of Peshawar, police said.

"Five people, including a policeman, died and more than 10 people were injured in the bomb blast," police official Mohammad Karim Khan told AFP.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
<b>16</b> counting

[center]<b><span style='color:green'>NINETEEN</span></b>[/center]

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<b>Forex reserves decline to $14.123 billion</b>

<!--QuoteBegin-->QUOTE<!--QuoteEBegin-->KARACHI : <b>Foreign exchange reserves of the country decreased by $149 million to $14.123 billion</b> on November 14, 2009 as compared to $14.272 billion on November 07.<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->

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On the subject of removing the word “Islamic” from the present name of Terroristan West here are some suggestions from the Deaf and Dumb Forum :


2. "Shaheed Benazir Bhutto plaything of Pakistan"

3. "We whore our self out even more"

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<b>‘Explosives-laden mini bus, truck could soon strike in Punjab’</b>

LAHORE : <b>Intelligence reports on Friday warned that a mini bus and a truck, laden with explosives, have left Peshawar and the terrorists driving the vehicles could target installations or important personalities in Islamabad,</b> Rawalpindi or Lahore. The reports also said that <b>a terrorist, disguised as security forces personnel, had entered Islamabad in an explosives-laden car that bears a fake licence number, MY-117.</b> In light of the reports, the Interior Ministry has issued directives to the Punjab IG to pork up security and be on the lookout for a mini bus bearing licence number AJK 2829 and the truck. The ministry has asked the provincial police to strictly monitor all entry and exit points of the cities under threat. aaj kal report

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<b>1. Karachi : Blast at cylinders shop kills4, hurts 3</b>

<b>2. Three extremists blow them up in Muzaffarabad</b>

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Sipah e Sahaba's general secretary was shot dead, last night. And today SSP (a 'banned' organization) made a show of force in Karachi, blocking business and traffic.

Here is a pic of banned organisation gathering

<img src='http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/3347/app13544651258806806.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

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